Chen Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "Ling'er, please don't bully me. I'm like this. How can I catch a white rabbit for you? I might be kicked away by the rabbit, and then I will turn into a rabbit and catch me." "

Ling'er had a tense face, but when she heard Chen Xuan say this, she couldn't help but burst into laughter. Then he realized that the angry look he had worked so hard to look like was about to collapse, and he quickly tightened his face and pretended to say: "Ling'er didn't play tricks on you, and Ling'er didn't want a living white rabbit. You won't conjure it up for me." One? How stupid, Grandpa will turn me into a white rabbit with nothing."

Chen Xuan was stunned. He turned into a white rabbit with his bare hands. What should he do? Vitality? When he reached his vitality, Chen Xuan felt that something was different since he woke up. What was different? Suddenly, he felt the flow of spiritual energy in the air.

Although Chen Xuan usually feels the flow of spiritual energy during training and fighting, this feeling is very rough compared to what he feels now.

This feeling is like... just like the air around you. You can't feel it at ordinary times, but when you calm down, in an extremely quiet place, you will clearly feel the breeze blowing on your face, and you will feel it. The air moves bit by bit. Chen Xuan was very surprised. Could this be the benefit he felt in the turbulence of time and space?

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt as if he could communicate with spiritual energy. He seemed to see the aura in the air as elves cheering and jumping. When these elves were inhaled into his body, they were shaped by his own skills or the heart of gods and demons into completely different but different shapes. Similar and different forms. Chen Xuan somewhat understood that this was the manifestation of vitality.

Chen Xuan tried to use the law of ice to transform the vitality in his body into what he wanted, but Chen Xuan found that this was too draining of vitality, and the little vitality in his body was not enough to use. Simply make up your mind, communicate with the law of ice, and directly use the spiritual energy from the outside world to change.

As a result, Chen Xuan was pleasantly surprised to find that although it was more difficult to control the spiritual energy in the outside world than in his own body, the spiritual energy in the outside world was much more malleable than the vitality in his own body. This contrast is like the aura from the outside world can easily change its shape, but since it is outside, it is easier to escape and not very obedient.

The vitality in the body is the tamed spiritual energy. Although it is very obedient, since it has already changed its form once, it is much more difficult to change into another form. Moreover, this transformation process is still releasing the vitality in the body to the outside world. It can only be transformed after it is released.

Otherwise, what is formed, whether it is an attack or a physical object, will not only consume a lot of money, but will also be formed in one's own body. Thinking about his own attack exploding in his body, Chen Xuan simply couldn't imagine the sour feeling.

After understanding this, Chen Xuan began to use the spiritual energy from the outside world to make what he wanted. Not long after, a lifelike and cute version of Qiongqi appeared in Chen Xuan's hand.

Ling'er was still angry at first, but Chen Xuan didn't answer her for a while. After hesitating, Ling'er decided to look back and said, "Just take a look to see what this guy is up to. Ling'er turned around after just one look." Come back and ignore him." Ling'er was thinking in her mind, slowly turned around and glanced at Chen Xuan secretly, but with just this look, Ling'er couldn't move her eyes away.

I saw Chen Xuan's hand exuding a blue light, and the surrounding spiritual energy continued to gather towards his hand. Slowly, a strange but very cute beast appeared in Chen Xuan's hand. This beast was completely transparent. Like ice crystals, they floated above Chen Xuan's palm, shining brightly under the sunlight. Ling'er's eyes were blurry, dazzled by it, and couldn't help but want to reach out and touch the beast made of ice crystals.

Chen Xuan opened his eyes and couldn't help being shocked. The moment Ling'er was about to touch the beast in his hand, he jerked his hand back, but no matter that there was nothing behind him to support his back, he and the chair fell together. Chen Xuan's breathing was stagnant. This fall almost knocked him out of breath, but he was almost unconscious again.

The ice-crystal-like beast did not fall to the ground with Chen Xuan. Ling'er only heard a slight "click" sound. The beast was hanging in the air, but it had already cracked. Before Ling'er could feel regretful and distressed, then The broken place suddenly lit up. Ling'er only felt her eyes light up and then go dark, and then she saw her grandfather standing in front of her, holding a ball of bright white light in his hand.

As soon as Chen Xuan recovered from the pain all over his body after falling, he felt a burst of despair. It was the purest power of law that he had condensed with the law. It didn't look like a big group of ice crystals, but it contained amazing power.

This is the reason why he dare not let Ling'er touch him. Since he is not very skilled yet, this power is very unstable and will be triggered by the slightest external force. Now that he has lost his control, this power will definitely be triggered. Oh, I'm afraid I'm really going to die here this time.

