After hearing Chuangshi's words, Chen Xuan returned to his palace. I haven’t been back for three weeks... I wonder how the load in Beppu is?

"The young master is back! Miss He is waiting for the young master inside... Go and talk." The maid came after bowing to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan nodded.

Entering the main hall, I saw Wu Liang waiting there for a long time.

"when did you come?"

"Greetings to the Young Master... I would like to congratulate the Young Master for breaking through to the Void Core Realm!"

When Wu Liang saw Chen Xuan, he was still as reserved as ever... Chen Xuan also arrived coldly.

"Is there nothing going on in Beifu these days? Has anything happened to Bai Guan?" "How are things going with the Xiao family?"

Wu Liangming paid a fraction.

Chen Xuan knew that the Xiao family would no longer exist from now on. Chen Xuan's character is still cold because he doesn't want to put too much emotion into this world.

Because he always felt that he didn't belong here... and this world was just like the world in his dreams. Who would be emotionally invested in the characters in their dreams? So Chen Xuan has always been cold and cold since he came to this world. In addition, he had experienced too much before coming to this world...intrigue, betrayal and killing.

So even when it comes to people he admires, like Wu Liang... he is still cold... as if everything he lacks has been turned into a tool.

"Miss He, you have been waiting here for the young master... because Xundu Academy does not allow outsiders to enter or leave... so..."

"My subordinates and I have been protecting Miss He's safety...waiting for the young master's return."

Is she still waiting for herself?

That woman who could influence his character at will... Chen Xuan pushed the door open and walked in without any scruples.

"Young... Young Master..."

He looked at Chen Xuan's eyes with a little least Chen Xuan could read fear in them. She didn't know what Chen Xuan would do to her...but she knew that Chen Xuan was not a bad person...maybe not a good person either.

Chen Xuan nodded, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit awkward. Moreover, He was wearing a white skirt with lotus flowers embroidered on it, and her complexion was relatively pale... Her hair was tied up, and a green hairpin wrapped all her hair. The facial features are more delicate and the outline is relatively slender. It seems that such a beauty is completely integrated.

Chen Xuan blushed a little when he saw He. After all, he had never been alone with a girl.

"Are you... okay? The other courtyard... should be fine..." Chen Xuan's cold expression had changed. Becoming a little shy...her face is redder. He didn't know what kind of feelings he had for He now.

Anyway, he is different from Wu Liang and everyone else. Ever since I first saw He.

Chen Xuan saw his own stubbornness in these eyes. The kind to survive and protect what you want. You can sacrifice everything.

"Young Master... then... will the young master of the Xiao family... will he be a threat to the young master?" He was afraid that Chen Xuan would hand him over because of the young master of the Xiao family. By then, I may not only be... I'm afraid I won't even be able to save my life.

"Don't worry... they are all dead..."

"No one in the Xiao family is alive..."

Chen Xuan said coldly, with a hint of concern in that coldness that Chen Xuan himself didn't even notice...

He's face was a little horrified... Chen Xuan actually killed so many people... Could it be that he was more terrifying than the Xiao family... He should have thought of this a long time ago. Then he dealt with Xiaoyuanshan like a great god... talking to an ant.

If he still uses her...then will he...

"Okay...I won't hurt you...Have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future?"

Chen Xuan responded coldly. He didn't want his mood to be affected by this weak girl. Even though he seems to be getting familiar with it and liking it.

But his reason kept telling him. We must quickly overcome this huge variable.

"I... I have no family anymore... My life belongs to the young master! You can arrange whatever the young master wants...!"

"But I only ask the young master to avenge me! And I'm afraid the young master has already attracted their attention!"

Chen Xuan listened with a livid face. "I don't like to be threatened by others. Those who threaten me...are all dead...but you are an are still alive."


Powerful killing intent burst out. But He endured it forcefully. Just like when Chen Xuan resisted the attacks of those powerful ferocious beasts in Sanbai Valley. Chen Xuan seemed to see his own shadow in her eyes.

"I'm sorry... who is your enemy? Hasn't the Xiao family been wiped out by Wu Liang?"

Chen Xuan looked a little apologetic. But a second later, Chen Xuan realized when would he apologize again?

All those who had threatened him before were dead without exception. It was reduced to ashes, not even the bones were left. But this time it just released some killing intent. I actually apologize to this dead girl?

What happened to me?

"Young Master...well...actually the Xiao family has a backer..."

