He continued what Chen Xuan said: "Then our troops who have not reacted at all will probably be wiped out overnight. Even if some people can escape, the three major empires will definitely be severely damaged by this. After all, even if they are just doing It looks like this, but the three major empires still sent many troops to station here.”

"In this way, if the army of the Cold Region attacks the inland, it will definitely be overwhelming. Due to the constraints of the grievances between the countries, the three empires will definitely not be able to work together to fight against the army of the entire region of the Cold Region. In this way, a truly effective army will be formed. Before resisting the forces, most of the land will be taken over by the Han Territory. By then, the Southern Feng Territory will be in danger! "

Di Yuan had a look of horror on his face. He didn't expect that Han Territory had a big plan this time. Not only did he want to plot the treasures of the ancient sect, but he also tried to occupy the Southern Feng Territory.

Di Yuan looked grateful: "Thanks to you, brother Chen Xuan. If you hadn't woken me up this time, I'm afraid I would have died this time."

Chen Xuan waved his hand to indicate that it didn't have to be like this: "This time was also an accident. If someone hadn't discovered that so many masters of the Reborn Realm had gathered together, and had passed the news back safely, if I hadn't happened to discover these things, and if it hadn't happened that When I meet you, Brother Lie, I’m afraid this matter will have another outcome in the end.”

After a pause, Chen Xuan continued: "At present, this is just our guess, and it is not a calculation. Only by finding more outposts can we be more confident about what this matter is."

"Brother Di, I suggest you deploy your manpower now to search all the hidden places around here, and seize the time to submit these things. These things must be completed as soon as possible. Only in this way can it be possible to ensure that these things are taken care of before the war begins. Something to figure out.”

Di Yuan looked solemn and said: "Don't worry, I have a sense of responsibility for these matters." After thinking about it, Di Yuan continued: "After this matter is clarified, no matter what the outcome is, I will help you improve your completion value." A big addition to you.”

Chen Xuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "That's no need. If our speculation is true, then this military industry will be your credit. But if it is false, then the fault will be on you. You can't let me do it for you. Take the blame."

"As for the completion value, there is no need. I don't need this kind of thing. You just need to give us the completion value we deserve."

Di Yuan was stunned for a moment, then realized that if Chen Xuan didn't take credit for this incident, then the credit would be his own, and his actions in the empire and revenge plan would be easier to implement.

This was all done by Chen Xuan to help him. He couldn't help but feel moved and banged his chest: "Don't worry, I will definitely complete this matter beautifully."

Two days have passed since Chen Xuan and Di Yuan parted ways. Chen Xuan also sent people over several times, but there was no news that the mission of the outpost was completed. Chen Xuan was very puzzled, but he thought there might be some procedures to go through. I didn't care.

Chen Xuan led the team to contact several waves of spies from the cold region outside, and they had several encounters. The team members gradually accumulated a lot of experience on the battlefield, and Chen Xuan felt more at ease.

After another day, the task receiving office still told Chen Xuan that the task had not been finalized. Chen Xuan became suspicious. There might be something unexpected happening, and he decided to ask Di Yuan to find out.

As a general in the army, Di Yuan was busy with affairs and frequently came in and out. Naturally, the camp where he lived was not a hidden place. Chen Xuan knew the location of Lie Yuan's camp after a little inquiry.

Not long after, Chen Xuan arrived in front of Lieyuan's camp and saw people coming in and out of Diyuan's camp.

Chen Xuan understood. He was too busy to take care of this matter.

Helpless, Chen Xuan had to leave first. In this case, it was better not to disturb Di Yuan. After being busy for a while, he would probably think of it.

Chen Xuan was about to turn around and leave when he heard Di Yuan's voice behind him: "Oh, Brother Chen, you came at the right time. There is something here that I have to trouble you to go to."

Chen Xuan turned around and found that it was Di Yuan. He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Originally I asked you for Zhang, but I ended up getting entangled with you again. This time you have to give me more completion points."

Di Yuan was still wondering when he owed Chen Xuan money. When he heard the completion value, he suddenly realized it and said with an embarrassed smile: "Oh, look at my brain. It's really true. Don't worry, Brother Chen, I'll let you go right now." People took care of this for you.”

He randomly called an attendant, explained a few words, turned to Chen Xuan and said, "Now you can complete another task with peace of mind. Don't worry, the completion value this time will definitely be a lot, hahaha."

Chen Xuan gave Lieyuan a gentle blow and said, "Am I just coveting your completion value? If anything happens, you can do it."

Di Yuan brought Chen Xuan into the tent and told Chen Xuan the whole story of this mission in detail.

