Chen Xuan and Wu Liang slowly walked back to Beppu. Sure enough, after a while, Wu Qing sent someone to...carry the Xianjia wine to Chen Xuan's residence.

There are ten major altars in total... I don’t know how Wu Qing got them. Sure enough, a strong person at the Earth Immortal level has a broad vision...

"Liang... take a jar! Remember safety is important! Don't risk your life in vain for a breakthrough!"

Wu Liang glanced at Chen Xuan gratefully with his cold eyes. Chen Xuan no longer regards Wu Liang as a subordinate at this moment...but as his good brother!

Chen Xuan carried the remaining nine altars back to the cellar...

"So much immortal's really good...I really don't know what level I can reach by completely refining all this."

Chen Xuan took out the purple gold bracelet. As for the purple gold bracelet, it is Chen Xuan's only contact with Xundu College.

If Chen Xuan dies or loses his cultivation. Xundu College will know as soon as possible.

For students who have lost their is no different from death...but the purple gold bracelet has another use. That is to contact the college in time when asking for leave. Also, seek immediate help from the college when encountering danger. Of course, it’s the college’s decision whether to save you or not.

In fact, Xundu Academy is relatively powerful in Xundu. In addition to direct disciples like Chen Xuan and Heishen... there are also inner disciples and outer disciples. The number of inner disciples is limited to less than one hundred every year. The level of cultivation is controlled above the back realm. Generally, those who are at the peak of the back realm will be accepted as direct disciples.

Generally, those who are strong in the early realm will be accepted as outer disciples. As for the outer disciples, no one will care about you. In other words, no mentor will take care of you. They all go to the first floor of the academy by themselves. That is the exclusive layer for outer disciples. Go find exercises to practice and learn.

The status of outer disciples in Xundu College is indeed very low. Some monthly salaries are not enough...

He would also be oppressed by the inner he would work as some handymen to ease the burden of life.

But outer disciples can definitely walk sideways in Xun! Just because they are students of Xundu College...they are existences that no one dares to provoke! And the inner disciples are even more powerful in Xun...but the inner disciples generally ignore worldly things. As for the direct disciples... they are the top of the food chain... Generally speaking, the tutors who come to Xundu College are on the same level as the direct disciples...

Xundu officials do not dare to provoke the students of Xundu College... unless they no longer want to live... and the chief instructor of Xundu College usually practices in seclusion in his inner palace... or guides his direct disciples... so generally You won't come out even if you come.

Therefore, Chen Xuan's current status is really important in Xuancheng Continent...

Chen Xuan took out the purple gold bracelet this time to tell Chuangshi... that he had to take a leave of absence for a while... Chuangshi generally had relatively loose control over Chen Xuan... Chuangshi naturally agreed obscenely.

It's not that Chuangshi doesn't fulfill its responsibility as a teacher... but that Chuangshi feels that cultivation is a trivial matter! It's definitely not because Chuangshi tied Chen Xuan to his side that he could...grow into the future patron saint of Yu Realm...

So Chuangshi didn't interfere too much. It's also a holiday. Now Chen Xuan is still half a month away from the trial in the Secret Valley in half a month... that trial will still exist in half a month... a strong man in the realm of gods... and countless golden elixirs A strong person.

If Chen Xuan wants to survive... then he must break through... and this fairy's fine wine is a good one for breaking through! This immortal nectar can amplify Chen Xuan's alchemy sea...continuously pouring unrefined spiritual consciousness into the alchemy sea...Chen Xuan needs to use his existing spiritual consciousness to refine him bit by bit...

Even though the refining process is still quite painful, Chen Xuan feels that he can still bear the pain.

"Don't let anyone come to the cellar! Anyone who comes close will be killed without mercy!" Chen Xuan coldly ordered the guards of the other courtyard. "Yes! Young Master!" The guard was also very cold... He answered Chen Xuan simply and clearly.

"Sir... Miss He..."

One of the guards arrived with Chen Xuan a little hesitantly.

"What's wrong with her? Didn't I tell you... to treat her well? Don't let her be wronged!"

Chen Xuan replied coldly. The sharp eyes glanced at the guards.

"How dare my subordinates disobey the young master's order? Miss He left a letter... and ordered the subordinates to hand it over to the young master... and then left..."

"Oh, let's take a look!"

I don't know why Chen Xuan felt a little disappointed in his heart, as if he suddenly lost something important in his heart... Chen Xuan's sadness and loss were not shown on his face...

There was still a cold expression on his face... Chen Xuan's heart felt as helpless as if he had been drained... There was also a sense of loss in his heart that he felt like he was about to lose his heart... He knew that he might never see He's smile again... He He's perseverance... He's afraid... He's...

