Although Chen Xuan had a cold face, his heart was unusually calm... It was as if he could feel the whole world with his eyes closed... And he could feel the whole world very clearly...

But at the same time, Heishen also asked Bai Ze for leave... because Heishen felt that the black light group in his mind was getting bigger and bigger...

What's even more frightening is that the energy seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Heishen felt it... This was Mie asking him to kill again... His Mie Shi wanted endless blood again...


Heishen felt it... His blood felt like it could be transformed into endless consciousness... Every time he killed someone... it seemed as if there was a little more consciousness in his Dantian... Every time he killed a person, the black light group It will become a bit bigger.

In the past few days, Heishen finally understood... Every time he killed someone... although the consciousness was a little more... but this black light group... was the spiritual consciousness that Mie left behind before leaving. Now that it has entered my body... those spiritual consciousness are a bit more powerful...

Heishen doesn't like to be controlled by others...but he wants to become stronger! To become stronger, you can only be controlled by the divine consciousness that destroys you!

Heishen's World-Destroying Sword was faintly flashing with black light... prompting him to kill more people...

Heishen once again came to the mass grave... and once again looked at those fearful and helpless... and pleading eyes...

Once again, I lost my mind... and used the World-Destroying Sword to bring crazy disasters to them...

Blood once again flooded the mass graves...


Heishen felt a strong attraction... and sucked himself into the World-Destroying Sword... The fresh blood had already helped the World-Destroying Sword open the crack that had been sealed for a long time...

And Heishen also entered the... sword domain of the World-Destroying Sword through the crack...

In fact, every sacred weapon has a sword domain! Although there is only one word difference between artifact and holy weapon...the difference between them is immeasurable...

There are quite a lot of artifacts in the three continents... Weapons are divided into mortal weapons, fairy weapons, divine weapons, and finally holy weapons...

Generally speaking, cultivators use the most immortal weapons... while ordinary weapons are usually ordinary weapons used by rich men's servants.

Generally speaking, fairy weapons are made by blacksmiths inlaid with fairy stones... If the fairy weapon does not have fairy stones, it is just a mortal weapon... But once the fairy weapon is inlaid with fairy stones... it will be very different from a mortal weapon!

In fact, the legendary fairy stones... are not the stones on the map... they are just precious... and their preciousness is different...

It is said that precious fairy stones are very, very rare... fairy stones are also divided into ordinary grade, medium grade, super grade... and those super grade fairy stones can only be found in those secret realms outside the world... guarded by some very powerful ferocious beasts!

Generally, some sects or colleges will master the mineral veins of immortal stones... Those immortal stones are just ordinary-grade immortal stones... Those immortal stones are used for their disciples to forge immortal weapons... They are just ordinary-grade immortal weapons... And middle-grade immortal stones Immortal Stones can only be obtained in auction houses... and the price of medium-grade Immortal Stones is also very expensive...

Super-grade Immortal Stones are found in some mid-level sects in the Different World Continent or the Different Sea Continent... or the top sects in the Xuancheng Continent... They are all like treasures to suppress the sect!

Generally, the immortal weapons made from super-grade immortal stones will be used by the sect master...or the strongest person in the sect!

That not only represents status... but also represents a powerful existence!

And the artifact is even different... The artifact is given by the gods... Every god will forge a weapon of his own after he is born... That is the artifact... When the god's age is up... when he needs to go to another world …

At that time, the weapon will be left will be an artifact!

There will be no more than ten artifacts in this world...

But there are only two sacred weapons... left behind by God Yu and God of Destruction respectively... Jialan Sword and the World-Destroying Sword... these two swords are called sacred weapons... they are the most powerful weapons in the world...

The legend was forged by God Yu... It also contains a piece of God Yu's spiritual consciousness... and that spiritual consciousness requires the longevity grass to be opened! And Mie Shi also strengthened Mieshen's consciousness!

This divine consciousness opened up an entire void and hid it in the World-Destroying Sword! It takes endless blood to come in and out frequently!

And Heishen is killing too much at this moment! So the endless blood made the seal of this sword domain begin to loosen...


Heishen was sucked into that powerful sword domain...a darkness...endless darkness...Heishen felt as if the whole world had been destroyed...only a helpless and void body...

