"Amitabha, don't let this matter hurt your friendship. In fact, there is nothing wrong with me, Famen Temple, being the master of the competition first. Anyway, every sect has to take its turn. It's just a matter of order. So, don't get entangled. You two, please sit down. I will ask the disciples to come up and be the masters of the competition!" After that, the old monk Jueyuan shouted to the audience, "Where is Kongchen?"

A voice from the audience responded, "Uncle Abbot, Kongchen is here!"

Abbot Jueyuan nodded, and then said, "Come up and be the winner of the first round!" After that, Abbot Jueyuan didn't move his steps, but his body automatically stepped back, and then sat on the chair.

Monk Kong Chen heard his uncle's call and dared not to obey, so he replied, "I will obey my uncle's order." Then he jumped up to the stage without any fancy, and landed firmly on the stage. Kong Chen The monk's move shocked everyone, and many people felt inferior. However, some people had expressions of interest on their faces, while others had expressionless faces, as if they didn't take Kong Chen into their eyes at all.

"Senior Brother Kongchen's ancient Buddha sitting meditation skills have been practiced to a shocking level, and his own strength is already at the ninth level of the Reborn Realm. I'm afraid not many people dare to challenge him!" A monk from Famen Temple saw Kongchen's lower body. He was so steady that he couldn't help but feel a little envious in his heart.

"Well, I also think that Senior Brother Kongchen is very similar to Senior Brother Kongji from three years ago. I'm afraid Senior Brother Kongchen will also become famous in this battle!" Another monk said.

The rules of this exchange conference are that one person will be the ringleader first and accept ten challenges in a row. If he insists on winning ten challenges in a row, he will be promoted to the second round, and then the other people will challenge him. People come on stage and continue to be the champion until no one wants to be the champion. However, once the challenge fails, they are no longer qualified to continue the competition. Of course, if the challenge is successful, they can continue to be the champion and accept challenges from other people and be defeated. The champion will also lose the qualification for subsequent battles and be completely eliminated.

"Everyone, the monk is Kong Chen, a disciple of Famen Temple. I am here to be the master of this competition today. I hope you can give me some advice!" Monk Kong Chen spoke politely, and his voice was very pleasant to listen to, so many people began to praise him. Famen Temple is indeed worthy of being a leader, and his disciples are all extraordinary. Regardless of Kongchen's strength, his demeanor alone puts many people beyond his reach.

After Kong Chen finished, there was a moment of silence. No one touched his brow first. However, when everyone was silent, a man stood up, jumped onto the ring, and said, "Senior Brother Kong Chen, I It’s Chen Kunyuan, a disciple of the Liujiang Sect. I hope my senior brother can give me some advice!”

Kong Chen nodded slightly, then the two sides held each other's fists, and then started fighting. Chen Kunyuan was like a jaguar, with his body arched into a crescent shape, and then quickly collapsed. At the same time, the faint red color on his hands showed that he was extraordinary. of skill.

Kong Chen saw Chen Kunyuan's swift and fierce moves, and did not dare to be careless. The two were both masters at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm. In a fight, the slightest difference could determine the outcome. Kong Chen's standing body suddenly sat down, and then he began to hold complex and obscure spells in his hands. Different Buddhist symbols were seen slowly rotating around Kong Chen's body, which looked very mysterious.

Chen Kunyuan's red hands were like irons burned in charcoal fire. They hit the Buddhist language symbols around Kong Chen with a bang. With a bang, Chen Kunyuan was ejected several feet away.

Chen Kunyuan never expected that Kong Chen was so strong, that he could be so embarrassed despite his gout strength. Although he did take it lightly, he had to admit that Kong Chen was really strong.

So Chen Kunyuan also put away his luck and looked at the empty dust in the distance. The red vitality on his hands began to gradually spread upwards. Finally, the red vitality wrapped around his entire arm, and the air around his arms squeaked. The sound was like being burned by the red energy, and at the same time there was a steady stream of red elements flowing around him towards his red arm.

"The Way of Fire? It turns out to be the Way of Fire. It seems that Chen Kunyuan's Way of Fire has reached the fourth level. This is not easy!" A person next to Chen Xuan who was on the fifth level of the Reborn Realm said. When he spoke, Chen Xuan Ye couldn't help but said, isn't it the way of fire? And it’s only the fourth floor!

Chen Xuan's words immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the people around him, so the person who just spoke turned his head and glared at Chen Xuan, and then said, "What do you know about the first level of rebirth? Do you know what Tao is?" In order to deceive others, Chen Xuan kept saying The changing strength, I didn’t feel satisfied until I finally adjusted to the first level of the Way of Fire.