"And it's not a sect from Xuancheng Continent... This time Bai Guan sent Wu Liang to wipe out the Xiao family..."

"With the strength of that sect, the young master may have noticed it a long time ago."

"I just heard that that sect is very's a sect from a different world..."

He arrived a little apologetically. After all... no one wants to mess with such a large sect. But such a large sect may not take Chen Xuan seriously.

The reason is very simple. How can people take ants to heart? Chen Xuan was like an ant to them.

"Because there was a registered disciple in that sect who liked they asked the Xiao family to give me to..."

"But the young master of the Xiao family had evil intentions again...wanted to give me to that registered disciple first...and then give me to that registered disciple!"

"Then my family was one survived except me! So I want revenge! I want to kill that registered disciple!"

"What is the origin of that sect?" Chen Xuan asked calmly. Chen Xuan did not intend to avenge her. A woman who had offended him again and again. And he had no relationship with her...why should he help her to avenge...

But if that sect offended him, Chen Xuan...then he would have to fight with them! To the death!

"That sect... is called Hede Sect!"

"It is one of the nine major sects in the alien world! Don't underestimate it because it ranks sixth among the nine major sects!"

"Their strength cannot be underestimated!"

"Every registered disciple over there is a strong man in the Void Dan realm... All the core members are in the Real Dan realm and the Golden Dan realm..."

"And the guardians and mentors in the sect... have all broken through to the God Transformation realm..."

"And the high-level people in the sect... are even more abnormal..."

Such a large sect is only ranked sixth among the nine major sects in the alien world. The strength of such a sect is beyond what Chen Xuan can imagine now! Too powerful...

"Young Master... Young Master..."

Wu Liang's cold voice sounded outside the door... Chen Xuan frowned. Because he heard a hint of panic in Wu Liang's voice. Wu Liang was actually panicking... This is something he has never seen so far...

What happened?

"Come in... Liang... What happened?"

Chen Xuan's voice was still cold.

"Young Master...something happened to the General Guan in Bai Mansion..."

"I heard...last night...Luo Lan...Teacher He Wei...and Zhan Zhe...all..."

"They were all killed by a mysterious force. Bai Guan was burned to ashes. What's more terrifying is..."

"We may not be able to afford to offend such a powerful person..."

"But they may have mistaken Zhan Zhe for the Young the Young Master should be safe for the time being..."

Chen Xuan's face had turned livid, and then he was filled with uncontrollable sadness. But Chen Xuan still tried not to let the tears in his eyes fall.

All dead! All dead!

The scenes of the previous trials kept appearing in Chen Xuan's mind...the days when Chen Xuan and them shared joys and sorrows. The days when they built Bai Guan together. But all this was destroyed just like that...

"Who did it..."

Chen Xuan's voice became calm a giant lion about to break through the void...felt like a sharp fist that had been thirsting for blood for a long time...

"I...don't know...but...the opponent's strength should have the Void Dan realm...and there is more than one Void Dan realm!"

"Is it Hede Sect?"

Chen Xuan's fierce eyes...the murderous intent that could no longer be stopped...forced on He...

He's face suddenly turned paler...and then she couldn't stop trembling...her teeth were so nervous that they almost bit her lips apart. Cold sweat kept pouring out...and soaked her entire dress...

She felt like an evil ghost...the killing god from hell was staring at her. Fortunately, she had seen the scene of hell when corpses were everywhere...

and those corpses were all her own. If ordinary people saw Chen Xuan's eyes like this...they might have been driven crazy a long time ago.

He didn't dare to look him in the eye... It was too scary...

Suddenly Chen Xuan retracted his cold eyes... As if nothing had happened...

So scary... Just now even Wu Liang was almost scared to death... The Chen Xuan he had seen was always cold... He would not be angry, nor happy, nor sad. He was as scary as a stone...

Chen Xuan's sudden killing intent this time... made Wu Liang and He feel a wave of palpitations...

"One, everyone in the Hede Sect... Whether it's men or women... or the head of the cook... must die!"

"Those who killed my brothers! All must die!"


Chen Xuan's killing intent was like the water of the Yangtze River... One sentence was stronger than the other... All creatures within a radius of five feet... were destroyed by such killing intent


Wu Liang used a barrier to help He block Chen Xuan's killing intent... Otherwise, there was only one end waiting for her... That was to be reduced to ashes...


Wu Liang spat out a mouthful of blood...

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