Chen Xuan turned sideways, and then pulled out the Jialan Sword...


A blue phantom flashed... like a huge sword blade that looked as long as Zhitong Lin... directly towards the phantom in the palm of the returning disciple...


In about the blink of an eye... the phantom of the palm was immediately shattered into pieces... and cracked in all directions...


The broken pieces made many deep and shallow pits in the earth...

" is it possible that you actually blocked senior brother's Phantom Iron Blood Palm? This is impossible!"

A returning disciple of the Golden Core Realm looked in disbelief!

The expression on the face of the other Jindan realm disciple who returned to the sect was even worse... he was so surprised that he was speechless...

They have never seen one of their own generation hold his senior brother's magic iron blood palm...

How could it be possible for this Chen Xuan to crack it with just one sword? Could it be that his senior brother wanted him to do it on purpose?

But this is impossible!

where! What's the matter? what happened?

Chen Xuan's face was still was hard to tell what he was thinking...

The face of the disciple who returned to the Divine Transformation Realm turned livid... He thought he could get rid of this troublesome ant with one move...

Now...what the hell is going on...

Why can he block his own Phantom Iron Blood Palm? This is impossible! This kid is just in the Golden Core realm!

Could it be that his weapon was too powerful and helped him block this fatal blow?

That must be it!

"Hmph! Son... don't think that you can be so careless just because you have a more powerful weapon!"

"Next... I'm afraid you will die miserably!" The returning disciple of the Transformation God Realm said coldly. Just like a hungry wolf looking at the so-called delicious food... his eyes shine.

Chen Xuan's face is still dull... but the eyes on that plain face are terrifying... The powerful killing intent seems to be able to look down on all living beings...

Chen Xuan glanced at the three people with his eyes.


The three of them gasped in unison...

Dry! What is the origin of this guy! The look in his eyes was so terrifying... They had only seen such looks in the eyes of the masters or protectors who had experienced many killings in the sect...

What is the origin of this Chen Xuan...? Don’t forget about one thing and don’t do two things! This is it already... Only by killing Chen Xuan can we have a chance of survival... Maybe we can also take the sword on his back to auction... and obtain valuable financial resources...

"Suffer death!"

The powerful man who returned to the Divine Transformation Realm pulled out the long sword from behind. It was a red war sword... Chen Xuan deduced that it should be an immortal weapon... at least a super-grade immortal weapon...


A sword struck towards Chen Xuan... The sword was as powerful as the waves rolling up from the sea... The phantom transformed by the sword drew huge waves dozens of feet high... He pushed straight towards Chen Xuan...


Chen Xuan's Jialan sword swiped like a dragonfly touching water... The shadow of the sword turned into the shadow of a huge mountain... directly blocking the huge wave...


The huge wave directly mounted the giant mountain where the Jialan Sword transformed into a phantom...


In an instant, waves splashed everywhere... Countless trees, flowers and plants were submerged in the water... And Chen Xuan and the three disciples who returned to the sect jumped directly into the sky...

In a moment, the waves that had just broken on the ground merged into a vast ocean several meters deep...

"Hmph! Son! What a mistake! But if you provoke me...that means you are unlucky! You are dead!"

The disciple who returned to the Divine Transformation Realm said arrogantly.

"It's all you who's attacking...I haven't even taken a chance yet! Die!" Chen Xuan finally couldn't hold back the suppressed anger in his heart.

The overwhelming murderous intent caused the originally scattered clouds to gather together at this moment...

In Chen Xuan's mind were the faces of Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan who were killed by Guizong...their faces begging or fighting to death in the blood. A tear finally flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes...

He felt that the anger he had suppressed for a long time was finally about to explode!

kill! kill! kill!

There were only these three words in his mind...


Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword's true essence burned... The runes on the Jialan Sword's blade once again left the blade... spinning crazily around the blade... burning...


Chen Xuan pushed forward with a sword... The blazing blue fire turned into a huge life-threatening chain and pushed towards the returning disciple of the Transformation God Realm...

"No! Run quickly..."

The disciples of the Transformation God Realm immediately noticed that something was wrong... This powerful spiritual consciousness was far beyond what they could resist...

Is this still the strength of the Golden Core Realm? terrible! At least more than ten times his own strength...

But where can he escape?

The chains turned into Chen Xuan's flames immediately tied him up... The raging fire was about tens of thousands of degrees high... Fortunately, Chen Xuan had set up a barrier, otherwise... Such a temperature could not be reached within a hundred feet. What natural thing can survive...


