The old man's expression changed, and before Chen Xuan could explain, he stretched out his hand to hold Chen Xuan's wrist. Chen Xuan immediately felt an extremely strong vitality flowing into his body along his wrist. He was shocked at the moment, but after feeling that this vitality was not malicious, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, but then he realized that even if he At this moment, he was powerless to resist even if he wanted to, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Then he stopped resisting and allowed the old man to explore.

The old man's vitality probed around Chen Xuan's body and slowly withdrew it. He couldn't help but sigh again: "It's all intention! Everything is intention!" He ignored Chen Xuan and shook his sleeves. He went into the house minding his own business.

Chen Xuan was a little puzzled, wondering where he had provoked this old man. Ling'er said slowly: "Don't be angry, my grandfather is like this, he has a weird and cruel temper." Chen Xuan smiled and said: "You saved my life, I can't thank you enough, so I can't be angry."

After that, he walked slowly to the wooden chair in the yard, sat down slowly, waved to Ling'er, and said: "Come on, Miss Ling'er, I have something to ask you, and I hope you can give me some answers." "Ling'er didn't care about Chen Xuan's somewhat rude behavior. She just skipped towards Chen Xuan and sat in front of Chen Xuan. She held her chin in her hands and stared at Chen Xuan with a pair of big watery eyes. " : "What do you want to ask? If Ling'er knew, she would definitely not hide it."

Chen Xuan suddenly realized that there was something wrong with his behavior. Seeing that Ling'er didn't seem to pay attention at all, he couldn't explain anything, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Before that, Chen Xuan saw the old man's strange behavior and wondered if the grandfather and grandson might have any plot, but then he thought that now that he had lost all his meridians and cultivation, he had nothing to plot. Moreover, if the two of them wanted to murder themselves, they didn't have to wait until they rescued them and took good care of them, then waited for them to wake up before murdering themselves, so they immediately felt relieved.

Moreover, it was not without reason that Chen Xuan went out specifically. He felt that the outside air was fresher, and the spacious outside was more conducive to the recovery of his injuries than being in a slightly dull room.

Therefore, he chose to talk to Ling'er in the yard outside. After calming down, Chen Xuan asked slowly: "Can you ask Miss Ling'er if this is He's Place? I didn't know where I was before I fell into coma, so I would like to ask Miss Ling'er to tell me something."

Ling'er pouted and said: "Oh, why do you speak the same way as grandpa sometimes? You are so weird. Don't call me Ling'er, Miss Ling'er. Just call me Ling'er." Chen Xuan said with a smile. : "In this case, it's offensive, Ling'er."

Seeing that Ling'er was still staring at him, still looking dissatisfied, he touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "Ling'er, can you tell me where this is now?"

Ling'er nodded with satisfaction and said, "I don't know." Chen Xuan's breath was stagnant, but he didn't expect Ling'er to answer like this. Ling'er seemed amused by Chen Xuan's reaction, and chuckled: "Ling'er just doesn't know, grandpa never told me these things when he came out. As long as he can remember, Ling'er has been living with grandpa in this mountain. "Yeah, Ling'er really doesn't know where this is." Wan Ling'er chuckled again.

When Chen Xuan heard Ling'er's answer, he couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. Thinking that such a young girl grew up in this deserted place without the companionship and play of her peers, she couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Chen Xuan felt the same way, and she felt the same way. At that time, he was the proud son of the family, and everyone, even children of the same age, were taught by their elders to deliberately fawn over him. How could Chen Xuan, who had always been super smart, not realize this, and what good could he do to those children? Later, when his father was killed by a mysterious man, those peers seemed to have turned all the cold treatment they had received into anger and released it on themselves. .

This girl, like myself, has no close friends.

After laughing for a long time, Ling'er continued: "Ask Grandpa about this. Grandpa is the most powerful. He knows everything Ling'er asks him. Although every time I ask him where he is, he doesn't tell me, but Grandpa He really knows everything.”

As he looked, Ling'er suddenly lowered his voice and said to Chen Xuan: "You asked grandpa. After grandpa tells you, you have to tell me secretly, but you can't let grandpa find out, otherwise he will scold Ling'er." Come on, look. Seeing Chen Xuan's depressed look, he patted his chest confidently and said, "Why don't you ask Ling'er some other things? Ling'er knows everything in this mountain."

Looking at the old-fashioned Ling'er, Chen Xuan couldn't help but smile, this girl is quite interesting. Ling'er felt angry when she saw Chen Xuan suddenly laughing. He pouted and said, "What, you don't believe it? Then try it and see what Ling'er doesn't know!"

