Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1611: Retreat and practice, breakthrough!

The jade color of the fairy wine... seems to be the wine drunk by the gods. But Chen Xuan knows where the gods come from? The so-called gods are just more powerful people.

"Then it depends on how I refine it, right?"

For the first time, Chen Xuan did not dare to pour out too much... He just poured out a little bit of Xianjia nectar... about the size of a cup... and drank it...


Chen Xuan felt that his body was rapidly swelling... Chen Xuan finally understood what Wu Qingsuo meant when his heart exploded and he died... Just after taking such a sip...

He seemed to feel the feeling of being torn apart by five horses in ancient times. My body is constantly being pulled... keeps being pulled... just like a rubber band is being stretched...

The so-called death by explosion...maybe it's just that the rubber band couldn't be stretched...and it just broke...

Chen Xuan doesn't want to die so soon... He still has a lot of ugliness to repay... and a lot of things to do...

He immediately activated the only spiritual consciousness in his virtual core...


Rays of blue light continued to appear beside Chen Xuan. Fortunately, Chen Xuan just ordered not to let anyone get close... If others knew about it... I'm afraid Chen Xuan wouldn't be able to keep the immortal wine...

Because this movement is really not real!

Chen Xuan's Xudan is like a rubber band... constantly being stretched... constantly being stretched...


Chen Xuan's virtual core began to expand...but Chen Xuan felt extremely if his body was being unknown animals...and...


Because of Chen Xuan's current will... he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan...


Chen Xuan's alchemy sea seemed to be exploded, constantly expanding... The heat was like a volcanic eruption... Such enthusiasm kept sweeping through Chen Xuan's body... After a while, Chen Xuan's body turned from red... ...slowly turned purple.

Chen Xuantong's veins were exposed all over his body... Slowly, those veins turned from blue to red...

The blood is as surging as the waves...but like the boiling waves...


Chen Xuan's Dantian felt as if it had broken through... because Chen Xuan felt the gap in his Dantian... and then it was as if there was a blue gas... that kept rushing into Chen Xuan's Dantian.

Chen Xuan didn't seem to be in the same pain as before... Chen Xuan slowly closed his eyes... feeling the arrival of the blue gas...

Although the blue gas was an uninvited guest... it was strangely gentle. The pain that Chen Xuan had just felt when his Danhai was exploded... slowly recovered. Chen Xuan's skin color slowly changed from purple to red...

And the red color slowly faded away... and the muscles and veins seemed to be slowly returning to normal.

Chen Xuan felt that the blue gas was about to fill his Danhai! Is this what is called divine consciousness? It turns out that the divine consciousness... that can kill people at will on the mainland or in the Yu Realm... the divine consciousness that destroys countless lives... is actually so gentle!


Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his Danhai seemed to be filled...but the blue gas still did not was still pouring in crazily...

Well what's going on?


Chen Xuan's Dantian was exploded again...

Could it be that he was promoted to two levels in a row?

Just this bit of fairy wine can actually help me break through two levels in a row... But Chen Xuan knows in his heart... This breakthrough... will definitely be more difficult... and more painful than the last time...

But Chen Xuan thought about his dead brother...and He...Luo Lan...

Fuck it! bring it on! I'm waiting!


Those spiritual consciousnesses seemed to have spirits... knowing that Chen Xuan was ready... they all rushed into Chen Xuan's Dantian...


Chen Xuan's ferocious face... only let out a muffled groan... and then forcefully endured the unbearable pain...

Those consciousnesses are like a crazy blue dragon... hitting the wall of Chen Xuan's Dantian again and again...

It's like trying to knock this Dantian wall away... But Chen Xuan knows... This Dantian wall seems to be elastic... It can't be knocked open... It can only get bigger and bigger as it hits... But after all, Dantian is in Chen Xuan's body. Part of it!

Chen Xuan felt as if there was a person inside him... constantly using a thick and long iron rod... constantly pushing the walls of his Dantian out...


Chen Xuan's newly recovered skin once again turned purple...


That purple... slowly turned into gold! Yes, it's golden... Chen Xuan felt that his body was enveloped in a layer of golden light...

But Chen Xuan was able to react immediately... that layer of golden light did not come from the outside world... but from within his own body...

The exact thing is my Danhai has actually condensed into a golden elixir...

