Without any further hesitation, Chen Xuan quickly helped dig out these things. After rummaging around in self-study and making sure that there were no more plates, Chen Xuan left the outpost with a group of people.

Along the way, various disciples were still sighing at Chen Xuan's magical calculations, but the disciple who explained to Chen Xuan was very proud. It was all thanks to him that he was able to find these things.

He didn't realize that he was still shivering just now, for fear that Chen Xuan would blame him.

Chen Xuan naturally did not notice the inner activities of this disciple. He kept thinking about the objects found at the outpost.

Could it be that the plate with the fluctuations of space laws is a teleportation array? But Chen Xuan doesn't feel like it, because there are not many people who can master the laws of space, and setting up the teleportation array requires a certain knowledge of the array.

Therefore, few powerful people who have mastered the laws of space will spend time and energy studying the knowledge of formations. This has also led to the fact that basically none of the major forces in the secular world of Nanfeng Region have teleportation formations.

The common teleportation arrays in Nanfeng Domain basically exist in the secret realm. It is not known where so many teleportation arrays in ancient sects came from.

Chen Xuan decided to put his heart first and reported the complete story to the Mission Management Office, leaving these matters to them to figure out.

When they came to the task management office to hand over the task, the manager was quite puzzled and didn't believe that people like Chen Xuan had completed the task so quickly. After all, they were nearly twenty strong men who had emerged from the Rebirth Realm.

Although the outpost is not far from here, the distance is not close. The time spent on the round trip is really doubtful that this group of people have already returned.

After listening to Chen Xuan's explanation, the manager was doubtful, but he also understood that this matter was no longer something that a person like him could handle, so he told Chen Xuan: "Sir, please wait here for a moment, I will send Inform the senior management to come and deal with it.”

Chen Xuan also understood very well, but he was puzzled in his heart. There were nearly twenty strong men in the Reborn Realm. Logically speaking, such relatively confidential information should not be hung in such a mixed place. It should be handed over to the military for secret investigation and processing. That's strange.

However, these were not matters that Chen Xuan needed to be concerned about. He just led his disciples to find a free place in the hall and sat down, slowly waiting for the so-called superiors to come and deal with it.

The completion value of this task is useless to Chen Xuanlai, but it is a good thing for these disciples. After all, the items in the sect that can be exchanged for contribution points are quite attractive to them.

Not long after, a man dressed as a general came in from the main entrance with three or four soldiers. After exchanging a few words with the mission manager, he walked straight towards Chen Xuan and others.

The general was very surprised to see Chen Xuan and asked: "Brother Chen Xuan, I didn't expect us to meet again." Chen Xuan was very puzzled. Normally, he would not meet anyone he knew in a place like this. He still had military connections. of high-rise.

In doubt, Chen Xuan took a closer look and found that it was Di Yuan, whom he had a life-long friendship with in the Leiyin Empire. He was overjoyed and asked: "It's you, Brother Di. Why, I haven't seen you for a long time and you have already become a general."

Di Yuan smiled and said: "Brother Jiang smiled, let's go, I will take you to a secluded place to talk in detail." Chen Xuan agreed readily.

Then he ordered all the disciples to leave first, and he followed Di Yuan to find a private room to reminisce about the past. Chen Xuan was not afraid that the mission was not confirmed and he would not be able to receive the completion value, because these were recorded, and with the presence of Di Yuan, I'm not afraid of any accidents.

Di Yuan ordered the soldiers who followed him to wait outside the door, while he entered the box to reminisce with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was the first to speak: "I don't know what Brother Di has gone through during this period, but he has become a general." Di Yuan waved his hands and said sadly: "What kind of general? He is just a puppet with a real name but no real power. General."

Chen Xuan asked: "What's going on?" Di Yuan sighed: "Hey! Forget it, after the last incident, I accidentally obtained the inheritance of the Human Emperor Realm, and my strength increased greatly. At that time I was already in the state of rebirth. Later, after a series of changes, I became a pawn in the royal family's struggle, so I became a casualty in the army. "

Chen Xuan asked with great interest: "Brother Di, you are very lucky to inherit the human emperor realm. What happened next?" "

Di Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "It just looks good. How can I dare to reveal the inheritance of the Human Emperor Realm easily? I have been suppressing the improvement of my strength, but I also broke through the Creation Realm a few days ago."

Chen Xuan congratulated: "Congratulations to Brother Di."

Di Yuan smiled and said: "It is also for this reason that I was promoted. Now I have a little military power, but I will be sent to the front line immediately. Now I am in control of this camp for the time being."

