Han Ya couldn't believe her eyes.

Now, what exactly has she experienced?

First, a few murderous people put knives on his neck, and then an Antarctic true flame tiger appeared to protect him. Please, this is the legendary mutated mysterious beast. You can conquer it no matter what, just to save a little face. Not even given.

Then there is another guy who is stronger than grandpa.

And Master Chen Xuan, whom I had been very unhappy about before, turned out to be such a powerful guy.

The twists and turns that came and went almost made Han Ya dizzy, and now she has basically accepted them all, just do whatever you like.

"Girl, if you want to save others, you must first have the ability to protect yourself."

Chen Xuan came to Han Ya and said with a faint smile.

Han Ya’s actions were seen before, and she probably knew that Han Ya was here to inform him, but now it seems that this girl is quite loyal.

And Han Ya wanted to inform you with good intentions, but in the end she was ridiculed by Chen Xuan.

"You, huh, I'm kindly informing you that you are doing this to me. If I had known, I would have told them and asked them to kill you."

Han Ya said angrily.

"Song Ming and the others are here. You can continue to do your thing. I have other things to do, so don't wander around in the future."

Chen Xuandao.

From Han Ya's point of view, Chen Xuan was clearly self-reliant on his own strength and showed no gratitude or humanity at all. Although he saved her at the critical moment, he was also in crisis because of his talent.

After that, Chen Xuan left here with the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

Han Ya waited there for a while and then saw several figures passing over quickly.

Whoosh whoosh————

After Song Ming landed, he immediately grabbed Han Ya's shoulders and looked left and right.

"My aunt, why are you running around and here?"

"How's it going? It's okay. It's okay. Go quickly. If you continue to stay here, I don't know what the danger will be."

The corpse on the ground just now had been disposed of by Chen Xuan.

Although there are traces of fighting at the scene, there are mysterious beasts fighting everywhere in this and the dangerous Grand Canyon, and there are also people fighting mysterious beasts, so these traces of fighting are not unusual.

Song Ming and others paid no attention.

Han Ya herself was full of grievances, but she did not come out. Instead, she pursed her lips stubbornly.

Just wait for Chen Xuan. No matter how powerful you are, my aunt will definitely find a way.

I'll deal with you hard.

"Teacher Song, I just want to find some elixirs to increase my points, but I don't want everyone to be in danger."

Han Ya said timidly, looking weak and pitiful.

"You kid, that's it. As long as everything's okay, let's leave quickly. This is a wrong place and we shouldn't stay for a long time."

Song Ming looked around nervously, and then left here with several instructors and Han Ya.

Han Ya didn't get involved with Chen Xuan and those people, because Han Ya knew that even if they knew these things, it would be of no use. Song Ming and others couldn't deal with any of the people who came out just now. Maybe they would tell Grandpa when they got back, and there were some usefulness.

When the time comes, we must carefully investigate where these bold Randi come from.

‘Chen Luo? Or a general? Be sure to check it out. ’

Han Ya thought in her heart.

Chen Xuan, led by the Antarctic True Flame Tiger, kept walking forward. The surrounding trees seemed to become denser. He had killed so many evil troops just now, but Chen Xuan knew that there must be Chen Luo in the jungle. troops.

If nothing else, the woman and the big man have not left yet. When we find the opportunity, we must deal with them.

Chen Luo himself escaped in embarrassment, and of course these men had no chance to take him away.

But Chen Xuan's current focus is not on searching for these remnants, but on searching for the Flame Clear Turbid Lotus. This Antarctic True Flame Tiger had previously revealed that such a strange existence had been found in a place, but No mysterious beast dares to approach that place. It seems that there is some dark power, and once it gets close, it will become irrational.

Mad rage rages.

When he heard this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but glance at the Antarctic True Flame Tiger. It seemed that again, you mysterious beasts can you tell whether they are crazy or not? You guys all look arrogant.

When Chen Xuan stepped into a forest, the atmosphere around him seemed to become biting.

Chen Xuan, who should have been afraid, had a light in his eyes.

"By the way, this is the feeling, Qingming Life and Death Leaves, this is the breath of Qingming Life and Death Leaves!"

Chen Xuan was a little excited. If he found the Yan Yan Qing Zhuo Lotus, it would also be of great benefit to his future alchemy refining. The plan to re-refine this god-level elixir has taken another step forward.

The power of life and death added by the Qingming Life and Death Leaves is not of much use to Chen Xuanlai, because Chen Xuan already has the essence of ten thousand years of life in his body.

