The blood kept stimulating the black light in Heishen's mind. The black light group became bigger and bigger.


Heishen's black sheath sword kept waving on the ground. That powerful killing intent filled the ground.

And the bloody smell is the proof of this powerful killing. Heishen didn't even look at his masterpiece.

He felt that he was about to break through the Xudan realm. As long as there is another killing like this...

But such killings are still very harmful to the body. When Heishen was killing... he felt that his body was no longer his own... He could feel... that he was completely controlled by the black light group.


Heishen felt his head was dizzy...and he fainted...

Faintly he saw a great battle... It was a great war that had come from the beginning.

The thick smoke billowing from the battlefield shows the brutality of this war. And he seemed to be watching this fierce battle like a bystander.

What he felt was strong killing intent and the cries of countless lives.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Everyone on his side was wearing black robes. His face was red, and the eyeballs and eyelids in his eye sockets were also red. The long knife in his hand was stained with endless blood.

Still rushing to kill with all his strength.

On the other side is a man wearing golden armor with a head. Wearing golden armor, he looks like a five-foot giant.

A casual kick can cost tens of thousands of lives on one's side.

So with this golden-armored killing god here... I'm afraid that my side will never be the opponent's opponent.

Suddenly a black figure... Yufeng stepped into the void and came to help...


The black figure almost fought to a draw with the golden-armored killing god...


The black figure caused the ground to crack with just a few random palms... The floods flooded, and countless lives were drowned under the floods.

The cultivators on the other side were almost unable to resist anymore.

Suddenly, the golden-armored killing god appeared sideways with a phantom sword. The phantom seemed to be the clone of the golden-armored killing god.


There are three phantoms, and each phantom is very powerful.


Almost at the same time, the three phantoms divided the world behind them into three parts... that is, three continents.

Almost three phantoms fired a sword at the same time, directly splitting the entire land...

Split into three parts...


The original floods on the three pieces of land were simultaneously introduced into the cracks where the three pieces of land met by the three phantoms.

The so-called last moment, millions of years on earth...

Although the phantom was immediately separated during the battle between the Nether Realm and the Yu Realm...

But for the people of Yujie, several years have passed...

In those years, almost tens of millions of people died in the mainland. The resentful spirits of these people when they died were absorbed by this black figure.

Slowly, the strength of this black figure is getting stronger and stronger... Even this golden-armored murderer is a little unable to stop him.


The black figure suddenly released a soul... and took his true form to fight with the golden-armored God of Death... without any attachment...


A powerful barrier was established between the two of them...

People outside could only see their silhouettes...and couldn't even hear their voices.

But because Heishen is a bystander, which is equivalent to the audience of this he can naturally hear it.

"Yu! I can finally fight you, hahaha! You can finally drop everything and fight me!"

"I heard it before! The battle between two gods will open up a new void world! I just don't know where we can go after this battle?"

"Hahaha! I'm looking forward to it too! It's just that I still can't let go of the people of Yu Realm!"

"Hmph! There will always be one of my people in the Nether Realm who can attack your Yu Realm! They are so unfair! The treatment they receive, the place they live in is a bitter cold land! How can you not have the prosperity of your Yu Realm?"

"You humans in Yu Realm have seen, tasted, and heard too much beauty!"

"And what about us?"

At this point, the face of the black figure is very ferocious, as if he wants to swallow everything!

He is not willing to give in! Unwilling to accept that the lives of his people are so miserable! The place where Yujie lives is so graceful, luxurious and prosperous!

And his people will always be in the dark juice...

They are all kings, and they will always think about their people... As soon as he thought of this, the strong murderous intention spread in the barrier again.

But the golden-armored killing god just smiled and said, "Everything has its own destiny! How did you know that the people in Yu Realm are all happy?"

"How did you know that all the people in Yu Realm are graceful and luxurious? How could you know that the creatures in Yu Realm would not live like ants if we were not suffering from hunger and cold."

"Mie! You are too extreme! Although you and I are already gods! But many things still cannot be stopped!"

