The two guards in front of the door are just in case. There will always be some uneasy tricks in the room. Some of them will start to change after the time of Jixi. This will also lead to death in order to issue that paper. If it is true, If an enemy attacks, the people at the door can delay the enemy for a period of time, thus giving other ambushes time to react.

In this way, it was completely foolproof, and the old man's mind was not unreasonable.

After looking around with satisfaction and waving their hands, the two guards guarding the door nodded to the old man, and their figures slowly disappeared around the light curtain for no apparent reason.

This only made the two people who came to Xiu come to look confused. Although they were also disciples of the Demon Sect, this kind of high-level fighting method was something they had never heard of. The two of them were dumbfounded.

The old man said to the two of them: "Pack your things and go to the next training location. If you find another room that you need, I will give you more rewards when you go back."

The two people nodded like chickens pecking at rice, quickly packed up the cloth bag on the ground, folded it neatly and put it into their arms, then headed to the next room, ready to find the next light curtain. .

As for Chen Xuan, he ran away early. Although these two people are not very strong, if they really take action, it will take a lot of effort. If they attract other people, they will have to explain it here. . As for the place that these two people found was exactly where Qiu Rushuang needed, he had not considered the possibility at all.

How could there be such a coincidence? He just happened to come and met two silly duo who unknowingly revealed a lot of information. It just so happened that these duo found the room that Qiu Rushuang needed.

What's more, when Chen Xuan left, he glanced at the light curtain and roughly determined that the room would still be filled with the aura of death next time.

Now Chen Xuan is no longer worried. To understand the way of death and to be able to absorb the aura of death, you need someone with great power to protect you at the moment of rebirth and death. Only then can you understand the way of death.

Chen Xuan's ability to understand the way of death was due to luck. As for Qiu Rushuang's ability to understand the way of death, Chen Xuan truly believed that this was impossible.

Because for the time being, it is not about whether Qiu Rushuang's strength can meet the company, but only about Qiu Rushuang, the first young master of the Demon Sect. He will definitely be protected by strong people when he goes out. And the strong man who protects him will not put him in real danger of death.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Qiu Rushuang to understand the way of death.

But Chen Xuan calculated everything and missed one thing. He only knew that Qiu Rushuang could not understand the way of death, but he forgot that Qiu Rushuang had the Eye of the Devil among the Eyes of Gods and Demons, which was also the Eye of the Devil. Eyes of horror.

No matter what type of Tao and laws you comprehend, as long as you reach the realm of creation, you will naturally comprehend the Tao of death, and the breakthrough of this Tao of death does not only rely on your own understanding, as long as you absorb enough With the aura of death, Qiu Rushuang can naturally understand the law of death.

Moreover, the courage of the Demonic Eye is far more than that, and more magical effects have not yet been displayed. However, even if the two eyes of this Demonic Eye are put together, it is not as powerful as Chen Xuan's Divine and Demonic Heart, but when it comes to When these three are integrated into one, the effect is not cumulative, but multiplied.

When these treasures are concentrated on one person, they will erupt with unrivaled and shocking power, and their true power will not be revealed until Chen Xuan collects all these treasures.

Considering that the room could not be where Qiu Rushuang was going, Chen Xuan did not go back to check, but he did not know that he had missed a perfect opportunity for an ambush.

Chen Xuan walked around all the way, but found that there were almost no rooms where the spiritual energy was being replaced, which made him very depressed. He also wanted to see what kind of spiritual energy those colored light curtains represented.

Chen Xuan saw many colorful light curtains along the way, red, white, blue, green, and even some were colorful. Chen Xuan didn't really know what those colorful light curtains meant, but his intuition told Chen Xuan that it must be very dangerous. , so although the spiritual energy was being replaced inside, Chen Xuan did not go in.

He didn't want to risk his life.

However, although he saw many different rooms, Chen Xuan found that this level of the secret realm seemed endless. After walking for so long and going around so many places, Chen Xuan never returned to the original place. Instead, I went around and around and almost got lost.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan stopped in time and thought carefully before remembering the path he had taken before. Don't think that this behavior is troublesome.

