Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 153 Soul-Eating Dragon Rock Fruit

A beautiful long bow appeared in Han Ya's hand. When approaching the three Hanyue coyotes, she opened the bow and set an arrow.

Three squeaks.

As if all the anger in his body was poured out, under these three bows and arrows, the Hanyue Coyote was directly shot into wolf meat skewers.

Shirley and others looked at Han Ya in shock.

Not only did he shoot the three Hanyue coyotes to the ground, but he also took the long bow in his hand and kept smashing the bodies of the three Hanyue coyotes.

It seemed like he was venting his anger.

Bang bang bang.

"I'll crush you to death."

"You dare to mess with me."

"See if I don't kill you."


Han Ya was fighting, her face full of anger. For such an arrogant guy like Chen Xuan, she must deal with Caixiao properly.

Song Ming, who saw this scene from a distance, also took a breath of air.

Because the three arrows Han Ya shot just now are all the treasures of the Han family.

It's called the Golden Soul Life-Destroying Arrow.

Each of these arrows has a formation left by the spell master, and they are all one-time use. The effect of this formation can make this golden soul-killing arrow have a 100% hit effect when it is shot out.

No one below the king level can escape the attack of this golden soul-killing arrow.

The cost of each arrow is more than 30 million gold coins.

In just the blink of an eye, Han Ya's ancestor threw out 100 million gold coins, which was equivalent to throwing 100 million gold coins into the water, but in a way, he also saved his life.

"You are really willing to give up, this kid."

Song Ming looked at it and felt heartbroken. Even as a special teacher, he only received a small amount of subsidy per month. It was less than 500,000 gold coins. Of course, this was the minimum subsidy. Then he had to earn the rest by himself.

For example, every time he takes a class, that young man also has an income of one million gold coins, but Song Ming is an old guy, and his potential is not as good as some new special teachers. On the one hand, some forces want to invite special teachers to give lectures, but more Most of the time, I still want to win over these talented alchemists.

After establishing a good relationship, you can talk about anything in the future.

The nearly 100 million gold coins that Han Ya threw out just now will take at least a year or two to earn, but while earning, you will spend more. Alchemist is an extremely profitable profession, but Sometimes it is also an extremely expensive profession.

If you don't have enough financial resources to buy elixirs and prescriptions to improve your own alchemy skills, then you will be eliminated. Therefore, for a better future, you still need to spend a lot of money to help improve your own strength. .

The older you get to Song Ming's age, the more you know how precious and important this money is.

This guy just lost 100 million.

"Hey, sister Han Ya, you are so amazing."

Shirley said in admiration. She had been running away just now, but in the blink of an eye, she shot the opponent to the ground. This kind of bravery was truly breathtaking.

Several other boys did not expect Han Ya to have such a treasure.

Obviously this is a life-saving thing, but if it is taken out at this time, the next time will be even more difficult.

But looking at Han Ya's appearance, she seemed to be very relieved.

"I'm so angry." Han Ya said, and at the same time, she took out an elixir, crushed it into powder, and sprinkled it in the air, covering up the violent powder.

Prevent this violent powder from being spread out and attracting more mysterious beasts.

This time, a total of five golden soul-killing arrows were prepared. Now three of them were used at once, and they were hunting super-level mysterious beasts. What should they do if they encounter that spiritual-level mysterious beast.

But this is not what Han Ya is worried about. What Han Ya wants to find most now is Chen Xuan, Wang An.

He was skinned and cramped.

Step on him hard, crush him, ravage him, let him know how powerful this girl is.

"Let's go, there was a despicable guy who secretly attacked us just now. We must find him and make him pay the price." Han Ya said fiercely.

"What, it was actually a sneak attack."

"How come my Hanyue coyotes have become so ferocious? Someone is actually behind them."

"If I, Zhang Jiao, find out, I will definitely make him crumble!"

"Yes, what I hate most in my life are these despicable and shameless people."

Immediately, the boys all stood on Han Ya's side. At the same time, they probably hated the person who had sneaked the attack just now. If they really let them see Chen Xuan, they might really go up and beat him up on impulse. You have to piss your ass off.

"Let's go find him!"

Han Ya watched everyone's momentum being mobilized by herself, and smiled coldly in her heart, then waved her hand and headed towards the depths of the East Canyon.

In fact, Chen Xuan did not escape.

But when his mental power swept through an area, he discovered something unusual, because this place was actually devouring his own mental power. After receiving this feedback, Chen Xuan thought of something, it was probably this. Planting things will eat up your own spiritual power.

So he ignored Han Ya and others and rushed out.