He didn't even know what kind of relationship he had with He. They were just a woman... How could it make him feel so uncomfortable when they were walking and chatting?

When she was there... Chen Xuan didn't feel much happiness... But when she left, Chen Xuan felt a lot more loss...

"Young Master...Miss He's letter..."

The guard coldly called Chen Xuan to arrive. Chen Xuan hurriedly opened the letter with a cold face.

A woman in a plain skirt and robes once again came into his mind... She was still as beautiful as when he saw her before...

"Chen Xuan, I'm leaving! The brother who killed you before! I feel your anger for the first time!"

"I also think you are a very affectionate and righteous person! There are not many such people on the mainland anymore!"

"I hope we can meet again if we are destined! You must keep it up!"

"Actually, we should never see each other! I went to Hede Sect!! I owe you so much!"

"I owe you the lives of so many brothers! Even if a moth flies into the flame! I will go to the Hede Sect to stir up a bloody storm!"

"That's it... a friend of mine from the Chen family... Jin Mo got an order from the Hede Sect... to recruit dancing prostitutes from the sect!"

"Although Jin Mo is ungrateful... but with my beauty... I was recruited into the Hede Sect... Naturally, his reward is indispensable... So..."

"When Young Master Chen Xuan sees this letter... I should have arrived at Hede Sect! Don't worry about me! I will definitely do my best to make Hede Sect pay with some blood!"

"And young master, don't look at women! Because if a woman becomes a beauty and a disaster... then even countless heroes will die for her! Don't worry, young master. I will definitely leave a few more of the Hede Sect. Life! Then disappear from this world!”

"Young Master, don't be in a hurry to destroy the sect... The strength of the Hede Sect should be... so strong that the Young Master still needs to look up to you... Then look at me, a woman! How many lives can I save! How much blood they have to pay can be considered a debt to the young master..."

"Those lives... He will repay with his own life and the lives of the He Dezong people killed by He!"

"From now on, He will live for the young master's dead brothers! Young master, improve your strength! Live well! Look at the strength of a female!"

"If a young master kills the Hede Sect... he may meet He again! That should be the last time we meet! Looking forward to... our last meeting!"

"Hello...Young master, I seem to have fallen in love with you! Although I shouldn't love you! I don't deserve to love you! I don't deserve to love you! But I just fall in love with you!"

Is it love?

Chen Xuan thought... He would miss her when he didn't see her... He would be affected by her when he saw her... He would change his mood because of her... Is this love?

Yes, because... what Chen Xuan doesn't want to admit is... Chen Xuan is really in pain right now... He's so painful that he wants to kill Hede Zong... He's so painful that he's about to lose all his sanity!

Then there is the heartbreaking pain...these are completely different from the feeling of losing a brother...those are two kinds of emotions...maybe this is love...the woman he loves once again...dies for him.

Luo Lan is like this... Chen He is like this too!

The Hede Sect...all died at the hands of the Hede Sect! Why why?


Chen Xuan could no longer control his emotions... Crazy murderous intent and heart-wrenching sadness surged into Chen Xuan's heart... The blue light of the Jialan Sword flashed crazily again...

He felt Chen Xuan's strong murderous intention. The so-called swords and people have become the same after a long period of running-in... and now Chen Xuan and Jialan Sword seem to be one body... they have been running-in.

Why did so many of my good brothers leave? Why can't I protect myself? Why did my two beloved women leave one after another? I can't protect myself.

Why are these?

It's all because I'm too weak! In front of Hede Zong... I seemed like an ant that could be trampled to death at will! In front of Hede don't have to worry if you offend can't sleep day and night! That’s all because you are too weak! Too weak to be taken seriously by others!

Chen Xuan felt that he wanted to become stronger! The Xudan realm is not enough! Too small! It’s not just about surviving that trial! Chen Xuan felt...he wanted to see the outside world during that trial! The focus should not just be on Xuancheng Continent... What is Xuancheng Continent?

He is too small! The alien sea continent...the alien continent...I haven't visited these two continents yet! He wants to see the life of the strong... He wants to become stronger! We must kill Hede Zong! Kill everyone in the Hede Sect! Leave no one behind! Leave no one behind! He wants to go to the appointment to see He for the last time! You can definitely see it!

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said!

He slowly opened the other nine cans of Xianjia nectar... A fragrant tranquility came towards Chen Xuan...

The killing intent, sadness and anger just now... seemed to be washed away by this fragrant tranquility! Dispersed deep into the soul...

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