Chen Xuan's task was relatively simple. He only needed to be responsible for a little bit. At the same time, he could also look for opportunities in this dangerous canyon.

Before that, Yan Hai also gave Chen Xuan a map. Although the description was not very detailed, it was also very precious in this dangerous canyon. It could even save lives when necessary.

"The vice president told me to tell Master Chen Xuan that the places marked by the red circles must not be visited. If you enter these places, the chance of death will be more than 90%."

Yan Hai said seriously.

Chen Xuan nodded and said disapprovingly: "I know."

Then he looked at the jungle in front and walked out.

"There is the Qingming Life and Death Leaf in the dangerous canyon of Lanshan. Although the Qingming Life and Death Leaf is only a seventh-grade spiritual medicine, there must be a Yanyan Qingzhu Lotus next to the Qingming Life and Death Leaf."

A gleam of light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. The Qingming Life and Death Leaf was not very useful. It could be used to refine a drug that put people into a state of suspended animation. It was a relatively strange spiritual medicine, but the Yanyan Qingzhu Lotus was quite important.

The main ingredient of the god-level elixir refined by Chen Xuan in his previous life.

It is even higher than the grade of the Chilly Cold Spirit Grass obtained from the Huo Family.

"Why did the god-level elixir explode? If you want to know the reason, you can only do it once. With my strength, refining god-level elixir should be no problem."

Chen Xuan thought to himself. In terms of alchemy and martial arts, Chen Xuan has absolute confidence, otherwise he would not have become a powerful god-level master at such a young age, and he has unique achievements in elixir, almost becoming the number one alchemist in Xuan Continent.

Having such achievements, how could he bow his head because of these difficulties? Therefore, he must overcome these difficulties before he can correct them.

"In these three red circles, there have been emperor-level mysterious beasts, so they are marked as dangerous places. Haha, what's so great about a mere emperor-level mysterious beast."

Chen Xuan sneered. When he wanted to walk towards one of the red circles, he suddenly stopped. Although he is now quite strong, there is still a certain gap to challenge this emperor-level mysterious beast.

"Ahem, let's go to other places now. There's no need to take risks, right?" Chen Xuan walked towards other places. The map in his hand also depicts the distribution range of some spiritual medicines. There are two plates in the Dangerous Canyon, the East Canyon and the West Canyon. There is one dangerous place in the East Canyon, one at the junction, and one in the West Canyon. In addition, the closer to the West Canyon, the higher the level of spiritual medicine. However, this time, the field training was all placed in the East Canyon. Relatively speaking, the development level of the East Canyon is relatively high, and even some strong people will come to mine spiritual medicine on weekdays. This Dangerous Canyon is nearly 100,000 miles long and wide, which can be vast and boundless. If you want to meet in it, you have to do it deliberately. In such a dangerous and vast canyon, a person walking in is like a drop of water merging into the sea, and there is no trace at all. So for those students who are taking the trial, it is also a very dangerous thing. Chen Xuan chose a direction to move forward, which is the direction of approaching the West Canyon. At the same time, on the opposite side of the West Canyon. A group of people in black are quietly approaching. The clothes on his body were out of tune with the color of the surrounding forest, but he was moving forward quickly, as if he was chasing something.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh————

Figures kept flashing in the jungle.

The number of these black-clad people actually exceeded a hundred.

At the end of the team, a tall woman wearing light armor, holding a red skull sword, appeared in his sight.

His eyes were as cold as a knife. He looked at the map in his hand and sneered.

"Pass the order down. Our army will arrive at the junction of the east and the west before dark today at the latest!"

The red skull said lightly, and the people behind him immediately responded.

"Got the order!"

Not only at the edge of the West Canyon, but also at several other entrances, there were also people moving, obviously rushing towards the East Canyon. The movement of such a large-scale army seemed so insignificant in this dangerous canyon that it could not be felt at all.

It was like the two ends of the vast ocean.

In just two days, Chen Luo and Shangguan Hong reached a combat agreement and sent a large number of masters. Now the two families joined forces, not only to kill Chen Xuan, but also to extinguish the arrogant flames of the Medicine Master City.

In recent years, the Medicine Master City has been too arrogant. It directly asked the Lingshan Chen family not to take action. Such interference will cause the Chen family to suffer heavy losses, with five life and death elders.

Now that the two families have joined forces, they are bound to suppress the Medicine Master City.

A large number of masters poured into the dangerous canyon.

The target was directly aimed at Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan was unaware of the danger and was gradually approaching the West Canyon. Within the range of his mental power, he explored most of the East Canyon.

