Chen Xuan was stunned, it turned out that he was waiting for me here, but thanks to Kong Ji’s rescue before, if Kong Ji was in trouble in the future, he would definitely not be able to stand by and watch. With this thought, he felt relieved.

Kong Ji asked with some doubt: "Although I can see that Donor Jiang is very lucky, I am still curious, Donor, how did you survive that day?"

Chen Xuan didn't say much, just said lightly: "The bottom of the river of spiritual power that day was the cave of a powerful person in the Venerable Realm. I was lucky enough to fall into the cave of the Venerable. Only then did I save my life. After I have practiced for many years, I was lucky enough to break the restriction and escape."

Kong Ji said clearly: "So that's it. Donor Jiang is indeed a man of great luck. It is fitting that the benefactor was destined to have such a calamity, so he had such an opportunity."

But it was Kongji who had Dharma eyes and could see that Chen Xuan had received a lot of benefits from being in the cave of the powerful man, and his strength had been greatly improved as a result, that he sighed with emotion.

Chen Xuan looked at Kong Ji, but asked: "After I returned to Lingzong, I heard that my senior brother Ye Qing and Sun Tingting, who went to Kunwu Secret Realm with me, were seriously injured. Who was brought back to heal by you, I don't know..." Kong Ji looked at Chen Xuan's question came up and he smiled and said: "Donor, don't worry, Donor Tingting is practicing on the mountain. After such a long period of recuperation and rest, Donor Tingting's injuries have not only fully recovered, but her strength has also been greatly improved."

Kong Ji smiled and continued: "I have already sent someone to notify Donor Tingting. Donor Tingting will be here soon, but this..."

Chen Xuan saw a rare look of embarrassment on Kong Ji's face, and then asked: "Master Kong Ji, what's the inconvenience, but it doesn't matter."

Kong Ji's everlasting smile appeared again, but Chen Xuan felt that this smile seemed to have a hint of treachery, but the words had already been spoken, and Chen Xuan had no choice but to continue: "If there is Chen Xuan, I can help I’ll do my best wherever I can.”

Kong Ji replied with a smile: "Donor Chen Xuan doesn't have to do this. There is no special request. It's just that Donor Tingting has been cultivating in Famen Temple for so long, and the medicinal materials and pills used are all treasured by our temple. So, you see..."

Chen Xuan suddenly realized that he was asking for the money for the decoction and medicine. But thinking about it, Sun Tingting must have been seriously injured when she received Qiu Rushuang's palm. Now, not only has her injuries been fully recovered, but her strength has improved quite a bit. It is appropriate to thank her more. .

Chen Xuan immediately replied: "Master Kongji, there is no need to say more. I understand. Please make some preparations and then I will thank you."

Kong Ji smiled and said: "There are not many medicines in the temple, but since we are saving people, we will do whatever we can to save people. However, it is difficult to refuse the kindness of donor Chen Xuan. I think I have a batch of precious pills again. This is very good, very good."

Chen Xuan was speechless for a while. The monk also specially emphasized the word "precious". It was clearly to remind himself not to be stingy. How could he be the kind of person who never repays kindness?

Then he said: "Master Kongji, you can rest assured."

Kongji said: "Donor Jiang is indeed worthy of being a chivalrous person. I admire him, I admire him."

Chen Xuan replied: "Where is it? Master Kongji's chivalrous action is the real chivalrous person. I should, it should be, how can I be called a chivalrous person?"

"Wherever, Donor Jiang is..."

"Wherever, Master Kongji is..."

Just when Chen Xuan was silent and the two big foxes were exchanging business blows, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a clear female voice.


Chen Xuan suddenly turned around, only to find that it was Sun Tingting whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He couldn't help shouting: "Tingting..."

The two looked at each other, but couldn't help but hug each other.

Seeing this scene, Kong Ji quietly left the living room. He understood that this was no longer the place where he should stay.

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting walked hand in hand to the top of Famen Temple, found a beautiful place to sit down, and confided in each other their longing for each other.

Chen Xuan always felt as if he had forgotten someone, but as soon as he saw Tingting in front of him, he stopped thinking. But at this moment, He Xueer was sitting angrily at the door of Famen Temple, muttering: "Big bad guy, big bad guy who forgets his true love, hum! Xue'er will never pay attention to you again! Hum!"

On top of the mountain.

Sun Tingting frowned slightly, her eyes filled with tears: "Chen, I won't allow you to take such risks next time. If you are still like this time, you won't know whether you will live or die in a few years, so I will let you go." Chen Xuan said gently. He touched his nose and said softly: "No, your husband and I are a lucky person and will not die easily."

Sun Tingting lightly slapped Chen Xuan: "I hate it, who is your wife now?" Chen Xuan smiled and said nothing. Sun Tingting stroked Chen Xuan's face and murmured: "Xuan, I'm really scared, afraid of losing you. I really don't know how to live without you."