"Just like those few palms of yours just now... the bones that caused the death and maiming of my people in Yu Realm are probably piled up as high as Mount Tai!"

"Although they are my people! I still can't save them!"

"Hahahaha! That's good! There will always be one of my people who attacks the Yu Realm! Yu! Although the spiritual consciousness that I just released last time is not as strong as my body... but it can be accumulated infinitely..."

"Accumulate those killing emotions, accumulate all those negative emotions...and the one chosen by my black the next Lord of the Underworld..."

"He will definitely be able to lead the people of the Nether Realm to attack the Yu Realm! He can definitely do it!"

"Mie! You are too extreme! Why do you let a person live for you? Why do you let a person live for your people? That person is so miserable!"

"At the same time, I can give him great power! I will give him a choice! Don't worry! As long as he is willing to give up the power I gave him! Then he doesn't have to follow my instructions..."

"By the way, Yu! My consciousness has also been injected into the battle between the two of us! He will exist as a bystander!"

"Hahahaha! It's interesting, Yu! Maybe a thousand years later...someone is still watching and listening to our current conversation! And they are looking forward to your battle with me! Hahahaha!"

"Destroy! Let's begin!"

"Let me see...where can we two old guys... go after that! Hahahaha!"

After a flash of golden light and a black mist of light, the golden-armored killing god Yu and the black figure of Mi... disappeared at the same time.

Even that barrier seems to have never existed...

But Heishen seems to be able to see that moment of thought... Yu and Mie seem to have passed through thousands of times... but in the eyes of others, it is just a moment of thought! This is simply incredible!

The picture in Heishen's mind gradually faded...a figure emerged...

It was a black figure wearing a black robe. Only the light from the two eyes can be seen...but even the light from the two eyes is black. It seems that there is nothing hidden under the black robe... it is formless and tasteless...

This is the Lord of the Underworld, will he be destroyed? What a terrifying strength! This is the power of God!

" from a thousand or ten thousand years from now! You should be lucky! You were chosen as my substitute!"

"It's just that you have the right to choose this inheritance! You can choose to inherit! You can also choose to give up! Of course, the choice is yours! I have no right to interfere!"

"If you choose to inherit my inheritance, you will be forced to practice in my will be a god-like existence in less than fifteen years!"

"Of course you will also need to complete the mission I left for you! I'm afraid that Yu's clone has also found its own heir! Hahahaha!"

"Then let's compare our opinions! By the way, do you still remember the sword in your it came about?"

"This is the only weapon I have left in this world now!"

"There are countless complaints against the Yu Realm from my people in the Nether Realm... I can't count how many there are specifically! I just know that there are a lot of them!"

"You have started to use this sword now! His name is Mie Shi! What random name will you give him?"

"But he will always have only one name! That is Destruction! It is the same as his mission! Destroy the World!"

"Only the destruction of the world can save my people! For the people of Yu Realm, that is the destruction of the world... but for my people, it is the creation of the world! Remember! If you are not willing to help me... just Throw the world into the furnace and turn into ashes!"

"If you are willing to lead the underworld... then accept my inheritance! I will make you a god-like existence! That is the existence that can call the wind and rain! The invincible existence in this world!"

"You have to think clearly...this road is made of countless blood! It is full of bones! And you have no right to give up!"

Heiying reminded Heishen coldly, and the voice was as cold as coming from the netherworld...

Heishen thought of all the things he had done before... being suppressed by Chen Xuan, being disliked by Bai Ze, and suppressed by Chuangshi!

why is all this happening

It’s not because my strength is too weak! If only he were strong enough, strong enough to make both Bai Ze and Chuangshi bow their heads... When Chen Xuan was like an ant in front of him...

Then does he still dare to put pressure on himself in everything? snort! Even if there are many bones, there are always countless people to sacrifice on the road to becoming stronger! If that's the case, then agree!

Wait until you become stronger! We must crush them one by one! Kill them one by one! Make them pay a huge price for their previous scent. Destroy the world! Then let’s call it Destruction!

The world is so ugly! So what if it’s destroyed?

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