Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, nodded, and accepted the jade pendant. Anyway, there were already a lot of people who owed Kong Ji, so this was not enough. Taking the jade pendant, Chen Xuan hung it on his waist.

But Kong Ji stretched out his hand to stop it and said: "Donor Chen, this jade pendant should be in contact with the skin to be effective. It is useless hanging on the waist."

Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, because in Chen Xuan's hometown, giving jade pendants to each other means a life-long friendship, and hanging a jade pendant around one's neck means accepting the opposite sex's confession. This was very embarrassing, but Chen Xuan immediately put it behind him. He had nothing to do with that family anyway, so why bother with these red tapes.

Shaking his head, he hung the jade pendant around his neck. As soon as the jade pendant came into contact with the skin on his neck, Chen Xuan felt refreshed and refreshed. Chen Xuan was shocked. He didn't expect that the jade pendant was so magical. It actually has a repairing effect on the trauma of one's own soul.

Kong Ji saw Chen Xuan shook his head and sighed: "It's still useless, but I'm too busy." Chen Xuan quickly said: "No, no, no, Master Kong Ji has misunderstood. This jade pendant is very useful to me, so I still have to use it." Thank you, Master Kongji." With that, Chen Xuan bowed.

Kong Ji asked: "Then why did Almsgiver Chen shake his head?" An inexplicable look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He didn't say much, but said lightly: "I just remembered some old things from the past, so I don't mind mentioning them."

Kong Ji was extremely sensitive to Rao's emotions. She immediately understood that Chen Xuan was remembering some bad past events, so she didn't ask any more questions and just said "Amitabha" slowly.

Chen Xuan saluted Kongji and said, "Master, please lead me to the teleportation array. I still have many things to do outside."

Kong Ji smiled and said: "It just so happens that I also have some matters that require me to go to the front line. This time we can go together and have someone to take care of me on the way."

Kong Ji misunderstood that Chen Xuan was going to the front line. Chen Xuan said apologetically: "Master Kong Ji, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to the front line, but I have other things to do. I really can't be with you this time."

Kong Ji glanced at Chen Xuan and said with deep meaning: "I went here this time because of Qiu Rushuang." Chen Xuan was stunned and laughed loudly: "Master Kong Ji has won my heart. In this case, then Let’s go together and ask Master Kongji to take care of us along the way.”

Chen Xuan didn't know where Qiu Rushuang was. Originally, he planned to break into Qiu Rushuang's sect directly. Now Chen Xuan was confident that even a powerful person in the Demon Sect would not be afraid of him, because Chen Xuan Xuan You is confident that if he wants to leave, even with the laws of space at his side, even a powerful person in the Zun realm will not be able to stop him.

This is also a helpless move. Who makes him have no news at all? This is the helplessness caused by the information asymmetry. Therefore, Chen Xuan yearned more and more for that state of omniscience and omnipotence.

When you reach that state, just by mentioning the name of the person you are looking for, you can determine the location of the person at the moment through the origin of the avenue, and even know what he is doing.

Chen Xuan believes that when he is strong enough, it will not be impossible to even predict the future. But now that Master Kongji is taking care of him, Chen Xuan no longer has to consider taking this risk.

Kong Ji tossed it away casually, and the broom in his hand landed firmly in the far corner, without even touching the fallen leaves in the corner. This move looks simple, but in fact the technical content contained in it is very sophisticated, because Kongji did not use his own vitality, but simply relied on his own control of strength to do this.

This grasp of strength made Chen Xuan applaud: "Master Kongji is really powerful. This control of strength has reached its peak. I am afraid that there are not many people in the Nanfeng Region who can compare with Master Kongji." Chen Xuan did not say these words. An exaggeration, but a heartfelt admiration. Even he himself, who had experienced the devilish training under the old man, was nothing more than this.

But Kong Ji clasped his hands together, nodded slightly and said, "Almsgiver Chen is exaggerating. The poor monk is not as exaggerated as you." Chen Xuan waved his hand: "Master Kong Ji is too humble."

Kong Ji did not take over Chen Xuan's words, but said: "Almsgiver Chen, please rest more. Your current condition is not suitable for riding the teleportation array. Therefore, I would like you to rest for two more days before we set off." Go to the front line.”

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. It would be better if he rested for a few more days. Then he would be more confident when absorbing the soul energy. After all, it was his first time to do such a dangerous thing, so he had better prepare more. Better.

Chen Xuan followed Kong Ji to the guest room of Famen Temple, which was specially used to entertain guests. Kong Ji slowly put his hands together and said to Chen Xuan: "Please give me the best, please stay here for a few days. In view of the physical problems of Don Chen, I will let the disciples do this for a few days." I’ll bring you some medicinal food to replenish your energy and blood.”

