Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1458 Establishing affiliated forces

After a pause, Chen Xuan continued: "You three brothers are responsible for the name, resources, and rights of this force. You only need to pay supplies to Tailing Palace on time, and Tailing Palace will also give you corresponding rewards. Protect."

"Of course, the current Tailing Palace is not very powerful and cannot provide you with much help. At present, the Tailing Palace still needs your support. Of course, it will not allow you to make too many contributions now. In the future, you will You can discuss it with Li Ke."

"When you grow stronger, you may be able to replace the three major sects together with Tailing Palace and become the two major forces of the new generation in the Southern Feng Region."

"At that time, even the three major empires will have to look at your face to act."

The three brothers were stunned for a moment, full of admiration for the pie painted by Chen Xuan, as if they had now become the overlord of the Nanfeng Territory.

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Of course, you have to work hard on this. If you can really succeed, I will never force you to do anything again."

Zhang Daniu said immediately: "Since the young master trusts us so much, we can't live up to your expectations, young master. You can safely leave this matter to the three of us."

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded. He was not fooling the three brothers, but Chen Xuan really had such an ambition. He wanted Tailing Palace to become the largest power in the Southern Feng Region, and even the Three Realms. This was not only a right to pass on to him The Chengruo of the old man of Tailing Sword Code is also his own ambition. He hopes that one day, he can protect the people he wants to protect, and no one dares to offend his evil scale again.

After explaining the matter to the three brothers, Chen Xuan went to Li Ke and discussed the matter in detail with Li Ke. After all, Chen Xuan had only established a gang before, and he was not too involved in gang affairs. He left everything to his eldest brother, the second brother. Brother, they will handle it.

Chen Xuan's experience in this area is almost zero. No matter how much Li Ke was once one of the talkmakers in a large family, he still gave Chen Xuan many constructive suggestions.

Regardless of what Chen Xuan wants to know, he has to ask Li Ke to teach the three brothers. Because Li Ke is at the human emperor level and is currently the strongest combat force in the Tailing Palace, he naturally cannot go out casually.

The only ones who can be sent out are some disciples who are not currently in charge of affairs in the temple.

Chen Xuan decided to send Wang Dong and Liu Yun to the three brothers together so that they could get corresponding training. Moreover, Chen Xuan also needed these two people as a back-up to watch over the three brothers.

It's not that Chen Xuan doesn't trust the three of them, but that once people gain power, they can easily become corrupt and unwilling to be subordinate to others. At that time, Chen Xuan will have these constraints, so he won't be afraid of other people's evil intentions. .

After everything calmed down, Chen Xuan secretly passed on a special skill to the three brothers. This skill can be very strange. Chen Xuan first saw this skill in "The Art of Immortality of Gods and Demons" was also very surprised.

Because this exercise starts from the Human Emperor Realm, this exercise is suitable for people who cannot understand the rules of the Human Emperor Realm.

He found another way. Since he couldn't understand the law, he let the law understand himself. Yes, he let the law understand himself.

It seems that this technique does not have any special means, it just records a special method of storing vitality. Using this method, the vitality reserves in the human emperor realm can be increased dozens of times.

Then use these huge amounts of vitality to flush the body and strengthen the body. When a certain level is reached, the entire body will become the body of the law, which is the so-called letting the law understand you.

Chen Xuan smiled when he saw this, and understood that it was to train his body into a body of laws. However, there were many special steps and techniques, but they were not as good as foreign ones.

This technique sounds very powerful, like the body of law, but Chen Xuan vaguely feels that it is not as powerful as his own Tao, without others. This is his self-confidence and the confidence given by Tao.

After Chen Xuan passed this technique to three people, although the three brothers did not know how precious this technique was and what kind of turmoil it would cause on the mainland, Zhang Daniu also vaguely felt the preciousness of this technique. .

Chen Xuan smiled slightly. Although he was on guard against betrayal by the three of them, he still gave the three of them enough trust. Chen Xuan believed that if he was trustworthy in employing people, this person would definitely not let him down.

Soon, Chen Xuan took care of all the affairs of Tailing Hall in an orderly manner. After that, Chen Xuan handed over the rights of Tailing Hall to Li Ke. After making some preparations, Chen Xuan was ready to set off for Famen Temple.

Chen Xuan decided to go to Lingyan Pavilion to say hello to Li Yue before leaving. He was scolded by Li Yue in a confused way that day. He also forgot to ask what Li Yue's identity was. He looked like Li Menghan. Familiar.

When he arrived at Linshan City, Chen Xuan rushed to Lingyan Pavilion in a familiar way. Since it was his second time to come to Lingyan Pavilion, this time Chen Xuan called the fat man from last time as soon as he entered the door.

