"That's it. Then I'll take my leave." Chen Xuan walked out of the office at a loss. The voice of Sect Master Zhang came from behind, "Chen Xuan, don't worry, we have sent the best doctors to treat Sect Master Du. I believe that Sect Master Du is a good person."

Chen Xuan ran to the cafeteria again to find out what happened. But the sum total of what everyone knows is not as much as that of Sect Leader Zhang. As for Chen Xuan's differences from those of Clan Master Zhang, he knew that it was just conjecture without thinking. However, everyone is saying that the blood debt of the orcs must be repaid with blood. Chen Xuan secretly swore in his heart that if the master was fine, it would be nothing. If anything happened to the master, the orcs must pay the price.

Back in the dormitory, Chen Xuan couldn't calm down at all. This fire-eyed scorpion is so abominable that it wiped out the Chen clan and forced the Chen clan to disband. Now it makes the master's life and death unknown. This guy is absolutely a heinous executioner. When I succeed in cultivation, I must get rid of this scourge.

Chen Xuanjin's mind was too confused and he couldn't practice at all. He couldn't visit his master, so he didn't know where to go.

go home! Chen Xuan immediately thought of these two words. In Chen Xuan's heart, the most important people are his parents. When he heard that Master Du was attacked by the beasts, he began to worry about his parents' safety. The attack on Master Du showed that the Orcs had reached the central part of the continent, but Chen Chengfeng was running a shop and was likely to conflict with the Orcs. If for any reason it becomes a thorn in the side of the beast tribe, accidents will inevitably happen.

It seems that I want to tell my father about the master. By the way, you can also go back and bring some supplements. If the master wakes up, you can go and visit.

When Chen Xuan came to the office again, he saw Master Ma. He revealed his purpose, but Master Ma didn't say anything and directly gave him two days' leave.

The residents of Stone Tail City were still living their lives as usual, and they didn't even realize that their lives might change. After all, everyone thinks that it will probably take a long time for the orcs to invade the central part.

It was almost dusk when Chen Xuan arrived home, and the store had already closed. Chen Chengfeng and Liu Chun were very happy when they saw Chen Xuan walking in the distance.

Entering the inner courtyard, Zeng Xin'er ran over and hugged Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan could only look at his mother's red eyes, smile and say nothing.

"I haven't seen you for more than a month. Baby seems to have grown a little taller!" Zeng Xin'er said.

"Mother, you remember wrong, it's been more than three months." Chen Xuan replied.

"Your mother remembered correctly. When you were cleaning the road a month ago, she came to see you." Chen Chengfeng said.

Chen Xuan understood that his mother was watching outside when he was cleaning the road at the door. "Haha, that's the sect's mission."

"Then why didn't you come later?" Zeng Xin'er smiled. After Chen Xuan's mission was terminated, Zeng Xin'er had to wait for a while before giving up and continuing to peek at the door. Then she worried for a few more times and urged Chen Chengfeng to ask about the situation. Chen Chengfeng only said that it would be okay. If anything happens, Master Du. Already informed. Zeng Xin'er thought about it and gave up asking.

"My mission has been terminated because I was promoted." Chen Xuandao.

"Promote, let me see what level you are promoted to, what level you are now." Chen Chengfeng said.

"The promotion we have there is not about the level of Qi refining, but about mental power. My mental power has reached the first level, so I can no longer take on the task of pediatrics."

"Let me see what state your Qi refining has reached, yeah! Why can't I see it, but it feels like it's below the third level." Chen Chengfeng is very strange. High-level cultivators are generally very accurate in judging the state of low-level cultivators. , but he could only get a rough look at Chen Xuan.

"Strictly speaking, I haven't completed the first level yet, but actually, I will be able to reach the third level soon. Because my colorful pictures are extraordinary."

Chen Chengfeng nodded and immediately understood that Chen Xuan did not stabilize all the spiritual energy, but used a piece of spiritual energy to attack the third level.

"Father, I have something important to tell you. My master, Master Du, is injured." Chen Xuan began his important mission to return home.

"What's going on? Who in the Shenxin Sect can have trouble with Master Du?" Chen Chengfeng asked in surprise.

"It's the beast tribe. Master went to attend the human race alliance meeting. When he came back, he was probably ambushed by the beast tribe." Chen Xuan replied.

"Since Master Du has returned to the sect, it shouldn't matter, right?" Chen Chengfeng asked again.

"It's very good. I haven't had a chance to visit yet. I just want to bring some supplements when I come back this time so that I can visit in a few days. The most important thing is that my father should go out less now and be more vigilant to prevent sneak attacks from the orcs in the central part. , If there is any movement, I hope my father will take everyone to evacuate to the west as soon as possible. "

"If Lord Du is really attacked by the beast tribe, then it seems that chaos will break out in the central part of the country soon. We should strengthen our precautions." Chen Chengfeng pondered for a while.