With Han Ya's worth, I believe it would not be so easy to hang up here, so Chen Xuan is not worried. Since the disciples of the big families can come here, they will carry more or less life-saving things with them. At the critical moment , these are used to save lives,

At this time, the gap between those who have money and those who have no money will be very obvious.

After Chen Xuan turned around several times, he finally found the strange thing.

Because his mental power was swallowed up and he could not get close, Chen Xuan also spent a lot of effort to find this thing.

"As expected, it's you, Soul-eating Dragon Rock Fruit!"

Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at a series of dragon rock-like fruits hanging on an ancient tree that was a hundred meters high.

This Soul-Eating Dragon Rock Fruit has the effect of devouring mental power, but at the same time, if taken with medicinal materials, it can enhance mental power. Just as his mental power has been stagnant for some time, the appearance of this Soul-Eating Dragon Rock Fruit also made Chen Xuan was delighted.

And just when Chen Xuan was about to pick off the Soul-eating Dragon Rock Fruit, several figures quickly surrounded Chen Xuan.

"Jiejie, what do you think? I'll do it. As long as we guard a magical medicine, people will come to our door in a steady stream. What's this called, waiting for the rabbit?"

A fat man with yellow teeth grinned and said. The waist-thick double swords in his hands were also very powerful, and a series of beast teeth hung in front of his neck. There was even a piece of fur from a tiger-like mysterious beast wrapped around his waist.

There were four other people who also took a step forward, all pointing their weapons at Chen Xuan.

"Son, hand over your valuables and I will spare your life."

The fat man with yellow teeth said coldly, "It seems that this fat man is the leader of these people."

These people should be wandering adventurers. There are countless elixirs in this grand canyon. It is a place to make a fortune. Moreover, if you meet an alchemist, he is very capable of finding elixirs, but his skills are not If you are so bad, this is the time to step forward and perform well.

However, Fatty Huangya would never have imagined in his life how he could be so unlucky. Chen Xuan was indeed an alchemist, but unfortunately he was not the kind of alchemist who could not restrain a chicken.

But the real violent Danzun.

When he heard clearly that these people wanted to rob him, Chen Xuan shook his head and walked straight towards the fat man with yellow teeth, without even bothering to say a word.

Any harsh words or pretentious words are meaningless in Chen Xuan's opinion. In the end, it is practical to just take action.

"Oh, it seems that this guy wants to drink a toast instead of eating. He has to drink as a penalty. Brothers, show this guy and let him know how awesome you guys are!"

This fat man with yellow teeth is also quite famous among adventurers.

Notorious, of course.

He often wanders in some dangerous areas, relying on his strength to bully those who are weak but have some abilities, such as alchemists.

Who wouldn't want to do such a thing, entangled with a large group of accomplices, and only need to kill one person to get a lot of income? Moreover, in this deep mountain and forest, no one knows that it was you.

After hearing the words of the yellow-toothed fat man, the other four people also greeted each other one after another. With a low drink, the aura of a spiritual-level powerhouse suddenly burst out from their bodies.

Boom boom boom!

There were four auras of spiritual level powerhouses, and the strength of the yellow-toothed fat man had reached the peak of spiritual level.

Among ordinary Xuanshi, this is already an extremely advanced existence.

No wonder he dares to be so arrogant.

"Well come."

Chen Xuan sneered, it didn't matter if he was a spiritual master, he was still the same in his eyes.



The second-grade king-level mental power spread like a tide, and anyone who came into contact with it froze in place in an instant.

The eyes of the fat man with yellow teeth even showed a trace of panic, but then he lost his life, and any expression was meaningless.


Wu Rao's body fell to the ground.

Chen Xuan took away the Soul-eating Dragon Rock Fruit and left here in a flash.

After Chen Xuan left for a while, Han Ya and others, who sensed movement here, approached.

"He was obviously around here just now. Where is the person?"

Han Ya followed Chen Xuan's direction and came here. The powerful aura just caught a glimpse and quickly disappeared. It was really good luck to find it at this time.

"Ah, there are dead people!"

Shirley suddenly screamed, and everyone around was startled.

Han Ya also stepped forward quickly and saw the yellow-toothed fat man and others lying on the ground. Their pupils were dilated and they were obviously dead. However, there were no obvious scars on the surface of their bodies.

"This...did he do it?"

When Chen Xuan killed Dong Guo Ling that day, Han Ya was not there, but was traveling abroad. When she came back and heard about Chen Xuan's biography, she didn't believe it at all. Until now, Han Ya had some idea of ​​what Chen Xuan was. Such a person.

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