The old man was not angry, and still said cheerfully: "Stop being clever, do you really think I can't see that you are trying to provoke me and want me to reveal my true strength? Hehe, old man, I really don't like you. set."

Ling'er also scolded Chen Xuan when he heard that. Seeing that his intention was exposed, Chen Xuan didn't feel embarrassed and said: "I don't care about your strength. Let's see how your old body is. Don't blame me, don't blame me. "

The old man was not angry and said cheerfully: "Well, I'm just going to make you feel a little guilty. Let me tell you this, everyone, including those in the star realm, has to give me, Mr. Luo, three points of face."

Chen Xuan said disdainfully: "Come on, old man, please stop bragging. If something happens to me, it's better to solve it myself. I won't bother you anymore. You can live in peace and contentment." Chen Xuan said this It seems to be thorny, but in fact it is to show the relationship between myself and the old man.

Chen Xuan's meaning was obvious, he was expressing his attitude. Chen Xuan sincerely regarded the old man and Ling'er as his own family. Although Chen Xuan didn't know why the two old men worked so hard to help him, Chen Xuan was also a person who repaid his kindness, so he would not trouble the two of them because of his affairs outside.

The old man is also a man. How could he not understand the meaning of Chen Xuan's words? He stroked his beard and smiled slightly: "Do you think you look down on me, old man? I'm just saying these things to you. I really have no control over your affairs."

Chen Xuan said seriously: "Old man, I treat you as my family from the bottom of my heart. Although I don't know why you are so kind to me, I, Chen Xuan, am not an ungrateful person, and I will never put my relatives in danger. "Zheng"

After a pause, Chen Xuan continued: "Although I don't know what your strength is, old man, I still don't want to get you into trouble."

The old man was silent for a long time and then said: "It would be great if I had the same state of mind as you back then." Then he slowly stood up and turned his back to Chen Xuan and said: "I still said what I said, if anything happens, just Mr. Luo, I believe few people dare to touch you." Then he walked slowly towards the inner room.

"Old man..." Chen Xuan saw that something was wrong with the old man's condition and wanted something, but the old man turned his back to Chen Xuan and waved his hand: "It's okay, don't worry about me."

Chen Xuan looked at the old man worriedly, wondering secretly in his heart. Could it be that he had touched the old man's heart? This is very bad. What kind of thing could make the usually cheerful old man feel so sad right now.

Chen Xuan wanted to ask Ling'er, but before he could speak, he saw Ling'er slowly shaking his head and said: "Don't ask me, I don't know. Grandpa is like this. It doesn't seem like anything at ordinary times. From time to time, It will be very sad. I asked him several times, but he didn’t tell me anything. So don’t waste your time.”

Chen Xuan sighed and nodded helplessly. Ling'er said hesitantly: "Brother Chen Xuan, are you leaving?"

Chen Xuan gently touched Ling'er's head and said, "Well, it's time. I also have my own things that I have to complete, so I have to go."

Ling'er's mood became much lower, and Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will come back to play with you when I have time." Ling'er's mood suddenly became high: "Brother Chen Xuan, where are you going?"

Chen Xuan stared at Ling'er and said slowly, "You can't follow me out secretly. What I want to do is actually very dangerous, so you must not follow me, understand?" For the sake of safety , Chen Xuan added: "Actually, I don't know where I'm going."

Chen Xuan was telling the truth. He really didn't know where he was going because he didn't know where Qiu Rushuang was.

Ling'er pouted and said: "It's not that Ling'er wants to sneak out. It's because grandpa wants to go out when the two of them have something to do. He doesn't worry about being alone at home, so he wants to take me with him. I thought that at that time, I could I can’t just hang out with you.”

Chen Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't know where I'm going. I'll just have to wait and see when the time comes." Ling'er said with some disappointment, "Okay."

Immediately, Chen Xuan was ready to leave. It was preparation. In fact, there was nothing to prepare. He just said hello to the old man briefly and prepared to leave.

As for the way of leaving, Chen Xuan was also amazed, because he left by teleportation array. The old man came out to see him off, and did not tell him too much. He just said, "Go up, and you will know where you are when you reach Linfang." "After that, he started to help Chen Xuan prepare to activate the teleportation array.

Chen Xuan murmured in his heart, this old man wouldn't cheat him again. The old man turned around and saw Chen Xuan, and slapped Chen Xuan on the head. Chen Xuan covered his head and asked aggrievedly: "Why do you hit me again?"

The old man pointed at Chen Xuan and cursed: "What are you mumbling over there? I can tell at a glance that you don't have any good intentions! Get up to the teleportation array and get out of here, so you don't bother me!"

