Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 162 Qibao’s shocking transformation

A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. This half-step emperor was already considered a strong master. At least Chen Xuan had never seen such a state in his journey.

Of course, the tree demon that was killed by the Fire Stone before was not included in this list. Although the tree demon's level has not yet reached the emperor level, Chen Luo will probably not be able to come out after he goes in.

Being able to hone himself to such a level on that battlefield, Chen Luo's talent is also extraordinary.

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in Chen Xuan's eyes. He looked at Chen Luo and seemed to feel the blood flowing in the latter's body.

A chilling and iron-blooded energy burst out.

"It turns out that you have a bloodthirsty body. The more you kill on the battlefield, the faster your strength will increase."

Chen Xuan said thoughtfully.

Chen Luo is only about forty years old now. Not only has he taken the position of the Great General of Zhenbei, commanding millions of soldiers, but his profound strength cultivation has also broken through to the half-step emperor level. I believe that among many generals , the one who can reach this imperial level is still quite at least.

Most of the generals should be around the fifth level of king level, and those above level five are already super masters.

The empire will usually gather such masters to form a more powerful force and will not send them out easily. Therefore, the king-level fifth-grade experts often seen in the outside world are already the best.

Only a few top forces will have king-level sixth-grade masters.

"You can actually see through my bloodthirsty body, Chen Xuan. If it weren't for the fact that the spiritual crystal is so important and I have to kill you to get the crystal, I would really be reluctant to kill you!"

Chen Luo smiled cruelly.

The spiritual crystal has been refined by Chen Xuan. If you want to take it out, the only way is to kill Chen Xuan, and then use a special method to condense the spiritual crystal again. This method is of course quite cruel and cruel.

But in order to gain strength, he will do anything.

"If you want to kill me, with your half-imperial strength, I'm afraid it's still less than zero."

Chen Xuan shook his head lightly.

If Chen Luo is already a true emperor-level powerhouse at this time, then Chen Xuan will have no choice but to flee. This is not a big deal. A god-level powerhouse wants dignity, and even more so, his life.

Even though he knew he was outmatched, he still insisted on rushing forward to die. Who could he blame if he died?

So Chen Xuan is like this. Unfortunately, Chen Luo is only half-step to the emperor level. Now Chen Xuan's own cultivation has reached the seventh level of the king level.

And this is also the case when both spiritual and mysterious strength are off.

Previously, I used the Immortal Cauldron to subdue the Antarctic True Flame Tiger. It was a bit difficult to use the Immortal Cauldron in a short period of time. It seemed that I could only use a special move.

It’s been a long time since I made a real move.

In his previous life, Chen Xuan's methods were not as simple as just a few treasures. His own strength was also quite tyrannical, and he was able to win these treasures from many masters.

Han Ya looked at Chen Luo who burst out with a strong aura on the ground, and covered her mouth in surprise.

"Hey, this Rao Qi has already reached the realm of the emperor, and is even more tyrannical than grandpa!"

Han Ya knew that her grandfather was a king-level master, but Chen Luo's momentum exploded in front of her, even more powerful than her grandfather.

Han Ya knew that Chen Luo's strength had already reached the emperor level.

Imperial level...

Can Chen Xuan handle it?

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger who was responsible for protecting him also roared a few times, seeming to feel Chen Luo's powerful power. In addition, Chen Xuan's situation at the moment was not very good.

However, he just scratched his claws without taking any action.

If he really takes action, he probably won't be his opponent.

I can only hope in my heart that Chen Xuan will not be killed, because once Chen Xuan dies, because I have concluded a contract with Chen Xuan, I will have no choice but to die.

The aura between the two sides in the air has climbed to its peak. At this moment, Chen Luo was no longer delaying. He raised his hand and condensed a spear made of blood in his hand.

"Taste my bloodthirsty gun!"

This bloodthirsty spear was refined with the blood of one hundred thousand people after Chen Luo killed one hundred thousand people. If someone is stabbed by the bloodthirsty spear, all the blood and essence will be sucked directly from the body.

Become a mummy.

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed to a slit, and he quickly turned over the seals in his hands.

"Seven Treasures Mysterious Technique, Seven Treasures Shocking Transformation! First level, open!"

A yellow pagoda seemed to condense on top of Chen Xuan's head. As Chen Xuan's words fell, the first layer of the yellow pagoda above his head suddenly lit up, and Chen Xuan's aura also surged.

"Eighth Grade King Level!"

"Seven Treasures Mysterious Technique, Seven Treasures Shocking Divine Transformation, second level, open!"

"Third floor, open!"

Chen Xuan's use of Xuan Gong directly opened the third level, and his Xuan Li cultivation level also directly improved to the third level.

The original seventh grade of Xuan level was directly upgraded to the tenth grade of Xuan level!

Half-step to the imperial level!

A blanket of atmosphere spread out across the ground, like a scroll stretching thousands of feet slowly spreading out.

Covering all directions, in this book, countless rivers and mountains are transformed into powers.

Chen Xuan's move completely shocked Chen Luo.

"What kind of skill is this!"

Chen Luo has been fighting in the south and north for so many years. He has seen many nomadic people and some strange and weird techniques, but this is the first time he has seen a technique like Chen Xuan's that can directly improve three levels.

In this stormy continent.

Mysterious skills that can be upgraded to a higher level are already as precious as external stones, and even eighth-level elixirs cannot be exchanged for them.

And Chen Xuan's move directly improved him by three levels!

If such a mysterious skill fell into his hands, how many people would be his opponents? Thinking of this, Chen Luo's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Haha, Chen Xuan also wants to thank you for giving me a big gift. The value of your set of mysterious skills even exceeds my position as the general of Southern Xinjiang. Bloodthirsty!"


Chen Luo's own aura surged again, but his face seemed to be filled with red paint, making it look quite rosy.

"Emperor level one!"

When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he immediately sneered.

"How dare you compete with me in your humble transformation mystical skills? Even if you are a real first-grade emperor, you will not be able to escape even ten moves in my hands today!"

Who is Chen Xuan? He was a truly god-level man in his previous life.

What is god level?

That is God.

The ground can be destroyed with the wave of a hand.

Now Chen Xuan seems to be a god-level strongman who has suppressed his cultivation to half an emperor level and fights you. You, a person who has been forcibly promoted to the first level of the emperor level, what chance do you have of winning?

"You dare to speak harshly when you are about to die. When I drain your blood, let's see what you can do to show off your arrogance!"

"Blood Sea Dragon, kill!"

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