"After you reach the first level, you can ask me for the second level. Practice hard and don't waste your talents."

"Master, I have a cultivation problem to solve. Can you give me some advice?"

"Oh, there is such a thing. You encountered a problem just after you started practicing. What is the problem?" Although Du Zisong looked surprised on his face, he was actually thinking in his heart that everything is difficult at the beginning, and some problems are normal. .

"It's like this, master. When I sensed Qi, I suddenly felt a lot of spiritual energy, which made it very difficult for me to calm my Qi." Chen Xuan looked at Du Zisong and said.

"Many, how many are there?" Du Zisong asked in surprise.

"They're wandering everywhere. I can't count them all right now, but there are at least twenty, maybe more."

"What, so many, more than I can feel right now, you are really a monster!" Du Zisong shouted.

"Master, what color is the spiritual energy you feel?" Chen Xuan asked again.

"Green." Du Zisong replied.

"There are five colors that I feel, black, white, yellow, green and red, each with many stripes."

"The five-color one is a five-color picture!" Du Zisong shouted suddenly.

"Yes, it's a five-color picture." Chen Xuan felt that using a five-color picture to describe the aura he felt was the most appropriate way to describe it.

"Talent! What a talent." Du Zisong said with emotion: "Chen Xuan, although my teacher is not a member of the Chen clan, but because the Chen attribute is very high, he usually pays great attention to the Chen clan's Kung Fu. There is a legend in the Chen clan, It is the top skill of the Chen Clan. The name of this skill is "Five Colors Diagram". Only those who have sensed the five-color spiritual energy can practice it, and no one in the Chen Clan has been able to sense the five-color spiritual energy for thousands of years."

"There is such a skill, but it's a pity that the Chen clan no longer has it. Who knows where this "Five Colors Picture" has gone? Maybe it was destroyed by the beast clan." Chen Xuandao, "The problem I want to solve now is, what exactly is it?" Fix only one or two spiritual energies, or all the spiritual energies.”

"I think there must be a method in "Colorful Pictures", but it's impossible to get it now, so we have to find a method ourselves." Du Zisong said.

After thinking silently for a long time, Du Zisong added: "It will definitely be difficult for you to fix them all, so fixing one or two first is a necessary process. What you have to do now is to fix one first. If it doesn't feel very difficult, then Just try to focus on the second one. And I think that among the five colors of spiritual energy, only the green one is the Chen attribute, so you should focus on the green one first.”

"You can also try some other methods on your own. Remember one principle, that is, the best method is the only one that suits you. I will come over often to see you. If you have any questions, tell me and we will do it together. Think of ways to."

"Thank you, master." Chen Xuandao.

After sending Du Zisong away, Chen Xuan took out the sheet that recorded the first level of mental power cultivation and memorized all the contents on it.

This is the beginning of spiritual power cultivation. It talks about some basic knowledge of spiritual power cultivation, as well as the method of the first level of cultivation and the state that should be achieved.

Mental power cultivation is not a popular practice method in the Five Elements Continent. No one knows whether it is popular in other continents or in the fairy world, but there is no doubt that mental power cultivation is very important, so this method exists in the world. This method of unknown name actually has twenty levels. Breaking through the fifth level means breaking through the mortal realm and reaching the cultivator realm. Breaking through the tenth level means breaking through the cultivator realm and reaching the immortal realm. Breaking through the fifteenth level is a breakthrough. The Immortal Realm reaches the Divine Realm, and as for the final twentieth level, it is called the Eternal Heart.

The first level is of course the most basic level, and its name is moving the mind. The final state to be reached is to move the mind at will. The cultivation method is just to use the brain, jump in thinking, and increase the brain's reaction ability.

Spiritual power cultivation is actually very general, especially if you are just starting out and don’t know what to do, but as long as you get started, you will have very specific cultivation methods in the future.

Chen Xuan is actually not sure about cultivation at all now, so he is at a loss when it comes to both the cultivation method and the mental method. After half-thought, he finally decided to practice the technique to the second level before starting to practice the mental method of mental power.

After setting a goal, Chen Xuan began his own Qi-fixing practice.

Disaster! It's so hard. It is really difficult to get started with Chen Xuan. The spiritual energy in the five-color picture he felt was floating around. As long as Chen Xuan relaxed a little, it would be mixed with other spiritual energy and never be found again. After countless failures, Chen Xuan was exhausted.

Du Zisong often came to teach Chen Xuan, but sometimes it had the opposite effect. Chen Xuan was at the critical moment of calming down his energy. When Du Zisong came, he had to give up his efforts. Chen Xuan raised this question. It would be hard for Du Zisong to disturb him if he came again. He would leave automatically when there was no sound in the room. Chen Xuan was still wondering why Du Zisong didn't come?

