What slowly emerged in front of Heishen's eyes was a dark world...even the colors were black...

Heishen found that the place where he woke up was an airtight forest... Heishen slowly picked up the World-Destroying Sword... and walked forward... because he wanted to become stronger! So he has to overcome this...


A red fire flashed...

"Hahaha... How dare an ignorant human dare to come to this world."

A deep voice sounded...but it wasn't human-speaking enough...

That kind of laughter seems to be as harsh as the entire universe... Even with a mind like Heishen's, I can't help but be afraid...


The fire slowly pieced together the afterimage of a Phoenix... What made Heishen feel like his head was exploding... was because his head was as big as seven or eight human brains...

But what's even more terrifying is that there are nine such brains!

Nine-headed phoenix!

Every head looked at Heishen ferociously. When he spoke it seemed as if nine mouths were speaking simultaneously.

"Humans... don't blame us for becoming our food!"

"Welcome...you are here...every time you perform a technique...you yourself will suffer backlash!"

"Unless you can find the secret of the World-Destroying Sword! Otherwise you may die of pain here!"


Will he really suffer backlash?

I was really tricked by this old man, God of Destruction! What kind of cultivation techniques or shortcuts are these? Is this a shortcut to death?

"Hahahaha... I'll tell you the truth! Over the past thousands of years... Master God Destroyer has looked for countless owners of the World-Destroying Sword... but there are also countless people who have failed this trial! Hahahaha..."

"You are just one of countless others! Enjoy the feeling of being insulted!"


Countless vegetation and rocks swept towards Heishen... It was like a huge tornado blew towards Heishen.

The nine heads of the nine-headed phoenix couldn't stop giggling!


Suddenly, the phantom of a fire dragon kept approaching Heishen... Heishen held the World-Destroying Sword... The sword energy of the World-Destroying Sword kept attacking him... Infinite figures flashed in his mind. Law!

He finally knows what the so-called shortcut to cultivation is? It is a practice that is a hundred times more painful than others...

Heishen kept imitating the shadow in his mind...

The fire dragon kept approaching Heishen... The heat burned the white clouds in the sky into burnt red. Those flowers, plants and trees that just hit Heishen together. It turned into ashes!


The fire dragon spurted out flames... and headed directly towards Heishen... The powerful thick smoke and high-temperature gas... swept towards Heishen first!

The movements in Heishen's mind became more and more obvious... so obvious that Heishen felt that he could already imitate those movements!


Heishen kept merging his body and the phantom in his mind into one... and danced the World-Destroying Sword forgetfully...

The World-Destroying Sword is like a black poisonous snake...it comes alive in Heishen's hands!


The World-Destroying Sword suddenly transformed into a black shadow... like a god of death holding a death sickle! He goes to harvest all life!


The black shadow and the fire dragon became entangled. It seems to be so terrifying that it is about to break through!


In an instant, the ground seemed to be enveloped in a thick black fog... The sun was also covered by this thick fog!

That thick fog was filled with a fierce fighting spirit...


Heishen seemed to hear all the rivers, lakes and seas in this world...the huge scalding waves...continuously exaggerating his murderous intent!

It feels so good to be in control of the world!


The black shadow of Heishen's transformation god was constantly entangled with the fire dragon forced by the nine-headed phoenix.

"Hmph! I didn't expect...the old guy who destroyed the God chose him this time, not a idiot! He has a kingly demeanor!"

"But what's the use? There's only death waiting for you!"


Heishen felt a chill going into his bones... as if the ground was about to turn into an ice sculpture.


The thick black mist instantly turned into transparent ice cubes...frozen on the ground!

what happened! How is this going

A fire dragon has not yet been captured by Heishen...an ice dragon spits out directly from the mouth of Jiu-headed Phoenix...

The intense cold turned flowers, plants and trees for hundreds of miles around into ice sculptures...

All the creatures within a hundred miles radius... couldn't bear the cold... and froze to death!

There are only two worlds, Heishen and Nine-Headed Phoenix!


There was an ice dragon and a fire dragon...the two dragons suddenly flew up to the horizon...continuously entangled...


The ice sculpture in the air was broken by the two giant dragons at the same time... Suddenly a fire dragon opened its bloody mouth... and swallowed the ice dragon!

