Chen Xuan!

This name has almost become a forbidden word among the Shangguan family.

Because of a previous decision, Shangguanhong went to win over Chen Xuan regardless of his own safety.

But Shangguanhong was full of sincerity, but what he got in exchange was a son whose meridians were cut off.

Not only was it a hot face but a cold butt, it was also as if someone had poured sulfuric acid on it, and everything was ruined.

This made Shangguanhong quite angry.

Aggrieved, humiliated.

Therefore, in Shangguan City, few people dare to discuss the name Chen Xuan in public. Otherwise, the Shangguan family will regard you as a traitor, treat you as an accomplice of Chen Xuan, and execute you directly.

The Shangguan family is the real emperor in Shangguan City and has the highest power of rule. Therefore, the residents of Shangguan City do not dare to mention Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan has never disappeared and is always there. here.

Even the more forbidden it is, the stronger the interest in Chen Xuan becomes.

And recently, many anonymous people have appeared in Shangguan City. They came overtly and covertly because the Shangguan family issued an edict to summon experts from all walks of life, but no one knows what they will do specifically. According to current speculation, it is obvious that The Shangguan family is preparing to take action against Chen Xuan.

"Even your Lingshan Chen family can't deal with Chen Xuan?"

Since we are enemies, we must know ourselves and the enemy.

Therefore, Shangguan Hong also made more observations and reorganized the previous news about Chen Xuan. Before adding that, Chen Xuan killed the five life and death elders of the Chen family. Yes, Chen Xuan bullied the Chen family in Lingshan. Not light.

There was really no way to deal with Chen Xuan, so Chen Luo came to look for the Shangguan family.

"Of course Chen Xuan is nothing to worry about, but now Chen Xuan has the backing of Medicine Master City, and Lanshan of Medicine City directly used the conditions of the curtain year to restrict the masters of my Chen family. If not, then Chen Xuan would have been He has already died at the hands of my master from the Chen family, Zheng."

The Chen family's heritage is quite huge, and it's obviously more than just this little bit.

But because of the existence of Lanshan, the ancestor of the Chen family benefited from the Alchemist Guild many years ago. Now this relationship has been affected, and everything has become troublesome. Not only has Beishui City been saved, but it has also allowed Chen Xuan to The main reason for impunity.

"What? Doesn't it mean that the Shangguan family doesn't want to kill Chen Xuan? Or maybe the head of the Shangguan family thinks that Shangguan City can't compete with the Medicine Master City."

Shangguan City and Medicine Master City are both imperial cities, but Medicine Master City is full of noble alchemists. If we really want to go head-to-head, Shangguan City will definitely not be Medicine Master City's opponent.

An alchemist can call his friends and summon ten, fifty, or even a hundred masters to come.

What's more, in many places, the power of Medicine Master City has also spread out. The powerful alchemist has almost covered half of the empire with the huge chain of elixirs.

"Okay, my Shangguan family will cooperate with you! Kill Chen Xuan!"

Shangguanhong didn't think too much. Although the Chen family and the Shangguan family have been fighting each other for hundreds of years, they are generally peaceful. Chen Xuan's behavior has challenged Shangguanhong's bottom line, so Shangguanhong must Eradicate it.

And since the Lingshan Chen family is involved, they might as well use Chen Luo's help to eradicate Chen Xuan!

Kill someone with a borrowed knife.

But anyone can play this skill, it just depends on who can play it best.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

But only the two of them knew the meaning behind the laughter.

What are you thinking about?

Medicine City.

Chen Xuan was the last one to rush to the school.

The other mentors had already arrived, and the previous encouragement meeting had ended. Chen Xuan sat in the last position on the high platform, looking at the more than thirty young talents sitting in rows below.

Among the more than thirty people, there are probably less than ten girls, and the rest are all boys.

His face looks a little childish, but what is displayed between his eyebrows is a sense of arrogance, which seems to be quite arrogant. Indeed, those who can enter the talented class at this age are in the realm of a third-grade alchemist.

Being able to step directly into the realm of a third-level alchemist at such a young age means his future achievements are limitless.

Therefore, these people are also highly favored in the family, and every one of them will be praised, and they cannot bear any hardship on weekdays.

Eyes higher than the top is the best way to describe them.

But now in the talent class, some people's light seems dim, and they look a little low-key.

Chen Xuan obviously has no interest in these brats, but these brats are very interested in Chen Xuan!

Most people had seen it yesterday. Chen Xuan refined a sixth-grade elixir in public and directly killed a king-level expert. Even if such a thing really happened in front of them, They all found it a bit incredible.