According to Du Zisong's introduction, it usually takes about a month for a single spiritual energy to reach the state of steady energy. It has been more than half a month since Chen Xuan started, but he has not yet been able to stabilize a single spiritual energy. Plus five people at home, it is only a month away. Not far away either. This made Chen Xuan very frustrated. How could he, a seemingly talented person, become a fool in cultivation?

Chen Xuan entered the sect on the twenty-second day of the first lunar month. On the first day of the second lunar month, he received the resources distributed by the sect, three pieces of Chen Lingjing. These are the resources that a Chen attribute cultivator should receive in one month before he has reached the first level of spiritual cultivation. , of course, after this resource arrives, Chen Xuan must complete the sect's mission before it can be released. One task a month, Chen Xuan had no choice but to take on the task of sweeping the road. If he persisted for four months, he could complete the entire year's task.

The road that needs to be swept is the road from the Shenxin Gate to the square. It takes about two hours to complete the task. There is not much garbage on the road, but there are a lot of leaves. The garbage has to be dumped up the mountain, so it takes some time. . Of course, if the trees change leaves, the workload will increase a lot. Heavy rain can save you from unnecessary work, but unfortunately the workload will increase sharply. Chen Xuan even hated heavy rain. Once after it rained, he worked all day to clean the road, but at night he paved it again. A layer of fallen leaves.

But no matter what, the time at night still belongs to Chen Xuan himself, so his practice has not been interrupted. After almost a month of getting started, Chen Xuan was finally able to stabilize a piece of spiritual energy. This was a thick green spiritual energy that was very conspicuous in the colorful pictures. After a month of continuous tracking, Chen Xuan finally calmed down this spiritual energy. . When it came to rest in Chen Xuan's feeling, other spiritual energy jumped up and down around it, as if trying to take it away.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and finally settled on one line of spiritual energy. Next, he continued to fixate on the second line and used the first line to practice the second level of Qi movement.

Just a few days ago, Sun Tingting quietly told Chen Xuan that she had reached the first level of spiritual cultivation and had moved to live in the first level. This forces Chen Xuan to work hard, otherwise the gap will become wider and wider. However, Chen Xuan also knew that Sun Tingting had been cultivating spiritual power since she started. Her Qi refining level had far exceeded the limitations of spiritual power. Being able to reach the first level in January was not a particularly outstanding breakthrough.

After another full month of hard work, Chen Xuan finally settled on the second green aura, and the first aura could basically move according to the laws of nature. At the same time, the cultivation of mental power had reached a critical moment to break through to the first level.

In the past two months, Chen Xuan has been cultivating, sleeping, eating, and doing tasks all in one. He has lived a very fulfilling life. This of course has a lot to do with the stable environment provided by Shenxin Sect. During meals, the senior brothers and sisters often discussed some of the current situations, which made Chen Xuan fully understand the current situation of mankind. He knew that now outside the Divine Heart Gate, the entire Stone Tail City was in panic.

The Fire-Eyed Scorpion is the absolute powerhouse on this continent. Wherever he occupies, all human beings are exterminated. There are also many strong men in the third level of semi-immortal realm in the human race, but when they join forces, they are still no match for this fire-eyed scorpion. They can only barely manage to escape. One of them was seriously injured and his cultivation level dropped sharply.

And the Orcs are attacking wherever they go, advancing steadily. As long as the Humans lose a place, there is no possibility of taking it back. The Chen clan fell not long after Chen Xuan and the others escaped, and now the Orc clan's territory is closely connected with the central part.

And what about the human race? Due to the shortage of Chen Lingjing, it now takes three other spiritual crystals to exchange for one Chen Lingjing, and this situation is getting worse. The Human Alliance has thought of many ways, but the forest resources are really insufficient. Most of the dense forests grow in the east of the continent, and now they are all occupied by the orcs.

About one-fifth of the cultivators majored in the Chen attribute. This absolute number was too large, and the impact it caused was unbearable.

Since the entire continent is too large, the reproduction rate of the Orcs is not enough to occupy all the continents in a short period of time. However, as long as the Fire-Eyed Scorpions rule the Orcs 1, the Orcs will step up their expansion. One day, they will rule the entire Five Elements Continent. . Unless someone can defeat the Fire-Eyed Scorpion, this momentum is unstoppable. Is there such a person? Judging from the current situation, no human being has been found to have such a possibility of success.

As a practitioner of the Chen attribute, Chen Xuan was of course very concerned about Chen Lingjing's situation. However, since Chen Chengfeng was one of the leaders of the Chen clan after all, he had accumulated a lot of Chen Lingjing, which made Chen Xuan feel a little calmer. If you are not at a high level, your own Chen Lingjing should be enough. Moreover, the Shenxin Sect also promised to give him resources. With this double insurance, Chen Xuan had no worries for the time being.

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