If he does this, doesn't it prove that Xiao attaches great importance to Chen Xuan? What about the others? Can we not pay attention to it? Chen Xuanben was instantly pulled from the edge to be grilled on the grill.

With Chen Xuan's mind, he figured it out in an instant. He couldn't help but snorted in his heart and said that Xiao Xiao's scheming was very deep. He was plotting against him so quickly, but Chen Xuan didn't understand why Xiao Xiao What if you want to plot against yourself who seems so inconspicuous? Moreover, Chen Xuan was also full of curiosity about this Xiao. Originally, Chen Xuan thought that he was a new talent from a certain sect of the ancient sect. However, the audience just discussed it, and it seemed that he was not. Ren from the ancient sect was very interested in this mysterious talent. Jiang Xiao's heart was also full of questions. This person seemed to appear out of thin air, but Chen Xuan judged that this person was definitely not from the secular world, because the old man next to him seemed to Chen Xuan to be much stronger than the leader of the Demon Sect, Qiu Wanli. For someone to be willing to be a servant by his side, Chen Xuan couldn't even imagine how huge a force there was behind Xiao.

Although Chen Xuan now has some capital, he is unwilling to offend those behemoths, so Chen Xuan is still unwilling to offend Xiao, because he vaguely feels that this person may be the precursor of a storm, and he does not want to do anything That fuse. But although he didn't want to offend him, Chen Xuan definitely didn't want to be plotted by him like this. Chen Xuan hated the feeling of being plotted by others, especially someone like Xiao who looked like a smiling tiger.

"Brother Xiao laughed. How can an insignificant person like me dare to comment on your affairs? Besides, I don't think there's anything wrong with Qiu Rushuang. I'm just trash, just waiting to be cleaned." Chen Xuan's These words almost completely rebounded Xiao's words.

Xiao smiled and did not continue talking to Chen Xuan, but he was more certain in his heart that Chen Xuan was indeed a difficult person to deal with. He turned to the other four indignant people and said, "The seven of us will work together to clean Qiu Rushuang first." How about it?" Qiu Rushuang couldn't adapt to Xiao's 180-degree turn. Qiu Rushuang looked at the seven people approaching, with a trace of uneasiness in his eyes, but after all, he was a disciple of the Demon Sect and had a ruthless spirit in his heart. Son, even when faced with such a lineup, Li would take action.

This time Qiu Rushuang didn't hold back at all, he directly opened the eyes of gods and demons, and cooperated with his demon sect's supreme skills to prepare for a combined attack of the seven people, letting them know that he was not easy to mess with.

However, just when Qiu Rushuang had not fully used his martial arts, a black light suddenly flew towards Qiu Rushuang extremely fast, forcibly interrupting his spellcasting, and mercilessly grabbed his back and moved away.

Almost no one reacted, but one person quietly chased after him. This person was none other than the person next to Xiao, Uncle Yan. Uncle Yan's movement skills were excellent. Although he set off a long time late, he still caught up with Qiu Rushuang and Qiu Wanli.

Among the leaders present, only Abbot Jueyuan found out about Uncle Yan and went to chase him. However, he did not care about the matter because he knew that the matter was probably out of their control. After the exchange meeting was over, he had to inform him immediately. The great elders in the temple came to analyze and resolve this matter. If there is really another war with the domain, then there will probably be a loss of life.

"Old guy, why are you chasing me!" Qiu Wanli stopped running and suddenly fell down, holding Qiu Rushuang between his arms, with an angry look on his face. With his strength, he certainly felt that someone was chasing him from behind, and this guy was very strong. , at least much taller than him. He noticed this person from the beginning, but he thought that in the territory of Nanfeng Territory, the old man might not dare to be too presumptuous, but he really caught up with him. This place is far away from the Demon Sect. There was still a distance, and he couldn't fight or run away, so he simply stopped and prepared to discuss the matter.

"Why are you chasing me? Then why are you running? Now that you understand, that's why I'm chasing you!" Uncle Yan also stopped, not far from Qiu Wanli.

"My son suddenly went crazy. I want to take him back to the door for treatment!" Qiu Wanli said with a very reluctant reason.

"Hahaha, you are Qiu Wanli, the leader of the Demon Sect in the Nanfeng Region. Fortunately, you are still the leader of a sect. You actually said such ridiculous things. What kind of obsession? Do you think I will believe it? I have long heard about the Eyes of Gods and Demons. It once appeared in Nanfeng Territory, and now it seems to be true," Uncle Yan said coldly.

"Hmph, old man, the Eye of God and Demon is indeed on my son, but you have to think clearly, this is in my Nanfeng Domain, not yours. If you dare to take action, I guarantee that you will not be able to get out. Nanfeng Territory!" Qiu Wanli did not show any weakness, because he knew that showing weakness was useless, and this was indeed in Nanfeng Territory, and he believed that the old man would not dare to mess around in Nanfeng Territory.

