In the past two months, Chen Xuan has received three pieces of Chen Lingjing, and other zero-level disciples have only received three pieces of other types of spiritual crystals. It seems that the Shenxin Sect has not issued fewer Chen attribute cultivators because of the increase in the price of Chen Lingjing. Basic resources. This can also be seen that Shenxin Sect has a certain financial foundation.

Five days later, during a spiritual practice, Chen Xuan suddenly felt his whole body trembling, thoughts rolling in his mind, and a sense of full sufficiency quickly spread throughout his body. He knew that he had reached the first level of spiritual power. I was happy and consolidated it for a few more rounds before turning to Qi refining. At this time, the two green auras in the five-color picture were motionless. It was a completely different feeling than before.

Is this a breakthrough? Ha ha! Chen Xuan was extremely happy. This was his highest level of motivation since he started practicing, because he finally found the confidence to practice. Only through continuous forge ahead can we achieve breakthroughs, and only through breakthroughs can we achieve greater breakthroughs. This is a virtuous cycle of cultivation!

In a dormitory on the first floor, Chen Xuan put down his luggage.

"Not bad." Chen Xuan said secretly. The dormitory here at First Level is much larger than outside. In addition to the bed, the dormitory also has a table and a chair, so that I don't have to sit on the bed. Of course, the more important thing is that the master can have a place to sit when he comes. As for him sitting on the bed and sitting on a chair, there is actually no difference.

In addition, it is closer to the cafeteria, so you can save some time and spend more time practicing.

But as soon as this idea came up, a senior brother came to deliver a message, announcing the decision to stop Chen Xuan from cleaning the road because his cultivation level had exceeded his cleaning authority. So far, Chen Xuan has been cleaning ten consecutive months for a total of two months, and has completed seven-twelfths of the tasks for the whole year. Chen Xuan can now choose to find a new task to continue completing the task, or he can wait until the task deadline arrives. Task.

The lower the cultivation level, the simpler the tasks, so many disciples will choose to complete the tasks for the whole year as much as possible when the cultivation level is low. Firstly, they can practice with peace of mind, and secondly, they can save some time. After all, simple tasks generally cost more than complex tasks. Less time. Once you break through, simple tasks will be terminated, forcing you to take on heavier and more complex tasks.

Chen Xuan was indifferent to the completion of the task. He went to the place where the task was issued and looked around. He couldn't find anything easy to do, so he stopped looking and started his practice with full concentration.

The first level of Shenxin Sect is also very large, but there are very few disciples, so each dormitory is separated by a very long distance. Usually no one will move around each other unless necessary, which is just conducive to cultivation. The sect would also deliberately place the two disciples far apart. Maybe the dormitory closest to Chen Xuan was empty.

Until now, Chen Xuan knew very few disciples of the Shenxin Sect, just the few who often went to the cafeteria to eat. While eating, chatting was limited to that, but there was no deeper contact. This is actually the tradition of the Shenxin Sect. Except for his own master, he is basically not very familiar with anyone else. This is a tradition that is automatically formed when there are few people. If there are more disciples of Shen Xin Sect, maybe this situation will change. However, the entry requirements for Shenxin Sect are too harsh, and there should not be a large number of disciples.

Why hasn't the master come yet? The master usually comes very frequently, but I haven't seen him these days, and he hasn't come since I moved to the first level. It seems that I can only ask for the second level by myself.

After Chen Xuan had eaten, he walked directly through Shizhong and came to the office.

The person on duty today is Sect Master Zhang. Although this Sect Master is beautiful, he has a strong murderous aura. This is probably a common problem among gold practitioners. If it were normal times, Chen Xuan would definitely run away quickly, but now Chen Xuan really has something to do, so he can't care so much. He walked to the side of the Zhang family leader and asked softly: "Zhang Zhang, the disciple wants to find the master, but I don't know where to find him." turn up?"

Sect Leader Zhang stared at Chen Xuan and said, "Are you the new disciple named Chen Xuan?"


"Your master is out on business and won't be back for about a month. If you have anything, you can tell me directly."

"This disciple has already reached the next level of cultivation, and now he needs the second level of mental skills."

"That's the thing. Let me take a look. It is indeed the first level of the adjacent level." Sect Master Zhang carefully checked Chen Xuan's cultivation level, took out a piece of paper from a cabinet, and wrote down the second level of the adjacent level in three strokes. Pass the mental method to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan took the paper, said thank you, and wanted to turn around and leave, but in the end he asked: "Master Zhang, I wonder where my master has gone?"

"Don't ask, guy. If you're not supposed to know, don't ask."

Chen Xuanu pursed his lips and replied: "Disciple knows." He quickly ran out in a panic. The sect leader put too much pressure on Chen Xuan, and it seemed that the master's whereabouts could not be found out from her.

