Chen Xuan could understand it clearly through perception, and the world was like a part of his body. But when Chen Xuan's spiritual mind swept over a place, he suddenly discovered that there was a black spot that he could not feel. He didn't know this place clearly, so Chen Xuan opened his eyes, followed his feeling, and walked towards that place. After getting closer, Chen Xuan realized that he really couldn't feel this place clearly. Even standing here, this place was for Chen Xuan The feeling is still very vague. In fact, there is nothing special here. When Chen Xuan came here, he found that the place he couldn't feel clearly was a huge boulder. However, this boulder looked ordinary and there was nothing special about it, but why couldn't he feel clearly?

So in order to eliminate this feeling, Chen Xuan tried to touch the boulder with his hand, but this touch didn't matter. Chen Xuan suddenly felt like he was being absorbed by something, and his body moved uncontrollably into the boulder. Drilling in, Chen Xuan was a little anxious, but no matter how hard he tried, his body just drilled into the big stone uncontrollably. Then Chen Xuan felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a big stone. Next to the stone, everything that just happened seemed like a dream. Chen Xuan looked at the big stone in front of him and saw that it was exactly the same as the big stone that absorbed him just now. Chen Xuan refused to admit defeat, so he looked at the big stone again and stretched out his hand. I touched it and found that the texture was hard to the touch and there was no adsorption feeling at all.

Chen Xuan felt it, and the spiritual energy of the ground here was still a bit high, but it was only a little higher than normal. It was a normal situation, and everything here felt very normal. There was no blood connection like just now. Feeling it, Chen Xuan felt the heart of gods and demons in his body again, and found that the heart of gods and demons was lying peacefully in his body. There was nothing abnormal. Chen Xuan realized that he had come out of his own world. But where is this place?

Chen Xuan slowly stood up and looked up to the east. There seemed to be many people on a mountain peak there. Even though they were far away, Chen Xuan still felt that there were several extremely powerful auras there. This aura was so powerful. It's heart-shaking, even Chen Xuan's current strength at the fifth level of Creation Realm is frightening.

But since there are so many people there, Chen Xuan thinks that there should be no problem if he goes there. If he hides his strength, those who are superior will not pay attention to his strength.

The Art of Embodying the Immortality of Gods and Demons is really a rather miraculous skill. There happens to be a skill specifically designed to hide one’s strength called the Hidden Skill. Chen Xuan also studied this skill when he was trapped and found that it There is nothing special about the martial art. You can only change your aura and fake your strength. In fact, fake strength is quite useful. Sometimes pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger can catch your opponent off guard.

Concealment Art can not only hide one's strength, but also can raise a person's aura. For example, Chen Xuan is currently at the fifth level of Creation Realm. Through Concealment Art, he should be able to raise his aura to the Human Emperor Realm at most.

Sometimes some people just act based on their strength. If Chen Xuan knew that he couldn't beat a Human Emperor Realm master, then he would fake his aura and pretend to be a Human Emperor Realm master. I'm afraid those people wouldn't dare to do it easily. Bar.

The most important point is that concealment can not only fake one's strength, but also change one's appearance, which is the so-called disguise. However, ordinary disguises can be easily seen through by some masters, but concealment is one of the most powerful techniques in the magic of gods and demons. The technique is not something that ordinary people can see through. If Chen Xuan's forgery is in place without leaking any flaws, even some masters in the Earth Master realm will have difficulty discovering it.

When Chen Xuan walked towards the mountain peak that seemed to be crowded with people, he also changed his appearance, height and other appearances on the way. He also changed his voice and strength.

When he came to the foot of Qiao Feng, Chen Xuan discovered that this mountain peak was different. From the foot of the mountain, this mountain looked like a person holding a sword. The sword was held horizontally, and there were many swords on it. People are flowing.

Chen Xuan was secretly surprised. At the same time, he also admired the uncanny workmanship of the power of nature. Such a huge mountain turned out to be the image of a swordsman. This must not be something that human power can do. It should be a natural coincidence. If it were human power, what would happen? How much strength do you have to have such an ability?

Chen Xuan just sighed, and then looked up the mountain. There is only one road up the mountain, and this road is like a single-plank stone bridge spanning the ground and the top of the mountain. It is very narrow and so long. It looked as if it was about to break at any time. This scene shocked Chen Xuan greatly.

