Chen Xuan has been in seclusion for a long time... about one or two months... the trial is coming soon... in ten days, it will be the trial of Miyou Valley...

However, Chen Xuan is still very unclear about the origin of the immortal grass... why so many people are fighting for the immortal grass...

What is the origin of the Yu God? What does the flame of the Jia Lan Sword indicate now?

Chen Xuan thought to himself and walked into the red light of the Jia Lan Sword...

In an instant, Chen Xuan felt that he was surrounded by powerful spiritual power... and then there was a warm feeling all over his body...

In a blink of an eye... Chen Xuan seemed to have come to a palace... The palace was very magnificent... It seemed to have been built with a history of hundreds of years... No! Maybe thousands of years! But the glory of this palace is still not covered by this thousands of years of history!

Chen Xuan sighed... Walking into this huge palace... The gems inlaid on these pillars... swear to the status of the former master of the palace... and Chen Xuan raised his head...

Seeing a huge three-character carved from a thousand-year-old wood in the towering clouds...

Yu Temple...

This is Yu Temple.

That is to say, this is the Yu Temple founded by the founder of Yu Realm. Why did the Jia Lan Sword teleport itself here?

What is the relationship between the Jia Lan Sword and the Yu Temple?

Chen Xuan's questions came one after another... and the magnificent palace did not lose its vitality because of the wind and frost of the millennium... Is this another space?

The Yu Temple... turned out to be hidden in the secret realm.

The so-called secret realm is generally... powerful practitioners... can open up countless spaces... and these spaces exist like parallel worlds... So generally speaking, whether it is the sword domain or the secret realm trial... they are all powerful people...

Or the world opened up by the powerful people before... and these worlds are determined by the will of the strong!

Sometimes it is used to store treasures. Of course, such a secret realm is dangerous and has opportunities! And such a secret realm... you also need a certain opportunity to enter! It is not something you can enter casually!

Some secret realms contain a divine consciousness of a strong person... used to tell future generations something or leave something for future generations...

Also, it cannot be ruled out that some strong people split a divine consciousness or set up a mechanism... to avenge his descendants... Many of his descendants who entered were killed in the secret realm...

But generally speaking, the transmission locations of these secret realms are extremely secret... The transmission locations of secret realms are called barriers...

Every time a barrier is discovered... it will cause an uproar in the Yu Realm! Of course, especially the secret realms that hide treasures! That is, the secret realms where dangers and opportunities coexist! For example, the Secret Valley!

What is even more amazing is the speed of time in the secret realm... It is completely different from the real world outside... But the injuries suffered and the treasures obtained can generally be brought to the real world!

But the speed of time is usually determined by the strong man who opened up the secret realm... so the speed is usually different from the real world...

"Hello! My successor! I don't know who you will be a thousand years later... a prince or a poor beggar..."

The vicissitudes of life sounded in Chen Xuan's ears... and the power infused in the voice was so strong... that Chen Xuan was amazed... God Yu is God Yu! The first person in tens of millions of years!

Even if it is a divine consciousness of God... it is so powerful... it is really... incomparable to that old man who created the world!

"But you should be glad... my divine consciousness chose you... you will become the next god!"

The powerful divine consciousness of God Yu said slowly. And the vicissitudes of life and the shocking power to Rao... did not diminish at all... Chen Xuan felt that every word of God Yu's divine consciousness... his heart trembled.

"Don't question my words... what is in front of you now is my divine consciousness... I am the pioneer of this secret realm... and the world you live in... Yu!"

The vicissitudes of life said such shocking words calmly.

Although Chen Xuan knew before that the person in front of him might be the legendary God Yu...but the shock of his appearance in person was still very great.

That was a powerful person that Xuncheng Continent and even the three major continents had to worship! Some practitioners were willing to take risks to see a divine consciousness of God Yu! They took risks with their hundreds of years of their hundreds of years of cultivation...just to see God Yu...

Get the true teachings of God Yu...become a powerful existence like a god! Chen Xuan actually saw God Yu without any effort this time...If those practitioners in Yujie knew...I'm afraid they would be furious!

"I don't know... Will anyone remember it after millions of years? I also don't know if there are still people in Yu Realm who can break through the boundaries of cultivators... Survive the catastrophe... Become a god..."

"But what I can be sure of is... In these millions of years... I think the people in the Nether Realm should not have been able to break through the seal to invade Yu Realm, right?"