The face of the disciple who had returned to the divine realm was distorted to an extent that no human could possibly distort... His expression could definitely be described as ferocious... His face had slowly turned from red to black... Burnt black... Chen Xuan Just looking at him coldly without any sympathy...

The returned disciple of the Transformation God Realm was slowly burned until only his bones were left... But he was not dead yet... This is the scary thing about the flame chain... He will not let you die until the last moment!

He will slowly let you enjoy this kind of intense burning pain... It is a kind of pain that can make you feel the pain of being wiped out... Even the most powerful cultivator... I am afraid it will be difficult to endure...

What's more... this disciple who has returned to the divine realm!

He Juejue's expression kept flashing through Chen Xuan's mind... She must have been in such pain before returning to the clan! If this is the case, then Chen Xuan will inflict this pain a hundred times on the returning disciples!

Slowly, the bones of the disciple who has returned to the Divine Realm will be burned away... Some body parts have been reduced to ashes... At this time, he is no longer able to moan or roar...

Waiting gave him only the pain of being wiped out... But the murderous intent in Chen Xuan's eyes did not diminish... This was just one life... How many lives did Bai Guan have... and He...

This debt must be settled by returning to the sect and exterminating the sect!

And when the two returning Jindan realm disciples saw their senior brother being burned like this...the fear in their eyes became even more obvious...they all wanted to beg for mercy in a low voice...

"I... we are disciples who have returned to the sect... you... you killed our senior brother... we can pretend that we don't know... and hide it from you... you... are senior brothers who are greedy... you deserve to die! "

The two returning disciples of the Golden Core Realm arrived in fear. It's too scary... If you want to be burned to death... it's better to commit suicide... So this returning disciple of the Golden Core Realm is begging...

As long as he is given a chance to return to his clan... he will immediately tell his master and elders...

This monster named Chen Xuan... now he has left the green mountains without fear of running out of firewood! Let’s give it a try for now…

"Oh, right? I'm just afraid that if you go back... you will report me directly! Humph! I'm not afraid of you either! I've long been prepared to make you an enemy of our entire sect! I will fight you to the death!"

Chen Xuan roared ferociously... His face no longer had the coldness of the past... but was filled with murderous intent... That powerful killing intent made the smoke billow in the sky... Even the sun was stunned by this powerful killing intent. Hiding...

"you you……"

Another Golden Core disciple who returned to the sect was angry and frightened... and was actually speechless...

"But not now...but when I reach the Divine Transformation Realm or the Nascent Soul Realm...then you Guizong will die! All of you will die! I will make the Guizong turn into a piece of scorched earth!"

"I want every disciple who returns to the sect to die like your senior brother just now! Burned alive!"

"I want everyone who has anything to do with Gui Zong to die! I want Gui Zong to never exist in this world!"

Chen Xuan almost roared out these words... If any strong man in the Golden Core Realm said these words... the two disciples who returned to the sect would laugh it off... I think there may be something wrong with this Golden Core Realm's brain...

But Chen Xuan's face... the killing intent in Chen Xuan's eyes... and the determination... actually made them feel that Chen Xuan's death would definitely happen in the future... as if they could already foresee that he would return to the clan at that time. Looks like...

Corpses lay across the fields... karma was everywhere...

It seems that they can already see the destruction of Guizong... what they see in Chen Xuan's eyes...

It's too scary... What kind of killing god did Guizong offend? How could he be like this? What kind of grudge does he have against Guizong?

"Since you are all going to die... then let's make it clear to you! If you just covet my Jialan Sword... you won't die so miserably... but you are people who have returned to the sect... then you can't help it. Me!"

"Do you still remember one of your outer disciples? Bai Guan who destroyed the Bai Mansion in our Xuancheng Continent! And that maiko He you recruited some time ago... Hahaha... So many lives... Should you guys? Damn it”

Chen Xuan sneered as terrifyingly as a blood Shura...

"But it's normal in this world for the weak to prey on the strong! My Bai Guan and He are weak... and deserve to die!"

"But you..."

"What you should never do is offend me, Chen Xuan... hurt my brother, Chen Xuan, and the woman I, Chen Xuan, loves!"

"In that case... then be prepared to accept the wrath of me, Chen Xuan!"

There is only one word in Chen Xuan's heart right now, that is...



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