As she watched, Sun Tingting's eyes were filled with tears again, "Xuan, you don't know how I survived this life without you. Every time I wake up from nightmares, I dream that you are in the river of spiritual power. inside……"

As she continued to speak, Sun Tingting's voice became extremely low. After a long while, she continued: "If Master Kongji hadn't told me, Chen Xuan, you shouldn't have died in the Kunwu Secret Realm before your strength was exhausted. How could you help me?" I am recovering from my injuries, and the good elixirs mentioned above have helped me improve my strength, so I may really be..."

"I have been thinking that if I wait for a while and you don't come back, I will kill Qiu Rushuang and avenge you. When I have avenged you, I will go

Chen Xuan suddenly covered Sun Tingting's mouth with his hand and said, "Tingting, even if I'm gone, you have to live well. You know I don't want you to die for me, I just hope you can live." ’ s good.”

"And" after a pause, Chen Xuan said with a smile: "You have to believe in me, believe in my strength, believe in my luck, believe in my resourcefulness, believe that I have the ability to turn danger into safety no matter what the situation. ”

Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan blankly for a long time, then nodded slowly. She hugged Chen Xuan gently and said slowly: "I believe you, Xuan, but you have to give me a promise. You have to promise me that no matter what, you will come back alive, okay?"

Chen Xuan gently pushed Sun Tingting away, held Sun Tingting's shoulders, looked into her eyes, and nodded heavily.

"Well, I promise you, no matter what time, I will definitely survive and come back to see you alive."

"Yeah!" Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan with blurred eyes, and the two kissed each other.

Second, the martial arts field of Famen Temple.

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting stood looking at each other. Chen Xuan was the first to speak: "It seems that you have cultivated well in Famen Temple these days and have broken through to the first level of the Creation Realm. Today, I will practice with you and see. I haven’t seen you for so many days. How has your strength increased?”

However, Sun Tingting broke through and stood up. In addition, she thought that Chen Xuan was dead and was heartbroken. Her strength improved by leaps and bounds. A few days ago, she broke through the realm of creation after her body was completely cultivated.

Sun Tingting smiled and said: "Chen, you are so sad. I am in the realm of creation now, and my heart has been defeated by me."

Since Chen Xuan has been running concealment, Sun Tingting cannot see how strong Chen Xuan is now, but Sun Tingting has confidence in herself. She believes that she is no longer a weak woman who can only hide behind Chen Xuan and watch him take risks. .

Now Sun Tingting firmly believes that she has the ability to protect the one she loves.

"Let me be your solid shield, I can protect you." Sun Tingting said secretly in her heart.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and did not answer. He just prepared himself and said lightly: "Come on."

Sun Tingting did not give in. She waved her sword in a casual dance, raised her delicate sword and stabbed him straight. This sword was quite sharp, but it was really not enough for the current Chen Xuan. He turned around and easily dodged it.

Sun Tingting also reacted very quickly. She mobilized her vitality, flicked her wrist, and yelled: "Dancing Crane!" Then she used the Dancing Crane move, and the sword energy was like a dense rainstorm, slashing towards Chen Xuan densely. , actually blocked all the escape routes around Chen Xuan.

This is one of the techniques practiced by Sun Tingting. However, because the requirements for strength are too high, Sun Tingting has never used this move. This is also the first time she has used it after her breakthrough in strength, but it is extremely powerful.

Sun Tingting's face changed slightly, and she felt a little regretful. She used this move without thinking carefully. She was afraid that Chen Xuan would not be able to catch this move, but Chen Xuan smiled slightly.

Pointing his fingers together, he actually pointed to the sword, and used the Ten Thousand Swords to Return to the Sect, and scattered all these sword energy with slight but sharp finger force. After that, it flew towards Sun Tingting's face without losing its power.

Before Sun Tingting could react, the force of these fingers quietly dissipated in front of Sun Tingting, leaving only a breeze blowing through Sun Tingting's body.

Sun Tingting was a little disappointed. She thought she could stand in front of Chen Xuan and become a solid shield to protect him, but she didn't expect that she was still a weak woman who could only stay behind him and be protected by him.

With just one move, she was defeated, and Sun Tingting could see that Chen Xuan's ability to control strength was something she could never match.

Chen Xuan saw Sun Tingting's disappointment and comforted her: "You don't have to belittle yourself. I am already at the ninth level of the Creation Realm. It is normal that your current strength is not as good as mine."

After a pause, Chen Xuan said seriously: "Actually, your strength is already very good among people of the same level."

Sun Tingting couldn't believe it and asked, "Is it true?"

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "How could I lie to you." At this time, an empty voice came: "Donor Jiang is indeed good, Donor Sun, your strength is really good among the people who have just entered the realm of creation.

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