Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1619 Blood debt must be paid with blood

Chen Xuan pulled out the Jialan Sword, and the blue runes were burning fiercely... Chen Xuan's face was still cold... He felt that the blood in his body was also cold... Otherwise, how could he have lasted for so long... ...can still restrain such a powerful murderous intention.

But Chen Xuan felt that he no longer had to restrain himself...

"You...if you dare to kill us...the returning elders will not let you go!"

"Yes... you can't kill us! Our master is a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm! And he is about to pass the tribulation!"

"If you kill us...he will tear you into pieces!"

These two returning disciples no longer care about their attitudes and words! As long as I can survive... I just want to live...


"Returning to the clan... Sooner or later, everyone who returns to the clan will die! So you... are threatening the wrong person!"


Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword was directed towards the two disciples who had returned to the Jindan realm...

The kendo shadow of the Jialan Sword instantly turned into countless mountains... The volcanoes turned into blue flames surrounded the two disciples...

In an instant, a powerful stream of heat rushed towards the two returning disciples... Those mountains were like a terrifying barrier... and the temperature in the center where they were... could kill any living thing into nothingness. …


The two disciples roared ferociously... Chen Xuan looked at them with a cold face... because he felt that he would no longer have any mercy!

After a while... not even the bones of those disciples were left, they turned into ashes and dissipated in the juice of the air...


"Return to the clan, right...I will make you pay with blood! These three disciples are just an appetizer!"

"There will always be a day...I can kill Guizong...Kill everyone in Guizong! I want you to know! There is a price for killing my brother Chen Xuan! That is blood!"

Chen Xuan had a cold face... and murmured in a low voice... The voice was not loud... but full of murderous intent... It sounded horrifying... like a lion that had been hungry for a long time and vowed to eat a certain human. !

Chen Xuan had a cold face... didn't look at them too much after killing them... and continued walking.

In this place of Secret Valley, it is like winter all year round. Although for a strong person in the Golden Core Realm... coldness is nothing. But cold can cause many ecological problems. Like no food...

But of course Chen Xuan doesn't care about this... He just wants to find the Immortality Grass faster... and then enter the Jialan Sword's sword domain... to unlock the secrets inside the Jialan Sword...

Chen Xuan walked step by step towards the center of Miyou Valley. Of course, I also encountered many practitioners on the road...but Chen Xuan hid his strength very well...and was naturally not noticed.

I just don’t know if those two evildoers... exposed themselves before they died!

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

If it were exposed to the master of their sect... I'm afraid he would be in some trouble... But Chen Xuan can't care about that now... Only unlocking the secret of the Jialan Sword... is his current important task.

Suddenly, a huge valley appeared in front of Chen Xuan... This valley was as majestic as a huge palace... But Chen Xuan felt that this valley was murderous...

Could it be that this valley is the hiding place of Immortality Grass? The Palace of Immortality is actually here! Chen Xuan was very excited, seeing that the palace was only one step away from him!


Even if a monster with a powerful body appeared in front of Chen Xuan... Its body was more than eight feet long... It had two very sharp horns on its head... There were also deep and shallow grooves on its ferocious face...

The most important thing is that the runes on his body are burning with scorching flames... and his body has a kind of fragrance... The strange fragrance makes people feel psychedelic...

This is the Pangu dragon.

It is said that the Immortality Grass is guarded by the Pangu Dragon...the Pangu Dragon is an ancient mythical beast...

In ancient times, that is, when God Yu and God of Destruction... Pangu Dragon existed in the world... It has been tens of millions of years now! The cultivation level of this Pangu dragon cannot be underestimated!


At this time, there was a large dark cloud layered over the space and time... Chen Xuan knew that the Pangu dragon had already set up a barrier...

This powerful barrier made the inside of the barrier a self-contained area... Chen Xuan was not afraid... He pulled out the Jialan Sword... The sword energy of the Jialan Sword was burning...

"Hahaha... You are the second human being in thousands of years to dare to challenge me! The first one is Yu..."

The ferocious beast is so ferocious that "ridiculous human beings... I am the Immortal Grass that God Yu asked me to protect..."

"When the first person who defeats me appears... then this person will be my master... Now Master Yu God asks me to guard this longevity grass... until the young master comes! Accept my test..."

"I am the young master appointed by God Yu!"

Chen Xuan said with a cold face.

"Hahahaha... In the tens of millions of years since Master Yu Shen left... there are billions of people who are young masters themselves, but without exception, they all... will never be reincarnated!"

