The Antarctic True Flame Tiger's figure twisted in the air, and immediately stepped on a stone nearby, and then jumped down, avoiding the attack of the descending giant gorilla.


The True Flame Tiger of Antarctica took Chen Xuan to the forest. At a height of more than 300 meters, through the mist of the spiritual crystal, only a black shadow was seen falling rapidly.


Relying on intuition, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger also rolled to the side. The place where it was originally was suddenly occupied by a black shadow, and the entire ground shook crazily.

"What kind of guy is this..."

Chen Xuan almost saw that there seemed to be a blood-like light in the orangutan's eyes, revealing an evil spirit.


The Antarctic True Flame Tiger roared, and a message was conveyed to Chen Xuan's mind.

Tell Chen Xuan that this is the mysterious beast that entered the valley before and then disappeared. It seems that it was attacked by something, so it has such tyrannical power.

The breath is also quite angry.

"Red-eyed orangutan?"

Chen Xuan muttered the name of the huge mysterious beast in front of him. The red-eyed orangutan demon was very powerful. Before entering here, it was already the top existence in the dangerous Grand Canyon. Now it has been infected by unknown evil spirits, and its temper has changed. He became violent and his strength became extremely tyrannical.

Even if an emperor-level expert comes here, he will be beaten to death by this red-eyed orangutan demon.

This guy's fighting power is much stronger than Chen Luo before.


The red-eyed orangutan roared and rushed forward. The moment it moved, it was as if a mountain peak was gradually collapsing. It rushed in front of it in the blink of an eye. The Antarctic True Flame Tiger also roared, waving its claws and pounced forward. After passing by, the two giant beasts collided with each other with a bang.

Chen Xuan took the opportunity to rush towards the Qingming Life and Death Leaf on the cliff.

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger below was fighting with the red-eyed orangutan demon, but in the moment of the fight, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger was severely thrown away.


With a force exceeding tens of thousands of kilograms, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger fell to the ground. It opened its mouth and a strong flame rolled towards the red-eyed orangutan.

The red-eyed orangutan demon didn't care about his injuries at all. He rushed in front of the Antarctic True Flame Tiger under the blazing fire, swung out his fist, and knocked the Antarctic True Flame Tiger away again.

After getting up again, a lot of blood poured out of the Antarctic True Flame Tiger's throat.

As the tiger king of the generation, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger also became angry. He had never been afraid of anything. He was just afraid of the mysterious existence in the valley before. However, a mere mysterious beast was not enough to make the Antarctic True Flame Tiger angry. The tiger is afraid.

His ferocity completely exploded, almost becoming more and more courageous as he fought. He roared again and charged out with his sharp claws.

After another collision, there were a few more blood marks on the red-eyed orangutan's body.

The red-eyed orangutan seemed to become even more violent after seeing the blood.

After Chen Xuan picked off the Qingming Life and Death Leaf, he looked at the situation below, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Two creatures with the same powerful aura as the red-eyed orangutan were approaching.

Now there are three creatures besieging the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

"This tiger is really fierce."

Originally, even one was enough to make the Antarctic True Flame Tiger suffer a lot, but after stimulating its ferocious nature, the strength of the mutated mysterious beasts was completely revealed. The more they fought, the braver they became, and they were not frightened by the terror of these mysterious beasts around them. The Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

Fighting each other.

Four mysterious beasts fought together.

The injuries on the Antarctic True Flame Tiger became more and more serious, but under the latter's claws, the opponent also suffered heavy casualties.

The red-eyed orangutan at the beginning had already fallen on Lin, with a scar almost half a meter deep on its neck, with bones visible.

Because his throat was cut off, half of his trachea was even exposed, and a large amount of blood was lost, making the latter unable to move. Chen Xuan's eyes were slightly startled.

This Antarctic True Flame Tiger was really quite ferocious when it started. However, the other three mysterious beasts did not feel any discomfort, but continued to fight against the Antarctic True Flame Tiger. It seemed that the death of their companions did not bring any harm. threats and feelings.

It's like a killing machine.

"The Immortal Cauldron, collect it from me!"

Chen Xuan summoned the Immortal Cauldron. As Chen Xuan's favorite artifact, the Immortal Cauldron can often burst out with powerful power.

One of the orangutan demons was enveloped by the Immortal Cauldron, and the flames began to refine it directly.


The remaining two orangutan demons were easily killed by the combined efforts of Chen Xuan and the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

When the last orangutan demon fell, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger was already exhausted, and Chen Xuan casually took out a fourth-grade elixir to replenish the latter's energy and blood.

After swallowing the Li medicine, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger got slightly better.

The potential of this mutated mysterious beast still needs to be stimulated.

"You should rest in the pet space first."

