Soon he took the life-sustaining pill and gave it to Chen Luo to take.

Coupled with Chen Jiao's life-extending method, Chen Luo's injury was stabilized.

"How is this going!?"

After doing all this, Chen Jiao stood up and looked around. The four main pillars of the Chen family were beaten like this. When Chen Luo goes out, that is also the face of the Chen family. Who can make Chen Luo? Luo was so seriously injured that he was going to become an enemy of the Chen family!

"I heard that Master Luo went to Shangguan City before. Could it be that someone from the Shangguan family did it?"

An elder said that the previous information was reality, Chen Luo went to Shangguan City.

Not many people dare to go against the Chen family. Even the other super families may not dare to be enemies with the Chen family. If they fight back before death, everyone will be dragged down by the Chen family and their faces will be torn apart. No one can do this.

"What a Shangguan family, how dare you deal with my Chen family!"

"Don't jump to conclusions about this matter yet. I'll ask the Third Elder."

Chen Luo was rescued by the Third Elder Taishang. If Chen Bo wants to know the whole story, he can only ask the Third Elder Taishang.

"Why are you asking? The Shangguan family must have done it. I will go now to confront the Shangguan family and seek justice!"

Chen Jiao was about to get up and rush out. Just then, an old man with white hair and gray beard walked in. When they saw him, everyone saluted respectfully.

"See the Supreme Elder."

"See the Supreme Elder."

"Third uncle."

Chen Jiao said respectfully.

"This matter... was done by that evil son Chen Xuan."

The third elder Taishang took a deep breath together and finally said slowly.

When the people around him heard this, they were immediately shocked.

"What! This is impossible!"

The words of the Third Supreme Elder undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to everyone, especially Chen Jiao, who suddenly became furious.

"This is impossible, how can this beast still be alive!"

Chen Jiao screamed. In order to exterminate this beast, Chen Jiao was one of the masterminds. No one rushed to judge whether this thing was done well or not. After all, Chen Jiao's identity and status were extraordinary. She was doing things for the family. That’s all.

Now that the Dongchuang Incident has happened, Chen Xuan is not dead yet.

And he actually had the strength to seriously injure Chen Luo.

"First stabilize Luo's injury. Regarding this matter, Bo, call a family meeting."

The people who took action before were actually people from the lineage of the Third Taishang Elder. The rest of the Chen family didn't know much about this matter.

In such a large Chen family, there are naturally differences and factions. Among the three supreme elders of the Chen family, the third elder and the second elder are vying for power and fighting secretly. The eldest elder has long been there to discuss the situation. When something happened in Zhouzhou, he announced his retreat.

Nowadays, although the Chen family is in full swing, it is also facing the crisis of division.

Chen Jiao and Chen Luo both belong to the lineage of the Third Supreme Elder.

Chen Bo responded, then immediately withdrew and gave instructions. At the same time, he also held an emergency family meeting to discuss Chen Xuan's appearance.

And in Shangguan City.

Shangguan Hong cooperated with Chen Luo, but it was not an in-depth cooperation, so they just sent Shangguan Feiying, an elder who was good at formations, while Shangguan Hong used the resurrection pottery chrysalis to save Shangguan Ninghun.

At this moment, Shangguan Ninghun seemed to be recovering well in the resurrected pottery chrysalis, but the process was a bit hard to swallow.

But seeing Shangguan Ninghun getting better, Shangguan Hong also breathed a sigh of relief. His precious son finally survived the disaster.

"Surviving a catastrophe will lead to future blessings. Chen Luo is not a good person. If he takes action at this time, isn't he just worried that when the Talisman Breaking King comes, he will be blamed? It's ridiculous. How can this Talisman Breaking King be me? We can figure it out.”

The Split Talisman King alone is already extremely fearful to the Shangguan family.

In the Shangguan family, the one with the strongest formation talent is Shangguan Feiying, a second-level formation master who is already a top-notch existence in Shangguan City. And who is the Splitting Talisman King? He is a true third-level formation master. Plus a third-level mentalist.

Only in the end can he become a third-level spell master.

Therefore, it can be seen that the power of this third-level spell master is difficult for others to touch.

Seeing the Shangguan Ninghun getting better day by day, Shangguanhong was in a good mood. The next step was to claim Chen Xuan's head. The Dangerous Grand Canyon was not far from Shangguan City, so this time, He should be back by now.

At this moment, an elder from the Shangguan family walked in hurriedly.

"Master, it's not good, Master!"

"What's the matter?"

Shangguan Hong put down the brush in his hand and frowned. When he was in a good mood, he wrote a calligraphy and painting. While he was recuperating his body and mind, he was also recuperating his own aura.

"It's a serious matter. Head of the family, Elder Feiying's life tablet... is broken!"

This elder you are the elder who guards the palace of life.