The leaves of the trees above our heads gradually become wider, just like banana trees.

The leaves are broad.

Broadleaf forest.

The soil under his feet was also wet, and the surrounding atmosphere was quite moist. There was still dew on some leaves that had not yet dispersed. When Chen Xuan walked by, he also felt a thin chill.

Following the breath in his mind, he gradually gets closer, and his spiritual power spreads out bit by bit.

I found a valley ahead, with white mist lingering in the ancient time, just like a fairyland on earth.

Before Chen Xuan came to the valley, when he wanted to go in, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger roared.

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but say that the Antarctic True Flame Tiger was the overlord among the mysterious beasts, and his own cultivation had reached the peak of the king level. He even had the courage to challenge the emperor-level tree demon back then, but now he was timid in front of the gate of this valley.

Really useless.

In the end, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger still walked into the valley under the coercion and inducement of Chen Xuan.

This IQ is really difficult to deal with. It's really difficult to do something. It's really a deal.

Chen Xuan couldn't help shaking his head, sitting on the back of the Antarctic True Flame Tiger, reaching out to grab a handful of the white mist around him, and observing it in his hand.

He found that after getting these white mists, they were like silver falling on the ground, and there was a crystal-like crystal clear breath.

"Is this the legendary spiritual crystal mist?"

The legend of spiritual crystal mist is just a legend. Chen Xuan had never seen such a wonder in Xuan Continent in his previous life, because to achieve such an environment, the conditions are very harsh and indispensable.

The spiritual crystal mist is because the spiritual energy is too rich. If such a place is formed naturally, then there must be treasures, but if this place is artificial, the strength of this person is at least the top of the god level.

In his previous life, Chen Xuan tried to create such an environment, but failed in the end. Therefore, this spiritual crystal mist is just a beautiful legend.

After all, no one has ever seen it, and even Chen Xuan himself cannot create it.

So in Chen Xuan's view, this is impossible.

But now Chen Xuan knows that his vision was too short-sighted before, thinking that he had already stood at the peak, but in fact it was just the beginning.

The appearance of the Fu Emperor reminded Chen Xuan.

The god level is not the end, but in the previous life, the god level was his end. This time, Chen Xuan must break through the god level, find a stronger realm, and break through his own limits.

Taking a breath in the spiritual crystal mist is enough to cultivate for a month in the outside world.

Chen Xuan felt that the realm he had just broken through was being stabilized little by little.

The essence of life for ten thousand years, plus the powerful medicinal power of the soul-devouring dragon rock fruit, even if Chen Xuan could master it in his hands, it would take a certain amount of time to completely digest it, completely turn it into his own use, and achieve the true 100% fusion and refining of medicinal power.

But when he was in this environment, Chen Xuan felt that his cultivation was growing calmly and steadily.

Such a breakthrough has no harm at all, but has many benefits, and is also very effective for stabilizing oneself.

"Since I have seen the legendary spiritual crystal mist, what is next?"

Chen Xuan walked down step by step with a curious and vigilant attitude.

The visibility around is not high, and Chen Xuan's mental power is difficult to exert here, and it seems that it will cause a disordered state at any time.

Because the spiritual crystal mist has the energy to reflect mental power, it is difficult to exert it here.

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger, who was sitting down, also growled a few times and moved forward cautiously. A powerful mysterious beast had entered this valley before, but it would not be long before the beast's painful roar could be heard.

That kind of pain was almost unforgettable, and even just hearing it was frightening.

Therefore, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger and other mysterious beasts living nearby had a deep fear of this mysterious place and were unwilling to get close to it.

If it were not for Chen Xuan's coercion and the desire for the elixir.

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger would have run away long ago.

"Wait, what is that!"

Chen Xuan's eyes saw a cliff more than 300 meters high in front of the left side. On the edge of the cliff grew a spiritual medicine. The medicinal material had only two leaves in total, one white and one black.

"Qingming Life and Death Leaf!"

Chen Xuan's pupils shrank.

This was clearly the Qingming Life and Death Leaf.

It actually appeared. With such obvious characteristics, how could Chen Xuan make a mistake?

"Go up." The Antarctic True Flame Tiger roared and leaped vigorously. The four nimble ones kept jumping on the nearly vertical cliff.

Tap, tap, tap————

Just when the Antarctic True Flame Tiger climbed to a height of more than 300 meters and the Qingming Life and Death Leaf was within reach, a huge black shadow suddenly rushed out from the top of the cliff.


A gorilla nearly 50 meters tall descended and rushed towards the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

"Get out of the way!"

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