Chen Xuan was a little confused. He knew that in such a situation, if no one helped him, he would definitely die, so he believed Qiongqi's words. At the same time, he was also very grateful to Qiongqi and Wandao Laomo, especially It's Wandao Old Demon. I haven't even met him for half a year, but he actually used up all his soul power to heal his wounds. Chen Xuan has remembered this affection. Chen Xuan has already made up his mind in his heart. If there is a chance, I will definitely help Wandao Old Demon find a better body.

"Qiongqi, what do you want?" Chen Xuan knew that Qiongqi Meng had been persisting for a long time, so he didn't waste any time and asked directly.

"You are now at the bottom of the river of spiritual energy, which is the cave of the first master of this world, the old demon Wandao. Due to the disorder of the river of spiritual energy, the whole world is running smoothly. The rules have been completely disrupted, leading to the collapse of the world, but it doesn't matter. The collapse of the world will not cause much harm to the cave of the Venerable, so you are absolutely safe now, but you want to escape from this The forbidden methods in the cave require at least the strength of the creation realm, so you should practice here with peace of mind for now, I..." Qiongqi's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally it was even inaudible, and finally the voice broke off, Chen Xuan was there This is where the only reliance in the darkness ends.

There was no other way, so Chen Xuan could only fumble in the darkness. The surrounding area was as flat as ever, and of course it was as dark as ever, so dark that it made one's heart tremble. In this depressing atmosphere that could drive people crazy, Chen Xuan endured the uneasy restlessness in his heart and tried to discover some differences around him.

The hard work paid off. Finally, Chen Xuan felt a slight difference in the rich spiritual energy around him. Chen Xuan felt a slight difference in the richness of the spiritual energy. Although the richness of the surrounding spiritual energy seemed to be the same to ordinary people, However, due to Chen Xuan's ability to incarnate gods and demons, his six senses are much sharper than ordinary people, so Chen Xuan keenly captured this seemingly non-existent difference. Chen Xuan felt that the spiritual energy in the east seemed to be richer than that of ordinary people. The spiritual energy in the other two directions was much richer, so Chen Xuan slowly stood up, closed his eyes, followed his feelings, and walked slowly, step by step towards the direction with the rich spiritual energy. near.

As the distance that Chen Xuan walked became longer and longer, Chen Xuan felt more and more that the spiritual energy in the east was much stronger than the spiritual energy in other directions. Chen Xuan became more determined in his idea, so he began to be bold I walked forward with confidence, and finally came to a dark cave. But although this cave was dark, it was much better than other places, because at least there was a glimmer of light here. Although this glimmer of light was only a little, it was already enough for the entire dark space. It seems particularly precious.

Chen Xuan looked at the blue photoelectric, and he couldn't help but speed up a bit as he approached the light spot. But the moment he was about to approach the light spot, Chen Xuan felt as if he was suddenly blocked by something. Chen Xuan was caught off guard and was ejected. When he looked up, he saw a pale red light film surrounding the light spot. Chen Xuan didn't know what this light film was. Although there was no harm in the moment he was ejected, Chen Xuan still felt the terrifying energy contained in the seemingly thin light film.

Chen Xuan was stunned there for a full quarter of an hour. He kept thinking about ways to solve the problem in his mind. He felt the amount of vitality in his three martial arts temples. For ordinary people, compared with them, Chen Xuan had an advantage. It's very big. After all, everyone only has one martial arts palace, but Chen Xuan has three. Therefore, Chen Xuan's energy storage is naturally much higher than others.

For ordinary people, Chen Xuan's amount of vitality can be described as majestic. This is the secret why Chen Xuan can often leapfrog the level of battle. The higher the strength, the more and more natural vitality is stored, and the moves that can be used are natural. The more powerful it is, the total amount of energy in Chen Xuan's three martial arts temples is actually more than three masters at the third level of the True Yuan Realm. The amount of energy can be simply superimposed. If they exist in one person at the same time, it is equivalent to one True Yuan. The third power of the vitality storage capacity of a third-level master. This is such a terrifying energy storage. For masters at the same level, Chen Xuan can completely crush it.

