Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 161 Half-Step to the Imperial Level

Being able to create so many super warriors with different bloodlines, except for the effect of blood leeches, Chen Xuan could not think of anything else. Otherwise, it would take a long time to form such a team.

And from the current point of view, the fusion of these bloodlines is not good.

Most of them are still very far-fetched, so Chen Xuan can conclude that the Lingshan Chen family has done some research on this blood leech, but it is definitely not thorough.

Chen Xuan recalled the troops he had encountered on the Xuan Continent.

They have completely integrated the power of blood into themselves. If they want to achieve such an effect, the person who serves as the carrier must be the strongest person in the world, using their talents to create an even more talented existence.

Facing such a powerful force, there is always only one way.

Chen Xuan hasn't really taken action for a long time.

"Since you are all here, let's all stay."

A strong aura suddenly erupted from Chen Xuan's body.


This momentum rushed up to the sky, shocking the sky.

Han Ya behind her saw the explosive Chen Xuan, her pupils filled with shock.

"This...such aura..."

Han Ya looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief. At this moment, Chen Xuan seemed to be transformed into a hellish Shura. Han Ya had never thought that Chen Xuan had such an aura. It was as if he had returned from hell. The aura on his body made him People suffocate.

It seemed that Chen Xuan, who was so ordinary before, suddenly turned into a devil at this moment!

"Kill him for me!"

Chen Luo growled, his eyes under the mask were cold and ruthless.

Even if Chen Xuan is his nephew, he must be killed.


The remaining ten or so people rushed directly towards Chen Xuan. Two strong men with diamond bodies were crushing Chen Xuan head-on. Behind them were some special systems that were good at attacking. Although their strength was only at the spirit level. Realm, but with this cooperation, it is enough to kill a king-level powerhouse.

It's a pity that Chen Xuan is no longer what he used to be.

Even if they are only at the King level, these people cannot get any advantage.

What's more, Chen Xuan is already at the seventh level of King Level.

"Die to me!"

Chen Xuan stretched out his hands, as if searching for something from a bag, and directly blocked the two strong men with diamond bodies.

Bang bang————

The momentum of the seventh-grade king level also exploded instantly, soaring into the sky.

"What, this kid has actually reached this level!"

The aura of the seventh-grade King Level was fully revealed. It had been slightly reserved before, but Chen Luo couldn't see it. However, the aura that Chen Xuan burst out at this moment was even worse.

It is obvious that he is only at the seventh level of the king level, but Chen Xuan gives off a domineering aura at the peak of the king level, and even the powerful emperor level is no match for the latter.

This aura of strength requires constant training over many years to be developed. Even if Chen Xuan has an unexpected talent, this aura cannot be unleashed because Chen Xuan's realm is not high enough.

But looking at Chen Xuan's movements now, he seems to have the feeling of a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles.

"Impossible! It must be an illusion!"

Chen Luo shook his head, how could such a thing happen? Could it be that his nephew was a monster.

The last person left is an immortal body who is good at repairing functions.

That's why he persisted until the end, but Chen Xuan really wanted to know which one was stronger, the legendary immortal body or his current life body.

The immortal man rushed towards Chen Xuan again, like a machine that only knew how to kill.


Chen Xuan hit the latter's head with a punch, and all the meridians in his body instantly burst, blood vessels exploded, and blood flew out.

Now even if he has immortal blood, he cannot be resurrected at all.

"not good!"

A roar came from the distance. The king-level peak mysterious beast Antarctic True Flame Tiger had already killed the three masters who were good at controlling flames and beat them to death. However, they also suffered certain injuries, but this time The True Flame Tiger of Antarctica is indeed a mutated mysterious beast, becoming more and more brave as it fights.

If it weren't for the restraint of the power of blood, even three strong men of the same level might not be able to block the attack of the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

"The next one is you."

Chen Xuan looked at Chen Luo who was standing taller on the ground, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but his intuition told Chen Xuan that this Chen Luo was not that simple.

"Son, protect that guy."

Chen Xuan waved his hand, and the Antarctic True Flame Tiger obediently retreated and came to Han Ya's side. He could be obedient to Chen Xuan's words and did not dare to resist at all, because now he was with Chen Xuan. A slave contract was signed.

Han Ya, on the other hand, looked at the Antarctic True Flame Tiger with a bewildered look on her face, a little curious and a little nervous.

"Hey, this big guy really won't eat me."

However, Chen Xuan rushed towards Chen Luo.

