Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1487 Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect

"Even I can only barely see the figures of one or two elders, and this is the situation where I tried my best. Now you know how strong the elders of our Demon Sect are." Wang Chao was very proud, and he didn't know that he had leaked extremely important information.

Chen Xuan laughed in his heart. These two were really brainless. He just flattered them casually and tricked out the specific number of these elders. Now he knew that these people were masters who could hide their bodies, but he didn't know their specific strength. However, with the existence of his own martial arts temple, Chen Xuan was not afraid of not being able to find their figures.

Moreover, there must be a lot of water in the words of this short man. How high strength does it take not to disappear out of thin air? With the strength of these two people in the realm of creation, I am afraid that even people in the first level of the human emperor realm can't see these figures, otherwise the two would not be just the first level of the realm of creation.

I am afraid that there are masters of the earthly honor realm among them. It seems that I still need to get some information.

Then Chen Xuan exaggeratedly said: "So powerful, these elders are probably masters of the Venerable Realm, I didn't expect the Demon Sect to be so powerful, if our Demon Sect can use the normal strength, we can easily crush these people in the Cold Region." Wang Chao was extremely proud at this time, and said: "Of course, we don't need half, one-tenth is enough, to deal with these weak chickens in the Cold Region, we don't need to use too many masters of the Earth Venerable Realm, only one of our elders is a master of the Earth Venerable Realm, the others are all masters of the Human Emperor Realm, these are enough." "I'm not bragging, the strength of our Demon Sect is so high that I don't know where it is, and I don't know how much hidden strength there is inside, unknown to the public." Wang Chao was more and more excited. Chen Xuan was shocked: "There won't be a strong man in the God Combination Realm here, hasn't the South Feng Region had a strong man in the God Combination Realm for hundreds of years. "

Wang Chao was a little embarrassed. He was just bragging casually, but he didn't expect to over-exaggerate and make such a big boast. He didn't know how to make up for it. He could only say awkwardly: "This is confidential. I can't tell you these. "

Chen Xuan's move was actually quite meaningful. This time, he planned to snatch the Demon Eye from Qiu Rushuang's Eye of God and Demon and then put the blame on Han Yu. In this way, he could hide himself to the greatest extent.

Chen Xuan knew that he could not hide the fact that he had the Heart of God and Demon forever. Sooner or later, it would be exposed to everyone. At that time, there would be many people coveting his Heart of God and Demon. In this way, he would have to face a huge threat.

Chen Xuan was trying his best to avoid this situation. Once it was leaked, he would be doomed to fail with his current strength.

Chen Xuan's move to inquire about the news of the Demon Sect was also just in case. In case this action was leaked and the disguise of the people pretending to be Han Yu failed, it would also give him more confidence when facing the Demon Sect.

However, this plan was stillborn. These two were obviously These minions, no matter how you look at them, don't look like people who can grasp the information of the strength of this sect, so Chen Xuan can only do nothing.

Chen Xuan knew that the only person in the entire Demon Sect who knew that he had the Heart of God and Demon was Qiu Rushuang, otherwise no one would have come to track him down after he had been out for so long. I'm afraid Qiu Rushuang also wanted to take the Heart of God and Demon for himself.

Chen Xuan had a hunch that if he could really assassinate Qiu Rushuang this time, the best situation would be that his identity would not be leaked, and these pots would be thrown to the people of Hanyu.

If he was exposed, he would probably face endless hunting, so he must make full preparations before taking action.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to get some information, the taller man said: "You have finished asking, now, you can admit your identity, you are a spy from Hanyu, do you really think we can't see it?"

The shorter man looked unbelievable: "Li Chen, what? You are a spy from Hanyu? "

Li Chen said with disdain: "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? You can't see such an obvious thing. Only you, Wang Chao, a pig-brained person, will believe such an idiotic lie. You get complacent after a few compliments and leak all the information of our Demon Sect. "

Wang Chao looked angry: "What? You, Li Chen, are smart, why don't you stop me from leaking information? Besides, what makes you think this brother is a spy? Why don't I think he is?"

Chen Xuan also pretended to be panicked at this moment: "Yes, how can you say I am a spy of Hanyu? You have to show evidence! Otherwise, you can't slander my innocence like this. "

Li Chen looked disdainful and said: "Well, I will die before you, so that you know that you people in Hanyu are hopelessly stupid. "

Chen Xuan looked calm on the surface, but there was a hint of panic in his eyes. Chen Xuan gave himself full marks for this performance.