But after waiting for a long time, Chen Xuan didn't wait for anything to happen. Chen Xuan was a little strange. Before he opened his eyes, the old man's joking voice came: "You know you're in trouble, so you close your eyes and pretend to be dead? Why are you so ignorant?" Make a fortune."

Chen Xuan ignored the pain on his body and jumped up from the ground. He was very surprised when he saw the old man lightly grabbing the group of ice crystals in his hand.

"Hmph! If I hadn't reacted in time, I'm afraid you would all have died here today!" The old man shook his sleeves angrily, and the ice crystals shattered into a ball of brilliant spiritual energy, which dissipated in the air, with the wind carrying some traces of ice crystals. Debris blew into Chen Xuan's face.

Chen Xuan was startled, reacted, and quickly apologized: "Thank you, senior, for saving me. I almost caused a disaster today, so please forgive me." Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel sorry for him when he saw the strength that the old man showed unintentionally. Shocked.

Others may not know it, but Chen Xuan himself knows how powerful this thing he accidentally created is. It is no exaggeration to say that this ice crystal is much more powerful than the previous explosion.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Xuan's attack can break the space again. The last space fragmentation was due to the violent fluctuations of the laws. In addition, the space laws were integrated into the center of the explosion. Under the violent fluctuations of the laws, The space just happened to be torn open.

Chen Xuan's power is the power after removing the aftermath of tearing apart the space, but even so, the power of this ice crystal cannot be underestimated. You must know that the explosion that day seriously injured two fully protected Human Emperor Realm experts, and the aftermath could kill more than a dozen Reborn Realm experts. It can be seen from this that the power of this piece of ice crystal that Chen Xuan accidentally created is very powerful.

Such a terrifying blow was turned invisible by the old man's wave of his hand. The old man's strength was also unfathomable!

The old man looked at Chen Xuan with a smile, stroked his beard and said: "Not bad, not bad, you have reached this point at your age. Even if you have such a treasure as the heart of gods and demons, it still depends on your qualifications and hard work." No relationship."

After a pause, the old man continued: "But even so, you will not be exempted from the punishment of putting my precious granddaughter in danger. I will punish you here for a month. But you don't have to worry, during this period I see your performance, and if you perform well, it’s not impossible to teach you one and a half moves.”

Chen Xuan was overjoyed. On the surface, the old man seemed to be punishing himself, but in fact, he agreed to take him in to recover from his injuries. This old man looks ordinary, but in fact his strength is astonishingly high. If he can still teach me one and a half moves, it is not a big chance, and he is lucky.

He then thanked him and said, "Thank you, senior!" He accidentally pulled the wound again and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth a few times. Ling'er covered her mouth and smiled: "You are really stupid. You are so happy to punish you."

Chen Xuan touched his head and giggled. The old man patted Ling'er's head and said with a smile: "This kid is very clever. No need, I can't tire him." Ling'er's face turned red and shy. Said: "Grandpa! What are you doing? I hate that Ling'er ignores you." The old man continued to laugh and tease: "What's wrong with me? I just won't tire him out. What's wrong? Is it in your heart?" There is a ghost, huh? Hahahaha..." Then there was another burst of hearty laughter.

Chen Xuan just secretly wondered why this old man was so strange. Sometimes he was happy and sometimes angry. Chen Xuan didn't dare to say anything more. After all, he was now under someone else's roof. What's more, the grandfather and grandson are kind to him, so they can't do anything rude.

Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, then asked: "I don't know how to call senior, please tell me, senior, I can't always call you senior." The old man was stunned, and smiled: "That's right, I don't know you now either What's your name?" Chen Xuan said quickly, "Senior, just call me Chen Xuan."

The old man stroked his beard and said slowly: "Chen Xuan, it's a good name. If you don't mind, just call me grandpa." Chen Xuan hesitated and said: "This... is not good..." Then The old man looked cold and said: "What? You don't want to?" Chen Xuan's expression changed several times and said: "Senior, then I would be rude." The old man raised his beard and said: "You still call me senior?" Chen Xuan He said simply: "Grandpa." The old man stroked his beard and said, "Oh, okay, okay, then you will be my grandson. Hehehehe..." The old man laughed so hard that Chen Xuan was a little scared...


Chen Xuan was chopping firewood in the yard, his face contorted from time to time, while Linger was gloating on the sidelines. This is the task required by the old man. Every morning when it is just before dawn, he gets up and goes to the yard to chop wood. He still cannot use his energy.

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