However, at this time, several people came from behind Chen Xuan. These people were all wearing the same clothes. Then one person patted Chen Xuan on the back and asked, "Brother, you can't even walk this way." Do you dare to walk? If you don’t dare to walk, why bother attending the exchange conference? You’d better go home and go to bed as soon as possible!”

When Chen Xuan heard this, he turned around and saw that a fat man wearing black and white clothes was talking to him. When Chen Xuan was about to talk, another person behind the fat man also smiled and said, "Brother, If you don't dare to go, then get out of the way, we have to go, the conference is about to start, and we don't want to delay the exciting battle!"

Chen Xuan was fine, he just smiled slightly, and then stepped away. The few people glanced at Chen Xuan with disdain, and then walked towards the so-called "road". Chen Xuan was not aware of the person at all. The one with the highest strength among those people is just the slightly fat man. His strength has just reached the realm of creation. In the current view of Chen Xuan, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Although this road seemed to frighten Quan Zhan, Chen Xuan felt after walking up it that it was actually quite solid. At least Chen Xuan felt that his full blow now would not pose the slightest threat to this road. I don’t know what the road is made of, but the texture is so hard.

The distance on this road is actually not short, but for an expert like Chen Xuan, it is only a matter of fingers. Chen Xuan has mastered the laws of space. Even without this road, he can easily reach the peak. But with After this journey, you can just hide your eyes from others.

After a while, Chen Xuan came to the end of the road. There was only one platform at the end of the road. Not far from this platform was the arm holding a sword on the huge human-shaped mountain. Although this distance seemed small, It's far, but if your qinggong is not good, you won't be able to cross it all at once.

However, the people in front of Chen Xuan seemed to have pretty good Qinggong skills. Although it looked very difficult, they still jumped over without any danger. Chen Xuan followed behind and waited until they were far away before starting to jump. . Halfway up the mountainside, clouds and mist were shrouded, and many things could only be seen in outline, so Chen Xuan followed them, but they were completely unaware.

Following all the way, Chen Xuan finally came to the giant sword on the mountain. The sword was very long and wide, like a super large platform. There were densely packed people on the platform, but there was only one platform. , this arena is very high, there are dozens of chairs on top of the arena, and the people sitting on the chairs are all unfathomable.

"I think people have almost arrived. Abbot Jueyuan, please announce the start!" A man sitting on the stage, who looked to be in his forties, said to Abbot Jueyuan of Famen Temple.

"Thank you for watching Jue Yuan, since everyone has almost arrived, let's start according to the rules of previous years!" An old monk was wearing cassocks. He seemed to be very old, but his eyes were indeed very bright. But it also reveals a cute and amiable feeling.

"Okay, since Abbot Jueyuan is here, let's get started. However, I don't know which disciple will be the leader first this year?" Another middle-aged man said.

"In my opinion, since Famen Temple is the host every year, then Famen Temple should also set an example. I think Famen Temple should be the leader first!" Qiu Wanli, the leader of the Demon Sect, suddenly said something He said, his words were cold, as if he had come out of the Nine Nether Hell.

As soon as Qiu Wanli said these words, the expressions of some members of the righteous sect changed. Famen Temple had already put a lot of effort into hosting this exchange conference, but now they still made such unreasonable demands. Only the Demon Sect could make such remarks. However, due to the power of the Demon Sect, some people did not dare to speak at all.

"Hmph, the Demon Sect is too overbearing in its actions. Famen Temple is the largest sect in our righteous way. It is natural for them to host the exchange conference. Moreover, Abbot Jueyuan is highly respected and everyone is convinced. This is all of our own free will. How can you Why did you bring this matter out? Is there something wrong?" The clothes looked familiar to Chen Xuan. He seemed to have seen them somewhere. Chen Xuan observed them carefully and found that the clothes he wore seemed a bit like those of the owner of the Japanese style building. Similar, but Qiu Wanli's words later proved that Chen Xuan's idea was correct.

"Is Lingxiao Pavilion becoming more and more arrogant?" Qiu Wanli did not accept Rao's words head-on, but said this coldly.

"Hmph, the Demon Sect is too arrogant. You even threatened me in public. Do you really think that Lingxiao Pavilion is afraid of you?" As the master of a pavilion, the master of Lingxiao Pavilion still needs integrity and demeanor, not to mention that they have reached this point. , who can be without a little arrogance? The Lord of Lingxiao Pavilion will not ignore Qiu Wanli's words.

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