Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1461 News of the Cold Territory Invasion

The crane dance just now was really fierce. If it were anyone else, they could only accept the injury or use life-saving means to dodge the attack. "Kong Ji had been hiding and observing for a long time. Seeing the two people's competition was over, he started to comment. "Master Sun's crane dance is really brilliant. Ordinary people may not be able to resist it at all. It's only because the difference in strength between you two is so great that Master Sun looks so unbearable." Sun Tingting said in a low mood: "But, Chen, I still can't help you at all." Chen Xuan touched her head and smiled: "Do you think I will let the person I love outside risk life and death for me, while I enjoy peace and quiet in a safe place?" Sun Tingting was stunned, and her mood suddenly improved. She looked at Chen Xuan happily and smiled: "Well, I understand, Chen." Just as the two were enjoying the warm atmosphere, Kong Ji coughed out of place and said: "Ahem, Master Jiang, I have something to discuss with you. I wonder if you are free now. "

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes: "I'm busy." Sun Tingting covered her mouth and chuckled: "Go quickly, Master Kongji must have something important to discuss with you, don't delay the business." Chen Xuan looked at Kongji's eyes and nose, and looked at his heart, with an expression of "I don't know anything". He rolled his eyes helplessly and followed Kongji.

After Kongji brought Chen Xuan to a secret reception room, he didn't say anything, but just stared at Chen Xuan quietly. Chen Xuan felt a little scared when he was looked at.

Seeing Kongji didn't say anything, Chen Xuan didn't say much, just looked at Kongji quietly, sipping tea, and compared his patience with Kongji.

Kongji looked at his nose and heart, and looked calm. The two sat for a long time, and Kongji slowly said: "Master Jiang is indeed extraordinary and calm." Chen Xuan slowly replied: "Master Kongji has something important, but it doesn't matter. "

Chen Xuan didn't know what Kong Ji's tentative move meant, and he wouldn't ask. Kong Ji thought it was fine, but if he didn't, there was no point in asking him.

Sure enough, Kong Ji said, "Master Jiang, do you know that Hanyu is planning to invade recently?"

"Oh? I don't know much about this, and I hope Master Kong Ji can explain it. "Chen Xuan pretended to be careless at this time. He was too lazy to explain how he knew it, so he just pretended not to know.

Kong Ji looked at Chen Xuan meaningfully and explained, "Hanyu has invaded once many years ago. The last invasion was due to insufficient living space. Led by the Ice Clan, several major clans in Hanyu used war to consume the population. There was no need for much power struggle. This time, it was led by the Han Clan to rob the treasures they wanted. As for whether there was any idea of ​​using war to consume the population this time, we don't know. "

Chen Xuan was slightly surprised and asked, "Excuse me, I don't know how the master knew these things that even people in Hanyu might not know. ”

Kong Ji said nothing: "Each ancient sect has its own source of information, Master Jiang, you don't need to ask more." Chen Xuan laughed: "Then why do you want to tell me these secrets?"

Kong Ji still looked calm: "Master Jiang knows that Master Qiu Rushuang has the Eye of Demon among the Eyes of Gods and Demons." Chen Xuan said: "How can I not know this? Back then in the Kunwu Secret Realm, it was Qiu Rushuang who put me in danger, so that I haven't seen the sun for three years!" Chen Xuan was filled with hatred at this point.

"He also injured Tingting. If I don't avenge this, I, Chen Xuan, will live in vain!" Chen Xuan said with hatred. He could tolerate others beating, scolding and insulting him, but he couldn't tolerate anyone hurting the people around him.

Kong Ji sighed: "Master Jiang, all this is your luck and opportunity. Don't be possessed by the devil because of it." Chen Xuan realized that something was wrong with him, and hurriedly adjusted his breathing, apologetically saying: "Sorry, I lost my composure. "

Kong Ji sighed: "Everything is a chance, Master Jiang, remember to look at these things calmly."

Chen Xuan replied: "Master Kong Ji, there is no need to say more. I know my own limits. Please speak directly if you have anything to say."

Kong Ji sighed: "In this case, I will not say more. I will speak directly. We need you to do more for this cold invasion."

Chen Xuan asked: "As a member of Nanfeng Domain, I will not stay out of this cold invasion. I don't know..." Chen Xuan paused and continued: "I don't know what Master Kong Ji means by this."

Chen Xuan knew that Kong Ji had a deep meaning in saying this, so he quietly waited for his next words.

Kong Ji said: "I also know that Qiu Rushuang has the Eye of Demon in the Eye of Gods and Demons. This cold invasion is to snatch the Eye of Demon, and the Eye of God in the Eye of Gods and Demons is still missing, so there is no need to worry. "

"Now Qiu Rushuang has been hidden by the Demon Sect, but the people of the Cold Domain will definitely not give up, so this invasion may be more fierce than the last time."

Chen Xuan was also shocked. He didn't expect that Kong Ji would tell him even such a thing. Chen Xuan didn't believe that Kong Ji would tell him these things for no reason. He believed that Kong Ji must have some plan.