Chen Xuan looked helplessly at the man in front of him teaching him a lesson, but Chen Xuan had nothing to say. From Chen Xuan's current height, such a competition was full of flaws, but now Chen Xuan finally knew what he was doing. It turned out to be an exchange meeting for disciples of various ancient sects. To put it bluntly, they were here to fight and discuss matters.

Chen Xuan just accidentally saw Monk Kong Ji, whom he had not seen for three years, and the Demon King Qiu Rushuang. The other two dragons on the list, Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan, were not seen by Chen Xuan.

The man asked Chen Xuan for a while, then he saw that Chen Xuan seemed to be absent-minded, then he patted Chen Xuan and asked, "Are you listening?" After hearing this, Chen Xuan laughed repeatedly and said, "This senior brother , Senior brother, I’m listening, I’m listening!”

"Hmph, you still respect your senior brother!" Then the man turned back, and everyone else looked at Chen Xuan with disdain, then ignored Chen Xuan and continued to turn around to watch the two men fighting on the stage.

In fact, it’s not Chen Xuan’s fault. After all, after Chen Xuan came out of Lingzong, he went to the Kunwu Secret Realm. Even the weakest people he saw there understood the truth, because there were elites sent by various ancient sects. Disciple, it is not surprising that he has realized the air, but this gave Chen Xuan an illusion, making Chen Xuan think that all the disciples of the ancient sect had understood the air when they were in the realm of reincarnation.

But today's situation taught Chen Xuan another lesson. It seems that not all disciples of the ancient sect can understand the Tao. For example, the one who taught Chen Xuan a lesson just now, although his strength is already at the fifth level of the Reborn Realm, he has not yet understood the Tao.

The two people on the stage fought back and forth for hundreds of times. In the end, Chen Kunyuan was accidentally hit by Monk Kongchen's Buddha Seal with a move and fell off the stage, ultimately failing.

However, Monk Kongchen's seal deliberately lowered its strength. Although it knocked Chen Kunyuan off the ring, it did not cause any harm to him. This made Chen Kunyuan and everyone in the audience admire Monk Kongchen even more. At the same time, they also felt sorry for him. Famen Temple praised him very much, and the old guys in the ring also stroked their beards with their hands and nodded slightly.

Then according to the regulations, Monk Kongchen was given a certain amount of time to recover and continued to fight. In this way, Monk Kongchen fought nine people in a row without losing, which made more people praise him.

"It seems that Senior Brother Kongchen can successfully advance to the second round this time. Senior Brother Kongchen is so powerful!" said a monk from Famen Temple. Kongchen's nine consecutive victories brought honor to the faces of Famen Temple. At the same time, they His confidence was also greatly increased, and he believed that Monk Kongchen was almost certain to be promoted to the second round.

"I wonder which fellow disciples will come up to teach me!" Monk Kongchen said to the audience after defeating the next nine opponents. The audience was completely silent for a moment. Those with high strength don't even bother to take action now. They wait until later to shine. This has been an unwritten rule for many years. Otherwise, if those with high strength come out from the beginning, wouldn't it be possible later? No finale?

Just when everyone was silent, a strange-looking man walked out. This man was wearing a black outfit. Although he was not thick, he looked very strong. His dark skin gave people a silent feeling. deterrence. Moreover, his aura was restrained, and ordinary disciples could not see his strength at all. But the moment he jumped on the stage, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly changed, because this man gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

The disciples in the audience saw that this man had an unattractive appearance, and he was dressed in such a tacky way, and his hair was short and in such a weird style. At first glance, it seemed that he was not a powerful person, so they had no expectations for him. Some people in the audience even told him to be happy. Come down and save yourself some physical pain.

However, the man suddenly seemed unaware and ignored the ridicule. But the faces of several young masters in the audience, such as those in the top ten, and the uninvited guest Xiao, also changed, and the old guys on the stage were also moved by it.

"Donor, please tell me by name!" Monk Kongchen said with his hands clasped together.

"My name is Huayinjun, and I come from a sect in the secular world!" the man said.

Hearing Huayinjun's words, those who were surprised just now couldn't help but become more confused. Which sect in the secular world can cultivate such a young master? Even the three largest sects in the secular world may not be able to do it.

"Kong Chen, go down, there is no need to fight, you are no match for this donor!" Just when the battle between the two was about to break out, the old monk Jue Yuan suddenly said this.

Although Kong Chen has a good nature, he is still a young man after all, and even a monk cannot avoid the emotion of comparison. Moreover, this is a normal competition. Before the battle, the master asked him to admit defeat. Wouldn't this make him embarrassed in front of everyone?

So Monk Kongchen put his hands together and said to Abbot Jueyuan, "Uncle Abbot, my nephew is here to compete with other brothers. If we talk without fighting, we will lose the original intention. Uncle Kongchen, please fight." !" Monk Kongchen said, with a hint of stubbornness in his tone!

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