Chen Xuan also smiled and nodded... He had no intention of hiding his identity from the old man... After all, he still planned to make the old man his friend.

"Since you have told me your name...I will be bold once tell you my name..."

"My surname is Wu! My name is Wu Qing!"

"Why are you actually Senior Wu Qing?"

Chen Xuan asked in disbelief.

Wu Qing was an Earth Immortal-level existence ten years ago! There are famous masters in the entire Yu world! It was just the ring battle with Thor later...! What a total loss! As the name of Thor implies... he is a god-level powerhouse! An earthly immortal versus a powerful man at the level of a god...

He could actually take his Thor to hell...and Wu Qing actually left the ring alive...

But later there were people who said that the God of Thunder was not the real God...the only real god was Yu...because the real god needed to go through nine tribulations after the tribulation period...

But the God of Thunder only has the eighth level... It is said that there is another level of thunder calamity, which is himself... But the God of Thunder has always been unable to understand the meaning... so he proclaimed himself a god... and then thought that the meaning meant that he was thunder... so he proclaimed himself the God of Thunder... …

But then, before the God of Thunder dissipated... the God of Thunder roared a resounding "I understand!" and then disappeared again...

Later, everyone knew that the God of Thunder was dead... As for Wu Qing... that influential figure in the Yu world... there has been no trace of him since then...

No one knows where he went after leaving the ring... Some people died... Some people lived in seclusion...

But no one would have thought that he would actually come to Mingyue Tower... a man of great influence in the Yu world ten years ago... and now he would actually come to Xuancheng Continent... and even work as a shopkeeper in a restaurant in Xuancheng Continent...

This is simply incredible...

Wu Qing slowly took off his disguise mask... Sure enough... this face is indeed the face of Wu Qing in the Chronicle of Three Continents... It's just a little older than the one in the Chronicle of Three Continents...

"After that arena... I had a big problem with my body... My cultivation level was greatly reduced... I could only stay at the peak of the Priority... and could not move forward!"

"So...I can only come to Xuancheng Continent...otherwise if I am seen by my former enemies..."

"I'm afraid I won't survive anymore... I'm just an ant to them!"

"And the boss of Mingyue Tower was kind to me! When I was in such a state of despair...he gave me this job."

"It's pretty I'm still...still in Mingyue Tower..."

Chen Xuan still found it unbelievable after hearing this... One was an Earth Immortal-level coercion

The person actually, because of a big battle... became a disciple of a strong man at the peak of the Xian Realm... and later came to work in Mingyue Tower... This is simply shocking.

No wonder that kind of calmness...that state of mind that seems to be able to see through everything...these are far beyond the reach of a strong person at the peak of the Xian Realm...

Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Sir is also a strong man... From now on, I don't need to call you Chen Xuan..."

Chen Xuan responded with some shame.

"From now on, I will still offend you by calling me Brother Wu...and you can also call me Brother Chen..."

"With my brother's strength... I hope that I can take more care of you in the future!"

"Today...there are a few things that I hope Brother Wu can tell..." Chen Xuan's attitude was very senior.

The other party used to be a powerful Earth Immortal... Although he has now retreated to the pinnacle of the Advanced Realm due to a big battle... But he still has a broad vision in all aspects of knowledge... He must be wider than Chen Xuan...

Therefore, Chen Xuan still hopes to get more information from Wu Qing.

"Let me be bold!"

"I can tell you everything I know about Master Chen Xuan! But I still want Master Chen Xuan to do one thing for me."

There really is no free lunch this time! I was so polite to call a brother... a strong man at the pinnacle of the previous realm... In the end... the other person was still...

Although Chen Xuan thought so in his heart, he still had a smile on his face...

"Sir...please speak!"

"That's for me...because I have provoked a lot of enemies before...but some enemies saw that I disappeared...and stopped pursuing it!"

"There are still some... they want to pursue...but they can't find any place to pursue me!"

"It's just that there is another force... that will definitely find out where I am after a while... and then my life will definitely be in danger!"

"I just hope that adults can help me...cut off that force."

"Of course Mr. Wu will not let this time go to waste... I collected a lot of treasures and panaceas when I was an Earth Immortal..."

"One of them... is going to make a fine wine from the Immortal Family..."

"Don't think of it as fine wine! Its efficacy is not..."

"You took the Green Sand Pill to break through to the Void Pill Realm, right? But even if you break through, the foundation is still not stable... If you want to break into the Real Pill Realm, your foundation must be solid first!"

"And this fairy nectar... can not only help you lay a solid foundation... but can also make your Xu Dan's consciousness become more and bigger..."