"Hahaha, guarantee that I can't leave the Nanfeng Territory? What guarantee do you have? Is this your strength alone?" Uncle Yan smiled sarcastically, not caring about Qiu Wanli's nutritious threat at all.

"I guarantee you won't be able to leave the Nanfeng Territory!" Suddenly a majestic voice came from the air. After hearing this voice, Qiu Wanli, who had a bitter face, was immediately overjoyed, but Uncle Yan's expression changed drastically. The voice of The level of skill is beyond what he can handle, and if the owner of this voice really wants to keep him, he really can't leave.

"Senior, I have offended this junior. I hope you will forgive me. Junior, let's go now!" Uncle Yan was about to leave, but a figure appeared silently in front of Uncle Yan. This man was an old man. Look He looks very sick, his hair and beard are all white, but his eyebrows are black, and his deep eyes seem to be able to swallow a handful of

"Come when you want, leave when you want, what kind of place is our Nanfeng Territory!" The old man said. Uncle Yan didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of vitality in the old man, but the old man seemed to give him a heavy feeling. It felt like the old man's thin body was in front of him, making him feel like a big mountain was lying in front of him and he could not cross it.

"I wonder what the senior wants? The junior will try his best to satisfy the senior!" Uncle Yan said with a respectful hand.

"Well, your attitude is not bad, but you know something you shouldn't know. If I want your life, will you give it to me?" the old man said calmly, as if it was a trivial matter.

Uncle Yan's expression changed drastically, but he still didn't dare to make any move. He just said, "Senior, aren't you afraid of provoking a war between the two domains? Once my destiny jade card is broken, the other domains will know it in an instant. What sect did it?"

"Are you threatening me?" The old man's originally calm face suddenly turned a little angry, and his tone was not as gentle as before.

"Juniors don't dare!" Uncle Yan said.

"In that case, you'd better die!" The old man suddenly took action and pointed at Uncle Yan, but the light in front of Uncle Yan flickered, and then the whole person disappeared!

Xiao, who was fighting on the stage, suddenly disappeared without making any sound, which made everyone watching feel very strange. However, Abbot Jueyuan's expression suddenly changed. He shouted, "This is the end of the exchange conference. Each of you will get the first place prize."

After a pause, Abbot Jueyuan looked at the leaders around him and said, "Everyone, there may be another war. You go back and the supreme elders of your respective sects. The domain will attack soon. I hope you can prepare early!" "After that, Abbot Jueyuan didn't stop and left with the disciples from Famen Temple, leaving behind everyone with surprised faces. Chen Xuan was also a little confused about what happened. What domain was attacking? It seems that there is no such so-called domain among the three major domains.

"Uncle Master, I'll go after him!" Qiu Wanli said when he saw Uncle Yan suddenly disappearing!

"No need to go, this domain is really willing to spend a lot of money. The instant teleportation array is used, which takes a lot of effort!" said the old man. When Qiu Wanli heard that it was an instant teleportation array, he stopped talking. Although he had never seen an instant teleportation array, he had still heard of it. This instant teleportation array could instantly teleport people hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it could also travel back and forth. The space barrier is impossible to track!

"The war is unavoidable, but there is no need to be afraid. After all, the domain is coming to our Nanfeng Region to steal things. That is what the entire Nanfeng Region is facing. You don't have to worry. The top priority now is to hide Rushuang in an absolutely safe place. The Eye of God and Demon must not be lost, otherwise our branch of the demon tribe in the Nanfeng Region will be in catastrophe!" the old man continued.

"Don't worry, Uncle Master, I will definitely hide Rushuang well!" Qiu Wanli vowed. The old man nodded, and then his figure suddenly disappeared.

Chen Xuan was the only one left in the ring. Everyone had left. Chen Xuan didn't know what happened, what kind of war, was there going to be some disaster?

"Brother Chengjiang, maybe I can help you answer a question. Let's leave here first. I'll walk with you!" Hua Yinjun's figure appeared out of nowhere and said. Chen Xuan nodded and followed Hua Yin. Jun went down the mountain together.

Chen Xuan and Hua Yinjun said little to each other all the way down the mountain. After walking down the mountain, Chen Xuan still didn't say a word, which made him a little strange. Chen Xuan was not afraid of lying to him. ?

"Don't you want to ask something?" Huayinjun asked tentatively.

"You must want something!" Chen Xuan replied in the same way, looking at Huayinjun with a smile, and his face that was not handsome after the disguise actually looked very sunny.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have a handsome side!" Hua Yinjun saw Chen Xuan's sunny smile. As a pure old man, he was stunned for a moment.

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