Chen Xuan took a look and saw that the fat man was about to have sex almost without seeing him. Now he was wearing the clothes representing the elders of Lingyan Pavilion. He looked much more energetic, and of course, he was also fatter.

When the fat man saw Chen Xuan, he beamed with joy and said with a smile: "Oh, sir, you are here again. Thanks to you, I have grown old now. What do you want to do with your visit this time?"

Chen Xuan said with a strange look on his face: "I'm here to see Li Yue. Is she here?"

The fat man said with a look of regret: "Oh, sir, this is really unfortunate. Just yesterday, Sister Li Yue's assessment trial was over, and now she has returned to the Lingyan Pavilion headquarters."

Chen Xuan was also stunned. He didn't expect that Li Yue would leave so soon. He was a little disappointed at the moment. Chen Xuan didn't know what this feeling was, but he knew that it was related to the person waiting for him at the Li family.

Chen Xuan waved his hand and turned to leave, but suddenly heard a voice

"Chen Xuan is a big rascal, don't leave!"

Chen Xuan was stunned, and turned around to see He Xueer. Chen Xuan was dumbfounded. How did He Xueer find him? When he brought He Xueer to Lingzong, he saw that He Xueer had a good heart. After saying hello to Mo Jing, he made an exception and accepted her. After that, Chen Xuan didn't care about her again when he came to Taiheng Mountain.

I didn't expect that He Xueer would follow me here.

Chen Xuan was very curious and asked, "How did you find me?" He Xueer snorted coldly, "Don't worry about it. I just found you. You big bad guy, you ran out to play without taking me, you have no conscience! Humph!" Chen Xuan said speechlessly, "Aren't you going to join Lingzong to learn martial arts? Since you want to practice your skills and do justice, why should I ask you out?" After a pause, Chen Xuan continued, "What's more, I'm not here to travel around. I have my own serious things to do. Why are you following me?" He Xueer suddenly became aggrieved, and said with a bit of coquettish tone, "Who made your Lingzong so boring? No one came to teach me to practice martial arts, and no one practiced with me. There were also some blind guys who came to find me. Fortunately, I ran fast, but I was annoyed every time. I had no choice but to run out to find you. "And I don't think Lingzong's martial arts are as powerful as I imagined. I think it's more interesting to follow you. "

Chen Xuan had a headache. He was going to look for Sun Tingting. What was the point of taking this little girl with him? What if Tingting misunderstood something...

Chen Xuan felt terrible just thinking about it.

Looking at the aggrieved girl with tears in her eyes, who looked like she was going to cry if she didn't agree with him, and looking around, He Yan had already disappeared. Besides, even if the fat man was there, it would be useless. Chen Xuan just felt a headache.

At this time, He Xueer suddenly grabbed the corner of Chen Xuan's clothes and said in a coquettish tone: "Brother Chen Xuan, just take me with you. I promise I won't cause you any trouble."

Chen Xuan was unmoved, "Did you run away by yourself? Where are you from?"

He Xueer did not answer Chen Xuan, but looked at Chen Xuan with her watery eyes. Chen Xuan also looked at He Xueer seriously.

Finally, He Xueer was defeated and said in a low voice: "I ran away secretly. Don't send me back. I will be scolded to death by my grandfather. "

Chen Xuan said speechlessly: "What can you do? You can't not go home." He Xueer's tears fell down: "Then I also want to have a good time before going back, wuwuwu..." She actually cried loudly. Chen Xuan looked at the people around him pointing at him. "What's wrong with this girl? Why is she crying so sadly?" "Who knows, I guess she was abandoned by that man." "Tsk, I didn't expect that this man who looks upright would do such a dirty thing. You can't judge a person by his appearance." "This is Shura Field, tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect to see such a big show in such a city." Listening to more and more people gathering around and the discussion becoming more and more unbearable, Chen Xuan helplessly held his forehead and said: "Okay, don't cry, I'll take you with me, okay?" He Xueer sobbed and asked: "Really?" Chen Xuan replied helplessly: "Really, I will lie to you. "

He Xueer burst into laughter, "That's good, it's yours, don't regret it!"

Chen Xuan looked at the quirky He Xueer and sighed helplessly, "You were just pretending just now." Although it was a question, Chen Xuan said it in an affirmative tone.

He Xueer stuck out her tongue mischievously, "No, I was really sad just now."

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes, "Guess if I believe it or not."

"Where are we going?" He Xueer tried to change the subject. Chen Xuan didn't even turn his head, "Just follow me." He Xueer stuck out her tongue and pestered Chen Xuan, "Oh, don't be angry, okay? How can a grown man be so angry? Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you ashamed?"

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