And the blue dragon of consciousness... is actually still charging out...

Chen Xuan's expression became more and more ferocious... Chen Xuan knew that he had to hold on... otherwise, death would be the only thing waiting for him...


The golden alchemy sea... although it was expanded a lot... but the spiritual consciousness only poured in half... and then it held on...

That is, Chen Xuan's current dantian...the golden larger than half of the golden elixir realm powerhouses...and the golden elixir realm consciousness in more than the average golden elixir realm powerhouse...

In other words, Chen Xuan is now a powerful being who has surpassed the Golden Core Realm...

Thanks to this fairy wine!

Chen Xuan now understands the simple and crude principle of this immortal nectar... It is to make your alchemy sea larger than that of your level... Sometimes it will exceed the capacity of the alchemy sea of ​​a strong person of the same level...

Then he feeds you his spiritual consciousness... But his spiritual consciousness doesn't end when he fills it up with you... You have no idea how much spiritual consciousness he will feed you... The extra spiritual consciousness he feeds will continue to impact your Danhai. …

And while the Danhai is bombarding you... you need to use the spiritual consciousness you already have... that is, control the spiritual consciousness you already have... to protect your body... otherwise...

Otherwise...all that's waiting for you is exploding to death...

That is to say...this immortal nectar will continue to bombard your alchemy sea...continuously inject spiritual consciousness into you...but when injecting spiritual consciousness and bombarding the alchemy need to control the gods that your body can control now. Consciously protect your body...

And although Chen Xuan has gained so much spiritual consciousness now... these spiritual consciousness are not completely his own... just like our fat is just the energy that exists in our body.

If you want to be able to use it completely for yourself... you still need to practice in seclusion for a period of time... This is why Chen Xuan took a leave of absence from the academy.

Chen Xuan wants to completely control this energy... Chen Xuan thinks he can do it! It must be done!

Chen Xuan's purple skin color finally faded away...and the ferocious expression on his face slowly dissipated...Chen Xuan felt as if a warm current enveloped his Dantian. Own……

Chen Xuan felt as if his whole body had just taken a shower...soaked in cold sweat.

There were also many beads of sweat on Chen Xuan's forehead...

Chen Xuan quickly climbed out of the cellar and went to the inner courtyard to take a bath.

All the guards thought that Chen Xuan accidentally... fell into the lake in the middle of the night... If they could avoid it, they would avoid it...

Afraid of offending this murderous god who is in a bad mood...being implicated for no reason...won't there be no place to cry?

Chen Xuan walked out coldly... When he saw the guard looking at him with an expression as if he had eaten something disgusting... He also felt very puzzled... Could he be that scary usually?

Well... indeed... I am still very dignified at ordinary times... Chen Xuan doesn't care about them...

Then he coldly ordered...

"Without my one is allowed to come near my room...and the martial arts field behind my room..."

"Otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"There's no need to prepare meals for me... I don't have time to enjoy myself!"

By the way... In fact, for those who are strong in the Golden Core Realm, or as long as you reach the Later Realm...

In fact, you don’t need to eat...or drink water...the energy consumed by the human already negligible compared to the energy in the human body...

But there will still be many back-realm powerhouses, even Void Core realm powerhouses...Golden Core realm powerhouses...including sometimes Earth Immortal powerhouses...will go out to some delicacies...

But they no longer eat these to... maintain the energy needed in the human body. They eat these just for enjoyment... so Chen Xuan has no time to enjoy...

That means there is no need to bring him food.

Chen Xuan quickly took a shower, and instantly felt refreshed...and after his Dantian seemed to have turned golden...he vaguely felt...that kind of energy was already beyond his estimation.

Then come and give it a try!

Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

Chen Xuan went to the martial arts gym behind his room... and slowly pulled out the Jialan Sword...


It was just the simplest wave... That phantom was like... it felt like when Pangu opened up the land in the ancient times. It directly smashed everything in the barrier of the entire martial arts field.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan set up a barrier...

Just like this, Chen Xuan moved one move after another... without any fancy movements... all the practical skills used in combat... practiced in a methodical manner...

Chen Xuan felt that his mood had calmed down to the extreme... just like this, regardless of day and night... regardless of the cold or warmth... tirelessly... he practiced...

Chen Xuan felt that his sword seemed to be integrated with his body and the consciousness in his body...

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