These two people were brought here to be used as cannon fodder. Otherwise, why would the Demon Sect send out elite disciples to help Qiu Rushuang find the spiritual energy room?

Regardless of whether these elite disciples are willing or not, the person who comes to look for the spiritual energy room will definitely not be alone. This requires a large number of manpower. If many elite disciples are sent out, once they are encountered by people from the cold region or ambushed, I am afraid that Even a large sect like the Demon Sect cannot afford such a loss.

Therefore, the disciples sent out by this cup must be some unimportant disciples, who are used as chess pieces that can be discarded at any time. Even if there are rewards, they are probably the lowest and most worthless ones.

Otherwise, these disciples must be given some treasured props that can protect themselves from various auras that can corrode the human body. At least two of them must have one.

But when the two people entered, Chen Xuan also saw that they had wrapped their whole bodies with vitality before entering. If there was such a treasure, how could they not use it?

When Chen Xuan saw these two people, he remembered that he and his sister were treated as chess pieces that could be discarded at any time in the Jiang family. If they could not bring benefits to themselves, they would be discarded directly. This memory made Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel a little bit of recognition for the two of them.

But his plan cannot be disrupted. If he really lets these two people go, Chen Xuan, an ordinary person, is not sure, but those old monsters will definitely notice something is wrong.

If they were really from the cold region, why didn't they take care of the two of them when they could escape easily to avoid exposing their whereabouts? It's easy to guess that this might be someone deliberately trying to frame the cold region. .

Some things will become much clearer once you have an idea. In this way, an interested person can easily guess that a third-party force other than the cold region and the ancient sect has come here.

In this way, the possibility of Chen Xuan being exposed greatly increases. Although it is not ruled out that some people will ask whether there are people from other ancient sects who also want to take advantage of this time to come and snatch the eyes of gods and demons, Chen Xuan must not gamble on others' ideas.

But Chen Xuan didn't want to kill the two of them, so what should he do? After thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan was ready to let the two of them go. He just took this opportunity to completely cover up his whereabouts and confuse the situation here.

After all, judging from the reactions of these two people, at least for now, Hanyu and the ancient sect have not really started to fight. Otherwise, it is impossible for these two people to have no sense of defense against them.

Therefore, once Chen Xuan exposes the two men's fight with Hanyu, those in the Demon Sect will definitely become nervous, although it will temporarily make it more difficult for them to seize the Eye of Gods and Demons. of enlargement.

But at the same time, this will also disrupt the situation here. In the past, these people were in a state of confrontation and entered a state of fighting. When the time comes, I will take the opportunity to fish in more troubled waters, prompting the fight with you to enter a period of intense heat. Presumably, my actions will also be convenient. many.

Although this may cause Qiu Rushuang to evacuate early, as long as he seizes the opportunity, there will be no problem. Moreover, this can also save a lot of time, and Chen Xuan can free up his hands to solve other things. In this way, Chen Xuan will be closer to his goal of rescuing his sister.

However, this release had to be very technical, just enough to make them feel that they could defeat Chen Xuan with their strength, but they could not catch Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan would have to suffer some hardships for himself.

Acting naturally requires a full set of performances, including explosions in desperate situations, and heavy support and vomiting of blood. These are indispensable. However, these two people also have to suffer some injuries, so Chen Xuan gave them a few pieces of high-grade spiritual jade as a reward. Bar.

Li Chen looked at Chen Xuan, all his energy gathered in his hands, and said: "Stop struggling, just let us give you a good time, so as not to suffer any more physical pain."

Chen Xuan said slowly: "How do you know that we can't defeat the two of you? An ant can still survive, let alone a person. It's not good for you to let me kill you with your neck. Let's fight again. Let me Look, how powerful Ran Di is from your so-called ancient sect in the Nanfeng Region."

After that, Chen Xuan activated the law of ice in this secret realm, and based on his experience of fighting those two Human Emperor realms that day, he imitated some of the armors of the two Human Emperor realms. They not only protected key parts, but Heze also Because on that day, Chen Xuan saw that the armors of those from the Cold Realm who were not strong enough to be in the Human Emperor Realm were not able to protect the whole body. It must have been because they were not strong enough. Therefore, although Chen Xuan's armor style was based on the two strong ones in the Human Emperor Realm. The shape of the armor, and the protective parts are based on those soldiers in the cold region.

In this way, coupled with Chen Xuan's tall and powerful body, he feels a bit like a hunter in the cold region.

