Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 163 Burning Blood and Refining the Domain

The spear in Chen Luo's hand transformed into a thousand-foot bloody dragon, wagging its tail towards Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan saw this, the Seven Treasures Shocking God Tower suspended behind him roared out and rushed towards the bloody dragon.


When the two sides collided, the ground changed color and the situation became tense.

However, after the collision, Chen Luo stood on the spot with a spear in hand, trying to see clearly what would happen after the collision, but unexpectedly, a figure suddenly flew out of the clouds and flew in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Broken Finger!"

Destroy with one finger and burn all the wasteland!

A destructive light exploded. At such a close distance, Chen Luo was directly pointed at Zheng Xuan by Chen Xuan.


A ray of light exploded in front of Chen Luo, and a talisman was instantly torn apart by the powerful force. Chen Xuan's eyes froze slightly. These talismans are really quite difficult to deal with. It is always necessary to do it once at such a decisive moment. reverse.

If it weren't for these talismans, Chen Luo would probably be a dead man.

"I want to see how many more spells you have!"

Chen Luo couldn't believe his own strength. He was actually killed in front of him by the opponent's two moves, and his amulet spell was directly destroyed. How powerful was Chen Xuan's power?

And guy, who the hell is that.

Even if the cultivation of Xuanli can be achieved with the help of external forces, how can it be achieved without the accumulation of experience and skills in battles over tens or hundreds of years? Chen Luo has been galloping on the battlefield in southern Xinjiang for many years before reaching his current fighting level. .

In this Qifeng Empire, he is also a rare god of war powerhouse.

Chen Luo had a feeling that in front of Chen Xuan, a God of War level warrior, he was like a child who had just learned to walk.

"Bahuang Aiki Palm!"

Thunder fire surged in the palms, and the energy of the God of War ring poured into the palms crazily. When the hands were opened and closed, the power of the surrounding areas was directly mobilized.


This palm destroyed the ground, and Chen Luo also knew how powerful Chen Xuan was, so he was no longer careless.

The bloodthirsty spear in his hand transformed into a thunderbolt blood demon, and Chen Luo integrated himself into the blood demon's body.

"Burning Blood Refining Domain!"

It was as if a stream of plasma was ejected from his body, and the whole air was filled with the color of blood flames. Chen Xuan was instantly swallowed up by this plasma. Although Chen Xuan was confident of leaving here, Chen Xuan maintained his own strength and could not see any tricks. However, what kind of power can this mere forcibly exerted domain refining have?

I just let the latter do it calmly and calmly.

Han Ya below saw the rush of blood, which was like a huge tent spreading out and swallowing Chen Xuan inside instantly.

"Ah! Oh, this guy is dead."

This is the power of refining the domain.

Han Ya once read in the ancient books in her family that once the power of domain refining is exerted, everything within the range will become your world, and you are the god who dominates this world. Unless you also have the power of domain refining, otherwise If you do, there is only one way to die. In the enemy's refining domain, you don't even have the ability to commit suicide.

"But Refining Domain can only be used by emperor-level experts. This person is obviously only emperor-level..."

Han Ya was shocked in her heart, but she did not lose her reason. She soon discovered that although the Blood Refining Domain was very strong, it did not reach an unrivaled level. At least, its momentum was not as exaggerated as described in the book.

Within the sea of ​​blood, Chen Xuan glanced at the power around him.

Like a cotton ball, both Chen Xuan and Chen Luo were in this cotton ball.

"Is this your last resort?"

Chen Xuan said calmly.

"Don't you feel your blood burning? Yes, this is my last resort. Let's see how long you can hold on. I will be the real king in this blood-burning refining domain!"

Chen Luo laughed.

Even when facing other enemies, Chen Luo never used this move, but in front of Chen Xuan, Chen Luo knew that if he didn't use it, he might not have a chance.

This guy's attack speed is very decisive and ruthless, so he must be killed in the shortest possible time to avoid long nights and endless dreams.

Even the second-level formation mage of the Shangguan family was beheaded by the latter.

He even boasted about how awesome he was and how powerful his formation was.

Therefore, Chen Luo didn't want to delay it any longer, so killing him as soon as possible was the smartest thing to do.

"Burning Blood Refining Domain? Have you ever truly drank blood?'

Chen Xuan sneered. In his opinion, Chen Luo's Burning Blood Refining Domain was simply a joke.

"Didn't anyone tell me that I have another identity, that I am an alchemist?"

Opening his palm, a red stone appeared in his hand.


The flame rose into the sky, as if a cluster of eternal flames were burning faintly.

When he saw this trace of flame, a light flashed in Chen Luo's eyes and he was shocked.

"This is... you are... an alchemist!"

