Heishen watched the nine-headed phoenix being beheaded one by one...and saw the eight heads staring at Heishen ferociously...

Heishen is a bit creepy! no! It can't be like this...it's so difficult to kill every head!

If this continues, I won't be able to support it for long...


The half-remaining dragon head was like a huge rope lock and was pushing towards Heishen crazily...

No, it can’t be like this...


Heishen struggled frantically to escape...this fatal pursuit! At this time, the shadow-like body technique in my mind appeared again!

Heishen dances like a ghost...


Dodged the first pursuit of the rope-like dragon! The one-eyed dragon once again spit out a huge fireball...

The fireball was as big as an entire mountain!

Heishen's movement skills... almost... only missed the huge fireball...


The huge fireball hit the mountains behind Heishen!


In an instant, the mountains collapsed, and the earth and rocks that had been accumulated for millions of years... split apart in an instant... and the huge rocks and earth swept in...

A huge wave of mud and rocks instantly formed in the air... The wave of mud and rocks smashed countless large craters into all the surrounding ground...


Heishen jumped up... flew into the sky... looking down at the phoenix in mid-air!

Why did he escape his pursuit again... How is this possible?

The look of disbelief on the face of the nine-headed phoenix is ​​getting deeper and deeper! His face became more and more solemn!

"Well, you human... you actually escaped my pursuit once again!"

"But... you'd better die!"

The nine-headed phoenix roared angrily... The earth and rocks on the ground that had just been smashed into a big hole... once again swept towards Heishen...

It's the heart!

The most vulnerable part of that Nine-headed Phoenix is ​​not the head but the heart! Because whenever that nine-headed phoenix kills him... the first thing he does is protect his heart!

good! Then go to hell!

Heishen suddenly jumped up and rushed toward the nine-headed phoenix crazily...

What's going on? Does this human being want to die?

Why are you so madly heading towards your own death?

Heishen held the World-Destroying Sword in his hand...like a god of death...held the death sickle like a gust of wind and pushed towards the nine-headed phoenix...


A ray of fire rushed towards Heishen's front... just like the pillar of fire standing on the ground... the heat turned the air wherever it went into countless thick smoke...

Shrouded in the smoke... Heishen couldn't help but squint his eyes... But for a moment, his eyes seemed to be familiar with the thick smoke... He stared straight at Feng Huang's chest...


A shadow split open the pillar of fire.


There seems to be a pair of black phantom wings behind Heishen...and these black phantom wings make the air wherever Heishen goes...become murderous...those black wings are like a reminder. The talisman...let Heishen approach the nine-headed phoenix faster...


The phantom of the one-eyed dragon blocked Heishen once... Heishen did not choose to escape this time... but faced him with the World-Destroying Sword...


The body of the World-Destroying Sword has turned red... The red true energy is constantly filling the black sword body!


The constant burning of the true energy... had already made Heishen feel that his hand had turned into a piece of hot burning iron!


Heishen's world-destroying sword once again struck at the other head of the one-eyed dragon...


The one-eyed dragon spit out countless fire snakes from its bloody mouth...

Not good!

Heishen shouted... and used his ghostly dance steps to avoid the center of the one-eyed dragon and the fire-breathing snake.


Heishen's World-Destroying Sword scattered hundreds of fire snakes...

It’s definitely not going to work like this! Heishen thought to himself! It seems that we can only think of ways to use phantoms to see if we can deceive the giant dragon!


Heishen split a phantom of himself...and the phantom rushed towards the one-eyed dragon crazily...


The one-eyed dragon once again spewed out countless fire snakes!

And Heishen's shadow also held the World-Destroying Sword and fought crazily with the one-eyed dragon like Heishen...


Heishen walked around behind the one-eyed dragon... That ghostly dance made no sound at all... It was really amazing!

Every time Heishen's shadow was scattered, another shadow appeared in another corner... This made the one-eyed dragon never realize that it was actually Heishen's shadow...

Can't tell which one is Heishen's true identity...

Although the mythical beast has intelligence... it's just that the one-eyed dragon was originally a clone of the Nine-Headed Phoenix... so its intelligence is not as good as that of ordinary mythical beasts... In addition, this phantom of Heishen... is broken up and appears again. one……

Such frequent alternations... made the one-eyed dragon think that he did not break him up... but that Heishen had some magical way... to know how to teleport...


Heishen walked around behind the one-eyed dragon... and the world-destroying sword was pushed directly towards the head of the one-eyed dragon!