"Although I can't be will definitely be able to reach the real elixir realm...but with so many fairy's really uncertain!"


Chen Xuan was a little excited and speechless... But then... Chen Xuan realized... that opponent should also be very powerful... so he still didn't dare to agree to Wu Qing rashly...

"Hahaha... Your Excellency is indeed wise... If Your Excellency agrees immediately... I won't dare to ask Your Excellency for help!"

"Don't worry, sir! As long as you agree... the immortal family's fine wine will first enhance your strength!"

"Sir, all you need to do is help me kill him before they find me! They shouldn't have found the old man so quickly! Hahahaha..."

Chen Xuan looked at Wu Qing, and then asked, "What's their situation? Only then can I decide whether to answer or not..."

"Do you still remember the Qingsha Dan from last time? You should thank was Lao Chan who planned to transfer his master away..."

"Otherwise, how could it be so easy for you... to get Qingsha Dan from there?"

"I'm afraid that last time... you killed the people who returned to the clan... and now the people who returned to the clan are looking for the murderer everywhere!"

"Maybe... no... maybe you'll find me one day!"

"Senior Wu Qing! I don't want others to threaten me!"

Chen Xuan put away his smile and arrived coldly.

"No, no, no... Mr. Chen Xuan... I don't mean to threaten you... I just want... if you help me solve this problem, you are also helping yourself... because what I want you to help me is to get rid of Guizong. !”

"The strength of the returning sect is not considered strong in the alien continent! None of them have entered the eight major sects..."

"It's not a big sect... In my heyday, there was no such thing as an ant..."

"But's different!"

"The opponent's virtual elixir realm strongman and real elixir realm expert... any one of them can crush me!"

Chen Xuan nodded, "What is the strength over there? What state has the strongest reached?"

"Golden Core Realm..."

Wu Qing smiled and said.

"Golden Core Realm... I think Master Chen Xuan... with the help of the Immortal Family's fine wine, he should be able to kill the strong men of the Golden Core Realm very quickly!"

"What do you mean?"

Just now, Wu Qingxianjia's wine was able to help Chen Xuan reach the real elixir realm... Why could it kill a strong man in the golden elixir realm... The difference in strength between the two is huge.

"Because there is another benefit of Xianjia's wine..."

"It can help expand your alchemy sea! And inject spiritual consciousness into your expanded alchemy sea!"

And once your Dan Hai expands... it will naturally not be easy to upgrade, but as your Dan Hai expands, your strength will become stronger... becoming much stronger than those of the same level.’s not surprising that you kill the Golden Core Realm when the time comes!

"It's just the fairy wine... you can't drink too much at once... it needs to be refined slowly... the refining process is extremely painful... you may explode and die!"

Wu Qing smiled at Chen Xuandao.

"But I, the Earth Immortal of this continent, also relied on him! I only used half of it..."

"There's still half of it... As long as Mr. Chen Xuan agrees... he will be the great Rao!"

"Chen did his best!"

Chen Xuan still agreed...


"Chen... still wants to ask Senior Wu Qing something!"

"Senior, do you know about Hede Sect?"

Chen Xuan asked with a cold face and murderous intent.

"Of course I know... that Hede Sect is ranked sixth among the eight major sects! It is also the most ambitious one!"

"The power of the Hede Sect... Mr. Chen Xuan must not hit an egg with an egg against a stone!"

"The strongest person in the Hede Sect should have reached the Nascent Soul realm...and needs to prepare for the tribulation!"

"And the virtual elixir realm is like an ant over there... There are so many golden elixir realms and real elixir realms over there!"

"The powerful ones in the God Transformation Realm over there are just ordinary protectors... they can't be counted as high-level officials!"

"The spies from Mingyue Tower a few days ago also know! What happened in Baiguan!"

"But I would like to advise Mr. Chen Xuan...this matter... Mr. Chen Xuan is not capable of doing it yet and can only figure it out slowly!"

"In just a few trials... Master Chen Xuan should be able to meet people from the Hede Sect... and also people who have returned to the sect..."

"But that's just the outer layer... Lord Chen Xuan also needs a heart in the trial... But their strength should be enough to kill Lord Chen Xuan after he drinks the immortal nectar!"

"But when encountering the realm of transformation into gods... Master Chen Xuan can only... avoid it for the time being!"

Chen Xuan nodded...

"Thank you...Senior Wu Qing..."

"The Immortal Family sent someone to send it to...your other residence..."

Chen Xuan nodded and left Mingyue Tower...

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