However, since Chen Xuan was only imitating it, he did not have the ice spirit transformation like the people from the cold realm. Moreover, Chen Xuan's hesitation strength had dropped significantly, and Tibei's energy reserves were very insufficient. Therefore, the energy used to transform the ice armor was naturally not much, so the defense The strength is naturally incomparable to the armor of the two strong men in the Human Emperor Realm that day.

Moreover, Chen Xuan was transformed using the law, so as long as he is from the Cold Realm, he will be able to feel something is wrong as soon as he fights. However, these two people must have never fought against real people from the Cold Realm. , Chen Xuan naturally would not be afraid of them seeing it.

As for the weapons, Chen Xuan did not imitate them. Firstly, he did not know how to use an ax, so he simply did not use weapons, just in case any flaws were discovered. Secondly, Chen Xuan felt that it was easier to control using his own fists. , it will not be easy for others to notice if you keep your hands.

As soon as Li Chen saw Chen Xuan's transformed armor, he sternly said to Wang Chao: "How about it, Wang Chao, do you believe me now? With such an obvious fighting method, how can anyone else except people from the cold region know how to do it?" This way of fighting!"

Wang Chao smiled bitterly and said, "I don't believe you. If that's the case, don't blame me, brother, come on!" The last half of the sentence was indeed that Wang Chao turned his head to face Chen Xuan.

Since Chen Xuan decided not to kill them, of course he would do it. Although he was ready to fight, he would not take action.

Wang Chao and his men rushed towards Chen Xuan. Of course, with the abilities of these minions, they would not be able to hurt Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan only deliberately avoided their attack.

He faked a battle in order to complicate the situation here and make his subsequent plans more convenient.

After arguing for dozens of rounds, Chen Xuan felt that he had made enough preparations. He spun on the spot and then disappeared into smoke.

"Hmph, why don't you just run away if you can't beat him?" Wang Chao reluctantly put away his weapon.

Several people looked confused, obviously unable to understand the situation.

After getting rid of these people and making the necessary preparations, Chen Xuan finally set out to find trouble with Qiu Rushuang.

However, the reality was not as smooth as he imagined. When he came to Qiu Rushuang's cave, he found that it was empty.

Could it be that Qiu Rushuang already knows his whereabouts? Then wouldn't all my previous preparations be in vain?

Helpless, Chen Xuan could only sweep his chest and leave.

When I walked to the entrance of the cave, I saw a lot of people. Is Qiu Rushuang there? Chen Xuan planned to go and have a look. He also quickened his pace and walked there, but when he got there, because he was too tall, he couldn't see what was inside. He could only listen to the people inside talking about it on the outermost periphery.

"A beast core as big as a fist, how many high-level beasts must be killed to get it!"

"Kill, are you kidding? This is at least a beast core equivalent to the seventh level of human creation realm."

"How do you know? What level of beast race do the finger-sized beast cores we usually see belong to?"

"It's equivalent to the first level cultivator. After all, only beasts who have started cultivating can produce beast cores. Ordinary beasts don't have them."

It turned out to be a high-grade beast core. Beast cores are very valuable to human cultivators. They can be used to refine elixirs, set up formations, and some techniques even have methods of directly refining beast cores. The higher the grade of the beast core, the more energy it contains, and the greater its value. If the fist-sized beast core is completely refined, it can even allow a sixth-level cultivator to directly advance to the seventh level. Of course, the prerequisite is that one's attributes match those of the beast's core, and one's own skills include methods for refining the beast's energy.

The energy-consuming method of refining beasts is mostly seen in B-level and above exercises. Very few C-level exercises have this content. D-level exercises are junk level, and there is no way to refining beasts.

There is actually something wrong with the place where this beast core appears. If it appeared in a slightly larger town, it might cause a sensation, and many knowledgeable people would want to take it into their pockets. However, this beast core appears here. , and it is not unreasonable. After all, this place is very close to the Orcs, and it is the first trading place. People who are in urgent need of money will sell it nearby.

"How much does it cost to sell it?" People are very concerned about price.

"One hundred thousand spiritual crystals." A very powerful voice rushed out of the inner wall and reached Chen Xuan's ears, making Chen Xuan's ears buzz a little.

"Master!" Everyone was shocked, and the words they originally thought of were stuck in their throats - "Don't go and grab it." Instead, there was just a cough.

"Can it be cheaper?" Someone is indeed interested in buying it. But the price is too high and not worth the risk. Maybe this person can buy this beast core and sell it for more than 100,000 spiritual crystals in a larger place, but the risk on this journey is too great. If the price is lowered to 70,000, 80,000, or even 50,000, then the risk will be equal to the profit.

Chen Xuan was not interested in any of these things, but he was very interested in joining in the fun. Watching the crowded people talking, this is real life!

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