Chen Xuan quickly thanked: "Thank you, Master Kongji." Kongji shook his head and said it was okay: "No problem, the poor monk will leave first. Donor Chen, please take your time and rest." Then, Kongji slowly walked out. .

In fact, if you want to recuperate, it is naturally better to go to the Health Preservation Hall. I wonder if Famen Temple has a special formation master who has set up the spirit gathering array in the Health Preservation Hall. The aura of the Health Preservation Hall is much higher than that of other places in Famen Temple. . But it was a special place after all. Since Chen Xuan had been resting in Famen Temple for several days, the disciples had not been able to enter for a few days. Everyone wanted to practice in a place with strong spiritual energy, right? Chen Xuan was too embarrassed to ask for more, so he followed Kong Ji to the guest room.

Slowly sitting down cross-legged, Chen Xuan began to study some techniques in the Embryo Art. Chen Xuan's courage to absorb soul energy was also supported by the Art of Immortality of Gods and Demons.

I don’t know what wonderful chemical reaction there was between the God and Demon Embryo Technique and the Tao Origin that day. Chen Xuan actually discovered many secret techniques that he had never seen before. This secret technique that can absorb soul energy is one of them. .

Originally, ordinary people had no access to soul energy at all. They could only be vaguely affected by these things in certain places with strong soul energy, such as battlefields, let alone absorb them.

However, the Art of Reincarnation of Gods and Demons records a strange way of movement of vitality. Using this way of movement of vitality, Chen Xuan can resonate with the soul fragments, so that he can clearly feel the existence of the soul fragments, and then absorb them. Contained soul energy.

The so-called soul energy is to inhale the soul fragments left in and around the body of a creature after death into the Martial Arts Shrine, use the Martial Arts Shrine according to the special techniques given in the secret techniques to break and refine them, and then absorb them. Contained soul energy.

These soul fragments will also slowly decompose under the action of time, turning into some thin soul energy, which can also be absorbed.

Generally speaking, the effect of directly absorbing soul fragments will be better, because this can avoid a lot of waste, but soul fragments often contain many memories of dead creatures during their lifetimes, and direct absorption will inevitably be affected. It has been tortured by different memories for a long time. People will become insane.

After breaking it, this situation can be greatly avoided. Pure soul energy contains at most some of the person's strongest emotions before death, so compared with directly absorbing soul fragments, the side effects are greatly reduced.

Therefore, this was a last resort. In addition, there was no shortage of these things on the battlefield, and there was no need for Chen Xuan to kill for no reason.

And another advantage of doing this is that it can slightly purify the environment of an area. Generally speaking, if battlefields like this between two continents are not cleaned up deliberately, these battlefields will basically become ghost lands in a few years or even months.

The number and quality of the warriors who died on such battlefields are far higher than those on the battlefields where the two countries usually fight. As a result, these places are concentrated with unimaginable murderous intent and iron-blooded atmosphere. These remaining battlefields Yin energy is also very heavy.

Ordinary people will become seriously ill as long as they enter. Even in some more important battlefields, some weaker and less determined warriors will go crazy even if they do not die suddenly on the spot.

This is the horror of war. Even though the battle line is stretched extremely long, the main fighting areas are still some passes and arteries. These places will naturally have specialized people to deal with them, but battlefields like encounters or places where ambushed armies are fighting, Naturally, they would not send people to clean the battlefield because they were worried about the enemy's ambush.

In this way, where the two realms are fighting, there must be many scattered places that are about to become ghost realms, and these places are also where Chen Xuan wants to go.

However, taking into account the principle of fighting between the two armies and avoiding causing trouble as much as possible, Chen Xuan needed to enter the school secretly.

After silently familiarizing himself with the techniques, Chen Xuan suddenly had the idea of ​​experimenting with secret techniques, but where could he find soul fragments in Famen Temple?

Chen Xuan was a little confused for a moment.

Although this house is a guest room, it may be because Famen Temple rarely has guests coming to visit, so this house looks like it is rarely cleaned. It may be that the monk in charge of cleaning is lazy.

Although maybe because I learned that Chen Xuan was going to move in, I did some temporary cleaning work, but there were still some cobwebs in some corners that I didn't have time to clean.

Looking around, Chen Xuan found a stupid spider as expected. The spider looked small in size. Chen Xuan secretly laughed and said, "It turns out that there are not only mosquitoes in Famen Temple, but there are definitely a lot of them. Otherwise, how could this spider be caught?" So well fed.

With a thought in Chen Xuan's mind, a dark force shot out, and the spider was shot through the head without even having time to react, and green juice flowed out.

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