Therefore, most people are quite curious about Chen Xuan, what kind of person he is.

But when someone sees Chen Xuan, they can't help but feel a bit of disdain in their hearts, because Chen Xuan is too old, even older than some of his disciples.

"Everyone has seen that the one who has just arrived is Master Chen Xuan. Although he is similar in age to you, he is already a true alchemy master. His alchemy skills are even better than mine. This time Distinguished Teacher.”

Lan Shan was also very happy when he saw Chen Xuan arriving. As for the pill that Chen Xuan gave him, he has not taken it yet. He must adjust his condition to its peak and then take this Enmeshed Purple God Pill to achieve a breakthrough. own limit.

After introducing Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan didn't say anything. Lanshan, who knew the latter's temper, also coughed a few times.

"This is the end of today's mobilization meeting. Tomorrow will become a disciple of the Cai Ban. Here, I declare that everyone must abide by the class rules of the Cai Ban, otherwise you will be expelled. Follow the rules strictly."

Lanshan's words shocked the students below.

The previous talent class was just a symbolic gathering place. The people here were basically talented people. A little study on weekdays can make great progress. Therefore, many people relied on their talents and often ignored some regulations. .

But this time the vice-president gave an important reminder, which showed that this time it was no joke and that the rules must be followed strictly.

"Okay, everyone is gone. Go back and prepare. There will be special field training tomorrow."

The first week after joining the class was dedicated to a special field training.

This special outdoor training is a group activity. If the alchemist wants to be strong, he only needs to keep refining alchemy. But if the alchemist guild wants to be strong, it must first know how to unite.

So these students will be taken to the wild field for a field training.

But in the past, such practical training courses were just for show, just going through the motions.

However, this time, Vice President Arashiyama has repeatedly emphasized that during the chat, he must be present, and he must actually complete this field training course.

The disciples below dispersed amid howls.

Lanshan walked towards Chen Xuan with a smile.

"You are here. The person you killed yesterday is called Dong Guo Ling. He once had a good reputation in the Jiangbei area."

"Well, it doesn't matter who he is, what matters is whether he has any accomplices."

Chen Xuan asked.

Na Lanshan's face was obviously a little heavy. This matter was of great importance because a family of medicine refining was involved.

"It must be the Liu family."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

"Yes, although there is no direct evidence now, the virtual fire-inducing pill did come from within the Liu family, and there are not many people who can refine this kind of pill."

Lan Shan said in a deep voice, and at the same time he glanced at Chen Xuan very carefully. Obviously this is a very serious problem. If Chen Xuan wants to deal with the Liu family, there may be a lose-lose situation.

Thinking of this, he also said quickly: "The Liu family has been passed down for hundreds of years. There is a sixth-grade alchemist in the previous generation who is undergoing a life-and-death seclusion. If he comes out of the seclusion, I don't know what level his strength will reach. Therefore, the current Liu family is still Quite strong.”

"Don't worry, I won't mess around anymore. The game has its own rules, but these people provoke me over and over again. It's not something that can be overcome so easily."

Chen Xuan waved his hands and said, the Liu family will naturally have to pay the price, but Chen Xuan will use his own methods instead of letting Lanshan take action behind his back.

This is his own business, and Chen Xuan has plenty of ways to solve these things.

"By the way, what about field training and special training?"

Chen Xuan asked.

He was not involved in the previous remarks and content arrangements, so Chen Xuan didn't know about it.

"Oh, that's it. All the new students in the new class have to go through a special outdoor training, which lasts for seven weeks. They have to support each other to get out of the dangerous canyon and complete the mission goals. During this period, they also need to support each other. Teachers supervise each other. This is a tradition in Caiban.”

The Dangerous Grand Canyon is forty miles north of Yaoshi City. It seems that two strong men have fought here. Because the formation of the natural environment is quite far-fetched, the two chasms formed a canyon.

In this canyon, there are some spiritual herbs and elixirs growing.

Become the favorite place for alchemists.

So the original location of Medicine Master City was chosen here.

The Grand Canyon of Danger is also called the Grand Canyon of Elixir by alchemists, but in order to obtain the elixir, you may face danger at the first level!

"There are still such troublesome things."

Chen Xuan frowned.

"It's not troublesome, and there are benefits. The dangerous Grand Canyon is also a place of opportunity. Some treasures may appear anytime and anywhere. So, if you go there, you will definitely like it."

The dangerous Grand Canyon is a burial place for the weak, but it is a paradise for the strong.

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