There is a life tablet stored in this life palace. Every extremely important person in the Shangguan family will leave a soul mark on it. If something happens, the life tablet will be broken.

It can be regarded as a timely reminder. If there are Shangguan elders who perform tasks in the outside world and have not come back for decades, no one knows whether they are missing or dead. This life tablet can know the situation of life and death. At the same time, with this Life tablets can also make it easier to find their owners.

"What are you!"

When he heard the news, Shangguanhong stood up from his seat.

There was shock in his eyes, but at the same time he was making quick judgments in his mind.

There is no doubt that this news is true. The reason for asking again is just a subconscious reaction, but the most important thing is to think clearly about why he died.

"Elder Fei Ying's life tablet was broken half a quarter of an hour ago. I only dared to come and report to the head of the family after verifying it again and again."

The life and death of this elder is a big matter.

What's more, Shangguan Feiying is still a second-level formation mage. This second-level formation mage's role on the battlefield is equivalent to that of an emperor-level powerhouse.

This is almost the top combat power in the Shangguan family. Even Shangguan Hong, if Shangguan Feiying is prepared, the chance of winning is only about half, and it is even very likely that he will be trapped to death by the opponent.

"Elder Feiying is the person Chen Luo wants. No matter who does this, Chen Luo and the Chen family, you can't escape the involvement!"

Soon, Shangguan Hong thought of a possibility, that is, Chen Luo and Shangguan Feiying killed Chen Xuan, but in the end, Chen Luo did not let Shangguan Feiying go and killed him at a great price. Kill, even assassinate.

"It's so easy to burn bridges by crossing the river. I was careless."

Shangguan Hong sneered. At that time, he only wanted to cure Shangguan Ninghun as soon as possible. He didn't expect that a formation talent was given away in vain. No wonder Chen Luo had to go to Shangguan Feiying when he came to name him.

The purpose is to weaken the power of my Shangguan family.

"Convene a family meeting for me. Since your Chen family has taken action, how can I, the Shangguan family, sit back and wait!"

Shangguan Hong was also quite angry that he actually asked the Shangguan family to lose a formation elder. This formation elder was no less precious than two or even three Xuan Qi elders of the same level.

This may be a big loss.

The Shangguan family believed that the Chen family was behind it because Chen Luo disappeared and was completely protected by the Chen family. Do you want Shangguan Hong to believe that Chen Luo was also killed by Chen Xuan.

Leave jokes like this to fool children.

At this time, Chen Xuan, who was in the dangerous grand canyon, did not know that several rounds of exciting games were already going on outside. At this time, Chen Xuan had already walked out of the range of the spiritual crystal water mist, and a tower covered with water appeared in front of him. A building covered with vines.

This building seems to have been standing here for tens of thousands of years. The surrounding weeds are already taller than people, and some vines are hanging down, adding a bit of a terrifying and eerie atmosphere.

But Chen Xuan had never seen anything, and the few sinister auras here didn't scare the latter.

But when Chen Xuan walked in and took a look, his eyes suddenly became happy.

"I didn't expect to find a medicine garden here!"

The medicine garden that Chen Xuan refers to must be cultivated by a master alchemist and cultivated with concentration. It can basically become a world of its own. As long as no one comes to destroy it, it can continue to be maintained or even change. The surrounding air.

Although this medicine garden is not very big, Chen Xuan also saw several eighth-grade elixirs.

"Good guy, if these medicinal materials appear in Xuan Continent, the entire continent will boil."

Chen Xuan estimated that this medicine garden was about 100,000 years old, because Chen Xuan saw a fairy grass that was nearly 80,000 years old in its center.

"Spiritual Monkey Mushroom, Mo Yan's Life and Death Gold, Qiqiao Moon Flower! These are top-notch elixirs, and there are so many of them!"

Looking at the elixirs one after another, Chen Xuan was shocked. Those who could recognize these elixirs must be at least a seventh-level alchemist, or even above an eighth-level alchemist. And the medicine garden in front of him could take shape. Inevitably, an alchemy master came to take care of it.

And he was also a master of alchemy in ancient times.

You can imagine how precious this medicine garden is. Just a single elixir would be enough to bankrupt the Medicine Master City!

And just when Chen Xuan was about to go to collect the medicine, his steps suddenly stopped.

A chill ran down my back, and my hair stood on end for a moment.


There seemed to be a pair of devil's eyes staring at him behind him, and Chen Xuan immediately shouted.

The next moment, Chen Xuan saw what seemed to be a person standing in front of the ancient house, but because this person was covered in a cloud of black smoke, he could not see clearly the reality.

"Pretend to be a ghost, get out of here!"

Chen Xuan shouted angrily, and the next moment his mental power turned into a storm, sweeping out and killing the people in the black mist.


The mental power seemed to hit a thick wall and was instantly shattered into pieces. Chen Xuan also groaned, this person's strength was far above his own!

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