Then Rao's entire body was like a light smoke, suddenly suspended incredibly in mid-air, then slowly moved upward, and finally landed steadily on the ring.

This scene happened so fast that no one could see clearly what was going on. Na Xiao had already landed on the stage. Everyone started whispering to each other, asking each other what happened just now, but everyone just shook their heads at each other. No one could see clearly what happened just now, including Qiu Rushuang, but there was a girl who could see it clearly. Chu, that is Chen Xuan who also mastered the laws of space.

The host did not recover for a long time. After Abbot Jueyuan coughed and reminded him, he said as if he had just woken up from a dream, "Oh, oh, Kongji is defeated, Xiao wins!"

Xiao's space law only has one level, and it should have been a breakthrough recently. However, what surprised Chang Chang was that Xiao actually mastered two laws. This is incredible. When enlightening, many talents can achieve it. There are two kinds of Tao, and some can even master four or five kinds of Tao. However, when it comes to comprehending the laws, almost no one can comprehend both laws at the same time, because the difficulty of comprehending the laws and comprehending the Tao is very different. The difficulty index is not at the same level at all. Many people have difficulty touching the threshold of the law throughout their lives. You can imagine how difficult the law is to understand.

Chen Xuan's current art of ice and fire has reached its peak, and he is only one step away from the law. However, this step away is like a chasm blocking the way of countless people. The entire Nanfeng Territory has a population of tens of billions. However, he understands There are only a few thousand people who follow the law, and the probability is terrifying.

The younger generation of masters here now are almost the top young people in the entire Nanfeng Territory. However, there are only a few people who can understand the laws, so those who have mastered the laws and those who have not mastered the laws With the same strength, there is no fighting level at all. A person who has mastered the law can easily fight with more than a dozen people of the same level without any effort.

After the battle between Kong Ji and Xiao, there were several duels. Almost all those who could enter the top fifteen relied on their strength. No one was very weak, so the subsequent battles were still very exciting. However, After the shocking battle between Kong Ji and Xiao, no one was interested in the subsequent battle.

After several fierce battles, Chen Xuan finally ended. The Australians who were shortlisted were Chen Xuan, Xiao, Qiu Rushuang, Jiang Yihan, Wei Zhenyue, Huayinjun, Liu Yuan, and Ling Yu. Wei Zhenyue has made great progress in the past three years and has reached the second place in the list. Liu Yuan and Ling Yudou are currently third and fourth respectively. There is not much difference in strength between the two. Of course, they are not as good as Wei Zhenyue. The gap in strength is not big. In the end, except for special cases like this year, the gap in the past is not too big.

"Okay, I now announce the list of people who have been promoted to the final round!" The host said loudly, "These eight people are Xiao, Cheng Jiang, Jiang Yihan, Wei Zhenyue, Qiu Rushuang, Liu Yuan, Ling Yu, and Huayinjun. !”

Everyone sighed when they heard Chen Xuan's name, because they felt that Chen Xuan got in by luck, so they didn't know what kind of thoughts they had, but they felt a little uncomfortable.

Because this time, three of the top eight people were not from their ancient sect at all, and two were from the secular world. Although Xiao's identity was very mysterious, he was not from their ancient sect after all, so how could they Feel uncomfortable. But they forgot that Chen Xuan once powerfully defeated Bai Yiyan, one of the four dragons on the list, and killed the beggar Liu.

Beggar Liu was too seriously injured after fighting Bai Yiyan, so he offered to withdraw. However, despite this, he already had a place in everyone's minds. A person who can kill the top four dragons, although it does not mean that his strength has far exceeded the top four dragons, it at least proves that his strength is not weaker than the top four dragons.

After the host finished, he did not pause, but said directly, "The last round is different from the young man's, because the previous one-on-one battle can only test one's strength, but in many cases, the battle between people There is almost no one-on-one time, so this final round of competition requires all eight shortlisted people to go on stage together, and the rankings will be determined in the order they fall on the stage. Okay, the battle can begin. Let's invite these eight people to come on stage. !" The person in charge stood aside.

The discussion in the audience suddenly became intense. This kind of competition is simply unbelievable, because it is simply a chaos. There are almost no people you can trust on the stage. You may be a teammate one second and be bombarded by your teammates the next. Get off the stage. However, after hearing such a competition method, Xiao licked his lips and said, "This is interesting. Nanfeng Territory did something good this time!"