In fact, Chen Xuan was also very curious about how Li Chen could see through him.

Li Chen looked confident: "You can tell whether you are a member of our Demon Sect just by asking about the strength distribution of our Demon Sect. And now, besides those bald donkeys from Famen Temple and some Taoist priests, we are the Demon Sect." You keep claiming that you are a member of the Demon Sect, but the person in the Demon Sect doesn’t know that we are sending the most powerful assassination team this time.”

"And you haven't even heard of the assassination team. Obviously you are not from our Demon Sect, let alone our ancient sect. And the person who appears in the ancient sect at this moment is not one of the ancient sects in our Nanfeng Region. Are there other people and lackeys from the Cold Realm?”

Chen Xuan secretly laughed, this person was pretty much the same, but they never expected that he was not from the ancient sect.

Chen Xuan didn't plan to hide anymore, and planned to kill the two of them to prevent them from revealing his whereabouts. At this moment, Wang Chao started to talk to Chen Xuan.

Wang Chao said uncertainly: "Maybe this brother has just joined our Demon Sect and doesn't understand these things yet. Why do you conclude that this person is a spy from the Cold Territory?"

Li Chen hated the iron and said: "You are a pig, you are really a pig. You don't need your pig brain to think carefully. If he just joined the Demon Sect, would he be qualified to participate in such an important operation?"

Chen Xuan was quite amused. He decided to have some fun with this person and argued, "Then why wouldn't it be the elders of the sect who saw my talent and came to promote me specifically?"

When Wang Chao heard this, he thought it made sense and echoed: "Yes, yes, why can't this be the case?"

Li Chen then retorted: "Unless you are smart, would the elders bring such a talented person into such a dangerous place? Even so, it is impossible for your elders not to teach you the common sense that every disciple of the Demon Sect knows. Yours. Besides, judging from your age and strength, your talent and intelligence are not suitable for you."

Then, Li Chen angrily said to Wang Chao: "You are the only one who treats these common senses as treasures. How can no one know these things?"

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes and said: "Then what if I was sent as cannon fodder? I came with the seniors of the Demon Sect to detect the enemy's movements."

Li Chen chuckled and said impatiently: "To save your strength, with all due respect, you are not even qualified to be cannon fodder. You don't even know the most basic common sense of this secret spirit realm, so why should you be cannon fodder." What's more, what role can you play as cannon fodder other than to scare others away?"

Waving his hand, Li Chen said confidently: "Okay, now you can go on your way. I will answer your questions. I have done my best to be kind and righteous."

Turning his head, Li Chen said to Wang Chao: "Don't hesitate any more. This must be a spy from the cold region. Hurry and capture him so that we can go to the elders to receive the reward. In this way, we may become true disciples when we go back." , don’t you still believe my mind?”

Wang Chao was still hesitant at first, but when he heard Li Chen's analysis, he no longer hesitated. He just regretfully said to Chen Xuan: "I can't help it. You and I were quite happy to talk to each other originally, but why?" Since we are from different camps, there is nothing I can do about you trying to trick me. After all, we are from different camps, I understand."

After all, Wang Chao felt a sense of sympathy for each other, and said regretfully: "I advise you to tell us the information about the cold region as soon as possible, so that we can leave you a whole body to avoid falling into the hands of our elders and being tortured. Life is worse than death." He shivered all over, it seemed that this elder had left some terrible impression on him.

Li Chen said impatiently: "Stop Mo Ji, hurry up and capture him so that we can go back and receive the reward. As for life and death, it's up to you. Although your brain is not good, I just like your love and justice." , although you are really stupid this time, but this time I respect your idea and leave him a whole body, although the reward of being alive is definitely more."

Chen Xuan originally planned to kill these two people, but when he saw that these two people were so interesting, and they were both people who valued love and justice, he didn't want to kill them.

Even if they have murderous intent towards themselves, would a normal person feel resentful about an ant's murderous intent? Of course not.

Therefore, Chen Xuan would not hold too much grudge against the murderous intentions of the two people, so much so that he would be happy afterward. On the contrary, Chen Xuan sympathized with the two of them.

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