How is this going

Suddenly thunder and lightning rolled... The fire dragon suddenly turned into two colors, the left turned red... and the right turned white.

And the two red horns on the dragon's forehead... suddenly turned into four.

"This is only 30% of my strength! Then let you die happily! 30% of my strength is enough to make you disappear forever on the ground!"


The red and white dragon dived towards Heishen... The powerful killing intent and wherever it touched the air on the left condensed into ice and fell... The air on the right turned into smoke. Rising to the top!


Thick smoke billows in the sky... It's like the end of the world... A ray of ice and a ray of fire are heading towards Heishen at the same time...

Heishen followed the ghostly and dexterous dance steps in his mind... He turned sideways to avoid a ray of ice...

The ice light instantly hit the huge mountain behind Heishen... In an instant, the ice light was smashed open a huge ice hole...


A blaze of fire came towards Heishen... Heishen's World-Destroying Sword transformed into a phantom... A huge black poisonous snake came towards the fire!


The black snake and the giant dragon were entangled... Everywhere they went there was smoke billowing... The place where they fought was a big pit of several feet...


Suddenly, the black snake opened its bloody mouth... and spit out a black ball of light...

The light group was like a huge bubble that started to swallow everything...


Suddenly the dragon spit out a storm of ice and snow... and the ground turned white in an instant!

White snow actually started to fall in the sky! That snow is not flakes! But a huge snowball! That snowball weighs several kilograms! The ground that was hit... had deep and shallow pits...

And the big hole that had been smashed just now... was filled with snow in an instant... The mountain behind Heishen was smashed into pieces by the snow.


Heishen suddenly flew up to the edge... He followed the movements in his mind... imitating like a shadow... ghostly steps... Suddenly he flew up to the edge with the World-Destroying Sword...

He can't keep it any longer! He wants to attack! Otherwise, you can only be beaten!

The true essence of the world-destroying sword in his hand burned!


Blasting towards the nine-headed phoenix... In an instant, the World-Destroying Sword revealed countless black light groups!

The nine-headed phoenix is ​​a bit overwhelmed...

Suddenly Heishen transformed into countless phantoms...each phantom was Heishen and the World-Destroying Sword...

Beheading towards the nine heads of the Nine-Headed Phoenix... and every time a shadow was bombarded by the Nine-Headed Phoenix, its soul was shattered! There will be a new shadow to replace him!

And Heishen's body jumped up and pushed towards the giant dragon... The thick black mist around Heishen! And the evil spirit like the god of death swept towards the giant dragon!


That giant dragon actually started to be afraid... Heishen's black robe was flying in the air as if he was the king of the whole world!


Heishen's World-Destroying Sword actually chopped off the left half of the ice-like head...

The red firelight kept spraying on Heishen's black robe... The black robe was as hard as an armor that resisted the flames...

And the half of the dragon head killed by Heishen flew a hundred meters away... and hit Lin hard!


A huge hole was made in the solid soil! At this time, the nine-headed phoenix roared crazily!

The nine-headed phoenix looked full of disbelief! How is this possible for this human being! How could he

And how dare he? I am the legendary nine-headed phoenix! Although the soul is sealed here by the God of Destruction!

The strength is greatly reduced...but since when can you not even defeat a human in the Real Pill Realm?

"You ignorant human being! I will cut you into pieces! I will let your soul bear the flames of hell forever in my world!"

"My head...ahhh!"

The nine-headed phoenix roared crazily... That ferocious roar made the ground shake...

The kind of anger that shakes the earth! He pushed towards Heishen crazily!

What followed was a ferocious murderous intention that made the ground tremble!

And the one eye of the giant dragon with only half its head became even more ferocious!

That look was as terrifying as if he wanted to swallow Heishen in one bite!

I can't back down! I absolutely can't back down! From childhood to adulthood...my wish is to control the whole world!

Kill everyone who hurts me! They all must die! All must die! A strong will controls Chen Xuan's mind...

The divine consciousness left by the God of Destruction in his mind... constantly conveyed in his mind the humiliation he had suffered before!

"Give it all to me...go to hell!"

Heishen's shocking roar swept the entire land... The nine-headed phoenix actually started to be afraid!

What a cruel human being! very scary! This is the darkest and most terrifying soul I have seen in thousands of years!

There are many dark souls in this world...so many! But such a dark yet resolute soul...it's really terrifying!

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