The first time he went to court, Chen Xuan looked at countless officials. They all bowed to the Lord Emperor... Only he, Hei Shen, and Bai Ze Chuangshi were exempted from the worship.

That is the advantage of cultivators! They don't have to fear any power, they are the embodiment of power.

"My dear ministers, please stand up, no need to be polite. The envoys from the Alien Sea Continent and the Alien World Continent are here now!"

"The two envoys are going to hold a trial!"

"The location is in Miyou Valley! But I heard that Miyou Valley has many benefits. For cultivators... it is a treasure house of life!"

"Treasures are obtained by the strong!"

"If you can collect good treasures, bring them to me and my dear ministers to see... rewards are indispensable!"

The Lord Emperor said calmly. In fact, how could a real cultivator care about such a little reward? It's just that the Lord Emperor did this to save face. It's just that Miyou Valley...

The more Chen Xuan listened, the more familiar it sounded... Isn't that a territory opened up by Chuangshi himself? Chen Xuan couldn't help but look at Chuangshi. Chuangshi looked at Chen Xuan with a smile...

What's going on? I've been to Miyou Valley...The trial at the beginning, the trial of the first realm, was conducted in Miyou Valley.

There's nothing there...It's just a space set up by the city. Is there another hidden story?

"Okay...remember...the sword has no eyes in front of the has been like this since ancient times!"

"The four adults will go on behalf of Xuncheng Continent. Remember to protect yourself and take the treasure back!"

"Don't forget that you people from Xuncheng Continent also want to take the treasure! We from the other world continent have sent five virtual dan realm masters, three real dan realm masters, and one golden dan realm master!"

"And a strong man in the spirit transformation realm!"

Silence...the whole audience was many officials seemed to be unable to breathe at this moment...

In fact, this information was too shocking. Other things would be fine...the strong men in the spirit transformation realm have come out! That's a strong man in the spirit transformation realm! On the surface, he is a first-class existence in Xuncheng Continent!

In fact, apart from the Creation, there is no one stronger than the God Transformation Realm in Xuncheng Continent!

But what is the origin of this treasure, what is the origin of this trial, and it actually requires the strong men of the God Transformation Realm!

"We have two strong men in the God Transformation Realm in our Yihai Continent! There are five in the Void Dan Realm, three in the Golden Dan Realm, and three in the Real Dan Realm. This trial... Is it too early for the envoys of the Yishi Continent to be proud?"

What! Two strong men in the God Transformation Realm...

"The location of the Secret Valley is at the junction of the Yishi Continent and the Yihai Continent! It may be a bit far for the cultivators of Xuncheng Continent to come... Our two families have set up residences for the strong men of Xuncheng Continent!"

"Waiting for your arrival!"

The envoys of the Yihai Continent and the Yishi Continent arrived one after another.

Then why! Why did the Xuncheng Continent, which is far away overseas, have to be notified of this trial and why was it so diligent? Chen Xuan thought.

Suddenly, a terrible idea came to Chen Xuan's mind... Could it be that he wanted to... Could it be that he wanted to... get rid of all the practitioners who were dangerous to them in Xuncheng Continent?

Yes... Let us first seize the treasure with them... Then when we find the treasure, they will design to kill us together!

Chen Xuan knew that the more precious the treasure was. The more powerful the guardian god was, and the more extreme the environment was.

They wanted us to be their cannon fodder...

Once all the practitioners who were threatening them in Xuncheng Continent were killed... Then...

Then divide up Xuncheng Continent... Then Xuncheng Continent will be theirs, and they will have no resistance.

This is a huge trap! He wanted to kill all the practitioners in Xuncheng Continent together! So insidious!

No... Didn't His Majesty the Lord see it? How could it be possible? Wait... Just now the Lord asked us to protect ourselves...

Could it be that the Other World Continent and the Other Sea Continent used something to threaten the Lord...

It seems that this time we have to go!

"The two chief instructors... Instructor Bai Ze and Instructor Chuangshi... are in charge of the affairs of Xundu College... Naturally, they can't go with them!"

The Lord Emperor suddenly said something lightly. But it crushed most of the conspiracy of the Otherworld Continent and the Othersea Continent...

Could it be that they want to sacrifice Chen Xuan and Hei Shen in exchange for the survival of Xuncheng Continent! It seems that this is indeed the case.

Handing over two young strong men in exchange for a glimmer of peace for the continent... and also allowing their own power to continue... This deal is really worthwhile.

The Lord Emperor is worthy of being the Lord Emperor...


"Okay, Your Majesty the Lord Emperor."

The two envoys agreed almost with gnashing teeth. If they can break the wings of Xuncheng Continent, they will break as many as they can...

