However, even though the old man had good hands and eyes, he did not investigate too much because of his trust in Chen Xuan. However, it was precisely because of this trust that the seeds of huge hidden dangers were planted in Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan also realized this, thanks to his insights from the origin of the avenue. Although all the insights and information received from the origin of the avenue were subconsciously stored by Chen Xuan into the deepest subconscious of his brain, in fact , this knowledge and insights will pop out of Chen Xuan's mind when Chen Xuan needs it or triggers some special conditions.

This state made Chen Xuan feel that he knew almost everything. Chen Xuan believes that as he continues to grow stronger, when he can freely read the knowledge and insights in his mind, and even freely connect to the avenue, he will be no different from a god.

This kind of power is not only in strength, but also in spirit. At that time, no matter who he was, he could know what happened to him just by looking at him.

It sounds like it has no effect on improving Chen Xuan's strength, but there is no perfect move in the world. As long as the opponent launches an attack, he can naturally break his move.

This kind of weakness is not a weakness in the usual sense, but a dead point in the true sense. By mastering this dead point, even ordinary people who have not practiced can easily defeat the strong ones in the Creation Realm.

However, this so-called dead point is not static. What ordinary people can do is limited to this, because those at higher levels, such as the strong ones in the Human Emperor realm, already have the most basic ability to loft the void. You and If you can't touch others, how can you defeat one enemy?

But even so, this is an inverse ability. On the road of cultivation, it is difficult to climb even if you don't take a step forward. Those who can jump to the next level challenge are all amazing people. However, the further you go, the higher the level challenge becomes more and more difficult.

Because when the strength reaches the human emperor realm, every step of progress means a deeper understanding of the laws. The competition between laws, even if it is just a little bit, the result is a huge difference, let alone Lin Zun realm, Zun Zun realm. The realm of environmental understanding.

But this ability to grasp the dead center is still very useful even when facing the powerful people in the Earth Master and Master Realm. It should be that, at this level, apart from confrontation and crushing by pure strength, this is the only way to challenge these people who stand at the top of the continent.

Chen Xuan now has mixed feelings of happiness and sorrow. What he is happy about is that his development prospects are very good. Although he is not yet able to see through the dead center, the knowledge he has in daily life has been of great use to him.

And because of this knowledge and insights, Chen Xuan also has a very good understanding of his physical condition, and it is clear at a glance how to solve it.

What worries him is his physical condition. Although he understands it very well, this solution makes Chen Xuan very difficult.

Now Chen Xuan has two solutions. One is to practice hard, slowly strengthen the heart of gods and demons, and wait for the heart of gods and demons to slowly repair his damage. Fortunately, this method will not leave any hidden dangers, but It took a long time and required Chen Xuan not to fight alone easily.

The second method is to rely on killing people to absorb the soul energy that escapes after death. This method is faster, but has no hidden dangers. The main reason is that the escaped soul energy is the soul energy of the dying person.

This kind of soul energy generally contains a lot of negative emotions. Once such soul energy is absorbed into the body to repair the soul's origin, it will inevitably greatly affect Chen Xuan's character. Therefore, Chen Xuan was quite worried.

Fortunately, the Nanfeng Territory outside was in a period of war. The most indispensable thing on the battlefield was all kinds of corpses and soul energy full of negative emotions.

Although it may be that the quality of the newly released soul energy absorbed by people who were not killed by Chen Xuan himself is better, but the victory is indeed a lot of quantity. However, this also has a big drawback, because the soul energy that can be preserved on the battlefield is bound to be richer in emotions, which can affect Rao's character even more.

Because the battlefield has the aura of iron and blood and the overwhelming killing intent, the most intense emotions emitted by these people deeply affect the various soul energies on the battlefield. Slowly, these soul energies will inevitably be filled with violent energy. Killing mood.

These emotions are also the emotions that most infect people’s minds.

The meaning of killing on the battlefield is that even a strong person in the Human Emperor realm will be affected by the emotion of killing and become violent and murderous if he stays there for a long time without any protective measures, not to mention some soul energy that is already full of negative emotions.

In the end, Chen Xuan decided to use the two methods together. When practicing, he used the heart of gods and demons to repair the origin of his soul. Originally, he had to seize the time to practice, so it was easy for him to do so. What Chen Xuan lacks most now is time, so adopting the second method is a last resort. But the combination of the two methods can greatly alleviate the impact of negative emotions on Chen Xuan's personality.

At this time, Chen Xuan remembered that during the trial that day, Master Kong had given him a book of Purifying Mantra. He thought it was useless at the time, so he kept it in his martial arts palace without looking at it. Now he took it out. It feels like a world away.