Chen Xuan held back his laughter and said, "Then I'll ask." Ling'er said impatiently, "Ask, ask, I'll let you gain knowledge today." Chen Xuan said mischievously, "Then, where is this place? Huh?" Finally, he couldn't help it and started laughing. However, he accidentally touched a painful spot, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twist, and the expression on his face became distorted.

When Ling'er heard Chen Xuan's question, she knew that this person was deliberately teasing her. She was very angry at first, but she felt very funny when she saw Chen Xuan's unintentional way of touching a sore spot. I wanted to keep my face straight so that the guy who was deliberately teasing me would know that I was angry, but I accidentally glanced at Chen Xuan's twisted expression and couldn't hold it back, so I burst out laughing. He also said: "Hahaha, I asked you to tease Ling'er on purpose, hahaha, you must have received retribution, hahaha, look at how stupid you are, hahahahahaha..."

Chen Xuan was also infected and couldn't help but laugh. However, because he was injured, he didn't dare to laugh too loudly. He endured it for a while but pulled the injured area again, so the expression on his face seemed to be crying and laughing. It was so twisted that Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, maybe he had suffered internal injuries from holding it in. It is also a strange flower in the mainland. Thinking of this makes me laugh again, and the expression on my face becomes even more distorted. Ling'er laughed again when she saw this.

After a while, the two finally stopped. Ling'er was so happy that she lay on the table holding her stomach and gasping for breath. Chen Xuan also felt that this was more tiring than fighting two human emperors. It seemed that all his energy in his life had been spent on laughing this time.

Originally, Chen Xuan thought that figuring out where this place was first would be slightly more beneficial to his situation and allow him to take the initiative. But after being interrupted by Ling'er, he felt that using his scheming skills in front of such a pure-hearted person was a bit insulting to his purity. At the moment, I no longer care about such trivial things. After running around for so long, it is rare to encounter a very clean place, why do I still make myself so tired? Just let yourself relax.

So Chen Xuan asked very relaxedly: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Let me change a question that you must know. Where did you find me?" Chen Xuan didn't plan to ask the old man himself now. Where are you now? After all, the old man seems to be in a bad state. Let's make some guesses based on Ling'er's answer.

After all, Ling'er didn't even know where this place was, so it would be useless to ask her about the Xingxuan Empire, the Leiyin Empire, etc.

Ling'er finally stopped laughing and looked up to see Chen Xuan couldn't help laughing again. After a while, he rubbed his stiff face and said, "I didn't find you, it was grandpa who found you. Then I I went out to pick mushrooms. When I came back, my grandfather told me that he saw you who was seriously injured and unconscious on the way back from chopping firewood. He asked me to watch you at home while he went out to pick some herbs." Chen Xuan couldn't help but rub his temples. I still have to go to the old man and ask him why Ling'er doesn't know anything.

Helpless, Chen Xuan had to change the question and asked: "Then do you know how long I have been unconscious?" Ling'er was stunned when he heard this question, randomly counted half of it with his fingers, and said uncertainly: "Maybe... maybe's been a month..." Chen Xuan couldn't help but smile and said with a smile: "You know everything, don't you? Why are you so uncertain about how long I have been in a coma? It seems that you were just Brag."

Ling'er pursed her lips and said angrily: "Ling'er is not bragging. Ling'er is just... just not good at counting. What's more, you have been here for so long, why does Ling'er still remember how long you have been here? Come on, huh, you are unreasonable! Ling'er is bragging!"

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Okay, Ling'er is not bragging. Ling'er knows everything. Ling'er knows everything, okay?"

Ling'er was very dissatisfied when she heard Chen Xuan's words that were obviously perfunctory. She let out an angry "hum" and turned around, ignoring Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan smiled helplessly, this was really his own fault.

However, no matter how Chen Xuan begged for mercy and coaxed him, Ling'er just refused to talk to Chen Xuan. After a long while, Ling'er saw that Chen Xuan was done with it, and then he squinted his eyes and "scorned" Chen Xuan, saying: "It's not impossible to make Ling'er forgive you, unless..." Chen Xuan quickly answered: " Unless what?" Ling'er said reluctantly, "Then I won't embarrass you, just conjure up a white rabbit for me."

Chen Xuan was stunned. What should he do? Don't worry about whether there are white rabbits in a place like this now. Even if there are, in his current state, if he doesn't catch one, he will have to be kicked down by a rabbit. It’s still unclear who will catch whom by then.

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