Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1428 The Secret of Senluo Nine Palaces

There were many corpses, so they decided that there must be good things in this stone gate. They were afraid that the good things would be taken away by others, so they quickly chased in. However, unexpectedly, the three Chen Xuan did not take the initiative to take a detour when seeing the seven of them like the others. , but they stood in a row, making it even more difficult for people to pass through the originally narrow passage, so this scene happened.

"Ignore them, go quickly, we are almost at the end!" Chen Xuan said softly, and the three of them suddenly accelerated. Chasing Yunbu for thousands of miles was not something they boasted about. In one moment, they were far behind the seven people.

"Old Wu, it seems that in this ancient sect, in addition to the four dragons, there is also a master who is not afraid of us!" A man with a wretched appearance said.

"Chasing, the three of them must die!" The person named Wu is none other than Wu Yun, who is second on the list, and these seven people are the seven in the top ten except the neighbors one, three, and nine. In this way With such a strong lineup, one of the four dragons on the list would probably be afraid of him.

Now they have lost face with Chen Xuan, and there are so many pairs of eyes around them. If they don't get their face back, then how can the seven of them have the face to call themselves the top ten in the future.

Chen Xuan and the others have arrived at the end of the passage. The end of the passage is not connected to any main hall or stone chamber, but a thin film with energy fluctuations. Chen Xuan tried it, but his spiritual thoughts were unable to do so. After passing through this layer of things, this layer of energy film looked very strange. Chen Xuan and the other three did not dare to bet their lives, so they stood aside and watched. However, those people jumped in one by one without hesitation. In this film, at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly caught a glimpse of the seven people in the distance chasing after him. Chen Xuan did not hesitate and directly pulled Sun Tingting and Bai Yiyan to jump into the energy wave.

After jumping in, Chen Xuan and the others only felt dizzy, just like the feeling when being transported by the teleportation array during the inner sect trial. Chen Xuan was slightly stunned, but he figured out the reason. What seemed like just now The water-like purple energy fluctuation is a kind of teleportation array, but this teleportation array looks more beautiful and subtle.

After being dizzy, Chen Xuan looked up and looked around. The three of them came in together holding hands, so they were teleported to a place. This place was a huge cave. The cave was surrounded by stone shelves, and on the stone shelves were placed There are many smooth and flowing jade slips. It is recorded in ancient books that because ordinary paper cannot withstand the spiritual power of earth-level exercises, only a few exercises were used.

Most of the skills above the earth level are engraved on jade slips. There are so many jade slips with brilliance flowing here, which means that there are so many skills above the earth level.

After Sun Tingting was dizzy, she also raised her head and looked around. When they saw the radiant jade slips on the surrounding stone shelves, their eyes couldn't help but light up! Moreover, there were some spiritual ice placed on some stone shelves, which made them salivate. However, Chen Xuan did not move, so the two of them did not move either.

"Chen Xuan, we have really made a fortune this time. With so many treasures, apart from picking out the ones we have cultivated and taking them back, how much contribution value will it have!" Sun Tingting was so excited that she was a little incoherent.

"Tingting, don't be careless. It's not just the two of us here. Look, there are corpses around the stone shelf and other people standing and watching. What does this prove? It proves that those jade slips are not so easy to get. You Look, there are many treasures around, but only a few are missing. If we can take them away easily, do you think we can still have a share in them if we come in so late? "Chen Xuan was not impressed by the spirits in front of him. The military skills and martial arts confused his mind, but he analyzed it calmly.

Sun Tingting was only jealous for a moment, but now she recovered and calmed down. Taking a closer look, she saw that it was indeed dangerous.

Just when Chen Xuan and the others stood up, three more people were teleported in. One of these three people was Wu Yun, and the other two were also among the top ten. As soon as they landed, they shook their heads slightly. Staring at Chen Xuan and the others.

"Hahaha, it's true that enemies don't get together. I thought I wouldn't be able to meet you through this teleportation array, but I didn't expect us to meet here!" Wu Yun smiled unscrupulously. Although there were not many people in this cave, But there were also about a hundred or so people. When these hundreds of people saw Wu Yun and the others, their faces showed fear and fear. Wu Yun Pansen also enjoyed this feeling.