Because the only thing that the two continents are afraid of is the strength of Chuangshi. It's still unknown... What if Chuangshi is a Yuanying stage strongman... Then both continents will have to...

So they can't push too hard!

But there is always a way to make Xuncheng Continent a territory of the Otherworld Continent. The envoy of the Otherworld Continent thought.

He and the envoy of the Alien Sea Continent looked at each other and agreed with each other.

"Chen Xuan and Hei Shen... one of you is a marquis... the other is an earl... it's time to bring honor to Xuncheng Continent... please don't bring shame to Xuncheng Continent! Hahaha..."

The Lord's smile was a little forced and awkward... yes, the sacrifice of Chen Xuan and Hei Shen was so righteous.

But Heishen thinks this is a huge opportunity... The reason is very simple... He wants to get rid of Chen Xuan through this trial... Once Chen Xuan dies in the juice of this trial... no one will doubt Heishen of.

What about those who are strong in the Xudan realm? They have the legend of destruction and they also have the world-destroying sword. What is Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword?

Heishen stared at Chen Xuan with his poisonous wolf-like eyes. The powerful murderous intention once again forced towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's face was still cold, as cold as frost.

When Heishen thought about the feeling of Chen Xuan being tortured and killed, his whole body felt very happy.

Heishen thought about what he would be like after becoming a strong man. He can kill everyone who ever mocked him! He can kill everyone who has ever looked down upon him! He can kill everyone who has ever beaten him! He can destroy this world that was not friendly to him at all!

Heishen had been an orphan since childhood, and was later picked up by his first master. It's a devilish training, almost like training with a machine. Failure to meet the requirements is a painful experience...and this is how Heishen spent his childhood. He had never seen anything in color.

I never had the concept of color in my mind!

But when Heishen was twenty years old, his strength surpassed that of his master. Then he killed his master. And he used his sword to shave off the master's flesh one by one... and finally made his master die in pain.

This is Heishen!

So it’s not surprising that Heishen has such thoughts now! Compared with Heishen... Chen Xuan was much luckier... His days in Sanbai Valley were... although very difficult! But in the end... it's not bad... Mr. Sanbai's feelings for him are also very sincere.

So Heishen can be the opposite of Chen Xuan...the two characters are very similar...but their encounters are completely their personalities have become completely opposite...

One is thinking about saving the world, but the other is thinking about destroying the world... One is thinking about protecting, but the other is thinking about destroying...

Just like Yu and Mi thousands of years ago... they are both lifelong burdens

After the meeting, Chen Xuan glanced at Chuangshi... Chuangshi knew what Chen Xuan wanted... and said calmly, "Let's go back to Xundu College first! I don't want to expose my identity!"

Chen Xuan nodded...

The dragon eagle and the white horse were flying in the wind... and in a realm like Chuangshi... one could teleport for a long time... and soon they arrived at the palace of Chuangshi...

"Master...this secret"

Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

"This is a long story! In fact, the Secret Valley you went to trial at was not the real Secret Valley!"

"That's a secret valley that I created! As for the terrain, it's completely copied from that one... just to prepare you for this trial in the future!"

"This...then...the girl I met at that time..."

"Yes... Master let her out... it can be regarded as an opportunity for you in the future! As for you now..."

"I'm afraid it will be extremely dangerous for you to go to the Secret Valley this time... But once you go and find that thing... I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid... your strength can be greatly improved!"

"Welcome... I would like to remind you to pay attention to Heishen... Judging from his behavior these days... he is very likely to be the successor of Mie!"

"The legendary young master of the underworld! It might be him! The sword in his hand... Even the teacher can't figure out its origin."

"It doesn't look like a divine weapon, it looks more like a Hades weapon! You know that, so you must not take it lightly...otherwise..."

Chuangshi told Chen Xuandao, and Chen Xuan heard a hint of concern in Chuangshi's obscene tone.

Naturally, he just nodded, and his expression was not as cold as before...

"What they are looking for in this trial is Immortality Grass...and you need it more than anyone else!"

"It is a trial given by God Yu to his chosen one! If you can get it... I don't know what the benefits are of becoming a teacher... But if you can't get it, it will prove that... God Yu has misjudged the person..."

"At that time... I am afraid that in three continents, there will be no one in the entire Yu Realm who can stop the Nether Realm! That is the Dead Yu Realm!"

"So you must try your best!"

Chuangshi put away his previous obscene expression. Became very solemn. Chen Xuan also heard the seriousness of it.

Chen Xuan doesn’t want this world to be destroyed yet! He must get the everlasting grass. Whether it’s for Mr. Sanbai’s hope, for Yujie, or for Creation. Even for God Yu, whom I have never met before! He wants to get the longevity grass!

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