"Chen Xuan has reached the Void Core Realm...and Heishen has also reached the peak of the Back Realm...Your Majesty the Lord!"

Chuangshi smiled lightly. This made both Heishen and Bai Ze very uncomfortable... They felt that Chuangshi was so... differentiating Heishen and Chen Xuan. And Chuangshi and Baize will also have this difference. There is a difference in status...

Of course the Lord Emperor can hear the difference in these words... and now this wise Lord Emperor... has two choices...

The first is to pretend to understand the meaning of the words of creation. Then in terms of rewards... give Chen Xuan a little more... a higher grade. But there is another way to pretend not to understand the meaning of creation...

The first one might offend Bai Ze... The second one might... offend Chuangshi... It's hard to offend these two people!

They are all the chief instructors of Xundu College! But even though they are both chief instructors...and our wise Lord Emperor certainly knows...their strength differences. The strength of Creation is unfathomable! Definitely not under Baize. And Bai Ze is already a strong man in the Golden Core Realm.

And now Chen Xuan is in the Void Core Realm again... Now on the side of Creation... It seems that this is indeed the case...

What's more, this matter is based on emotion and reason... The rewards and titles of the strong people in the Void Core Realm should be higher than those of the strong people in the later realm... This is natural.


How high should it be? It can't be too high. The emperor kept asking about the affairs of Xundu Academy. But my heart was constantly troubled.

So... what should we do...

Chen Xuan has already scolded his wretched master Chuangshi hundreds of times in his heart! Then go test the Lord yourself! I'm afraid it will make the conflict between myself, Bai Ze and Heishen even greater!

This old fox, although usually wretched... is actually so scheming in his heart!

He is also the most powerful person in Lianmei, a cultivator in the Yu Realm! If he was a fool or a reckless man...how could Master Yu choose him?

"Alright... Jue! I'll grant you the gift of not bowing to me until I see you! There's also a reward of one million taels!"

"The hereditary earl of Heishen! The bounty is 800,000 taels! I have given you this gift that you will not bow to me when you see me, but I will not praise you even if you praise me!"

In fact, the gift of not being able to express your gratitude when you see the king... is a gift that all the powerful people in the back realm and above have.

With this kind of gift, you don’t need to kneel down when you see the Lord, you only need to bow down... With the Lord’s gift, you don’t need to kneel down, you just need to bow down!

Then every time you see the emperor, you can sit down directly without being given a seat. This shows the status of the powerful people above the back realm in the court.

But the other two more practical rewards...the difference between Chen Xuan and Heishen is still very big.

Chen Xuan's is a marquis...the so-called marquis will have its own domain and territory. Chen Xuan can appoint officials himself. Have its own administrative power and jurisdiction. You only need to pay taxes to the central court at the specified time every year.

That is a great gift!

Chen Xuan has a place to cultivate his own power... develop his own economy and form his own army.

Although these ordinary armies are vulnerable to cultivators... it is as easy as trampling on ants.

But cultivators are scarce after all. As far as Xuancheng Continent is concerned... the majority are naturally ordinary people.

But the earl is different. The earl does not have his own territory in the first place. Although there is a fixed salary every year, the court will support him. But he is still inferior to the Marquis in terms of power.

As for the bounty, in fact, money comes to the strong ones above the back realm. It doesn’t count anymore.

The imperial court in Xundu Continent has an organization called the Xuanyu Division. Many, many tasks will be released every day.

These tasks are all collected from civilians or officials. Usually it is a task such as hunting a ferocious beast. It only takes a strong person from the back realm to pick up a few. Of course money is not a problem.

Therefore, strong people in the back realm never care about money.

After awarding the reward, Bai Ze's face turned out not to be pretty. His face was livid, while Chuangshi's face was plain. Makes it difficult to see what is being thought.

As for Heishen, Chen Xuan could see the killing intent in his eyes. The black light group in Heishen's mind is getting bigger and bigger! There seems to be a substance in the light group. A substance that can drive Heshen into a killing spree.

And this substance... made Heishen feel that his cultivation level seemed to be improving. But this substance also constantly controls his brain.

He wants to kill now... endless killing.

"Okay, four adults... you must attend the court meeting on time tomorrow morning."

"And at the meeting tomorrow, envoys from the other two continents... will also come... so... the four of you must come."

"Save some face for me, Xuancheng Continent. Moreover, you can also show the traitors who are against this emperor... and the four adults... please finish your meal in the palace later before leaving."