In fact, this behavior of memorizing routes allows you to quickly react based on the previously memorized terrain when encountering enemies, thereby avoiding falling into a desperate situation due to unfamiliarity with the terrain.

Being cautious at all times is a habit Chen Xuan has developed over many years of living abroad.

Just when Chen Xuan finished thinking about the previous journey, two people came around the corner. Chen Xuan was happy when he saw them. Aren't these the two brainless people from before? Why, are they sending information to him? coming?

At that moment, he happily went up to greet him: "Hey, two brothers, we meet again. Why, did you and us find the room that Young Master Qiu needed last time?"

When the two people saw Chen Xuan, they were even more happy. They were also very surprised and said to Chen Xuan: "Oh, big brother, thanks to you, what we found is really the spiritual energy room that our young sect master needs. The elder also specially praised it. Give us a meal."

Chen Xuan's face froze, he didn't expect that he guessed wrong, and said calmly: "Eh? When we left, wasn't the barrier in the room already closed? Are the elders so close to you? It just happened. Came here?"

One of the shorter ones said condescendingly: "You don't know this, right? This is a special teleportation array that can only be carried with you by our ancient sect, and it can also..."

Hi Awei waited for him to finish, and the person next to him pulled his sleeve, and he continued.

The man was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and began to change the subject: "Well, brother, it is really destined that we can meet again.

"That's not true. The two eldest brothers and I hit it off right away. The two of us are really destined to be together." Chen Xuan laughed while thinking.

Chen Xuan keenly noticed the words of the short man: "portable teleportation array", but when he saw these two people, they looked like they were not carrying anything.

According to the teleportation array that Chen Xuan saw in the Cold Territory, it would take a lot of time to assemble. Chen Xuan didn't think that the two of them could complete such a huge project in a very short time.

Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly. Could it be that the teleportation array of this demon sect is more advanced than that of the cold region? Sure enough, these ancient sects are all hidden.

Chen Xuan paused and said: "Brothers, you two must have been rewarded a lot now, and you must have gained the attention of the elders in the sect. Congratulations, congratulations."

The short man said: "That's not true. We two brothers are actually mortals, Li Chen, right?" Li Chen nodded, not much. It was Wang Chao who was talking to Chen Xuan just now, so he didn't say much.

Chen Xuan continued: "Then you elders must have a lot of people here. They must all be extraordinary in strength. I really want to admire their superior demeanor." A look of admiration appeared on Chen Xuan's face. .

The short man said: "That's not true. Our Demon Sect is the largest sect in the Demon Sect. Our strength is naturally extraordinary."

Chen Xuan was happy when he heard this. He was waiting for your words, and then asked: "Then there must be a lot of elders coming this time. After all, I heard that the strength of those in the cold region is also very high. There are not many who come." I’m afraid I can’t resist it. This time we have thirty or forty good people.”

Wang Chao had a sad and unhappy look on his face: "You are insulting our demon sect. We only need fifteen elders to deal with those scum in the cold region."

Chen Xuan didn't give them a chance to respond, and then asked: "Fifteen people, so few. Sure enough, our Demon Sect's people are more powerful, and those people from the cold region are definitely not worth mentioning. But, fifteen people There are quite a lot of them, so many people are standing together. What if the people from the cold region see it and try to trick us? Who knows if those people from the cold region are so insidious?" Chen Xuan said as he came forward. A look of worry.

A look of pride appeared on Wang Chao's face: "You don't know this. No wonder, people from your sect are unlikely to be exposed to such high-stakes matters." "

A look of shame appeared on Chen Xuan's face: "That's right. After all, it's not like you two young talents can be admitted to a sect like the Demon Sect. I hope you two can explain it to me and let me Broaden your horizons." After that, Chen Xuan looked thirsty for knowledge.

Seeing the adoring look on Chen Xuan's face, Wang Chao's vanity was greatly satisfied, and he pretended to say: "Ahem, in this case, let me answer a question for you."

Wang Chao said with a proud face: "We elders are all the top sects of the Demon Sect, and each of us is unique in the ability to hide our aura and figure. At that time, all the fifteen elders were full of energy. After walking out of the teleportation array, our great elder gave an order, and all the assassination masters disappeared. In the blink of an eye, all the elders were hidden.

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