Chen Xuan took out the Purifying Mantra and slowly read it. This was just in case. He couldn't wait until he was absorbing soul energy on the battlefield to read it temporarily. If something unexpected happened, he wouldn't have anywhere to cry.

Chen Xuan slowly read the Purifying Mantra and was greatly surprised. He did not expect that the Purifying Mantra was so powerful. Just reciting it had the effect of clearing the mind and calming the energy. Chen Xuan couldn't help but be full of confidence in his next plan.

After reciting it carefully several times and making sure that he had memorized the Pure Heart Mantra deeply and without any mistakes, Chen Xuan carefully put away the Pure Heart Mantra. He had a hunch that this Heart-Cleaning Mantra would never be as simple as it appeared on the surface to only clear the mind and calm the energy.

Chen Xuan took out the pills that Kong Ji gave him, swallowed them one by one, and then slowly digested the power of the medicine, finally restoring his apparent physical strength. Although Chen Xuan looked normal on the surface, underneath this energetic appearance was a frail soul.

After doing all this, Chen Xuan felt that a long time had passed. Counting the days, the war outside should have entered a feverish state. Chen Xuan decided to set off to the battlefield at this time to look for his own opportunity.

Standing up slowly, Chen Xuan felt dizzy and couldn't help but smile bitterly. It turned out that the damage to his soul had reached the limit that he could imagine, and had it begun to affect his spirit? Chen Xuan shook his head and became more determined. determined to recover.

So what if there are thousands of troops ahead? For that person, even if it was the Palace of Hell, I had no choice but to take such a risk!

After calming down, Chen Xuan slowly opened the door and walked out of the Health Palace. When he went out, he saw Kong Jing outside the door slowly cleaning the fallen leaves on the ground. Chen Xuan was in a trance for a while. It turned out that it was autumn already?

Chen Xuan smiled and said to Kong Ji: "Master Kong Ji is so excited. He has the leisure and elegance to clean the fallen leaves. His mood is indeed much beyond ordinary people." His words were full of admiration. This is natural. After all, no matter how big the Famen Temple is, it will not let a master of the Creation Realm do these jobs. There will definitely be some other disciples who will be responsible for the jobs that Kongji is doing now.

Moreover, few masters would lower themselves to do such dirty and tiring work. Moreover, as long as they reach the sixth level of Gathering Realm, a warrior who can slightly control the separation of vitality can easily blow up an area with vitality. Clean and tidy. Who else would clean up the fallen leaves slowly and unhurriedly?

Leisurely and tranquil, Kong Ji lowered his head and slowly busied himself with the work in his hands. When he heard Chen Xuan's words, he didn't stop doing anything. Without raising his head, he said slowly: "Donor Chen, have you recovered your health? I can't be considered idle. The mood is elegant, but the weather is cold and there are too many fallen leaves. If I don’t sweep them away, who will sweep them away?”

Chen Xuan was stunned. He actually felt a sense of indomitable determination from Master Kong Ji who was slowly sweeping the floor. It was quite like if I don't go to hell, no one will be in hell.

Chen Xuan calmed down, but found that Kong Ji was still in that leisurely and tranquil state. Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel alarmed. Could it be that his injuries were already worse than the worst-case scenario he expected? Have you started to hallucinate?

Chen Xuan felt a little incredible.

After reacting, Chen Xuan smiled bitterly again. The damage to his soul was having an increasing impact on him. It seemed that he had to seize the time to repair the damage to his soul.

Just when Chen Xuan was in a daze, the scattered fallen leaves on the ground had been cleaned up by Master Kongji and piled under the tree not far away.

Chen Xuan was slightly stunned, but Kong Ji took out a light cyan jade pendant from his arms, handed it to Chen Xuan, and said: "I see that you are in a trance, Almsgiver Chen. I think you have suffered some kind of mental trauma. I have something here." A jade pendant has a supportive effect that can help people recover mentally. "

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Kongji, for taking the trouble. This jade pendant must be worth a lot of money. Besides, this is a damage to my soul. This jade pendant must be of little use to me. You'd better keep it."

On the mainland, jade pendants that can repair spiritual creations are valuable treasures that have no market price. Even though Chen Xuan has traveled almost all over the continent, he has never seen anything that can restore the spirit, let alone such a treasure that can be carried around and used for a long time.

But Master Kongji clasped his hands together and said: "It doesn't matter, this object is just for decoration here and has no use. Moreover, since this jade pendant can repair mental trauma, it also has a certain recovery effect on your injury. You still Take it."

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