The other half of the one-eyed dragon's head was cut off!


The nine-headed phoenix roared crazily...how could this happen?

The one-eyed dragon finally hit Lin Mian directly with its huge body... leaving a huge hole in the ground...

And the giant dragon's head was chopped off and flew out... And the one-eyed dragon flew out...


The thick smoke was billowing... The huge head was wrapped in the thick smoke... and it was smashed out... The huge mountain range was shattered by the giant head...

In an instant... those mountains of earth and rocks were smashed until only a large piece of scorched earth remained... and the surrounding vegetation... had long been destroyed by the collapse of such a giant mountain range... and was later burned by the fire snake... …

"You...who are you..."

The nine-headed phoenix roared crazily at Heishen... This human actually destroyed two of his heads...

Although that is only 30% of his strength... but only he knows... maybe those two heads are the most threatening ones...

"Damnable human... I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you! Hahahaha..."

The nine-headed phoenix instantly caused a raging fire... directly burning his body...

The clouds over there seemed to have turned fiery red... as if half of them were dyed red...

That is... that is rebirth from nirvana...

The nine-headed phoenix can actually be reborn from nirvana

The remaining seven heads were actually burned by the raging fire...Slowly, one head grew ferociously...


That ferocious head stared at Heishen... as if it wanted to swallow Heishen up in one gulp! It opened its bloody mouth...

Breath out that hellish fire at Heishen! The fire of hell destroyed everything wherever it went!

Let my world-destroying sword try your hellfire!


The World-Destroying Sword is burning in the fire of hell... The fiery red true essence is constantly gathering at the edge of the World-Destroying Sword...

The World-Destroying Sword continues to absorb...continuously absorbs the fire of hell! Then transform him into true essence...

The burning true energy once again stimulated Heishen's brain...

Go to hell!

Heishen frantically pushed towards the nine-headed phoenix! That living beating heart! It is the heart after nirvana and rebirth!


The blood dyed the whole earth red... The mythical beast... This is the heart of the mythical beast...


That freshly beating heart was slowly absorbed by the World-Destroying Sword... The World-Destroying Sword actually ate the heart

Heishen waved lightly...

The power of the World-Destroying Sword is ten times more powerful than before!

Heishen has the pleasure of being in control of everything! Yes, he seems to have become the god of the world...

You are in control of everything!

"Hahaha... Congratulations! You killed the nine-headed phoenix!"

"And your strength seems to have been greatly improved! That's right, the power of the World-Destroying Sword has become stronger!"

"But you are more familiar with the World-Destroying Sword! It is your strength that has improved! Congratulations!"

That was the figure of the God of Destruction... The God of Destruction appeared in Heishen's sight again... "It seems that you are more talented than the people I chose before! Hahahaha... Good! I hope you can lead the underworld... "

"The person who led the Nether Realm to defeat the Yu Realm...the seal of the Yu Realm is about to be opened!"

"And now you have a way to enter the underworld faster... that is through this World-Destroying Sword Realm..."

"At that time, the World-Destroying Sword Domain was not only the sword domain of the World-Destroying Sword... but also the passage between the Underworld and the Yu Realm..."

"You killed the nine-headed phoenix this time... Not bad, you passed the test I gave you!"

"You can enter the Nether Realm safely... As for whether you can give orders in the Nether Realm... Humph!"

"Then it depends on your own ability! If you don't have the ability...it's useless for me to support you!"

"By the way, I have good news for you! Your strength has been upgraded to the Golden Core Realm... through this killing!"

The God of Destruction smiled.

Golden elixir realm! He has actually become a strong man in the Golden Core Realm... and he can even enter the underworld! Heishen thinks this is a great thing!

"By the way... practicing in the Nether Realm will increase your speed very quickly... As for the Yu Realm... you have had enough experience... and you have learned enough about them... It's time to go back!"

The God of Destruction arrived calmly.

Heishen nodded and flew towards the endless black void...

Outside the realm of the World-Destroying Sword...inside Chen Xuan's room...

Chen Xuan was meditating with his eyes closed... Suddenly the Jialan Sword flashed red light...

what happened?

Generally speaking, the Jialan Sword will not flash red light... unless there is a trial... He only flashed red light during the Half Immortal Trial...

What is going on now? Chen Xuan was surprised for a while...

Suddenly... there was a bang and a red beam of light flashed in front of Chen Xuan... It was a teleportation array!

This...why does Jialan Sword have a teleportation array?

Forget it...since Jialanjian wants me to go...then go and meet him for a while!

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