Chen Xuan collected the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

The latter was already exhausted after repeated battles.

This Antarctic True Flame Tiger is a mutated mysterious beast, and its cultivation has reached the king level. When you find enough elixir, you can refine the Beast King Pill to allow the Antarctic True Flame Tiger to break through to the king level. The realm of the emperor.

Chen Xuan did not leave in a hurry, but came to the corpses of the three red-eyed orangutans and checked their situation. Why did it become like this? General stimulants such as violent powder will have such effects. But Chen Xuan felt that the situation of these mysterious beasts was not that simple.

Because after reaching this level of cultivation, there are very few drugs that can affect them by king-level mysterious beasts.

It's like the medicine you use to deal with ants cannot deal with a giant ant.

A flame penetrated into the corpse of the orangutan, burned in a circle and then returned to Chen Xuan's hand.

The flames dispersed.

The last black chip appeared in Zheng's hand

"This is?"

This was the first time Chen Xuan saw such a thing, and at this time, the orangutan demon in the Immortal Cauldron had also been refined and turned into pure energy, forming an energy crystal.

In addition, there is a black chip, which is small in size, only one-tenth the size of a fingernail.

"You can't even refine the Immortal Cauldron. What the hell is this?"

Even if Chen Xuan had two lifetimes of experience combined, he had never seen this thing before and couldn't tell it apart. But what he knew was that it was definitely not a good thing. The other two orangutan demons also had such chips in their bodies.

Chen Xuan took it out, collected it, put it into the Immortal Cauldron, and slowly refined it with flames. After the chip was refined, he might be able to analyze its ingredients and what they were.

"There is something weird everywhere in this valley. The Qingming Life and Death Leaf grows here. It seems to be artificially planted. In this case, the Yanyan Qingzhuo Lotus may not exist."

Chen Xuan observed the growth of Qingming Life and Death Leaf before and found that it was not pure growth, but cultivated by someone.

Combined with the experience of Lanshan before, the inheritance of the supreme medicine refining is here.

Then it is very possible that Chen Xuan discovered the place where the Supreme Medicine Refiner is located, but this canyon is difficult for ordinary people to find, but anyone with king-level strength can find it, so why didn't they discover it.

Or maybe everyone found is already dead?

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"I don't care what ghosts and monsters you are, now that you've met me, you have to find out what's going on."

Chen Xuan made up his mind to walk into the depths of the valley.

The surrounding spiritual crystal mist also gradually became lighter.

It seems that just now it was just a piece of pie placed in a trap. Now that I have reached this point, I have truly fallen into a trap. It seems that there is a pair of hands controlling this trap.

Lingshan, Chen family.

When the third elder Taishang brought Chen Luo, who had been supporting him, back to Lingshan, the whole Lingshan was boiling.

He quickly summoned countless alchemy masters to come and treat Chen Luo's injuries.

Chen Luo, who was lying on the bed, kept vomiting blood and was almost unconscious. If the third elder Taishang hadn't used Ni's cultivation to temporarily stabilize his injuries, Chen Luo would have died on the way.

"Here, who is it that could do such a cruel thing!"

Chen Bo, the head of the Chen family, said in shock.

A lot has happened in the Chen family these days.

Chen Bo is Chen Luo's eldest brother and the second-ranked brother of this generation.

There are a total of five amazing talents in Chen Luo's generation. The first is Chen Xuan's father, Chen Zhou. Chen Zhou's talent has almost become a legend in Lingshan, but what happened later was not that so. smoothly.

Chen Zhou ranks fifth, but he is the most talented one.

The second son is Chen Jiao, the second sister among the five. She is uniquely talented in formations. She combined alchemy and formations to create the astonishing art of formation alchemy.

Then there is Chen Luo, the general of Southern Xinjiang, who has outstanding military exploits and a bloodthirsty body that is extremely good at fighting. The Chen family almost cultivates Chen Luo as the future generation of war god in the family.

As for Chen Bo, although he is the eldest brother among the five, his talent ranks fourth, and he is only slightly better than the fourth eldest brother, Chen Yao.

However, after many games, Chen Bo became the head of the Chen family.

Although he is not the strongest in terms of cultivation, in terms of management ability, he is definitely the best choice to take charge of the family. When he saw his younger brother being injured like this, Chen Bo also looked angry.

"What's wrong, Luo? Get out of the way."

An angry shout came out, and a beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties quickly stepped forward, and the people around her moved away.

This person is Chen Jiao, the second sister of the Chen family, who is good at making elixirs using formation techniques.

He is also proficient in medical skills.

I saw Chen Jiao walking up to Chen Luo in three steps and taking a pulse, her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Luo's injury is very serious. Go and take out my Pulse Life Pill. If it's a little later, there will really be no way to save him."


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