It turns out that there may be more outposts that have been unplugged recently, and the cold region has also reacted. Knowing that their plan may have been exposed, they have already begun to retreat.

There is now a team led by ten masters of the third level of the Rebirth Realm and one of the third level of the Creation Realm. They are preparing to evacuate not far from the first discovered outpost.

Di Yuan deduced that there must be something important in this outpost. Even if there wasn't, having so many masters left would definitely be a huge blow to Hanyu's strength.

Obviously, the three major empires are starting to take this seriously. Since you want to trick us, you have to be prepared to be bitten back.

It's just that the real masters from the three empires have not yet been dispatched, so manpower is now very scarce.

Di Yuan came out just to find Chen Xuan to complete this task. This was also because last time Di Yuan heard that Chen Xuan and the others were confident in completing the task with twenty masters of the Rebirth Realm. In addition, Chen Xuan had something to do with the Creation Realm. strength.

Therefore, Di Yuan urgently entrusted this task to Chen Xuan, which was also a recognition of Chen Xuan's strength.

Chen Xuan said helplessly: "Brother Di, you have caused a big trouble for me."

Di Yuan smiled and said: "Stop talking nonsense. I know this is just a piece of cake for you. Go quickly. I will definitely reward you when you come back, hahaha."

Chen Xuan pretended to be angry and kicked Di Yuan, and said with a smile: "Then I have to blackmail you." After that, he took the time to leave. Forget it, he just helped Brother Di before he left. Bar.

When Chen Xuan first started, he didn't expect that people from this ancient sect would not participate in the war at all, so he naturally rushed to the battlefield. But after reminiscing with Di Yuan, Chen Xuan realized that Qiu Rushuang should be hiding somewhere.

The real master of the Cold Region may have sneaked into the Nanfeng Region to look for Qiu Rushuang's whereabouts.

Therefore, Chen Xuan was indeed planning to go find Qiu Rushuang after collecting enough information on the front line.

But after experiencing this incident, Chen Xuan realized that it might be difficult for him to find the whereabouts of Qiu Rushuang.

Now, a relatively peripheral operation in the cold area has already made me anxious, let alone such a top-secret plan. I am afraid that I can't even find someone else's clothes. At present, we can only participate in the war honestly and wait for the opportunity.

Chen Xuan felt aggrieved for a while, but he didn't have a huge force behind him to share information with him, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen to this. Chen Xuan's desire to have a huge power that is completely under his control is getting stronger and stronger.

Returning to the camp, Chen Xuan found that only Sun Tingting and a few Reborn Realm disciples were in the camp, while the other disciples had gone out to perform tasks.

Chen Xuan had no choice but to take these people and set off. Sun Tingting's strength was in the Creation Realm, so she didn't have to worry about any danger. Two Creation Realms and five Reborn Realms, these manpower should be enough.

Time was urgent, so Chen Xuan immediately set off with a few people. The mission location was not far away. Since the location was diagonally opposite to the first discovered outpost, the distance was actually closer than the first discovered outpost. Some, but it still takes a lot of time on the road.

Because they needed to conserve their energy to deal with the upcoming battle, they did not dare to rush forward with all their strength, so the speed was much slower. Chen Xuan secretly sighed in his heart, fearing that he might not be able to evacuate in time with these people this time. I'm afraid that as soon as I got there, these people had already evacuated at full speed.

But there is nothing we can do about it, after all, time is limited.

Not long after, Chen Xuan and others arrived at the mission location given by Lie Yuan. Chen Xuan thought that all these people had evacuated, so they did not conceal their auras.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the few people stopped, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a sense of crisis coming over him. He suddenly felt bad and shouted: "There are enemies, heart!" Before he finished speaking, Chen Xuan combined his hands to communicate with the laws of ice and fire around him. A blue and red barrier instantly appeared in front of the seven people.

Just after the barrier was formed, a series of wind blades struck hard on the barrier. Chen Xuan was shocked. Although this barrier was formed in a hurry, it had at least three levels of strength. This sudden attack was actually quite difficult for him.

At this moment, I was secretly vigilant. The enemy was not bad and needed to be taken seriously. At this moment, Sun Tingting and others all reacted, each drew their weapons and entered combat mode.

Chen Xuan roared: "If you have the ability to come out and fight openly, how can you hide your head and show your tail?"

A voice floated from the jungle: "Hey, you are trying to provoke us to come out with this trick. Anyway, you can't run away today, so let me come and play with you."

The owner of the voice gave an order, and twenty or thirty masters of the Reborn Realm sprang out from the jungle. Chen Xuan secretly thought it was not good, and ordered Sun Tingting and others: "I will attract their attention later. You leave quickly and go back to Di Yuan for support. I will hold them here."

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