"Hahaha, Ye Qing is indeed a talent that our Ling Sect has not produced in a hundred years. He has achieved the realm of creation in just one year. It is really rare. If nothing happens, then we can have a banquet!" One of the elders stood up and said.

The other elders also echoed one after another. Although the disciples should have the right to speak, at this juncture, no one would speak up.

So Ye Qing naturally became the elder of the inner sect. Half a year later, it was still the Qingchen Sect. The new masters of the Dragon Ranking came to challenge the Qingchen Sect. Almost all the former masters of the Dragon Ranking became the inner or outer sect of the sect. Gate elder.

Some helped Ling Sect handle some external business matters, some stayed within the sect, and some left Ling Sect and went their own way.

"Lin Changfeng, don't go too far, otherwise you will have a hard time waiting for our sect master to come back!" The territory occupied by the Qingchen Sect is still as large as before, and many transactions between the disciples in the sect still have to go through their hands. Their interest was protected by the sect. Although some other sects were jealous, Ze did not dare to rob it blatantly, so what happened today was that Huzi came to make trouble and asked the Qingchen Sect to voluntarily give up some territory before they were willing to give up. .

Lin Changfeng glanced at the Qingchen Sect disciple who was speaking, but said nothing. The man next to Lin Changfeng who was wearing gorgeous clothes suddenly felt like a whirlwind and ran towards the man quickly, "Pa! "A crisp sound sounded, and the man said, "Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to Master Lin like this? Do you want to die?"

The Qingchen Sect disciple who just spoke fell to Lin far away, and a trace of blood overflowed from his mouth. He could feel the strong aura of the man opposite him. This man was already a master at the eighth level of the True Yuan Realm. He was just a mere mediocre person. How can someone who is at the first level of True Yuan Realm dare to challenge others? Moreover, there are several people around him who are of the same strength as this person, and Lin Changfeng is a master of the Reborn Realm, which he cannot fight against at all.

Although he couldn't be offended and was ridiculed, he still looked at the person who beat him away with a stubborn look on his face, and the strength in his eyes was self-evident.

"What are you looking at? If you weren't in Lingzong, a loser like you would have died by my hands!" the man said.

"You..." Although the Qingchen Sect disciple wanted to refute something, he couldn't come up with anything.

"Liu Qian, come on, don't show off your power with a Qingchen Sect disciple. There's nothing wrong with him. Call that loser Han Yu out!" Lin Changfeng said arrogantly.

"Lin Changfeng, don't bully others too much!" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, Han Yu's figure slowly fell next to the disciple who was being supported, slowly helped him up, and then gave him A healing pill, "You go and rest, leave everything here to me!" Han Yu said.

"Hey, isn't this Han Yu? You finally came out. Look, I advised you not to join the Qingchen Sect at the beginning, but you insisted on joining. You were ranked before me on the Tiger List. , but look at you now, what do you look like? Are you still at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm? You have been at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm for more than half a year. Should something like this happen to someone like you?" Lin Changfeng saw Han Yu coming out, so he took a step forward, stood in front of everyone, and then said.

"Changfeng, I didn't help you less during the inner sect, right? Why are you doing this? Even if you don't repay kindness, you won't repay kindness with hatred, right?" Han Yu said coldly.

"Han Yu, where did your words come from? When did I repay kindness with revenge? Come on, pull that person out!" Lin Changfeng suddenly shouted to the people behind him, and after a while, someone pulled him out. A man came out with blood all over his body beaten.

"Han Yu, have you seen this? This man beat my disciple of Changfeng Sect. You must also know the rules of our Ling Sect. Logically speaking, it is not an exaggeration for my people to beat him to death, but I know that this man is Your man, so I ask my subordinates not to kill him, but if I don’t kill him, I have to give the disciples a way, right? If there is no way, then I can’t control this matter!” Lin Changfeng said!

"Lin Changfeng, don't bully others too much. What do you want?" said a Qingchen Sect disciple next to Han Yu.

"Han Yu is in charge, save me, save me!" the disciple shouted.

"I bullied people too much? Han Yu? Did you hear that? Did I bully your people too much? Did I bully people too much? No, you also heard this cry. If you don't save him, then I'm sorry Right?" Just as Lin Changfeng finished speaking, one of his men suddenly grabbed the man's neck.

"Stop, Lin Changfeng, stop it! What conditions do you have, you, you!" Han Yu shouted loudly.

Lin Changfeng smiled as if he had succeeded, "Hahaha, that's right. I have long heard that your Qingchen Sect is benevolent and righteous, and now it seems that it is indeed well-deserved! Huh? Hahaha!"

"Can you give up the property on the east side of the arena to our Changfeng Sect? Of course, I don't want it for nothing, I will give you money!" Lin Changfeng said.

