Kong Ji smiled and said, "Donor Chen Xuan, you came from Miss Ling'er, right?" Although it seemed like a question, Kong Ji looked sure.

Chen Xuan had not yet recovered from his daze just now, and he subconsciously repeated the question: "Miss Ling'er?"

Kong Ji looked as if he understood: "Oh..., that's Miss Xue'er." Chen Xuan was stunned, and then he realized that the Ling'er from Kong Ji was actually He Xue'er whom he met that day, so everything was explained. No wonder Ling'er and the other two rescued him for no reason, it turned out that they had known each other for a long time.

Chen Xuan also remembered what Ling'er said before he set off. Chen Xuan was still wondering why Ling'er would sneak out in front of the old man, it turned out to be a reminder to himself.

Thinking of the old man, Chen Xuan gritted his teeth. This old man didn't notify him in advance, and he almost died here. At that time, the first person on the road who became a fool because of using the teleportation array was born.

Kong Ji smiled and said, "Donor Chen, you know now, right?" Chen Xuan nodded and said, "I know. Ling'er must have been easy to change her appearance that day. No wonder I didn't recognize her when I saw her again." The first sentence was addressed to Kong Ji, but the rest was to himself.

Kong Ji helped Chen Xuan to recuperate in the Health Hall, and said as he walked, "Donor Chen Xuan came out of the teleportation array that we used to transport medicinal materials that day, which really surprised us."

Miss Ling'er recognized you at first sight, and it was also thanks to the fact that Luo... Ling'er's grandfather was there at the time, otherwise, you might have really died here. "

For some reason, Kong Ji paused when he came to the old man, but his expression did not change at all. Chen Xuan did not ask, but just secretly took note, and then said, "Master Kong Ji, please tell me what happened that day. "

Chen Xuan was at the old man's place. At first, he wanted to ask how he got here, but then the old man urged him to train so hard that Chen Xuan didn't even have time to rest. How could he have time to ask these questions? He forgot about it. This was because Chen Xuan had already regarded Erque as a family member and didn't have the slightest suspicion.

When Kong Ji mentioned it, Chen Xuan remembered it and asked.

Kong Ji slowly explained the whole story to Chen Xuan.

It turned out that the major ancient sects had developed a special system for the exchange of materials between them. A teleportation array specially used for transporting materials was invented. Compared with the conventional teleportation array, this teleportation array consumes less energy and can transport more materials. Therefore, it quickly spread among the major ancient sects.

That day, the old man came to Famen Temple to pick up some common medicinal materials that Famen Temple had found a long time ago. Although they are common, there is no reserve in these isolated places.

It happened that Ling'er was bored in the mountains and followed them out. When they received the medicinal materials, they were all present. Unexpectedly, a blue light flashed, and it was not The medicine was not there, but a bloody man, who was Chen Xuan.

Ling'er recognized Chen Xuan at the first sight, and thanks to Ling'er's quick reaction, she urged the old man to save him. If it was a little later, Chen Xuan might have really died.

Although the rescue was timely, the strength of Famen Temple could only stabilize Chen Xuan's injuries. It was very difficult to recover, and even waking up was a difficult task.

After all, this unusual injury was too rare. According to common sense, it was impossible for a creature to pass through this teleportation array alive, but Chen Xuan might have come out of it. But also Just alive. The meridians in the body are all broken, and the vitality of the body is also eroded by the power of space. In this case, even gods may find it difficult to save him.

However, under Ling'er's pleading, the old man decided to give it a try because Chen Xuan had the heart of gods and demons. But what no one expected was that Chen Xuan's recovery ability was so strong. Not only did he survive, but his meridians were also fully restored, and even the recovery of his cultivation was just around the corner.

At this point, Kong Ji was also very emotional: "Sure enough, Mr. Chen is worthy of being a person with extraordinary luck. He survived a disaster and must have good fortune in the future."

Chen Xuan smiled and said nothing. At this time, Chen Xuan and the others had already arrived at the Health Hall, where the spiritual energy was also very rich. Kong Ji slowly helped Chen Xuan to the futon and said: "Mr. Chen, you can slowly cultivate here. If you need anything, open this ring. There are all the healing medicines in it." Then he handed Chen Xuan a ring.