Heishen's heart is so powerful that he is actually a little scared... That fear is not blood or pain... but the fear of nothingness... Heishen feels very small in the darkness... the darkness surrounds him like insects. Eat...devour...

"We meet again! My heir...I am the God of Destruction! Welcome to the World-Destroying Sword Domain! Congratulations to you...for using the powerful power of blood to achieve your own success and welcome...the World-Destroying Sword Domain!"

The black figure was wearing a black robe...the light coming from his eyes was black...he greeted Heishen coldly...

"Hello...Master Destroyer..."

Heishen is still very afraid of this God of Destruction. After all, the consciousness of that black light kept imprisoning him!

"Now I want to congratulate you! You are about to break through to the Real Pill Realm! And what's even more congratulatory is... you are much more powerful than the average Real Pill Realm expert!"


Heishen was very puzzled...why Heishen could break through by killing just a few people. Wouldn't Heishen be the strongest if he killed everyone in the world?

"It's normal for you to have doubts... I'll explain it to you slowly! First of all... your Real Pill Realm... because of the help of my negative energy... will be much stronger than the normal Real Pill Realm!"

"That's why...the people in the Nether Realm can cultivate faster than the people in the Yu Realm! It's also the reason why my Nether Realm has been strong for hundreds of years! If it weren't for that damn seal!"

The God of Destruction had already roared as if he was about to roar.

"So you will be much stronger than the average real elixir realm... But now you still need to refine that energy... to reach the real elixir realm... After all, your current energy exists in this sword field... Look there …”

Heishen looked in the direction of God Destroyer's finger. A clear crystal ball is filled with purple liquid...

"That's the energy those people's blood gives's actually their negative energy...that's the negative emotions they had before they died!"

"The more painful their death...the more energy you will get! Remember! But...what you need to remember is that although these energies are in the crystal ball, they have not completely become We need to refine him!”

"Refining this kind of energy is very painful! It is much more painful than refining spiritual consciousness without negative energy! This negative energy needs to be transformed into your spiritual consciousness! You will see one illusion after another !”

"You will experience those illusions one after another! But you have to remember! Although you experience those illusions... you have to solve it in the most bloodthirsty way!"

"For example... if you meet a few people in front of you... the most appropriate and best way for you is to kill them in the illusion! But the pain of being killed will intensify on you... their fear Being unwilling and having a lot of negative emotions will also make you bear it!”

"So this refining process... will be very difficult and laborious... but once you successfully refine it... then you will be a strong person in the real elixir realm... and it shouldn't be difficult to kill a strong person in the golden elixir realm... It should be easy to escape from a strong person in the Transformation of God Realm..."

"So think about it... do you want to enter the trial... If you want to enter... when you are ready... just smash the crystal ball!"

Heishen also knows the should not only be the pain in the soul...but also the pain in the body...but he wants to become stronger...he doesn't know how strong Chen Xuan is now...

He doesn't want to be crushed by Chen Xuan anymore... He wants to crush Chen Xuan... He wants to become stronger! Such a voice kept echoing in his mind...

He stood up unexpectedly... walked to the crystal ball... hesitated, then picked up the crystal ball... and smashed it.


A huge illusion slowly emerged in Heishen's mind... It seemed like it was another world...

It was a world that Heishen had never been to...but Heishen was a little afraid...he didn't know why he was afraid...


The God of Destruction appeared in front of Heishen again...

"Young man...I forgot to remind you...everyone in this place is your enemy...tramps...powerless old women...are all your enemies..."

"They may beg you...maybe beg you for your life...but remember! Once you show mercy...when they have the strength to kill you..."

"You will be killed horribly...and you will never be able to return to the real world!"

"Although the pain will be inflicted on you when you kill the old woman...but this pain will not affect your strength..."

"It's just that after the pain, you will be given a period of time to recover... the world seems to have stopped... you will be given a period of time to recover..."

"But once you can no longer bear it in this world...and are killed...then the World-Destroying Sword Realm will be closed...once the World-Destroying Sword Realm and the world of the Reality Channel are closed...that means you will always exist in that world. In the crystal ball!”

"Do I... do I need to... be like this every time I break through?" Heishen was a little panicked... If it was like this every time he broke through... Heishen might... be unable to break through again!

"It's not... this only happens once... in the future, when you need to refine negative energy... you just need to extract it from this illusion... So start your nightmare!"

Mie Shi said with a ferocious smile!

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