Apparently, even Wu Liang couldn't bear Chen Xuan's killing intent. After a while, Chen Xuan came to his senses... and gradually calmed down...

"Alright Liang... you go out first! I'll ask He about the specific situation... and the staff at the Baiguan branch..."

"If there are family members, go take care of them... If there are no relatives... then bury them properly!"


Wu Liang didn't want to offend the killing god Chen Xuan at this time... and quickly retreated. He gave He a look... to take care of himself... and then hurriedly closed the door and retreated.

Chen Xuan stared at He. Like a Shura from hell, staring at He... the strong killing intent pressed towards He...



Chen Xuan still controlled the strength... otherwise He would not be able to bear it. He just wanted to teach He a lesson... and did not intend to kill He...

But He still spat out a mouthful of blood... and his pale face became even paler...

"This is a punishment for you killing my brother! I don't know why I have forgiven you again and again!"

"But if there is a next time! The fate of Hedezong in the future will be your fate!"

"Well... what happened in your family..."

Chen Xuan also felt that his temper was a bit too much... so he tried to calm down... This time, there was no anger or sadness in his tone... It was like a machine talking.

"Actually, my family is the Chen family... My real name is Chen He... It is also a well-known and prestigious family in Xundu."

"The Chen family's business... has always been... It ranks among the top three in Xundu. Until one day..."

"The registered disciple of the Hede Sect held a banquet with the Xiao family... Because the Xiao family and my Chen family are also close friends... There is also a lot of competition in the business world..."

"Then the master of the Xiao family, Xiao Yuanshan, planned... to discuss the formation of a business alliance between the Xiao family and the Chen family... To dominate Xundu together..."

"But who would have thought... That Xiao Yuanshan just wanted to lead me to the Xiao Mansion. Then let that registered disciple see me..."

"That registered disciple... is lustful... Xiao Yuanshan knew it a long time ago... He expected that once that registered disciple saw me, he would definitely take me for himself!"

"Later... Of course my father did not obey... Then that registered disciple lent it to dozens of Xiao family members with a low status. The strongest at the peak..."

"My Chen family was razed to the ground... Fortunately, I went out to discuss a big order... and didn't go home... Otherwise, I would have been killed!"

"I found out after I got home... and then I immediately started hiding... and the days of fleeing..."

"Until one day, Xiao De found my traces... and then the young master knew everything..."

Chen Xuan nodded, "I didn't expect that a registered disciple would have such a strong influence in Xundu!"

"Xundu is the imperial capital of Xuncheng Continent, right? Those killers have already..."

"Okay... I know! Hedezong must die!"

Chen Xuan didn't know why he was so excited... It was obviously a dream, but when they all died... Chen Xuan's anger and sadness had overwhelmed his reason...

Could it be that he had subtly accepted this world? This world is indeed much better than the world he was in before. There are also two masters... They are also caring for him. And there are Wu Liang, Zhan Zhe... These people accompany him...

Although Chen Xuan always responded coldly, Chen Xuan still regarded them as his brothers. Although they are subordinates, Chen Xuan treats them as brothers. He is just not good at expressing such feelings, and sometimes Chen Xuan himself does not realize it.

How deep is Chen Xuan's affection for Bai Guan's brothers who have passed away... maybe you will only know it after losing them!

"Okay... I'll go deal with some things first... You can stay here as long as you want... Just one thing... Don't cause me trouble!"

"I will let you see... the destruction of Hede Sect! Absolutely! I want them to know... the price of killing my brothers!"

Chen Xuan thought a lot on the way from the side room to the main hall. He felt that he was still too weak... If it weren't for the existence of the Creator... I'm afraid he would be killed by Bai Ze now! And it was a brutal killing, like an ant without the slightest resistance!

But Chen Xuan couldn't want to pin his hope of life on others! Chen Xuan had to become stronger! Only when he became stronger did he have the right to dominate his own life! He also had the right to dominate the lives of others!

Otherwise, he would only be dominated! Hede Sect is very good! He actually dared to destroy Bai Guan! Then he would massacre Hede Sect! Blood debt must be paid with blood!

Chen Xuan came to the main hall. He glanced coldly and asked.

"Liang... let me hear your current plan."

Chen Xuan not only hoped that Wu Liang could become a killing sword in his hand! He also hoped that his sword would have his own ideas and strategies. So Chen Xuan asked Wu Liang's opinion.

"Young Master... we can go to Mingyue Tower... to find out the situation..."

"And then there is the situation of that trial. Young Master... I think that trial should be very dangerous..."