Returning to the dormitory, I unfolded the mental method. There was a big word "centering" written on the paper, which marked the name of this important mental method. Analyzed what to do with this reassurance.

The main purpose of calming your mind is to stabilize your thoughts and increase your thoughts in quantity. This requires operating your mind and stimulating the growth of your thoughts. So as long as you do it according to your mind, you will reach this state sooner or later. Persistence is the only way to achieve this state.

"Then let's get started without further ado." Chen Xuan said to himself.

Arriving at Neighbor 2, Chen Xuan finally found out where Du Zisong was in the cafeteria. It turned out that he was going to attend a meeting held by the Human Alliance. The headquarters of the Human Race Alliance is now at the junction of the central and western parts. It is at the center of the remaining power of the Human Race and is an ideal place to call upon the Human Race. This place is probably not very far from the Divine Heart Gate. At Du Zisong's speed, it is about It was twenty, so the head of the Zhang family told Chen Xuan that Du Zisong was expected to be away for a month.

Chen Xuan still has feelings for this master. After all, Du Zisong has never asked Chen Xuan for anything and often cares about him. Anyone with a conscience will have feelings for such a master. So when he heard that Du Zisong just went to the rear for a meeting, Chen Xuan was relieved.

What is the Human Alliance going to do? Chen Xuan shook his head and laughed at himself. No matter what they were going to do, he couldn't participate now. His cultivation level was indeed too low. Practice, practice, only practice is what he wants to do now.

Time flies so fast, and another month has passed in the blink of an eye. It has been more than three months since Chen Xuan started practicing, and the number of spiritual energy that can be fixed has reached six.

Yesterday I met Sun Tingting in the cafeteria. Sun Tingting told him that she had gone home. The rules of the Shenxin Sect are that nearby disciples can go home twice a year, with two yuan each time. Disciples who live far away can go home once a year, and the time limit is determined based on the actual situation. Chen Xuan would not waste an opportunity to go home easily. So even though he missed his parents very much, he resisted taking leave.

This time, when Chen Xuan fixed the seven green auras, he found that there was no green aura in the five-color picture, and all the auras that could swim were other colors.

Do we still need to take care of these spiritual energies? This is another vexing question. Du Zisong hasn't come back yet, and he has no one to consult with, so he can only make his own decision.

If you continue to meditate, think of it as improving your mental strength. There is no doubt that this method of fixing spiritual energy is actually similar to the cultivation of spiritual power.

What color should I order? First, make a decision for each type. Chen Xuan immediately made a decision.

It was a gloomy morning, with drizzle still floating in the air. Chen Xuan was surprised when he heard the noise of people in the distance. This seemed to have never been the case at Shenxinmen. He hurriedly walked out of the dormitory and saw people in the distance. On the road, a group of people rushed towards Shizhong in a panic and quickly.

"I don't know what big thing happened." Chen Xuan was secretly frightened, but the speed of the group was too fast, and Chen Xuan couldn't catch up with him. Even if he caught up, Chen Xuan couldn't follow him into other dormitories, so he decided to eat at noon. After asking again, he turned around and went into the house to start practicing again.

Today's cultivation is not very effective, as if there is always something in my heart. What exactly happened today?

It was almost noon, and Chen Xuan came very early on purpose, since his practice would not produce any results anyway. But I didn't expect that many people came to today's canteen early, and everyone was talking about it.

When Chen Xuan heard what everyone was talking about, he was really shocked. Master Du was ambushed by the beasts and escaped alone. Now his life or death is uncertain.

Chen Xuan left the canteen before he had time to eat and stood at the door, not knowing where to go. Go find a master? It seems that you still don’t know where the master lives? Moreover, the sect rules stipulate that shackle-level disciples are not allowed to trespass into the accommodation area of ​​high-level disciples.

Applying to visit a doctor, Chen Xuan quickly made a decision.

Chen Xuan ran to the office and saw Sect Master Zhang sitting at the table with a sullen face. Now her face became more murderous.

"Sect Master Zhang, I want to visit the master." Chen Xuan ignored Sect Master Zhang's expression and opened the door and entered the mountain tunnel.

"Nonsense. Clan Leader Du is currently being rescued. What are you going to do?" Clan Leader Zhang yelled.

"I, I just went to take a look." Chen Xuan lowered his head and said.

"Later. When Master Du's condition stabilizes, I will allow you to visit." Master Zhang suddenly said softly.

Chen Xuan did not insist. He knew that he would have no chance to visit in this situation. "Sect Master Zhang, can you tell me what exactly happened?"

"Actually, I'm not very sure. I just heard that Master Du was attacked by the beasts when he was unconscious. So we all guessed that Master Du must have been ambushed by the beasts on his way home."

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