Chen Luo suddenly remembered that this Chen Xuan was still a very powerful alchemist. It was precisely because he obtained the information about the latter's Medicine Master City of Xila that he organized such an attack and killing activity. According to Chen Xuan who was in Medicine Master Square that day The powerful alchemy skills are revealed above.

In this case, Chen Xuan's flame must be quite powerful.


Chen Luo was shocked. Sure enough, Chen Xuan had already taken action the next moment.

"Flame, go!"

Suddenly the flame in his hand flew into the sky, instantly igniting the thick flame cloud.


The entire bloody space suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The Fire Killing Stone is a third-level gem. Even if Chen Luo is at the third level of the Imperial Level, it will be difficult to resist the power of the Fire Killing Stone.

When the blood touched the flame, it burned crazily, and what was burning was all the power that Chen Luo had worked so hard to cultivate, and it was all turned into ashes.


In the flames, the power passed quickly, and Chen Luo's cultivation quickly fell to the half-step emperor level again, because the power of blood was burned cleanly.

From that half-step to the emperor level, he fell directly to the peak of the king level.


Chen Luo spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

"Chen Xuan, who are you?"

Chen Luo growled.

Chen Xuan sneered.

"Who am I? Don't you know yet? If I, Chen Xuan, don't provoke you, you will just stay in the mountains. If you insist on provoking me, you will only go to the eighteenth level of hell."

At the end of the sentence, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly became as sharp as a sword.

A stream of flames quickly rushed towards Chen Luo. Chen Luo was unable to escape from this move. He stood quietly on the spot, waiting for death to come. Unexpectedly, my dignified Southern Xinjiang general died. After his nephew was injured, a teenager who was only a teenager defeated himself.


When the flames released by Chen Xuan were less than half a meter away from Chen Luo, they seemed to be blocked by a tyrannical force and could not move forward at all.


Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, and he saw what seemed to be rolling in from the distance. The dawn glow dissipated all the smoky atmosphere. At the same time, a ray of light instantly enveloped Chen Luo's body, blowing Chen Luo directly. take away.

"If you want to save people, let's see if you have the strength first!"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly.

This sudden increase of powerful power was obviously caused by the masters of the Chen family behind it.

Chen Luo's status is so noble, and he is also very important in the Chen family. Therefore, it is not surprising that someone behind him is paying attention to such an action.

But although the opponent is strong, Chen Xuan is even stronger. If you were to come in person, Chen Xuan would be afraid of you. But now that you are only using it tens of thousands of miles away, how can he still be afraid of you?

"The Immortal Cauldron, come out!"

Chen Xuan summoned the Immortal Cauldron, and immediately the ancient black cauldron filled with the aura of ancient times appeared, flying forward as if it had the power to shatter everything in the world.

Chase after Chen Luo.


Several hundred meters away, Chen Luo was hit hard, but in the end, Chen Luo was rescued.

Although the final collision cost Chen Luo a huge price, whether he could survive or not would depend on the abilities of the masters of the Chen family.

But in the end, the other party was allowed to escape, and Chen Xuan was a little unhappy.

The mysterious master of the Chen family who suddenly took action was at least at the seventh level of the emperor.

Such people are already quite precious to the empire. Even if you don't obey the empire's orders, as long as you don't provoke the empire, the empire won't do anything to you. This is already a realm that transcends secular rules.

"Emperor-level seventh-level, or even eighth-level, but the next time we encounter you, I will make you a dead person."

Sora's blood faded.

Chen Xuan stood alone in the void.

Han Ya on the ground couldn't understand the fighting in a blink of an eye, but the Antarctic True Flame Tiger could somewhat understand it. There was a trace of fear in his huge eyes, and he gradually knelt down. Now he knew what he was doing. How terrifying the master is.

The Seven Treasures Shocking God Tower gradually disappeared, and Chen Xuan's aura also fell layer by layer, but he did not feel any discomfort, as if he was in a normal state.

If the rest of the Xuan Gong were forcibly improved in strength, they would be in a somewhat weak state, but Chen Xuan's Xuan Gong did not have such a situation. First, because the Seven Treasures Shocking Divine Transformation has reached a very high level, and Even Chen Xuan's level is enough to control the Seven Treasures Jingshen Transformation within a reasonable range.

On the other hand, Chen Luo, after his realm fell, his aura naturally became buoyant, and his condition would fall again and again.

"What a surprise that the Chen family and the Shangguan family actually teamed up to deal with me."

After a long time, Chen Xuan sneered.

Chen Xuan is not a good man and a woman of faith. When someone bullied him, he still approached him with a playful smile. It's okay, so be careful next time.

If you dare to provoke a sleeping tiger, then you must accept his waking anger.

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