At the same time, Qiu Rushuang was also surprised, but he quickly calmed down and prepared to deal with the upcoming attack. There is no doubt that Qiu Rushuang's strength is at least not weaker than Kong Ji, so he is not worried about such a competition. After Qiu Rushuang In his eyes, the only ones among the eight people who can compete with him this time are Xiao and Jiang Yihan. Xiao has found a way to restrain him. As for Jiang Yihan, he is already too familiar with it. At best, both sides will suffer. If Xiao can be used skillfully, Let Jiang Yihan receive some support and that would be perfect.

But although his idea was good, he ignored the most important person, that is Chen Xuan. Moreover, Huayinjun never fully showed his strength from beginning to end. Chen Xuan did not dare to defeat him with 100% confidence. Mr. Huayin, Qiu Rushuang is so arrogant.

The eight people didn't say much, they just silently walked onto the ring from eight different directions. Just after Xiao's last foot landed on the ring, the old man Uncle Yan's voice fell on Xiao. In my ears, "My heart is like a river!"

Uncle Yan's words made his heart tighten. Uncle Yan has always had a very high vision. He has only heard two praises from him for his outstanding talent in so many years. The first time was for comprehending the five adjacent Tao five years ago. Time, once is the time to understand the two laws of space.

If Uncle Yan can give a warning to someone, it is enough to know that this person is very dangerous. Xiao's eyes glanced at Chen Xuan inadvertently. Looking at the unattractive Chen Xuan, he gradually became wary in his heart.

Eight people stood at the eight corners of the ring. No one made any movement. Everyone just stood quietly and observed each other, as if looking for some flaws.

However, this silence was interrupted by Qiu Rushuang, "Brother Yihan, Brother Xiao, how about the three of us work together to clean up the garbage first? We will save them from disturbing the duel between the three of us!"

Jiang Yihan looked at Qiu Rushuang, with no expression on his face. He did not comment on Qiu Rushuang's words. However, Xiao said without any hesitation, "I'm sorry, I have no interest in this matter. You can go find someone else!"

In fact, Xiao was already sneering in his heart, secretly thinking that Qiu Rushuang has no brains. Wouldn't this offend the other five people besides the three of them? Although he is very powerful, if five people join forces to attack him, I'm afraid he will be killed in an instant. If he loses, he is looking for something to cause hatred for himself.

As expected, the four people except Chen Xuan stared at Qiu Rushuang coldly. Which one of them was not the proud one and which one was not powerful. Although they may be slightly inferior to Qiu Rushuang, but they were treated like rubbish. Who could bear it.

However, Chen Xuan didn't take Qiu Rushuang's words very seriously. His character had already been tempered in life-and-death battles. These sarcastic words without any nutrition had little effect on him. On the contrary, the first thing Chen Xuan thought of was not anger. And thinking about how to take advantage of his carelessness to defeat him more easily.

Looking at Chen Xuan's unruffled expression, Xiao became even more convinced of Uncle Yan's judgment. This Chen Xuan was indeed not an economical person. At least from this performance, it could be seen that he was definitely no worse than Qiu Rushuang.

Looking at the cold eyes of the people around her, Qiu Rushuang also secretly regretted, why did she just say those words? Isn't this obviously causing trouble for herself? The most hateful thing was that Na Xiao didn't give himself any face. Did he really think that he was no match for him? Why don't you put on airs? I'll give you a taste of what it means to be awesome later.

But for now, we still have to deal with the troubles in front of us first, otherwise we won't be able to wait until the time to fight alone with Xiao. Qiu Wanli's heart skipped a beat when he heard his son Qiu Rushuang said such a thing on the stage. With his experienced experience, he had almost seen the ending.

"Everyone, I was just joking. Everyone is fighting for themselves. How can we form a team? And such a team has no credibility, so you don't need to take what I just said to heart." Qiu Rushuang changed her mind. The tough stance just now was replaced by a smile.

"Hahaha, what a joke. If you go out, you will just throw water away. You have done that just now. How can you ask everyone to forgive you? We are all talents among talents, and what did you just do? Trash? As an uncovered person, I People can't stand it anymore, how can you forgive this kind of thing? It doesn't exist, what about you? "Xiao said with a smile, Xiao was very scheming, how could he let go of such a good opportunity? Meng Qingqing One by one, he finally asked Chen Xuan specifically, which was very meaningful. On the surface, he was giving Chen Xuan face, but in fact, he was pushing Chen Xuan into a pit of fire.

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