Just when Han Yu was about to compromise and sign the property to Lin Changfeng, a shout suddenly came from the distance, "What's going on? There are so many people here?" As the words fell, a Junyi The man fell down. When everyone saw this man, they quickly bowed and shouted, "Elder Ye!"

This person is none other than the only Renren who came back from Kunwu Secret Realm, Ye Qing. Ye Qing's current strength is already at the first level of Creation Realm, and his understanding of Tao is also approaching perfection, and he can understand it at any time. The Law of Killing just lacks a suitable opportunity, so there has been no breakthrough.

"What are you doing? And this disciple, why was he beaten like this? The sect has clearly stipulated that if there is a conflict between disciples, they can go to the martial arts stage to resolve it. Don't you want to stay here when you are fighting in private? "Ye Qing's words made the disciple tremble in fright, and he knelt down in front of Ye Qing, "Elder, elder, it's not my fault, it was all the people from Qingchen Sect who hit me first. I was beaten for no reason, so I fought back!”

"Yes, Elder Ye, he is good, we can all testify for him, and it stands to reason that since the Qingchen Sect's people took action first, then even if we beat him to death, it would not be considered a violation of the sect's rules, but I, Lin Changfeng, am not a meddlesome person, so I still held back and brought people here to talk to Han Yu!" Lin Changfeng also helped.

"Is this really the case?" Ye Qing asked, but there was no doubt in his eyes. He had just been promoted from a disciple. How could he not be clear about the disputes among the disciples?

"Of course it is, Elder Ye Qing..." Lin Changfeng was working hard, but suddenly he heard a loud roar, "Of course it is a fart, are you? Who will testify?"

Ye Qing's voice made Lin Changfeng's face darken slightly, and his expression was very unhappy. However, as an elder, Ye Qing could not get angry with Ye Qing even if he was angry. Otherwise, he would really not be able to stay in Lingzong. , he just said with a gloomy face and a low voice, "Everyone present except the Qingchen Sect can testify!"

"Except for the people from the Qingchen Sect? Apart from the people from the Qingchen Sect, they are all yours, right? Your people will testify for the people who testified for you, Lin Changfeng, thank you for thinking it through!" Ye Qing said in his voice. With a hint of coldness, he still had an attitude of gratitude towards Chen Xuan, and even some admiration. If this trip to Kunwu Secret Realm had not been protected by Chen Xuan, he would have sacrificed himself in the end to save him and Sun Tingting. I am afraid that he has already been killed by the masters from the ancient sect. Now that he sees that the sect that Chen Xuan has worked so hard to build is being bullied, he naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

"Elder Ye, I respect you as an elder, so I am speaking to you so politely, but you should not be too arrogant. You have just been promoted to an inner sect elder. A year ago now, you are still just an elder. Disciple, if you still want to mix well in the circle of inner sect elders, you'd better ignore this matter!" Lin Changfeng suddenly said such words, which shocked Ye Qing, but soon, Ye Qing Qing then realized that Lin Changfeng's uncle was the nephew of Mr. Lin, the chief elder of the inner sect, that's why he dared to say such a thing.

"Haha, Lin Changfeng, are you threatening me? I'm in charge of today's affairs. You can try to see if anyone dares to touch a hair on my head!" Ye Qing said coldly, except in Kunwu In addition to being ridiculed by many people in the ancient sect in the secret realm, no disciple has ever threatened him in this way for so many years. Moreover, as a passionate man, if he does not deal a heavy blow to such a threat, it will lose his own face. Where to put it next.

In fact, Lin Changfeng also regretted it completely. He only cared about the momentary happiness, but forgot that Ye Qing was the direct disciple of the sect leader Mo Jing. He was extremely liked by Mo Jing, so if he wanted to bring down Ye Qing, he might not be able to do it. It was so easy to do, and there was no possibility of overthrowing Ye Qing.

"Okay, that's it for today. I apologize for what I just said. I'm sorry, Elder Ye!" Lin Changfeng said softly.

After that, Lin Changfeng was about to take his people away, but at this moment, Ye Qing shouted, "Stop, do I let you go?" Hearing Ye Qing's voice, Lin Changfeng's heart skipped a beat. The most worrying thing has come. It seems that Ye Qing is going to cause trouble for him.

"I wonder if Elder Ye has any other instructions!" Lin Changfeng paused, turned around and asked.

"I won't embarrass you. Your people are not allowed to come to Qingchen Sect in the future. What do you think?" Ye Qing's voice even had a hint of coldness at the end. This was not the time for an elder to talk to his disciples. From his tone, it was obvious that Ye Qing was warning, a serious warning. If Lin Changfeng dared to cause trouble with the Qingchen Sect in the future, he might not get any good results.

"Elder Ye Qing, I understand!" Lin Changfeng finished, turned around and left. Then everything in the Qingchen Sect came to an end, and time passed by in a flash. Another year passed. Although the Qingchen Sect was still constantly harassed by some disciples from other sects, with Ye Qing's care, it could still survive. As for falling down.

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