"But in recent years... there have been more and more dolls... I remember hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago... they were all old guys... hahahaha..."

"The current doll is so shameless! Hahahaha... But Yu Shen Darao's orders are orders... the only way to deal with unauthorized intruders is to kill them!"

The monster roared ferociously. Wherever the huge body and the burning texture touched... the vegetation was burned to scorched earth...

"Hmph...didn't Master Yushen...didn't tell you...the characteristics of the young master he found?"

" true...think about it..."

A monster calling itself me is really interesting... But under such conditions, Chen Xuan naturally has no time to care about this...

"Well, the Jialan Sword... the sword on your back should be the Jialan Sword... Master Yu Shen told you at that time..."

"The person recognized by Jialan Sword... is the successor of Yu Shen Darao... I heard that Jialan Sword God was transformed by Yu Shen Darao's spiritual consciousness... It seems that you have been recognized and selected by Jialan Sword God... …”

"In that case... you need to take part in the test... Humph! It doesn't matter... I have lived for tens of millions of years..."

The patron saint of the Demonic Beast Immortality Grass actually made the ground shake when he spoke... This had to make Chen Xuan feel that this... patron saint was really unfathomable!

"There are many people who want to inherit the inheritance of Yu Shen Darao...the so-called Immortality Grass...after getting it, you can enter the Jialan Sword Domain..."

"Hmph...even without the Jialan Sword...if I take the Immortality Grass...I'm afraid I can live forever...and what's even more attractive is...there's a connection between him and the Jialan Sword...just like the key and the lock. The feeling is the same..."

"But over the years... what people care more about has become... the immortality of the Immortal Grass... and no one cares about the sacred weapon of the Jialan Sword!" The monster said with a smile.

"But... since you are Yu Shen Da Rao... there are some things... you must know!"

"My name is Man! Before I met Yu God Darao... I did evil things in this cave and the Secret Valley... and killed countless monsters and some humans!"

"But the appearance of God Yu... I fought with God God... At that time, God Yu Da Rao had not yet reached the level of God... He was just an Earth Immortal... but he was still fighting with me..."

"I witnessed him with my own eyes... he defeated me after fighting with me... and then the calamity fell..."

"The rolling thunder... seemed to be the destruction of the earth... the sky tilted... At that time, all the valleys were blown into powder by the thunder..."

"There are even many creatures that don't even have scum left... But thunder is mainly aimed at Lord Yu God... That is to say, the center of thunder is Lord Yu God..."

"Lord Yu Shen was so compassionate... He actually saved me... He still set up a barrier under such circumstances... He threw me into the barrier he set up... This thunder did not come from me in the first place... …Of course I was lucky enough to survive…”

"From now on... I will stay here..."

The patron saint watches over these things...the vicissitudes of life seem to be lost in the flood of time...all of these are facts that are about to be buried...

"But Master Yu Shen... you have calculated that I will be in disaster... I am an Earth Immortal and I will either perish... or face the disaster!"

"Lord Yu Shen... He calculated that my calamity was coming... It was very likely that... I would not be able to save my life during the calamity... So Lord Yu Shen gave me a Poison Life Pill..."

"That elixir... can help me save my life in the disaster... and serve as juice when the thunder rolls..."

"Every Earth Immortal will be beaten to pieces...but after taking the Poison Pill before going through the tribulation..."

"You can reshape your soul after being hacked to death...and then be reborn...but the level of cultivation will stop at the Nascent Soul realm..."

"Although my level has reached the Nascent Soul Realm over the past thousands of years... I am also a fake Nascent Soul Realm! The fake Nascent Soul Realm means living by the spiritual power of the Nascent Soul Realm... It will wear down the Nascent Soul Realm. Cultivation..."

"So my current general strength...should be above the Transformation God Realm...but below the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"Before Lord Yu God left... he came to the Secret Valley once... and told me... that I need to test the young master chosen by Lord Yu God's consciousness!"

"The test is very simple...that is, I will try my best to fight you...if you can kill can certainly get in..."

"If you can't kill me... hahahaha... then you will have to be killed by me... then... the Jialan Sword will be ownerless... the Jialan Sword God sealed in the Jialan Sword Domain..."

"Jialan Sword God will look for the young master again...if...the young master is not found before the world is destroyed..."

"Then Yujie deserves to die... Let's see what he thinks!"

The voice of the patron saint is very vicissitudes of if he has seen through all kinds of situations in the world...

But suddenly the face of the patron saint became ferocious...

"For thousands of evil thoughts have been has been thousands of years...this battle...he is about to break the can be careful..."


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