Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 149 Resurrection of Tao Chrysalis

Wei Ruoxue looked cautious, and at the same time she felt emotional in her heart. In the past, others would ask her to eat, but now it was her turn, as if she were a servant. However, Wei Ruoxue did not feel that Chen Xuan was teasing her on purpose. On the contrary, it is a rare exercise for myself.

"Let's go."

Chen Xuan nodded. This Wei Ruoxue was quite a sensible girl. She was not as spoiled and pampered as some other ladies. But when Chen Xuan looked at the food on the table, his head suddenly became filled with black lines.

Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?

I saw that the food on the table looked very nice, but it was basically all fruits and vegetables, no meat!

As a strong-blooded man, how can he not eat meat?

Chen Xuan's face turned dark, and the people around the dining table were all suppressing their smiles.

"Eat quickly. I made this by myself. It's the first time I've made so much food. I'm a little nervous and I didn't perform very well." Wei Ruoxue said.

"No, my sister's cooking is delicious.'

Youdao, then happily ate, and at the same time brought a bowl to Wei Ruoxue. She usually takes care of her sister, but she didn't expect that today, when Wei Ruoxue took care of all this, although it was a bit difficult, she still completed it smoothly. .

You yourself looked quite sad, but at the same time, you were wondering why Master Chen Xuan was targeting your sister like this, but it didn't look like you were targeting her, but instead you were training the latter.

"How are your things going?"

Chen Xuan asked while eating. Fortunately, he was not very hungry, and if he didn't eat a meal, he wouldn't be so hungry.

"I have asked the Huo family's craftsmen to build it overnight. It is expected to be completed tomorrow night."

Huo Liu said.

This fire cauldron, which is two meters high and three meters wide, would take a long time to build, but now that the Huo Youhuo family is taking action, it will be faster. The most important thing is that it does not cost money.

The two fat men, Sun Tao and the golden-haired Leisuo, also had a good rest.

He can now move around freely. On weekdays, in addition to practicing, Bai Cen also goes to take care of him.

After meal.

Several people returned to the venue to practice, and Chen Xuan also returned to his room and began to draw the second-level talisman. Unfortunately, Chen Xuan's current mental strength was limited, and he could only refine it in one night. Two secondary spells were produced.

Slightly bright.

There was a knock on Chen Xuan's door, and it was Huo Liu who came.

Now is the day when the Alchemist Guild's new class starts.

"Let's go."

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang were like two obedient apprentices standing in the courtyard. Even if Chen Xuan did not assign tasks to them, the two people did not stop practicing and kept trying to use their own mysterious fire.

The three of them followed Chen Xuan and headed towards the Alchemist Guild, turning a corner and arriving.

Shangguan City.

In Shangguan City today, experts are constantly coming in and out. If you look closely, you will find that some of them are people who have disappeared from the world for a long time.

Some people who have disappeared in the world for a long time have gathered in Shangguan City.

Today's Shangguan City is heavily guarded from top to bottom.

A chilling air filled the air.

From a distance, it feels like a ferocious beast is calm before hunting.

Inside the Shangguan family's mansion.

No one walking on the road said anything. It seemed that everyone was on alert, because Shangguan City welcomed a group of very rare guests!

Lingshan Chen family, Chen Luo!

Today, although Chen Luo missed the chance to become the head of the family a few months ago, he has already taken control of the Southern Xinjiang Army and has become a banner of the empire. He has also become the mainstay of the Chen family in Nalingshan.

Such an identity is like an opposition prince, a person with real power.

The Shangguan family and the Chen family are both super families, but this time Chen Luo came as the general of the southern border of the empire. Therefore, the Shangguan family could not turn him away, otherwise he would not be allowed to the empire. face.

But everyone knows that the Shangguan family and the Lingshan Chen family have always been at odds.

Now that Chen Luo has arrived in Shangguan City, and there are still 50,000 troops stationed outside the city gate, his intentions are unpredictable, but this meeting has also become intriguing.

Within the Shangguan family.

Chen Luo sat there boldly, his eyes slightly closed, as if he was closing his eyes to rest.

As if on full alert, two armored guards stood behind Chen Luo.

One of them is a tall and thick man. His waist is like a wall pillar, and his fist is directly inlaid with several steel plates. With this fist, it is not a problem to directly punch through an elephant.

And the other person turned out to be a woman.

The graceful figure and armor were only covered in some key parts, while the rest of the body was exposed. The area in Southern Xinjiang was burning like a flame, so the armor on her body was kept as little as possible. Avoid overheating and heatstroke, which may lead to reduced combat effectiveness.

