The fat man suddenly sweated profusely when he saw the token, and he accused him repeatedly: "I am ignorant of Taishan. I hope you will forgive me. I will call the owner of our branch right now."

Chen Xuan said generously: "It's okay. It's not your fault. There's no need to call them. I can just wait here."

The fat man replied: "Then please come to the VIP room with me and have a good rest. I ordered Scary Man to entertain the elders well." Chen Xuan thought that waiting here all the time was not an option, so why not follow him to the VIP room to have a good rest and be quiet? Waiting for the test to end.

Then he followed the fat man to the VIP room.

Chen Xuan sipped the tea slowly while the fat man outside was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, scurrying around like a headless fly. The main reason was that He Yan was not sure about the authenticity of the token.

He is just a deacon from a remote city, a little more senior than the clerk. I have never seen any elders. The reason why I can realize that this young master has an unusual identity is due to the complicated patterns on the brand and the A big Lingyan Pavilion logo.

He Yan was extremely confused. He didn't know whether he should interrupt the ongoing test and ask the real deacons to come to receive him. He Yan was also afraid that if this person was a charlatan, all the deacons would be furious. It is not impossible to drive out of Lingyan Pavilion by yourself.

If I hadn't called the butler, if the distinguished guests inside were impatient, and if I didn't pay attention, my life might have been lost.

He Yan considered the gains and losses, and finally decided to interrupt the test and call a deacon who usually seemed to be nice. This way, his safety would be greatly improved in case the young man inside was really powerful and provoked him. He knew what would happen to him.

He Yan was thinking carefully about his calculations outside, but Chen Xuan didn't care at all. Although Chen Xuan could feel the fat man's ups and downs in the house, he only felt funny in his heart, and didn't say anything, just quietly Watch what this fat man will do.

Chen Xuan sensed the fat man leaving and secretly thought that the fat man should have gone to call the person who could really take charge. On the surface, he remained calm and still sipped the tea slowly.

Not long after, a kind-looking woman walked in. Chen Xuan took a look and found that this was one of the deacons who was in charge of the last link in the testing process.

The woman was shocked when she saw Chen Xuan sitting on his seat, with a vague aura that was hard to see through. No matter who this person was, he deserved to be taken seriously.

At that moment, he elegantly sat down opposite Chen Xuan and asked Shi Shiran, "I don't know where this gentleman is from. What's the matter?"

Chen Xuan chuckled and said, "Before asking others about their origins, shouldn't they first tell us their family background?"

The woman smiled apologetically: "I am rude, sir. Please forgive me, sir, and don't blame me, a weak woman." The woman paused, then continued: "I am one of the deacons of this branch. Call me Li Yue." The woman raised her head and signaled that she was done and it was Chen Xuan's turn.

Chen Xuan chuckled: "I am Chen Xuan, the master of Tailing Palace. I came here this time hoping to reach a long-term cooperation deal with your store."

Li Yue said with great interest: "I would like to hear the detailed explanation."

Chen Xuan slowly told his request. After that, Li Yue was silent for a long time, and suddenly the conversation changed, "I just heard that you have a token. Is it true or not?"

Chen Xuan was stunned. He didn't know why the deacon suddenly mentioned this, but he still took out the token that had just been put away from the Martial Arts Shrine.

Li Yue's eyes flickered as she looked at the sign representing the elder of Lingyan Pavilion. After a long silence, he said slowly: "Since the elder has spoken, why should we disobey him?"

After that, Li Yue ordered the maid on the side: "Go out first, close the door, and don't let anyone in." Chen Xuan secretly became vigilant, not knowing what Li Yue was going to do.

Li Yue stared at Chen Xuan without saying anything. After a long while, Chen Xuan said slowly: "I don't know what happened to Deacon Li. If you stare at me like this and say nothing, it is easy for me to misunderstand that you want to do me harm."

Li Yue suddenly said: "Do you still remember the infatuated woman named Li Menghan?" Chen Xuan's face froze, how could he not remember this charming woman with whom he had vowed to be beautiful?

Li Yue continued: "She still misses you. She has rejected so many young talents because of you. Why don't you go back and see her."

Chen Xuan did not answer, and after a long while he said hoarsely: "You don't understand, what I am doing now is too dangerous, if by any chance I really die outside, wouldn't it make Menghan lonely for the rest of his life? I thought As time goes by, he may forget about me and find his true love."