Go home feeling good. Chen Xuan slept in his own bed and felt the warmth of home. In fact, Chen Xuan's family in the Chen clan has long been shattered, but as long as his parents are there, of course there is a family.

In the next two days, there was some turmoil in Stone Tail City. Everyone was talking about what happened recently. Almost everyone in the central area who went to attend the Human Alliance meeting was attacked and killed. This made everyone in the town change their mood. Even Chen Xuan was shocked when he heard these rumors. Is there such a big movement among the Orcs? So what should the human race do?

In the evening, Chen Chengfeng analyzed the current situation while talking to Chen Xuan. This large-scale operation by other orcs in the central region may have several purposes. The simplest thing is the prelude to war. Going deeper will disrupt the central part and interrupt the deployment of the human race. A little deeper is a feint, a plot to attack the south or north. The most likely possibility is the combination of two and three points, that is, the Orcs want the Humans to gather their forces in the middle, and they will take the opportunity to capture the south or north.

Chen Xuan agreed with his father's point of view. He also thought that if the orcs captured any part of the north and south, and then encroached on part of the central area, they would be in a situation where they would be equally divided with the human race. Maybe this is the current bottom line of Fire-Eyed Scorpion. And if the orcs continue to multiply, they will eventually continue to encroach on human territory.

On this basis, Chen Chengfeng formulated his future course of action. After the Orcs' attack target was clear, he would quickly evacuate to the southwest or northwest, and before the Humans had arrived there in large numbers, he would set up a store there. In fact, if you wear it, you will always be in the center of the gathering of humans, which is both safe and convenient for business. And as long as you act quickly, you will seize business opportunities.

As for who will resist the Orcs, this is indeed not a question that Chen Xuan and Chen Chengfeng have to consider now. Compared to the strong humans, even Chen Chengfeng is nothing more than cannon fodder when he joins the war.

Stone Tail City, if Chen Xuan's guess is correct, will eventually become the place where the beast race and the human race face a stalemate. The vanguard of the human race will gather in Stone Tail City. As for what decision the Shenxin Sect will make, Chen Xuan can't control it now.

On the third day after Chen Xuan returned home, his vacation also came. At the same time, he also hoped to get the message from his master as soon as possible, so he returned to Shenxinmen very early with a lot of supplements.

When he came to the office, Chen Xuan found that Sun Tingting's master Li Clan Master was on duty. When he asked her about Du Zisong's situation, Clan Master Li sighed: "It's a rescue, but it's a pity that the Dantian was exploded and all his cultivation was lost."

Chen Xuan felt a little sad about this result. The master turned from a strong man to a mortal, how could he live?

She asked Clan Master Li to visit her master, but Clan Master Li didn't agree because Du Zisong's condition was not stable yet, so she asked Chen Xuan to wait a while.

Chen Xuan returned to his dormitory, and he felt relieved knowing that his master was not in danger for the time being. Although his master would definitely be sad because of the loss of his cultivation, he still survived after all.

Watching the opportunity for Sect Master Zhang to go to work, Chen Xuan finally got the opportunity to visit his master. Sect Leader Zhang gave him a token, and Chen Xuan thanked him and quickly went to prepare condolence gifts.

After passing through the seventh level and seeing the house in the eighth level, Chen Xuan found that the house had not continued to get bigger since the sixth level. Only then did he realize that he had made a mistake based on subjective experience, and he deeply reflected on himself.

According to the information obtained from the head of Zhang, Chen Xuan finally found Du Zisong's residence and knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was a woman about fifty years old. Chen Xuan didn't know who she was, so he couldn't say anything. The woman asked: "Who are you? How did you come to the eighth level?"

"My name is Chen Xuan, and I am Master Du's disciple. I don't know how to call you?"

"Oh, it's Chen Xuan. I'm your wife." The woman replied.

It turned out to be the master's wife. Chen Xuan did not expect that the master's wife would look so old.

"So you are the master's wife. I came to visit the master." Chen Xuandao.

"Go, your master is inside." The master's wife said softly.

Seeing Du Zisong lying on the bed with a face full of scars, Chen Xuan slowed down his steps, then stood by the bed respectfully and called "Master".

Du Zisong opened his eyes slightly and murmured: "Chen Xuan..."

"It's me, I'm here to see you." Chen Xuan grabbed the master's hand.

Du Zisong obviously trembled slightly, probably because of the pain in the wound, but at the same time, his hand grasped Chen Xuan's hand tightly.

"Practice well..." Du Zisong said intermittently, while Chen Xuan could only nod lightly.

"Master hasn't... received... the... apprenticeship gift to... you..." Du Zisong continued, "Look at the wall... and take down the sword..."

Chen Xuan turned around and saw a sword hanging on the wall. It was very simple and he knew it was a good sword at a glance. He walked over, took it off, and brought it to Juniper's bed.

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