Kong Ji paused and then said: "I just hope that Mr. Jiang can be as active as possible in this war." After thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan said coldly: "Do you want the people of the Cold Domain to focus their attention on me?"

Kong Ji put his hands together and said: "Mr. Jiang misunderstood, we really want the Cold Domain to notice you, but it's not what you think. I just suspect that the owner of the Eye of God in the Eye of God and Demon is in the Cold Domain, otherwise they wouldn't be so anxious to snatch the Eye of Demon. "

Chen Xuan said vigilantly: "Who else knows that I have the heart of gods and demons except you." Chen Xuan made up his mind that if the news that he had the heart of gods and demons spread, he would immediately pack up his things and hide with Sun Tingting until he was strong enough. Come out again when you are done.

Kong Ji smiled and said: "Donor Chen Xuan, don't worry, I haven't told anyone about this, and it's just my opinion."

Kong Ji continued: "I guess Donor Jiang must want to collect the Eyes of Gods and Demons as soon as possible."

Chen Xuan asked calmly: "I don't know why the master is so kind-hearted and saves my life time and time again. Now I am reminded that I don't know what the master's intention is."

Chen Xuan actually broke his face directly. He was really too lazy to play riddles with Kong Ji anymore.

Kong Ji smiled faintly: "Donor Jiang, don't be excited. All this has its own destiny. The time has not come yet. When the time comes, Donor Jiang will know it."

Chen Xuan gave him a meaningful look, turned around and left: "I agree to this matter, but I want to see what your plans are."

Chen Xuan does not believe that there is love and hate for no reason in the world. Everything must happen for a reason. Now that he thinks about it, it seems that in the Kunwu Secret Realm, this Kongji must not have drawn a sword to help when there was injustice.

Buddhism emphasizes not caring about worldly affairs and cutting off the seven emotions and six desires. Chen Xuan Guan Kongji is indeed a true disciple of Buddhism. Not only has he cut off the seven emotions and six desires, he is at least a person with a pure heart and few desires. Chen Xuan really doesn’t understand what Kongji means.

Chen Xuan was very confused. It was a certainty that Kong Ji had a plot against him, but what exactly was he plotting? There must be something worth plotting in him, and that was the heart of gods and demons. But Kong Ji It's a good thing that he didn't know. Not only did he know, but he also helped himself hide the news.

Chen Xuan was helpless, the truth of these things could only be revealed by time. Chen Xuan really couldn't figure out what there was in him that was worthy of being saved by Kongji.

Chen Xuan was thinking about the various aspects of the affairs here. When passing by the martial arts arena, he saw two beautiful figures fighting in the martial arts arena, and crackling sounds could be heard from time to time in the arena.

Chen Xuan took a closer look and saw that it was He Xueer and Sun Tingting who were fighting. He was shocked at the moment, fearing that something bad would happen if the two of them fought.

It seems that He Xueer's strength is also confusing. He was easily defeated by Chen Xuan. When he encountered her again, he fought with several big men. Although these people were not as strong as her, He Xueer showed that Judging from his strength, it doesn't look like he can hold on for a long time.

These doubts were only slowly remembered by Chen Xuan later. However, as time passed, Chen Xuan discovered that the girl had not done anything detrimental to him, and he gradually developed a good impression of this quirky girl. , the emotions between brothers and sisters no longer dwell on the details.

Seeing the two fighting each other this time, Chen Xuan felt relieved after taking a closer look. It turned out that the two seemed to be fighting fiercely. In fact, both sides had their hands on each other. It was just a fight of fists and kicks. Sun Tingting also lowered her strength and said that she was the same as He Xueer. level.

Sun Tingting noticed Chen Xuan passing by, dodged He Xueer's whip kick, flew back to a safe area, and shouted with a smile on her face: "Chen."

When He Xueer saw Chen Xuan, a cunning light flashed in her eyes, she quickly ran to Chen Xuan, hugged Chen Xuan's arm and said: "Brother Chen Xuan, this sister is so strong, I can't even beat her. It’s so sad.” He even made a sad and aggrieved expression.

Sun Tingting's smile froze on her face and she turned around and left.

Chen Xuan slapped He Xue'er hard on the head: "What are you making a fuss about?" He Xue'er squatted on the ground holding her head aggrievedly: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, don't be angry. ”

Seeing He Xueer like this, Chen Xuan felt powerless in his heart and waved his hand: "Go away quickly, otherwise I will get angry when I see you and slap you again.

He Xueer stuck out her tongue and ran away quickly.

Chen Xuan thought about the direction Sun Tingting was walking in and chased after her.

Sun Tingting walked angrily on the mountain path outside Famen Temple, slashing at the surrounding flowers and plants with her sword, and muttered in her mouth: "You stinky Chen Xuan who is a philanderer, I will chop you to death, hack you to death, hum!" Turn around! Not seeing Chen Xuan, he waved his sword harder: "If you don't come after me, I'll be mad at you."

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