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Master Kong Ji, are you not afraid that I will secretly eat all the medicines in this ring? "Kong Ji smiled and shook his head: "This is originally a life-saving item. If it is useful to Mr. Chen, just eat it." Chen Xuan pushed open the ring and rejected Kong Ji's kindness, saying: "I don't need any healing medicine. I just consumed too much physical strength. If there is any pill to replenish physical strength, it would be great. If not, you can get me some food. I'm just troubling Master Kong Ji." Kong Ji shook his head and said: "No trouble. Our temple is a quiet place. There is no food that can replenish energy. Most of them are suitable for rest and recuperation. Here are a few health pills I made when I was free. I think they should be of some use. " Chen Xuan took the pill and said "thank you". Kong Ji put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, Mr. Chen, then I will withdraw first, you should rest well. " Chen Xuan nodded and said: "Thank you, Master Kong Ji."

Chen Xuan swallowed the elixir in one gulp and began to slowly adjust his energy and breath, absorbing the power of the medicine, while also recuperating his breath and slowly recovering his exhausted mind.

Get up, this life and death situation is indeed dangerous, it's a shame that the monk came and called Chen Xuan, otherwise, Chen Xuan would not be able to get out of that state.

This wonderful state was caused by the old man. He didn't know what magic power he used to let Chen Xuan connect to the world's avenue, which records the purest origin of the world. Even if ordinary people see this indescribable Things will be assimilated, lose consciousness and become a walking zombie.

But the old man connected Chen Xuan's thinking with the origin at the moment when Chen Xuan was activating the teleportation array, and at the moment when he was closest to the void, and due to the connection with the origin, Chen Xuan's time was also affected by that indescribable The power is distorted.

It seems that only a short moment has passed to the outside world. In fact, the time it takes for Chen Xuan to connect with the source is as long as a stick of incense. Don't look at the time it takes to stick a stick of incense. Ordinary people would become idiots just by taking one look at this kind of power and being overwhelmed by the amount of information contained in it.

The amount of information that Chen Xuan received during this time of burning incense is indescribable. However, when Chen Xuan recovered, he subconsciously hid all the information that did not belong to him in the deepest part of his brain. at.

It is precisely because Chen Xuan can do this that he can finally wake up and avoid becoming a zombie. After this baptism, Chen Xuan's mental power was infinitely stronger than before.

Since Chen Xuan's last fight with two human emperors, after these two baptisms, Chen Xuan's control of vitality and spiritual energy is completely different from before.

Now even Chen Xuan can use the aura in the air like an arm. Although Chen Xuan's strength has not yet recovered, Chen Xuan's attack methods have completely returned to the peak level before the injury, and even had some Everything is in a hurry.

It's just that the strength has not been restored, so if someone catches the weakness, even if his body is slightly attacked, if it is not protected well, he may be seriously injured on the spot, and even death is not impossible.

"But it's okay," Chen Xuan said to himself, "I have a lot of ways to protect myself, so I'm not particularly afraid of this kind of thing happening."

After a night of adjusting his breath, Chen Xuan finally recovered some of his physical strength. His body, which he had managed to maintain a few days ago, was now extremely weak due to exhaustion. If this continues, it will inevitably cause indelible damage to the body.

This is not a state that can be seen on the surface of the body. This time and again, he is caught in the crisis of life and death, which consumes the deepest source of Chen Xuan's soul. This kind of damage is generally impossible to repair.

Once a person is depleted of even a little bit of his original power, he will be seriously injured and comatose, and in more severe cases, he will die directly and become an unconscious walking zombie.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan has a life-changing treasure like the Heart of Gods and Demons, so he can survive these life and death situations again and again. However, the Heart of Gods and Demons can only barely hang on Chen Xuan's life. As for a further complete recovery, it will take Chen Xuan several years or decades of cultivation.

But Chen Xuan couldn't wait that long. No one in front of him could tell that he had the heart of gods and demons, but it was unclear whether the old monsters who had lived for countless years and had become spirits could tell.

After all, Chen Xuan has met many people now who can see that he has the heart of gods and demons, such as the old man and Kong Ji. They were not interested in Chen Xuan's heart of gods and demons, but there was no guarantee that others were not interested either. All of this made Chen Xuan feel deeply worried.

Get up, old man. The old man also saw that Chen Xuan had the heart of gods and demons, so he came to the rescue. It was also because he saw that Chen Xuan had the heart of gods and demons that he tampered with the teleportation array, so that Chen Xuan didn't know how far in advance. I came into contact with the indescribable thing called the origin of the avenue.

But what the old man didn't see was that the deepest origin of Chen Xuan's soul had been damaged due to the turbulence in space. If he had known this, the old man would never have done such a reckless thing. Because even if the strength is greatly improved, it is just drinking poison to quench thirst. The hidden dangers of doing so are longer-term and greater than the benefits.

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