After a pause, Di Yuan said angrily: "I have taken control of the military power, but at this front line, those who don't come to die are those who don't come here to die. Brother Jiang, I advise you, if you have to defend this place for a long time, it will be abandoned. Instead, retreat to the stronghold. You’d better leave here as soon as possible.”

Chen Xuan asked in shock: "This place is already far away from the edge of the mainland. If we retreat, wouldn't we have to give up a large area of ​​land?"

Di Yuan lowered his voice and said: "Brother Jiang, you don't know something. Although this is the border of the empire, it is only a border in name. In fact, the empire will not send people to manage these places at all, because these places are so vast. It’s sparsely populated.”

"But these places are considered treasures for the people living in the cold region. Compared with the harsh environment of the cold region, it is much better."

At this point, Di Yuan's voice became even lower: "Furthermore, it is said that this war was launched by Han Territory to snatch a treasure from the ancient sect, so the major forces in the secular world are unwilling to contribute. Wait until these people After the fight is over, it won’t be too late to drive away the people from the cold region.”

"Let's temporarily give these places to the cold region for a while. After all, not everyone is willing to consume their national power for no reason."

Chen Xuan suddenly realized: "So these are just superficial responses?"

Di Yuan smiled and said: "That's not right. We still have to fight, but we will pay attention to it and won't use real fire. When the time comes, the people in the cold region will get what they want, and we will guard the border. Wouldn’t that make everyone happy?”

Chen Xuan frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple." Di Yuan didn't believe it, so Chen Xuan took out the plate he found at the outpost.

Chen Xuan now understood why no one from the military was involved in such important information. It turned out that they did not believe that so many masters would come here to plot any conspiracy. Everyone thought that this war was just a show, so naturally it would not happen. Pay special attention to these matters.

Di Yuan asked in confusion: "What is this?" Chen Xuan said seriously: "According to my observation, this should be a portable teleportation array."

Di Yuan said in disbelief: "Brother Jiang, are you kidding me? Teleportation arrays are rare, and I have never heard of this portable teleportation array. Brother Jiang, please stop teasing me."

Chen Xuan explained: "Brother Di, you don't know something. I was lucky enough to understand the laws of space, so many items that have the aura of space laws are quite sensitive, and I feel the fluctuations of space laws on these things."

After finishing, he explained what happened to Di Yuan.

Chen Xuan continued: "And, you see, although I can't recognize the specific composition here, there is obsidian here, and obsidian is the best cornerstone of the teleportation array."

"Therefore, I deduce that this should be a portable teleportation array. Although there is little communication between the two regions, it is impossible for something like this that can shock the entire continent not to spread out, so this must have been recently researched by the cold region. 's secret weapon."

Di Yuan frowned and remained silent. Seeing that Di Yuan still didn't believe it, Chen Xuan had no choice but to say: "You can report this matter to the experts and let the experts identify it, so that the truth will be revealed."

Di Yuan said helplessly: "It's not that I don't believe you, but it's really hard to believe. You, why did they go to such great lengths to bury such an important thing in a hidden outpost? This teleportation array alone doesn't pose much of a threat."

Chen Xuan had a flash of inspiration and said: "What if there is more than one teleportation array." Di Yuan asked: "You have found other teleportation arrays, but in such a big place, what if there are many teleportation arrays? "As he spoke, Di Yuan had already believed that this was a teleportation array, but he had not yet figured out what the purpose of Hanyu's move was.

Chen Xuan said mysteriously: "We have not found more teleportation arrays. This teleportation array is naturally just like this, but what if there are many undiscovered sentry towers."

As he continued, Chen Xuan's thoughts became clearer and clearer. A very bold guess flashed through his mind, and he continued: "You think, judging from the situation of the intelligence office, if I hadn't maintained my own strength, I wouldn't have gone there. Accept this mission, and when the people from your three empires arrive, you will naturally not be able to see the evacuation of those Creation Realm masters."

"If we delay it for a few more days, I'm afraid even the guards at the True Yuan Realm will evacuate. Of course, it is more likely that these sentry towers will be pulled out by us, but in this way we will definitely not be able to find these things, and naturally there will be no more. I want to go in the direction of many outposts.”

"In this case, most of the remaining outposts will probably just be hidden. When the battle starts, most of the enemy troops will suddenly appear in these places that we didn't even notice. What will be the result?"

Di Yuan is not a dull person either. Di Yuan understood what was going on half way through Chen Xuandao.

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