But such a majestic energy storage capacity is insignificant compared to this seemingly thin light film.

"Man, you are lucky. You are the first person to find my cave in hundreds of thousands of years. Not bad!" A faint light and shadow suddenly appeared beside Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan knew that it was just a ray of remnant soul. , but although the power of this remnant soul is no longer too strong, this remnant soul makes Chen Xuan feel a completely different temperament. This kind of temperament cannot be possessed by any master Chen Xuan has seen before, except of course Tailing Sword Master, Chen Xuan thought of Tailing Sword Master in his mind, and suddenly his eyes lit up, yes, it was Tailing Sword Master. This old man's momentum was not weaker than Tailing Sword Master.

"May I ask who the senior is?" Although this remnant soul did not seem to be very powerful, Chen Xuan did not act rashly. Moreover, this remnant soul did not seem to be malicious. A kind old man looked very amiable, which made him Rao's vigilance relaxed involuntarily.

"Well, it seems that your luck is really good. The Tailing Sword is in your hand, and I luckily received the aura of the Tailing Sword Canon. It seems that you have met the Tailing old man?" The remnant soul also said He did not directly answer Chen Xuan's words, but asked after commenting on Chen Xuan.

"Yes, senior. I was lucky enough to meet senior Tai Ling. I was trusted by senior and passed on the Tai Ling Sword and Tai Ling Sword Code to me. Senior Tai Ling is also Zi's master. Senior Tai Ling asked me to give him his The Tailing Sword Code has been carried forward, but Zi is not good at using swords, and he has no particular love for swords. Therefore, although Zi is committed to carrying forward the Tailing Sword Code, he is looking for a suitable successor, not myself. " When Chen Xuan heard these words, he seemed to be very familiar with Tailing Sword Master, and the feeling he gave him was similar to the feeling Tailing Sword Master gave him. Therefore, Chen Xuan believed that Tailing Sword Master was different from the remnant soul in front of him. There must be something related, so Chen Xuan told the truth, so he thought that maybe he could achieve better results if he came out.

"Hahaha, you are so kind-hearted, anyway. Since you have met me and Old Tailing, it is also your blessing. Anyway, I am about to dissipate, so I might as well give you a blessing!" The sound echoed, and the ethereal feeling made Chen Xuan shiver.

In the Lingzong, only one of Ye Qing, Chen Xuan, and Sun Tingting, Ye Qing, went back. In the Lingzong's meeting hall, Mo Jing was furious, and all the elders were trembling, "You, please tell me clearly, why Chen Xuan died? Ah, didn't I? Even if you die, nothing will happen to Chen Xuan. How do you take care of him? "

"Master, please listen to my explanation!" Ye Qing whispered.

"Explanation? What explanation? You still have the nerve to explain that it was your fault that this matter was not done well. What else do you have to explain!" Mo Jing said reluctantly.

"Sect Master, maybe Qing'er really has something to hide. Let's listen to his explanation. We all grew up watching Qing'er. Can we not know whether Qing'er is the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? "An elder stood up and spoke for Ye Qing.

"Huh?" Mo Jing was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he knew that he was also his apprentice. Ye Qing was indeed not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he snorted coldly and waved his hand, "Well, what's going on? thing?"

"Yes, Master!" Ye Qing glanced gratefully at the elder who came out to plead for mercy, and then continued, "Master, do you know that the opponents we encountered this time are too strong, and there are so many experts on the list, and This time all the four dragons on the list went there. This time, Chen Xuan was forced to death by Qiu Rushuang, one of the four dragons on the list! "

"What? Qiu Rushuang? Yours is Qiu Rushuang, the young master of the Demon Sect!" Mo Jing asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is the person. His strength is much stronger than ours. His strength is so strong that I have no power to fight back. In order not to drag down Tingting and I, Chen Xuan jumped into the river of spiritual power!" Ye Qing said.

"What? A river of spiritual power? The spiritual power gathers into a river? How rich must such spiritual power be?" Mo Jing was extremely surprised after hearing Ye Qing's words.