"I asked the cook to prepare some fine banquets. Let's go to the banquet first. The four adults will be invited first."

In order for this wise emperor to sit down in this seat. Naturally, he will continue to fawn over the strong men in Xuncheng Continent.

Heishen really didn't want to use the banquet. Because the black ball of light in his mind kept urging him to kill.

He felt that he was almost controlled.

However, his mental strength tightly restrained the murderous intention.

Chen Xuan raised his head and looked at Heishen. He had already noticed the difference in Heishen. It was a powerful killing intent.

It is definitely not the killing intent that a strong man at the peak of the back realm can unleash. It seemed like it could be issued by a strong man who was so powerful that it destroyed the Xuancheng Continent. It seemed like this killing intent came from hell, or purgatory.

Like a devil that has been hungry for thousands of years, thirsting for blood. It's like a murderous knife that kills for the sake of killing. Chen Xuan didn't know why he felt like this.

As if it was a hidden intention, he could feel a powerful murderous intention that even his cheap master...and Bai Ze couldn't feel.

Who are you?

And who is this Heishen?

Chen Xuan himself felt that he could not mistake that powerful killing intent. Because he is getting stronger now, Heishen will soon lose control.

Finally, the banquet is over.

As if he was amnesty, Heishen said goodbye and left the palace with his sword crazily.

Chen Xuan did not hide his aura as usual and followed behind. Because Chen Xuan knows that he is very strong now. Moreover, if he followed him, his life would be in danger.

Put yourself in danger for the sake of curiosity. Chen Xuan would not do such a thing.

Heishen came to the slave market frantically. There are still many worthless lives in this world.

Now Heishen just wants to kill people. As long as he can kill people, it doesn't matter how much money he spends... And killing a free man for no reason will definitely arouse others' suspicion. By then, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide the matter about my black light group.

But no one cares about the life of a slave, as long as you have enough money to buy it. It doesn't matter if you kill them all.

Because slaves are the weakest group in this world. But the population base is not small, on the contrary, it is relatively large. But no matter what the reason, they are reduced to hard work and become the weak in this world.

When you are the weakest person in this world, no one will care about your life.

Heshen bought a hundred slaves and then gave the slave traders a lot of money. Next, send him slaves at a fixed time.

Since God gave Heishen such an opportunity to become stronger. No matter how many people die, he will not regret it.

In this way, one hundred slaves were sent to a mass grave on the outskirts of Xundu by slave traders.

Heishen stood with his sword behind his back. The eyeballs in his eyes have turned bright red. It's like a Shura who just came back from hell!

"Congratulations on coming to Hell, you weaklings!"

Heishen's voice was already a little hoarse. And powerful murderous intent enveloped those slaves.

"Please sir... let us go!"

"Please sir, be kind!"

"We're on the slave trader's side, with a wife and children."

"Yes...yes...if you ask for money...we will definitely earn it for you!"

Those slaves were extremely scared if it was dangerous work. I won't be as scared as I am now. Because then there will still be a glimmer of hope. And with such strong killing intent, it seems... maybe... they are dead!

"I want your life! Can you give it to me? No matter if you can or not, it is mine! I want your blood! I want your bones! I want your heart! I want to become the strongest person in the world!"

"I will kill everyone who offends me! Hahahaha..."

Heishen pulled out the black sheathed sword as if he was going crazy. The black sheath sword was also shrouded in Heishen's powerful killing intent. The thirst for blood grows.

He wanted to become stronger, so he saw every slave as Chen Xuan... Bai Ze... and the three Chuangshi people... and the people who used to look down on him.

Heishen felt that killing Rao felt so good. The domineering look in their eyes when they were about to die. Heishen feels that he has great achievements and blessings


The black-sheathed sword was like a poisonous snake, biting and lunging at the slaves.

Those slaves also seemed to be driven into panic and wanted to start resisting. It's all death anyway... What if there is no chance of survival if you resist?

But there are still some slaves who just kowtow and beg for mercy... because they see that they are like ants... without any ability to resist at all. They hoped that by begging for mercy, Heishen would let them live.

They are satisfied if they can live like a dog. As long as you can live.

"Hmph! Weak people don't deserve to live in this world! Only strong people like me deserve to rule the world!"

"How to make the world stronger! Only by killing all the weak in this world! Only by using their blood to inspire the emergence of strong people."


A black dragon opened its huge bloody mouth... and pushed towards the slaves...

He bit off the necks of many slaves in one bite. In an instant, the blood of these slaves stained the entire mass grave red.

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