Obviously, the previous activities were more frequent, so it was difficult to find any precious spiritual medicine here.

"Oh? In danger?"

Chen Xuan was about to walk towards the West Canyon.

But in the next moment, within the coverage of his mental power, a team appeared and was being attacked by three level mysterious beasts.

For these students who are only at the top level of cultivation, it is obviously quite difficult to deal with this level of mysterious beast.

Chen Xuan originally wanted to ignore it, but he imagined that he was a teacher now and couldn't just leave like this. He might as well go and have a look. After all, Lanshan was kind to him and owed him a lot of money for protecting Beishui City. Chen Xuan is like this.

If you have a grudge against me, I will take revenge now.

But if you are kind to me, I will repay you tenfold or a hundredfold.

With a few flashes of his body, Chen Xuan flew to a big tree and looked at the seven people fighting hard below.

Obviously, these alchemists only know how to make alchemy on weekdays, but neglect fighting.

With the help of elixirs, one can reach the current Earth-level, or even the 1st-level realm, but the combat effectiveness is quite weak, and even looks clumsy.

Now Qi Rao's team encountered three mysterious beasts that were about the third level.

Four of them chose to use the mysterious fire to lay down layers of defense to protect themselves. The remaining three just restrained one each, waiting for an opportunity to kill the other party with the power of the mysterious fire.

But now it seems that the three super mysterious beasts have an even greater advantage.

"It's so annoying, how come these Hanyue coyotes are targeting us."

Han Ya couldn't figure it out no matter how much she thought about it, these Hanyue coyotes usually stayed in the deep mountains and old forests, but now they wandered into the east canyon and targeted seven of them.

"Otherwise, let's evacuate separately."

A girl who controlled the mysterious fire said that she was obviously scared in front of these mysterious beasts. When I usually look at the mysterious beasts, they are all locked in cages, some are chained, and some are made directly. The delicious food was placed on the table, and it was indeed a surprise to see it alive in front of me.

This was not the first time I saw mysterious beasts, but I saw these extremely fierce mysterious beasts.

There are only Han Ya and one other girl in this team, the others are all boys.

The boys were obviously quite brave, and one of the slightly stronger ones stepped forward.

"I'll stop them, you go first."

"No, if we separate, we will all die here."

Han Ya said.

"How about we ask for help from the tutors? The tutors must be watching us somewhere." The girl just now was called Shirley.

The profound energy in the body is flowing out rapidly, so I feel very scared. If all my profound energy is exhausted, there will be no sense of security.

"No, we absolutely cannot lose!"

Han Ya said, her talent and cultivation are the strongest, why should she lose to others? At this moment, Han Ya saw a figure.

A very hateful figure, and a plan suddenly came to mind.

"We retreat, in that direction!"

Han Ya pointed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

Although they didn't understand why they were retreating in that direction, the rest of the people also followed the instructions of the captain Han Ya.


The mysterious fire burst out suddenly, temporarily forcing the three Hanyue coyotes back. At the same time, Han Ya quickly ran towards Chen Xuan with the six people behind her.

"This girl!"

Chen Xuan smiled half-heartedly, did he think of such a trick?

Thinking of this, a pill appeared in Chen Xuan's hand. He squeezed it lightly and turned it into powder. Then he flicked his fingers and rushed towards Han Ya.

call out!

Han Ya felt a wave coming, and when she looked up, she saw a black shadow flying towards her eyes. Before she could react, there was a bang, and a distance of five feet above her head turned into a powdery mist. .

Then these medicinal powders continued to fall down, landing on Han Ya’s head.

"This is……"

Han Ya's pupils shrank, and her cute and delicate face suddenly changed, becoming more angry.

"Violent Powder!"

Violent powder!

Even a fingernail can make the surrounding mysterious beasts go completely crazy. It is often used in the Colosseum, but just now, countless powders fell on his body, wouldn't that be true?

Sure enough, when Han Ya turned around and saw the three Hanyue coyotes behind her, the bloodlust and excitement in her eyes were very obvious!

Holy shit!

Han Ya cursed in her heart, and when she looked at Chen Xuan, he had already disappeared.

I was actually tricked!

Thinking of this, Han Ya suddenly became angry.

Even Song Ming, who was in the dark, didn't notice what Chen Xuan did.

"This is violent powder, we are dead..."

I don’t know where this violent powder came from, but it did appear. Sherry’s face was filled with despair.

"Give me your life!"

Han Ya, who had always been weak, actually rushed towards the three Hanyue coyotes like crazy.

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