"But since Chen Xuan has rescued you two, why are you the only one coming back? Where is Tingting? Where has she gone?" Mo Jing asked.

"Master, I still have Qiu Rushuang"! Ye Qing said.

"Yeah!" Mo Jing was not surprised.

"Tingting was disheartened after knowing that Chen Xuan left. She was caught off guard and attacked Qiu Rushuang, who was already exhausted. However, she didn't expect that Qiu Rushuang was so strong that she could even injure Tingting even though she was exhausted. Tingting's heart was injured and she was dying. Fortunately, Master Kongji from Famen Temple was there at the time. Kongji took Tingting back to Famen Temple for treatment. He died. I'm afraid no one can save her except the eminent monks from Famen Temple, because The demonic energy enters the heart, and the Buddhist skills of Famen Temple are specifically designed to restrain the demonic skills," Ye Qing said.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'm relieved. But how did you provoke this Qiu Rushuang? Can he come to trouble you for no reason?" Mo Jing asked.

"Our sect has not provoked him, but as you know, master, the people of the Demon Sect are always unreasonable and bloody and cruel. If we run into him unwillingly, he will suck our blood essence!" Ye Qing said.

"Hmph! The people of the Demon Sect are really bullying others. Have they really forgotten the lessons their ancestors gave them five hundred years ago?" Mo Jing said.

"Forget it, forget it, as the Demon Sect is the sect with the deepest foundation in ancient times, we really can't do anything about them. I think we'd better forget it and have no choice but to swallow our anger." Mo Jing said again.

In Qingchen Sect, Chu Liufei sat in the lobby with a sad face, while Yin Xing and Dongfang Qun were not much better.

There is another person in the lobby, named Han Yu. As a veteran of the Qingchen Sect and a good friend of Chen Xuan, Han Yu certainly does not believe that Chen Xuan is dead.

"Hmph. I don't believe that Brother Chen Xuan is dead. Has anyone seen Chen Xuan die with his own eyes? If no one has seen Chen Xuan die with his own eyes, then we can't make a conclusion. And I have a feeling that Brother Chen Xuan is definitely not dead. !" Han Yu said.

"Brother Hanyu's words are reasonable. I don't think the fourth brother is dead either!" Chu Liufei said.

"Me too, I also feel that the fourth brother is not dead!" Yin Xing also said.

"Brother Hanyu, the second brother, I don't think the fourth brother is dead, but this is not a problem, the problem is us. We brothers live and die together. If something happens to the fourth brother, we will feel it more or less. Yes, but now it’s not a question of whether we believe it or not. Many people are now panicked, and the fourth brother has been gone for a long time, and we don’t have many pills left, so many people already want to leave. We have to solve this problem first. They all think that the fourth brother is dead. That's what Ye Qing said. Who can not believe it?" Dongfang Qun said.

Time passed by in a hurry, and it was already a year, and it was another year's annual meeting. At this year's annual meeting, Ling Sect was as prosperous as usual, but the mood of Qingchen Sect was low. Many disciples of Qingchen Sect have left. Chen Xuan has not come back for a whole year. Almost everyone agrees with what Ye Qing brought back from Kunwu Secret Realm. Chen Xuan is probably dead, so Qing Xuan The Chen Sect’s reputation was gone.

"Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan, you must not be dead yet, but why haven't you come back yet? Look what has become of our Qingchen Sect? If you don't come back again, what we have worked so hard to build will The Qingchen Sect has really fallen! By then, the only myth has become a big joke! We have become the laughing stock of the entire Lingzong history!" It is completely opposite to the prosperity outside. , Han Yu was hiding alone in a black room, looking at the moonlight outside the window through the only window, and sighed, now it is almost the end of the road.

It was still the familiar martial arts stage. Mo Jing stood on the huge martial arts stage and announced loudly to everyone in the sect, "I declare that Ye Qing will become the inner elder of our sect from now on. Who has any objections? Come forward, if not, then it will be officially appointed!”

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