Chen Xuan said slowly: "After all, we have not known each other for a long time. I think I am doing this for her own good." Li Yue said angrily: "For her own good, have you considered Meng Han's feelings? You don't know how to be considerate at all, so why should you do it for her own good?"

Chen Xuan stared at Li Yue and said sternly: "Do you want me to take her to die? I can't even protect myself along the way, so how can I protect the people who love me."

The atmosphere became tense for a moment.

Li Yue looked at Chen Xuan and hesitated to speak. Chen Xuan lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I have always been a dangerous person, and the people around me will always be implicated by me. If they are in danger,

"Perhaps, after I finish what I should do, by that time, if Menghan is still waiting for me, I will go and apologize to her in person."

Li Yue looked at Chen Xuan coldly, and finally said helplessly: "I can't control your affairs. I will hide this from Meng Han when I go back." Chen Xuan said: "Thank you." Li Yue said coldly: "I'm not doing this for you, I'm also doing this so that Meng Han can forget you as soon as possible." Chen Xuan forced a smile. Li Yue continued: "It's no problem to supply you Tailing Temple elixirs for a long time, but I want to raise the price by one level higher than yours. I need to perform well when I am assigned to such a remote place." Chen Xuan also slowly adjusted his mood at this time, and said firmly: "No, at most it can only be raised by half a level. We have to eat in such a big Tailing Temple." Li Yue agreed readily. She didn't plan to raise the price at all. He was already very satisfied with Chen Xuan's price. Chen Xuan was stunned, and then realized that he was being tricked. He was not angry. He just regarded it as a thank you gift for helping him conceal the news. Before leaving, Chen Xuan selected a batch of swords of medium and high quality and took them back to the disciples in the sect as temporary weapons. As for better ones, they could only get them by themselves. Li Yue happily watched Chen Xuan's large-scale purchases, which undoubtedly contributed to her performance, and Chen Xuan was not so eye-catching.

However, thinking of her good sister who was waiting in the family, Li Yue's mood became bad again.

Chen Xuan saw Li Yue's face changing constantly, sometimes happy and sometimes angry, and was secretly shocked. This woman, is there something wrong with her brain?

Before leaving, Chen Xuan did not forget to say, "Your deacon He Yan is quite good, very perceptive." But Chen Xuan saw that although the fat man had doubts, he was still respectful to him, and he made a decisive decision, which was quite courageous.

So he deliberately said a good word for the fat man. Chen Xuan decided that the transaction with Tailing Temple would be fully handed over to the fat man in the future.

Li Yue had no objection to this. During the training period, any transaction that passed through his hands would be recorded in her performance, and she was just happy. Before leaving, Chen Xuan did not forget to show Lingyan Pavilion the unique emblem of Tailing Temple made by him. In the future, those who hold this token will be disciples of Tailing Temple without any objection. This token has Chen Xuan's unique aura, so there is no need to worry about others forging it. This is also to facilitate other transactions in Tailing Temple in the future. However, ordinary clothes are generally required to prove it. This token will only be used on special occasions. Chen Xuan just took it out to satisfy his craving. After returning to Tailing Temple, Chen Xuan distributed the purchased materials, and the disciples in Tailing Temple cheered in their rooms. The reason was nothing else, but they were used to being poor. Because Tailing Temple was remote and its products were not very rich, these disciples did not go out often. Basically, they practiced in the temple every day, so naturally they did not have any demand for elixirs. Now they were very happy to see so many elixirs and weapons. Chen Xuan called the three brothers of the Human Emperor Realm to a secret room when all the disciples were delighted. After thinking for a long time, Chen Xuan felt that it was a waste to use three strong men of the Human Emperor Realm as guardians, especially when there were no enemies in the Tailing Palace.

Chen Xuan felt that the people were quite flexible and could consider sending them out to establish a force, a force that depended on the strength of the Tailing Palace. The Tailing Palace without great strength could only be regarded as a rootless duckweed and could not really become strong.

Chen Xuan had a lot of time to think about this matter. Now it was just the right opportunity to send them out and let them lead some disciples to go out for training.

The three of them also learned a lot during these days in the Tailing Palace, and Chen Xuan also wanted to let them take this opportunity to train.

But before that, he had to ask the three people what they were willing to do.

Chen Xuan spoke first: "I want to build a force, and I plan to let you carry out this task. When you go out, take some disciples with you to train them and yourself. What do you think?" The three brothers looked at each other, and Zhang Daniu spoke first: "It's all up to the Palace Master." "You three don't have to do this. What this matter needs most is your willingness. Only if you are willing to do it and work hard, this matter can be completed."

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