"Hahahaha... I just don't know what the three continents are like? I know there is no way to coexist harmoniously!"

"For thousands of years... This rule of the survival of the weak and the strong has long been engraved in everyone's mind!"

"It's just... I don't know if the Creation World can protect any continent from being annexed!"

"I have also thought about it... Only competition can make cultivators stronger! Unchanged comfort... will only make cultivators wait in comfort for the arrival of the underworld... and finally die in comfort!"

The vicissitudes of life have arrived for God Yu.

Unexpectedly, God Yu had already anticipated everything that had happened over the past tens of millions of years! Indeed...these three continents are indeed not at peace...they are thinking of annexing each other...if it hadn't been for Creation...I'm afraid the Xuancheng Continent would have long ago...

It's just that God Yu's thinking is more comprehensive... He knows that only war or only the elimination of the weak... the survival of the strong and the law of selection will... allow cultivators to produce more strong ones!

"It's just... I don't know if you can still remember me... I, God Yu... It's okay if you don't remember..."

"It's just...I have a request...for the sake of Yujie, I hope you can agree..."

"Of course as a reward... I am also happy to help you with your cultivation..."

"The people chosen by my divine consciousness are all extremely talented practitioners...and they won't be particularly old!"

Yu Shen's vicissitudes of life voice was resounding... But that sound of friendship made Chen Xuan feel that he was really being too much...

God Yu! That's God Yu! If the people of Yu Realm, including Chuangshi, knew that... he and God Yu were actually friends... they would be jealous and crazy... and they would definitely bow to him!

"Master Yu God... If there is Chen Xuan who can do it, Chen Xuan will definitely do it!" Chen Xuan bowed to God Yu respectfully... and arrived solemnly.

"The seal of the underworld is about to be opened... As long as the successor found by the God of Destruction... is strong enough... it will be a catastrophe for the Yu Realm!"

God Yu's spiritual consciousness seemed unusually if he was very anxious...but that aura of concern for the country and the people...also mixed with a bit of the domineering aura of a king!

"What I want you to do for me... is that before the seal is opened... you have to reach the realm of God!"

"More importantly...before the seal is opened...gather the power of all the top cultivators in Yu form a cultivator alliance!"

"Actually... three continents are competing with each other... It's not easy to unite all the powerful practitioners due to such internal worries..."

"But it would be different if you were a god! If you were a god... you would be a god-like existence to those cultivators! It is perfectly normal for them to obey your orders!"

"So you have to improve quickly! There is also the Sword Domain of Jialan Sword! Information about the Sword Domain..."

"You can go back and read the Chronicles of the Three Continents...I won't explain it here!"

The divine consciousness of God Yu has become weaker and weaker... but there is still that kingly domineering power in the faintness... But Chen Xuan can feel that this divine consciousness that has existed for tens of millions of years... is very likely to dissipate soon... …

"And there's that trial in the Secret Valley! If you want to enter the Jialan Sword's sword domain, you need that Immortal Grass!"

"Otherwise you will never be able to enter in this life... If you cannot enter the sword domain of Jialan Sword, you will not be able to truly control Jialan Sword!"

"Only when you enter the sword domain of Jialan Sword...and get the approval of Jialan Sword itself...can the sword exert its strongest power!"

"This is also the rule I set when I forged the sword! It is also the rule of the holy weapon! Whether you can pass it or not... depends on you!"

The light and shadow of God Yu's consciousness is getting fainter and fainter... It seems like it is about to dissipate...

That sound that has been deposited for thousands of years... is slowly fading with time like an ancient imprint...

But just like this voice... God Yu's god-like majesty is still as strong as before!

This is the majesty of God! The seed of becoming stronger in Chen Xuan's heart is getting more and more aroused... and encouraged!

He wants to become stronger! He is the person chosen by God Yu! He is going to become a god!

"Remember...the executioners in the Nether Realm...they have long coveted the prosperity of the Yu Realm!"

"Once the seal and enter the Yu Realm in large numbers...our people in the Yu Realm will probably experience catastrophe!"

"Also remember... you must remember... the God of Destruction also left a spiritual consciousness... and found someone to lead the current underworld!"

"He is also holding a sacred weapon...the World-Destroying and him are old enemies!"

"See you later!"

God Yu's consciousness slowly faded...and dissipated into the void juice...

Chen Xuan found that he seemed to be having a dream... he had woken up and returned to his room...

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