These are Wu Yun ranked second on the list, Zhang Jin ranked fifth, and Huang Can ranked tenth.

"What do you guys want? We don't seem to be provoking you!" Sun Tingting said loudly. Sun Tingting's words aroused discussions around her, and many of them thought that Sun Tingting was a fool, because Wu Yun was famous for being domineering among the disciples of the ancient sect. He would not care whether you provoked him or not, as long as he didn't like you. , if I kill you, no one will stand up.

"You're pretty good. What's your name?" Wu Yun didn't have any expert demeanor at all. He just looked like a ruffian, playing rogue with Chen Xuan and others.

"You are not qualified to know his name yet. If you want to survive, get out of here!" Chen Xuan said lightly.

"Hahaha, Brother Wu, did you hear that? What did he just say? He told us to get out! Oh, Brother Wu, I'm so scared. What should I do? Let's get out quickly, or what if they kill us!" Huang Can said with a surprised expression.

"Yes, Brother Wu, I'm scared too. This guy is so powerful. I'm really scared!" Zhang Jin also said.

"Hahaha, son, your aura is really strong. Look, you scared my two brothers. They are usually not afraid of anything, but you are the only one who is afraid of you here today. I am convinced. , what do you think if I kneel down and kowtow to you?" Wu Yundao.

Chen Xuan snorted coldly in his heart. His evaluation of Wu Yun was extremely low. No wonder he could only be ranked second. Compared with Bai Yiyan and the others, their scheming was far behind. Bai Yiyan, Jiang Yihan and others were so scheming. He's not even ten blocks away.

"Okay, then you go ahead!" Chen Xuandao smiled.

"What the hell, I'm giving you some face and you really think I'm afraid of you? Huang Can, do you think you can deal with him?" Wu Yun looked at Huang Can and asked.

"Brother Wu, okay, if you ask me to kill a person at the third level of the True Yuan Realm, my knife will be dirty." Huang Can pretended to hesitate.

"Okay, it seems you don't dare. If you don't dare, then let me, Chen Xuan, make the first move. How about that!" Chen Xuandao.

"Hey, you're pretty good, and you dare to take the initiative with me. Okay, then I'll give you three moves first. After the three moves, if you can't kill me, give me the girl, how about that? Huang Can smiled wildly and said to Chen Xuandao.

"Oh? What if I kill you within three moves?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Kill me? Don't kill me. If you can touch the corner of my clothes within three moves, I lose. How about I ask Brother Wu to let you go?" Huang Can said.

"Okay, this is yours, are you ready?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Haha, do I need to prepare to fight you? Just do it!" Huang Can said nonchalantly.

Just as Huang Can's voice fell, Chen Xuan's body moved. Chen Xuan followed the rhythm of the Tailing Sword instead of controlling the Tailing Sword, and his body rushed towards Huang Can in a weird twisting manner.

Huang Can looked disdainfully, and at the same time murmured, "Do you think this is children's play house? Do you believe that you haven't been able to touch a hair on my head for thirty years?"

However, just as his voice fell, the Tailing Sword suddenly accelerated, without giving him a chance to react, and directly wiped his neck. Huang Can's eyes were wide open, staring at Chen Xuan in disbelief, and his body slowly moved Falling down, Wu Yun and Zhang Jin were shocked by Chen Xuan's move, "Son, you..." Wu Yun stammered.

"Me? What happened to me? You, what happened to me?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Zhang Jin, this guy is weird, how about we join forces to kill him?" Wu Yun said, Wu Yun was a little scared, although just now he looked down on Chen Xuan, a third-level True Yuan realm guy, but now this is really embarrassing He saw how powerful Chen Xuan was. After all, he is also the second-ranked person on the list. Although his scheming is a bit poor, his eyesight is not bad at all. Of course, he can see that there is something strange about the Tailing Sword in Chen Xuan's hand.

"Hey, you must be sick. He was not a good person just now. If I kill him, he will let me go!" Chen Xuan was not in a hurry. Of course he knew that Huang Can just said it casually. They all thought that Chen Xuan was absolutely impossible. Kill Huang Can.