It is undoubtedly weird to dress like this, but when I saw the red weeping skull sword in the woman's hand, I couldn't help but shudder. Thinking back to the name of the red skull that has been passed down in the military over the years, I knew , the woman in front of me is quite extraordinary.

Rumor has it that there is a red skull sword crisscrossing the battlefield, and wherever it passes, heads fall to the ground. Therefore, when you see this skull sword ten feet away, you should be ready to run away. If you are one second late, you will No chance.

No less than eight thousand people fell under this sword!

The red skull glanced lightly at the back hall.

A figure walked quickly towards the latter's gaze.

"It turns out that the general from southern Xinjiang arrived. Shangguan Hong failed to meet him from afar. He is guilty of this."

Shangguan Hong said as he walked, but his face obviously did not show that he was guilty, and he sat down swaggeringly.

Chen Luo didn't care, he just opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Master of the Shangguan family, I, Chen Luo, am a rough man. I am able to sit in this position because of two things. I have many brothers and I am loyal."

"I am a loyal person, so when I heard that the head of the Shangguan family was in trouble, I came immediately."

Chen Luopi said with a smile.

He looked at Shangguan Hong pointedly.

The smile on Shangguan Hong's face suddenly dropped, and his eyes became a little gloomy.

"I don't know what difficulties General Chen is facing. My Shangguan family has never encountered any difficulties."

"Oh? I've also heard about the incident where your father's meridians were destroyed by evil people."

Chen Luo said bluntly!

Shangguan Hong's eyes also turned completely gloomy. Although this matter has been kept secret in many ways, the Chen family's intelligence agency has obviously penetrated into the Shangguan family. In just a few days, this news was revealed. The latter knew it.

We must be vigilant about this, otherwise something big will happen sooner or later.

"Master of the Shangguan family, there is no need to panic. I have been here before. The reason why I sit in this position is because I have many friends. This news is not difficult for me. However, the meridians have been abolished. I believe there is no one who is better than me." It’s more appropriate.”

Chen Luo looked at Shangguan Hong's surprised look and smiled slightly, then took out an ebony box from his arms and placed it on the table.

When he saw this wooden box, Shangguanhong's eyelids jumped immediately.

"This is……"

In the past two days, Shangguan Hong has been anxious about Shangguan Soul Condensation. His meridians were severed by Chen Xuan, and it was difficult for the alchemists below to treat him. Shangguan Hong even invited the Alchemy King Yu Fan to come over for observation. For a moment, Dan Wang Yufan shook his head directly.

"Unless a seventh-level alchemist refines the Bone Vitality Pill, and there are a few rare treasures underneath, there is no cure."

Even Dan King Yufan is like this, Shangguan Hong has wanted to give up several times, and now he is completely helpless.

Even if your father is powerful, he still can't repair your severed meridians.

As a result, Shangguan Ninghun's meridians could not be repaired, and he lost the qualification to practice, let alone reach the king-level realm, and was accepted as a disciple by the Talisman Splitter King. From then on, he embarked on the path of a spell master.

Although he has recovered from his injuries, Shangguan Ninghun has been hiding in his room all day long without seeing anyone.

If this continues, Shangguan Ninghun will be really useless.

Looking at what Chen Luo took out, Shangguan Ninghun knew that it might be a piece of poisoned honey, but he had to open it.

"What's this?"

Shangguan Hong swallowed.

"The most precious treasure of the Yi clan in the southern territory is the resurrected pottery chrysalis!"

These few simple words deeply shocked Shangguanhong's pupils.

Even though he has been in the world for so many years and has been in a high position for a long time, he is still completely shocked by the legendary treasure in front of him.

"Master Shangguan, for this precious treasure, I slaughtered nearly ten tribes of the Tuyi tribe before I found this resurrected pottery chrysalis, and came here to give it to Master Shangguan."

Shangguan Hong's pupils shrank, and then he looked up at Chen Luo.

"what do you want."

Being courteous for nothing is a traitor or a thief, and Chen Luo's purpose is obviously not that simple, brothers and friends?

Even within your Chen family, how many brothers have died at your hands?

So this kind of nonsense should only be heard by those who have never been in the world.

Shangguanhong wouldn't believe it anyway.

"Haha, I can give this resurrection pottery chrysalis to the head of the Shangguan family for free, but there is a strategy. I want to cooperate with the head of the Shangguan family."

"What strategy?"

Shangguan Hong frowned.

Chen Luo slowly stood up and came to Shangguan Hong, causing several elders behind Shangguan Hong to become nervous and want to stand forward.

But a gaze locked directly on his figure.

It was the two lieutenants brought by Chen Luo.

The eyes of the bloody skeleton seemed to contain poison.

Chen Luo slowly spit out four words.

"Kill Chen Xuan."

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