Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1467: The Power of Space and the Return of Ten Thousand Swords

Just as Sun Tingting was thinking about something, Chen Xuan interrupted her and said: "Don't worry, with my strength, you can still run away if you can't defeat me, and I also have the Thousand Mile Talisman as a life-saving means. I can easily escape by myself. You guys are with me." We can’t leave anywhere near us!”

Sun Tingting bit her lower lip and nodded with difficulty.

The voice came again: "Hey, look what I found! A pair of battlefield mandarin ducks, tsk tsk tsk, now they have something to play with."

Chen Xuan said disdainfully: "Old pervert, if you have the ability to come out and fight me openly, hiding your head and showing your tail, are you really a pervert?"

Chen Xuan sarcastically wanted to provoke this man to show up because he was afraid that he would intercept Sun Tingting and others when they retreated. After all, he was in the dark and his strength was unknown, so he was really a big trouble.

But the man sneered and said, "Stop being clever. You just want to cover your lover's retreat and call for rescue. Do you think I will give you this opportunity?"

Obviously, this person also understands that if he keeps hiding and does not show up, he will put the greatest pressure on Chen Xuan and others. Not only do they dare not try their best when taking action, but even if they want to retreat, they must beware of those hiding in the dark. sneak attack.

Chen Xuan saw that this man was not fooled and that something was wrong, so he had to strike first. Chen Xuan did not believe that this hidden man would watch him kill all his subordinates one by one. Sun Tingting and others' only chance The time to retreat is the moment this hidden person appears.

While secretly accumulating strength, Chen Xuan sent a message to Sun Tingting and others: "Don't use all your strength when you attack later, leave some remaining strength. Listen to my signal and leave immediately. Don't look back!"

The disciples were moved and said: "Sect Master, we will live and die together with you!"

"Yes, we won't leave! How can we leave the sect master and run for your life alone!"

Chen Xuan said coldly: "Nonsense, I still need you to protect Tingting, don't waste time with me!"

The disciples understood that Chen Xuan was just an excuse to stay alone to give them a chance to escape. Everyone only hated him and hated that he was not strong enough. But he had no choice but to obey Chen Xuan's orders.

It’s a long story, but these things actually happened in just a short moment. At this moment, the owner of the voice had ordered an attack. In an instant, dozens of people took action at the same time, all with various attacks.

Chen Xuan and others took action one after another to block all these attacks. The enemies also rushed towards Chen Xuan and others after launching these attacks.

After opening the second Martial Arts Shrine, Chen Xuan keenly felt that two more masters of the Creation Realm were rapidly approaching. No longer hesitating at the moment, he stepped forward and took the lead in facing the three enemies, shouting at the same time: "Do it!"

Chen Xuan did not hold back and attacked with all his strength. He understood that only by showing a thunderous offensive could he give Sun Tingting and others a chance to survive.

Chen Xuan sacrificed the Tailing Sword. This was not the time to conserve his strength.

Due to time constraints, Chen Xuan failed to use the full version of Wanjian Guizong and only used five points of his strength. However, with the increase of Tailing Sword, its power was extremely powerful, killing three people on the spot and seriously injuring five others.

Chen Xuan was also shocked by the power of his attack. He did not expect that the Tailing Sword's increase in strength would be so abnormal.

As soon as the enemy's offensive stalled, anyone who saw seven or eight people with similar strength to him would be frightened when he saw that seven or eight people with similar strength were almost killed in one blow. Chen Xuan was about to launch a strike with Ten Thousand Swords to return to the sect, and the remaining dozen or so people were all They all dodge.

In the jungle, the mysterious voice roared: "What a bunch of trash! You have to let me take action."

Before he finished speaking, an old man flew out of the jungle. Sun Tingting and others were shocked, and they realized that this man was actually a strong man in the human emperor realm.

At this moment, the two masters of the Creation Realm also ran out of the dense forest.

Chen Xuan was secretly happy when he saw this: "I'm just waiting for you to come out!"

Wan Jian Guizong, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately shot out. Chen Xuan used his mind to control Wan Jian Guizong's sword energy. Part of it flew towards the two creation realm experts, while the rest flew towards the old man. go.

As for those who are in the Reborn Realm, they are all scared to death and don't need to pay attention to them.

Under the terrifying increase of the Tailing Sword, the power of Chen Xuan's Ten Thousand Swords Guizong move has reached a terrifying level. With just a part of the sword energy, he killed two creation realms on the spot.

The old man himself didn't care, because Chen Xuan's full aura was only the strength of the Creation Realm. You must know that everyone below the Human Emperor Realm is just an ant, and the gap between law and Tao is not the slightest bit.

Therefore, the old man didn't care about Chen Xuan's attack. He just stretched out his hand to grab the sword transformed by Chen Xuan's vitality. He actually tried to resist this extremely fierce sword with his mortal body.

But when he keenly noticed that the swords that attacked the two creation realms not only easily killed them on the spot, but also penetrated the ground through their bodies and punched out bottomless holes. cave.