There was no answer to Han Ya’s words.

Han Ya also stamped her feet angrily, and then looked timidly at the Antarctic True Flame Tiger in front of her.


On the other side, when Chen Xuan rushed towards Chen Luo, he clearly heard a sneer.

"Chen Xuan, you are good at what you do, and you are worthy of being the son of the Chen family. But unfortunately, you have the secret of the spiritual crystal, so you must be killed! You can't blame me."

Chen Luo's figure actually faded in the void.

Slowly disappearing, Chen Xuan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He paused and found that Chen Luo had disappeared directly on the spot.


next moment.

The surrounding ground changed instantly.

Chen Xuan seemed to be trapped in a grid

"not good!"

"Haha, Chen Xuan, this is the second-level formation, the Qiankun Cage Formation. Even if you have profound powers, it doesn't matter. Just accept your death."

Chen Luo's voice sounded.

Qiankun Cage Formation!

At this moment, high in the sky, a pale crane was floating leisurely. Above the white crane, there was an old man holding a cane. His eyes were shining, and his hands were constantly playing with some talisman stones, which were made by the latter. The Qiankun Cage Formation.

From the beginning, Chen Luo's figure was just a stand-in, just to lure Chen Xuan into the formation.

"It's surprising that the Shangguan family has hidden such a terrifying formation master like you."

Chen Luo looked at the old man beside him, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, General Chen's evil forces are the real weapons. This old man's skills are nothing."

Shangguan Feiying gave a faint smile. Although he said it softly, the pride on his face was not concealed at all. In this massacre, the Shangguan family and the Chen family joined forces, and the Chen family brought powerful evil forces. The Shangguan family sent Shangguan Feiying, a strong man who was good at formations.

Level 2 array mage.

Although there are almost no talisman masters in the Qifeng Empire, formation mages and spiritual masters do exist, because the requirements for talisman masters are particularly high, and formation mages and spiritual masters have no skills, so they cannot penetrate.

As a second-level formation mage, Shangguan Feiying's combat power is even equivalent to that of a king-level peak expert when necessary.

This shows the Shangguan family's background, as well as the Shangguan family's determination to kill Chen Xuan, even sending such a precious formation master.

"How long can that kid last in the formation?"

Chen Luo asked.

"The Qiankun Cage Formation will erupt with fission every three hours. The entire formation will be overthrown and start over. Although this person is powerful, he will never survive three rounds."

"Nine hours... Okay, let's wait."

Chen Luo smiled faintly.

Although nine hours is a bit long, you only need to be silent here, or even do nothing, to kill people. This is quite magical, because within these nine hours, you can completely take into account other things.

This Chen Xuan is already a dead man.

"Hey, what if this kid breaks the formation?"

Chen Luo suddenly became suspicious and asked, as for Han Ya underneath, he didn't care. Sooner or later, this Han Ya would also be killed, but he was not in a hurry now.

"Haha, if he wants to break my formation, he must be a spell master or an formation master who is old and incompetent. He only became a second-level formation master after practicing for seventy-five years. Are you trying to tell me that this Chen Xuan Zeizi, is he stronger than me?"

Shangguan Feiying sneered, and Chen Luo also smiled.

However, the next moment, a loud bang was heard.

The layers of doubts underneath collapsed at this moment, and then a bright light rushed out from it. The next moment, Shangguan Feiying, who was originally high-spirited, suddenly had a splitting headache, and there was a loud bang in his whole head, and then the seven orifices bleed.


Shangguan Feiying's figure fell from the sky.

It fell to the ground and turned into pulp.

The white crane who was sitting down was also frightened, and immediately rushed up and flew beyond the sky.


Chen Luo didn't react, but by the time he did, it was already too late.

Twenty meters away in front of him, a figure was suspended with a half-smiling expression on his face.

"A mere second-level formation mage wants to deal with me, can you find someone reliable?"

Chen Xuan said calmly.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"not good!"

Chen Luo was very familiar with this look, it was a move to kill.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Chen Xuan's figure suddenly came in like a swift and fierce leopard, and instantly rushed in front of Chen Luo. Chen Luo also roared and unsheathed the sword in his hand angrily.


Chen Xuan's fist hit Chen Luo's weapon, and both of them took three steps back.

"Haha, you think you can kill me by killing that old immortal?"

"I, Chen Luo, have been fighting in the north and south for decades. It's just a dream that you want to compete with me with your little skills!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Luo's aura suddenly surged.


Half-step to the imperial level!

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