"After all... in addition to the strong men sent by the central government, I am afraid that all the sects in the Alien World Continent will send people to participate... I am afraid... Young Master..."

"The Alien Sea Continent is also... so Young Master... we must be very prepared for this trial!"

"But Mingyue Tower should be able to give us what we want! After all... their power is still very large..."

"You can be considered a know-it-all on the three continents... I just don't know who is behind Mingyue Tower."

"He must be a great person too! You need to make friends with such a person!"

"Just deal with the trial first! Don't be so anxious! But first go to Mingyue Tower..."

"That shopkeeper... I'm afraid it's not easy! I'm afraid that the Hede Sect will also come to participate in the trial this time!"


"I would like to see... what kind of immortal he is then... but no matter what kind of immortal he is!"

"You have to pay the price!"

"Liang... change your clothes and accompany me to Mingyue Tower! By the way... Bai Guan doesn't need to regroup!"

"I want to develop an intelligence organization in the future... and also a killer organization... I'll leave it all to you!"

"There's just one thing! I need absolute loyalty!"

Chen Xuan arrived coldly.


After Wu Liang agreed, he went to change into a set of clothes. Following Chen Xuan out of the courtyard.

Xundu is still as lively as ever. But no one thought of the huge crisis hidden behind such excitement.

And this kind of comfortable life has long worn away the will of the people in Xuancheng Continent.

Chen Xuan and Wu Liang walked through such busy traffic... and arrived at Mingyue Tower... the still luxurious pavilion.

"Two young masters..."

Still the same old man from before. The old man seemed to have been guarding the Mingyue Tower for ten years.

At the same level, Chen Xuan took a look... He was still at the peak of the Xian Realm... A strong person like the Peak of the Xian Realm... might still be considered a strong person in Xuancheng Continent. But there may be no way to survive in the alien continent and alien sea continent.

Any practitioner can trample you to death.

That's the difference... So if things continue like this... the weak ones who can't survive in the Different World Continent and the Different Sea Continent... will also come to Xuancheng Continent to show off their power...

But the mainlanders in Xuancheng can only suffer. Because they have been comfortable for too long and have forgotten to resist. Those who are powerful are busy fighting for power or property. It is too late to rely on such a force. How could one go for eviction?

So gradually all the forces, whether strong or weak, started to focus on Xuancheng Continent...

So the turmoil in the Yu Realm started from then on... The three continents of the Yu Realm will never have the same peace as before!

Are the people in Xuancheng Continent wrong? no! It’s just that Xuancheng Continent is too weak! As long as you are weak, you will be coveted by others!

Chen Xuan thought deeply about this Guizhou...

"Friend... can you come up and have a drink with us and chat..." Chen Xuan's tone was very casual. But this casual tone still revealed the domineering power of a strong man in the Void Core Realm.

"What an honor for me! I have the honor to sit with the strong!"

Of course the old man didn't refuse. I'm lucky enough to be given the opportunity to meet a strong man... I'm afraid no one will give up! What's more... there is Mingyue Tower... If Mingyue Tower is equipped with a Void Core Realm strongman... I'm afraid it will benefit me a lot.

Still, Chen Xuan and the old man arrived at the elegant third floor. The dishes are still those of powerful ferocious beasts... As for the wine, it is also the top wine in the mainland. In fact, the business in Xuancheng Continent is much stronger than that of Yihai Continent and Yishi Continent.

But the national power, that is, the money in the treasury... is much less than that of the two continents... because every year, in exchange for the stability of the Xuancheng Continent, the emperor of the Xuancheng Continent always sends peace tributes to the emperors of the two continents... …

The peace tribute basically accounted for three-quarters of the annual income of the imperial court in Xuancheng Continent. Therefore, the treasury of Xuancheng Continent is still very tight.

However, the business in Xuancheng Continent is very developed. Therefore, fine wine and the delicacies of these monsters can naturally be well recommended in such a bustling business.

"I wonder what you are thinking of when you come to me...?"

"As for me... First, I want to make friends with Mr...."

"Secondly... I want to know something about the situation with my husband... After all, the power of Mingyue Tower is very huge!"

"In a few days, by the order of His Majesty the Lord... I will take part in the trial!"

"Trial of Immortality Grass! That's why I came here to ask Sir for advice! I hope Sir will give you some advice!"

But the white-haired old man did not directly answer Chen Xuan's question. Then he smiled and said, "Look at the adults...all dressed in white...the sword on the back is glowing with blue light...there are two adults participating in the trial this time..."

"You must be Mr. Chen Xuan, right?"

The old man also smiled calmly.

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