He was startled at the moment, and the rapid attack of the sword also set off alarm bells in his heart. He quickly stopped his hand and prepared to dodge, but the sword was so fast that there was no time.

An arm was immediately cut off, and the old man screamed and fell from the air.

This old man is also very miserable. What he understands is the law of earth that is biased towards defense. The earth is his home field, but he insists on showing his master's demeanor. Instead of floating in the air, he even wants to catch the sword with his bare hands. This energy is transformed into How can he catch the finished sword?

Although the old man wrapped the barrier formed by the Law of Earth in his hand, Chen Xuan also incorporated a trace of the power of the Law of Space into the attack. The Law of Space is already destructive, and the old man is floating in the air. The power of the Law of Earth is naturally not as strong as on the ground, so the protection of the Law of Earth is basically useless.

However, this is also because Chen Xuan sacrificed the Tailing Sword, which greatly increased his sword energy, and the old man was careless, so he could achieve such a brilliant result in one blow.

At this moment, Chen Xuan saw the old man fall to the ground and the master of the Creation Realm was killed. He no longer hesitated and shouted: "Now! Go!" Sun Tingting and others saw that Chen Xuan's attack was so powerful that he almost killed the strong man of the Human Emperor Realm in seconds, and he seemed to have no consumption at all. They were relieved and turned around and left without any hesitation.

And those reborn realms were trembling with fear at Chen Xuan's attack, and no one dared to stop him. Sun Tingting and others left smoothly.

Seeing Sun Tingting and the others leave smoothly, Chen Xuan also felt relieved and began to concentrate on dealing with the enemy.

In fact, Chen Xuan's consumption was quite large, and it was not as good as he showed. He was fine.

In the process of gathering strength, although it was hasty, Chen Xuan had an idea and integrated the power of the space law into the process of Wanjian Guizong, but this almost caused a disaster.

What Chen Xuan didn't expect was that after he integrated a little bit of the power of the space law, the Tailing Sword went crazy and began to frantically extract the vitality in his body. In the blink of an eye, the vitality in Chen Xuan's body was sucked out like a whale swallowing water.

Then, the Tailing Sword began to drain his physical strength. Even with the support of the Heart of Gods and Demons, Chen Xuan had almost endless physical strength, but that also meant that Chen Xuan's physical strength limit was different from that of ordinary people, and the recovery speed was very fast, that's all. Although for ordinary people, this was equivalent to endless physical strength, but this recovery speed was far behind the speed of absorption by the Tailing Sword. However, in an instant, Chen Xuan found that his physical strength had reached the bottom.

Moreover, Chen Xuan clearly felt that if he continued, the next step would be that the Tailing Sword would drain his vitality.

Before Chen Xuan could react, at this critical moment, the martial arts palace in his body actually gushed out a thick spiritual energy, which was absorbed by the Heart of Gods and Demons in Chen Xuan's body in the blink of an eye and transformed into pure vitality.

These pure vitality not only completely replenished the vitality that Chen Xuan had consumed before because of rushing and attacking, but also replenished the physical strength absorbed by the Tailing Sword.

It's a long story, but it all happened in less than a breath. Chen Xuan immediately released the attack, which created this shocking blow.

Chen Xuan felt that even if it was a strong man at the peak of the Human Emperor Realm or even the Supreme Realm, as long as they dared to take it with their bodies, they would definitely be killed on the spot.

Chen Xuan felt that his condition was better than ever before. The pure vitality not only replenished all his previous consumption, but also helped Chen Xuan to widen and strengthen his meridians. Now the vitality reserves in Chen Xuan's body are nearly doubled compared to before.

You know, meridians can't be widened casually. If you rashly use vitality to impact the meridians, it is more likely that the meridians will burst and break, and you will be unable to practice from then on and become a useless person. More seriously, it may even endanger your life.

Therefore, all the warriors on the mainland basically practice to slowly warm the meridians with vitality for a long time. Only after a long period of practice can the meridians be slowly widened, thereby increasing the vitality reserves in the body.

Even though Chen Xuan had the bonus of the Heart of Gods and Demons, he did not dare to directly attack the meridians, as doing so would be tantamount to seeking death.

The bursts of spiritual energy that gushed out of the Martial Arts Palace also shocked Chen Xuan.

Although the spiritual energy was in the form of mist, Chen Xuan felt through the second Martial Arts Palace that the concentration of the spiritual energy was no less than the spiritual energy river he had seen in the Kunwu Secret Realm.

Chen Xuan even felt that the concentration of the spiritual energy was a few points stronger than the most concentrated part of the spiritual energy river, and absorbing the spiritual energy into the body was tantamount to seeking death.

At that moment, Chen Xuan almost felt that he was going to die.

However, after the transformation of the Heart of Gods and Demons, this suicidal behavior, coupled with the spiritual energy that was no less than poison to ordinary people, actually achieved a magical effect.

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