Chen Xuan cursed and got on the teleportation array. When the teleportation array was activated, he waved to the old man and Ling'er and said with a smile on his face: "I will come and play often when I have time!"

The old man cursed and said: "Don't come, don't come. It won't do any good if you try to make me angry!" But Ling'er smiled narrowly: "Brother Chen Xuan, I even sneak out to play with you when I have time. "

Before Chen Xuan had time to carefully reflect on what Ling'er meant, the teleportation array was activated, and Chen Xuan disappeared in a burst of blue light.

However, the old man patted Ling'er's head gently and scolded with a smile: "You little girl, don't run around anymore. There's a war going on outside. It's very dangerous. You must follow me." Ling'er. He covered his head with his hands, stuck out his tongue and said, "Don't worry, grandpa, I'm sensible. I was just joking with brother Chen Xuan~" Then he jumped and ran away.

Seeing Ling'er jumping up and down, the old man sighed with emotion. Ling'er is a good and obedient child. Although he is a little naughty, he is very sensible and never loses control at critical moments. The most important thing is that this girl's character is just right for him. It's just a pity... and Chen Xuan, ha, if it doesn't work, forget it, let me see how far you can go...

The old man walked back to the back room with muttering in his mouth, lying on his beloved recliner, swaying, eyes half-squinted, not knowing what he was thinking.

During the transmission process of the teleportation array, Chen Xuan saw a scene that he had never seen before when he used the teleportation array.

He saw that the space was distorted, and then, he was wrapped in a wave of energy and entered an extremely dark space. There was no light in this space, but Chen Xuan could feel the flow of energy in this space. .

These energies were very strange, sometimes violent, sometimes extremely docile. Chen Xuan felt an unusual fluctuation in them. Chen Xuan didn't know how long it took. It seemed like just a moment, or it seemed like ten thousand years. Chen Xuan saw himself rising and falling among all living beings, experiencing hundreds of different lives, including being a supreme emperor, and also being lame and blind. beggar.

As if for just a moment, a bright light flashed in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, but he had already come out of the teleportation array.

Chen Xuan lay on the ground in convulsions, gasping for air. It took him a while to come back to his senses.

He looked at his hands blankly and murmured: "Who am I?" He touched his face with both hands blankly, and unconsciously murmured again: "Who am I?"

Chen Xuan just sat sluggishly on the bluestone ground.

After a long time, a monk came over, looked at the dull Chen Xuan, sighed, clasped his hands together and said, "What do you want, Master Chen? Why don't you go into the main hall?"

Chen Xuan turned his head dully, his eyes were dull, and he said dullly: "Almsgiver Chen? Me?" The monk sighed, shook his head, said no more, turned around and left.

Chen Xuanyu murmured unconsciously: "I, Donor Chen, Donor Chen, I..."

It wasn't until midnight that Chen Xuan's eyes gradually became brighter, his tone was no longer so dull, and he gradually became emotional. But those two words were still in his mouth.

Until ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Xuan's tone became stronger and stronger, full of angry emotions, and his voice became louder and louder.

"Who am I? I am Chen Xuan! I am Chen Xuan! I am Chen Xuan!"

Chen Xuan's voice became louder and louder, and then he roared angrily. Until the morning sun slowly rose in the east, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Chen Xuan's face, Chen Xuan finally stopped roaring, panted heavily, and collapsed on the ground.

Chen Xuan finally woke up. Lying on the ground, Chen Xuan gasped and laughed unconsciously. He reluctantly raised his sore arms to block the few rays of sunlight that hit his eyes. Chen Xuan couldn't help laughing: "It's good to be alive."

The old man was still swinging back and forth on the reclining chair. He suddenly opened his eyes, and a light flashed in his eyes. At that moment, the old man was like a king who controlled the life and death of the entire world. He slowly fell silent at random, and said something in his mouth. He said in a low voice that he could not hear clearly: "Okay, okay, I woke up so soon..." I don't know if he was feeling lucky, feeling emotional, or just a little bit regretful?

A figure blocked the sunlight hitting Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and recognized it as Kong Jie. Somewhat surprised, he asked: "Master Kongji? Why are you here?" Kongji reached out to help Chen Xuan and said with a smile: "This is Famen Temple, why can't I be here?"

Chen Xuan said "Thank you", but did not refuse Kong Ji's support. Now he only felt weak all over, and even the heart of gods and demons fell silent.

Looking around, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that he was in a side hall of Famen Temple. Zheng Chenxuan asked: "Why am I in Famen Temple? Could it be..."

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