"Hmph, you must die today!" Wu Yun shouted.

"Okay, you want me to die, am I going to die?" Chen Xuan didn't talk nonsense. Do you want him to die? Then we have to see if Wu Yun has that ability. A spear in Wu Yun's hand was filled with vitality, and several fast spear images were like several fast lightning bolts, which were directly inserted into Chen Xuan. Zhang Jin had a sharp knife in his hand, and he also struck out with several knife shadows, and the sharp knife The image was like a storm, killing Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt the Tailing Sword vibrate in his hand, and knew that the Tailing Sword was about to break away and fight on his own, so Chen Xuan let go of his hand.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The Tailing Sword was like a moving lightning, and those few spear shadows and sword shadows were simply solved by the Tailing Sword.

The Tailing Sword was very fast. After breaking away from Chen Xuan, the Tailing Sword was like a fish entering the sea and gained freedom. In just a few rounds, Wu Yun could only parry, and Zhang Jin was naturally the same.

However, at this critical moment, everyone suddenly felt that the surrounding air had become much colder. Then, a fluttering soul floated out, and then floated to the body of the dead Huang Can. Everyone saw that Huang Can's soul was The remnant soul was hooked out and swallowed.

Just when everyone was stunned, the Tailing Sword, which had no human emotions, quietly approached Wu Yun and Zhang Jin. With just a simple touch, the two of them fell asleep.

The remnant soul slowly floated on the two people again, sucking away their souls. The soul that originally tended to be transparent and thin became a little more solid.

"Ah! So many fresh souls, hahaha, I knew God would favor me. It's been three thousand years, it's been three thousand years, and I'm back again!" The soul said in a hoarse voice.

"What is this?" Everyone looked at the remnant soul and slowly backed away.

"Jiejiejie!" Remnant Soul made an unpleasant voice, and then slowly forced himself towards everyone. However, at this moment, the Tailing Sword in Chen Xuan's hand reflected the light from the surrounding walls and shone on the remnant soul. Although the remnant soul was transparent and the ray of light passed through him, after all, the remnant soul was not ordinary. This ray of sword light made him feel that the sword was unusual. The remnant soul suddenly moved back and looked at the sword in Chen Xuan's hand with some fear.

" did you get this sword? Is the old man still alive?" The remnant soul asked with some fear.

"How did I get it? Do I need to report to you? Who are you!" Chen Xuan said disdainfully. The power of this residual soul has exceeded Chen Xuan's imagination. Now this residual soul is afraid of the Tailing Sword. Chen Xuan After discovering it, I took advantage of it. Looking at the current situation, maybe this person knew Tailing Sword Master, and was a little afraid of Tailing Sword Master. If he lied, he might have a chance to escape.

"Is Tailing Sword Lord really still alive? Impossible, he can't survive there!" Remnant Soul shook his head.

"Hmph, won't you know if you are alive or not if you try this sword?" Chen Xuan's hand slowly loosened, and the Tailing Sword drifted quickly. The dim light illuminated the blurry shadow of the Tailing Sword. Faster than lightning, it slashed at the class soul. Although the remnant soul had powerful spiritual thoughts, it was only a remnant soul. They were still quite afraid of some spiritual beings.

"Ah!" Remnant Soul's heart-rending cry sounded extremely frightened.

The Tailing Sword chased the remnant soul and ran around. Everyone started to dodge in shock, and the remnant soul became even more frightened.

"You bastard, take back your broken sword quickly!" Remnant Soul shouted as he ran.

"Aren't you very powerful? Aren't you going to absorb the souls of everyone? Come on!" Chen Xuan crossed his arms and looked very casual.

"I was just joking. If we have a conversation, please put your sword back first, and then we can resume our conversation." Remnant Soul shouted in panic.

"Okay, in that case, then I happen to have something that may need you. If you are useful, then I will keep you. If you are useless, then don't blame me for being rude." Chen Xuan said with a smile. .

"As long as it's something within this secret realm, don't worry, I will definitely be able to help. But for things outside the secret realm, I may not be able to help!" Chen Xuan said slowly.

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